RMJTIIW :: Volume #14

#1383: Golden Vein Jade Bone

Thunder of Time!” The Han Li corner of the eye jumps, two pinch finger joints with the thumb anxiously anxiously wields. 光阴之雷!”韩立眼角一跳,两手急急掐诀挥动。 His body week golden light flashes continually, five golden things emerge out of thin air, is Precious Mantra Wheel, Illusory Time Hourglass, Time Cleansing Bottle, Time-Freezing Fire Torch, the thing of Second Eastern Divine Wood five Time Principle. 他身周金光连闪,五件金色事物凭空出现,正是真言宝轮,幻辰沙漏,光阴净瓶,断时火把,东乙神木五件时间法则之物。 After the thing of these five Time Principle condense again becomes, obtained the leaping sublimation. 这五件时间法则之物再次凝聚而成后,都得到了飞跃性的升华。 Five types of treasure revolving, are glittering the colored glaze purely incomparable golden light, the vast Time Principle fluctuations billowing dissemination opens. 五样宝物旋转不已,闪烁着琉璃般纯粹无比的金光,浩大的时间法则波动滚滚传播而开。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Does not wait for Han Li to make anything, these golden thunder and lightning chop all under. 不等韩立做什么,那些金色雷电尽数一劈而下。 Plundered cloud a series of changes to exert the acceleration magical powers general probably, quick inconceivable. 劫云一连串的变化好像施加了加速神通一般,快的不可思议。 Is good because, Han Li has treadonned the boundary of Dao Ancestor at this moment, response also rapidness extremely, both arms upwards at one fell swoop. 好在,韩立此刻已经一只脚踏进道祖之境,反应也极其之快,双臂朝天一举。 Supreme Universe Magical Shield golden light hold, the extreme twist, innumerable golden rune spews out in an instant greatly, makes the sound of intermittent intense howling. 太宇法盾刹那间金光大盛,急速旋转,无数金色符文从中喷涌而出,发出阵阵强烈的呼啸之音。 The heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound blasts out, the innumerable golden thunder and lightning chop on Supreme Universe Magical Shield, on the law shield appears immediately the innumerable cracks, and fast expansion. 惊天动地的巨响炸开,无数金色雷电劈在太宇法盾上,法盾上立刻浮现出无数裂纹,并且飞快扩大。 Bang a dull thumping sound, Supreme Universe Magical Shield cuns (2.5 cm) disintegrate, later explodes, changes into the innumerable golden fragments, around the meteor shoots towards. “轰”的一声闷响,太宇法盾寸寸瓦解,随后爆炸,化为无数金色碎片,流星般射向周围。 However Supreme Universe Magical Shield has also won enough time to Han Li, Precious Mantra Wheel and other thing regarding his body extreme twist. 不过太宇法盾也已经给韩立争取到了足够的时间,真言宝轮等物围绕着他的身体急速旋转。 A huge incomparable golden vortex appears again, covers Han Li is one of them, sends out almost can swallow day of a fearful strength that bites the place, welcomed to the golden thunder and lightning under dividing. 一个巨大无比的金色漩涡再次浮现而出,将韩立笼罩在其中,发出几乎能吞天噬地的可怕之力,迎向劈下的金色雷电。 The innumerable golden thunder and lightning chop in the vortex, the hit golden vortex tremor, actually also ties down by the strength of swallowing attracting the vortex sends out immediately, pulls toward the vortex deep place. 无数金色雷电劈在漩涡上,打的金色漩涡颤动不已,却也立刻被漩涡发出的吞吸之力缠住,朝着漩涡深处拉扯过去。 Han Li stands in the vortex center, body figure rocks with the vortex about, two actually stabilize incomparably, pinches finger joints with the thumb unceasingly. 韩立站在漩涡中心,身形随着漩涡左右晃动,两手却稳定无比,不断掐诀。 The golden vortex rumble the rotation, has not weakened, formed the bureau of confrontation with Thunder of Time of midair. 金色漩涡隆隆转动,没有丝毫变弱,和半空的光阴之雷形成了对峙之局。 Sees only the golden light to beat, the thunder light four shoot, the innumerable startling thunderclap bangs blast out, nearby void strenuous vibration. 只见金光跳动,雷光四射,无数惊雷巨响炸开,附近虚空剧烈震动。 Samsara Palace Master and Demon Lord of distant place cannot stand, continuously pushes toward the distant place. 远处的轮回殿主魔主站立不住,朝着远处不断推去。 The vibration continued half quarter, the golden thunder and lightning that dense such as the rain gets down finally starts to be weaken, vanishes quickly thoroughly. 震动持续了半刻钟,密如雨下的金色雷电终于开始减弱,很快彻底消失。 Below golden vortex fast changes is also small, after several breath, vanishes without the trace. 下方金色漩涡也飞快变小,几个呼吸后消失无踪。 The Han Li form appears, the body is tattered, looks quite distressed, but the overall looks like and is not affected much. 韩立身影浮现而出,身上破破烂烂,看起来颇为狼狈,但总体看来并无大碍。 At this moment, midair the color of tribulation cloud changes again fast, the golden light abates rapidly, in an instant changed into the initial dark gray color again. 就在此刻,半空的劫云的颜色再次飞快变化,金光迅速消退,转眼间再次化为了最初的灰黑之色。 Tribulations in the cloud vortex the purple light to flash, the purple rainbow flies to shoot together, covers the body of Han Li, circles to dance in the air. 劫云漩涡内紫光一闪,一道紫色长虹从中飞射而下,笼罩住韩立的身体,盘旋飞舞。 The end of purple rainbow, flashes submerges his within the body. 紫色长虹的一端,一闪没入他体内。 Han Li tattered recovers immediately fast, suddenly, all injuries recover all. 韩立破破烂烂的身体立刻飞快恢复,眨眼间,所有的伤势尽数痊愈。 On him leaps together the thick golden crystal light suddenly, inside is golden crystal silk, fuses together with the purple rainbow of midair. 他身上豁然腾起一道粗大金色晶光,里面是一根根金色晶丝,和半空的紫色长虹融为一体。 Eats delicacies along with one sharply, the golden crystal light hold, changes into together roaming dragon-like the thick golden light immediately greatly, circles in the Han Li top of the head, sends out to shake Heaven and Earth power of Time Principle fully. 伴随着一声锐啸,金色晶光立刻大盛,化为一道游龙般的粗大金光,在韩立头顶盘旋,更散发出足可撼动天地时间法则之力 Exudes the sound of continual thundering void, as if collapse vibration distortion. 虚空发出连续的轰鸣之声,仿佛塌陷般震动扭曲。 Samsara Palace Master, Demon Lord and the others had fallen back on the calm and steady place, at this moment does not stand again steadily, must continue to retreat toward the distant place. 轮回殿主,魔主等人本来已经退到了安稳之地,此刻再度站立不稳,只得继续朝着远处退去。 The golden crystal light roaming Yetai around Han Li is not long, submerges his body quickly. 金色晶光没有在韩立周围游曳太久,很快没入其身体。 Han Li eyebrow raise, looks the surprised color. 韩立眉梢一挑,面露惊讶之色。 As because this crystal light enters the body, Time Principle crystal silk of his within the body is vanishing unexpectedly fast, with fusing together, the mortal body of whole body sends out the one/1st level/layer close golden light, seems like unexpectedly the somewhat translucent feeling. 因为随着这股晶光入体,他体内的时间法则晶丝竟然在飞快消失,和融为一体,全身上下的肉身散发出一层细密的金光,看起来竟然有些半透明之感。 Han Li within the body Nascent Soul, divine soul in mind also melts quietly, probably the ice piece melting was the same, integrated the body. 韩立体内元婴,还有脑海内的神魂也悄然消融,好像冰块融化一样,融入了身体。 power of magical principle quick restraining that on him rushes, the nearby void vibration also dissipates slowly. 他身上澎湃的法则之力很快收敛,附近虚空震动也缓缓消散。 The midair tribulation cloud also vanishes without the trace at this moment, all returned to normal...... 半空劫云此刻也消失无踪,一切恢复了平静…… Han Li stands dangerous in void, feels the change of all around Heaven and Earth, in the eye is presenting the golden river that wound to flow, above branched out a slender branch, by numerous void, joined in one. 韩立悬立在虚空之中,感受着四周天地的变化,眼中出现了一条蜿蜒流淌的金色长河,其上分出了一条纤细的支流,透过重重虚空,与自己联结在了一起。 He lifts hand both hands, looks to own arm, discovered that own skin unexpectedly equally is insightfully slim like the xuan paper, inside blood vessel and skeleton are clearly discernible, is flowing the golden blood, clear snow white such as beautiful jade. 他抬起手双手,看向自己的手臂,发现自己的皮肤竟如宣纸一样纤薄通透,内里的血管和骨骼清晰可见,一个流淌着金色的血液,一个晶莹雪白如美玉。 This is Golden Vein Jade Bone in legend, originally after achievement Dao Ancestor, then so feels......” Han Li eyeful the exciting color that is hard to be depressing, muttered. “这就是传说中的金脉玉骨,原来成就道祖之后,便是这般感受啊……”韩立满眼难以压抑的激动之色,喃喃自语道。 after speaking, he also has sense/telepathy suddenly, both eyes whole, divine thought then starts to patrol slightly in entire Central Earth Immortal Territory, the shatter mountains and rivers, the life of being driven to death after suffering an injustice, the chaotic Heaven and Earth vitality, appeared all around all in his sea of consciousness. 只是一语说罢,他忽然又心生感应,双目微微一阖,神念便开始在整个中土仙域内神游起来,周遭破碎的山河,枉死的生灵,混乱不堪的天地元气,尽数浮现在他识海 With he capricious patrolling, divine sense has surpassed Immortal Territory, spreads to go along the endless territory outside, the Primordial Chaos vortex that expands unceasingly blocks the sky, has swallowed the big piece to be void, such as a big pot cover sky over entire Central Earth Immortal Territory. 随着他心猿意马般的神游,神识已经超出一界仙域,沿着漫漫域外蔓延而去,那不断扩张的混沌漩涡遮天蔽日,已经吞噬了大片虚空,如一口大锅盖在了整个中土仙域上空。 Wooded mountain construction that above the land, various places collapse, the rivers and streams lake sea in fast disintegration, just like for the first time Han Li is seeing that in the past, was the same across magical treasure of that time crystal wall, all was decomposed a miraculous glow, flew to the upper air. 大地之上,各处崩溃的山林土木,江河湖海正在快速的瓦解,就恍如韩立当年第一次看到的,穿过那面时间晶壁的法宝一样,全都被分解成了点点灵光,飞向了高空。 These because of gathering five elements the fresh myriad things, in gradually returned to the source at this moment, was absorbed by that Primordial Chaos vortex. 那些原本因合五行而生的万物,在此刻逐渐回归了本源,被那混沌漩涡吸纳。 In a confusion, Han Li saw the skeleton gradually is also dissolving everywhere dissipates, but cultivator that these live on dishonorably reluctantly, vacant scatters in all directions to flee. 一片混乱之中,韩立看到了满地尸骸也在逐渐溶解消散,而那些勉强苟活下来的修士们,也都在茫然无措的四散奔逃。 Heaven and Earth look changes, almost end, there is where to escape? 天地色变,几近末日,又有何处能逃? In collapse destroys the land, Dreams Grandma is bringing disciple Yu Menghan unceasingly, is scattered with Li Yuanjiu and the others, is avoiding the land avalanche to bring the impact unceasingly. 一处正在不断崩毁的大地上,梦婆带着弟子余梦寒,早已与李元究等人分散,正不断躲避着大地崩塌带来冲击。 Previously was absorbed the most strength by that Divine Dao Great Array, such as she so once almost existence of Dao Ancestor, at this moment also similarly seemed in an extremely difficult situation. 先前被那道神大阵吸取了大半力量,如她这般曾经几近道祖的存在,此刻也同样显得狼狈不堪。 But, she has not so loosened the hand of disciple this most treasures even. 可即便如此,她也没有松开这个最为珍视的弟子的手。 Yu Menghan clothing contamination is tattered, on the face does not have too many panic-stricken colors, she looks that under this end is also protecting own old woman, in the look full is tranquil gentle. 余梦寒身上衣衫污秽破烂,脸上却没有太多惊恐之色,她看着这个末日之下还护着自己的老妪,眼神中满是平静柔和。 Two people avoid together in the space crevice that the extreme speed expands, just now stands firm, under the body has a space turbulent flow on appear out of thin air, is absorbing two people bodies, falls unceasingly toward under. 两人堪堪躲避开一道正在极速扩大的空间裂隙,方才站稳脚跟,身下就凭空浮现出一个空间涡流,吸纳着两人的身子,朝着下方不断坠去。 When flies high crashes, the Dreams Grandma apology looks to Yu Menghan, some heart regrets leads her to come to here, if keeps in sect, even if dies similarly unavoidably, is still insufficient to experience at present this hell scene. 凌空坠落之际,梦婆歉意地看向余梦寒,心底有些后悔带她来这里,若是留在宗门内,即便同样难免一死,也不至于经历眼下这种地狱般的景象。 Yu Menghan is temperate smiles, shakes the head to the master, turns the head to look toward the upper air. 余梦寒则温和一笑,冲着师父摇了摇头,转头朝着高空望去。 The form of that person, she also wants to look at one again. 那个人的身影,她还想再看一眼。 She has turned around, in the eye reveals wipes the surprised color, during sees is only void together the golden light, such as the bolt of white silk flies to shoot generally, but, their priest and disciple one volume, pulled out that space turbulent flow directly. 只是她才一转过身,眼中就露出一抹惊讶之色,只见虚空之中一道金光,如匹练一般飞射而至,将她们师徒二人一卷,就直接拉出了那空间涡流。 Girls, you, and evades to my paradise treasure in temporarily.” Arrives at the near, Han Li says directly. “余姑娘,你们且到我的洞天之宝内暂避。”来到近前,韩立直接开口说道。 Then, his palm wields, the silver light gate opens together immediately in void. 说罢,他手掌一挥,一道银色光门随即撑开在虚空中。 Han......” Yu Menghan opened the opens the mouth, just wants to speak, was broken by a fulmination. “韩……”余梦寒张了张口,正想说话,就被一声爆鸣打断。 Rumble......” “轰隆隆……” Acoustic shock penetrating Heaven and Earth the sound of fulmination resounded suddenly, hangs that wheel round day sky over Central Earth Immortal Territory, after erupting to wipe the blazing brilliance finally, finally ruptured. 一声震彻天地的爆鸣之声骤然响起,悬在中土仙域上空的那轮圆日,在爆发出最后一抹炽烈光彩之后,终于爆裂了开来。 As that does not know that burnt the rays of many years to be gradually dim, entire Central Earth Immortal Territory fell into the eternal darkness. 随着那不知道燃烧了多少岁月的光芒逐渐黯淡,整个中土仙域陷入了永恒的黑暗。 Said advanced again.” Han Li brow slightly pressed, raised head to look at an upper air, said to two people. “先进去再说。”韩立眉头微蹙,仰头看了一眼高空,对两人说道。 The Yu Menghan pursing the lips lip , first step stepped. 余梦寒抿了抿嘴唇,先一步迈了进去。 Although Dreams Grandma has not spoken, has actually been sizing up Han Li, she naturally is clear the Han Li status, looks to obtain Han Li current realm, in the heart acclaimed one. 梦婆虽然没有说话,却一直在打量着韩立,她自然清楚韩立的身份,也瞧得出韩立当下的境界,心中不禁赞叹一声。 Oneself select vision correct/good of apprentice, oneself apprentice selects the sweetheart vision...... to be better. 自己挑徒弟的眼光不错,自己徒弟挑心上人的眼光……更好。 Although her cultivation base is insufficient, but an intuition told her, at present this person perhaps is now this True Immortal World...... not, True Immortal World all world/interface 10000.00000001 trillion lives including the biggest variable that changed the course of events. 虽然她的修为不足,但却有一种直觉告诉她,眼前这人或许便是如今这真仙界……不,包括真仙界在内所有界面亿亿万生灵扭转乾坤的最大变数了。 Perhaps if not this person, present Gu Huojin, had has succeeded. 若非此人,如今的古或今,或许有已经成功了。 Even if Han Li is Dao Ancestor, is impossible to spy on the will of the people at will, heart regarding Dreams Grandma and thought in Yu Menghan naturally does not know. 韩立即便已是道祖,也不可能随意窥探人心,对于梦婆余梦寒心中的念头自然不知。 In his both eyes the golden light is bright, shines through the bright ray, this moment body aura had gradually consolidated, immediately a vision revolution, looked toward the upper air. 他双目之中金光熠熠,透射出明亮光芒,此刻身上气息已经逐渐稳固了下来,随即目光一转,朝着高空中望了过去。 Sees only Gu Huojin to be alone in the world, hangs above the vault, the back Primordial Chaos vortex turns fiercely wells up, submerged his less than half body in middle, seeming like must by vortex engulf generally. 只见古或今孑然一身,悬于穹顶之上,背后混沌漩涡剧烈翻涌,将其小半个身子都淹没在了当中,看起来就像是要被漩涡吞没了一般。 However, above its facial features, not only does not have the least bit startled look, instead seems exceptionally excited. 然而,其面容之上非但没有半点惊慌神色,反而显得异常兴奋。 In his pair of eyes pupil could not have seen the black pupil, can only find two groups of gray vortex revolving to be unceasing, is sending out an unusual attraction beyond description. 其一双眼眸里早已看不到黑色瞳孔,只能瞧见两团灰色漩涡旋转不断,散发着一股难以形容的奇特吸引力。 During the left is void, Demon Lord both hands tie seal, a giant pagoda of silver glittering before the body, goes toward the Gu Huojin hit, but another side Samsara Palace Master is also controlling Disc of Six Paths of Samsara, sends out soars to the heavens the light beam together, points to him. 左边虚空之中,魔主正双手结印,在身前化出一座银光闪烁的巨大宝塔,朝着古或今撞击而去,而另一边轮回殿主也操控着六道轮回盘,发出一道冲天光柱,直指向他。 Gu Huojin is only both hands finds out, the left and right have two Primordial Chaos great hands to depress from the vortex unceasingly, suppressed their two people steadily same place. 古或今只是双手探出,左右两边就有两只混沌巨手从漩涡当中不断压下,将他们两人稳稳压制在了原地。 The Han Li vision concentrates, both hands tied seal before the body, Great Five Elements Illusory World Art cultivation technique have revolved, the thing of five Time Principle embodiment appeared in abundance, surrounded in his body side. 韩立目光一凝,双手在身前结印,大五行幻世诀功法早已自行运转,五件时间法则具象之物纷纷浮现而出,环绕在他身侧。 Five types of treasures high and low fluctuate, the whole body is glittering the dazzling golden light, boundless Time Principle fluctuations, surges to open rolling. 五样宝物上下浮动,浑身闪烁着耀眼金光,磅礴的时间法则波动,滚滚激荡而开。 Han Li both hands previous gather in the body, under the intention moves, just now that god You Wanli, the body appears about the feeling of Heaven and Earth again, but River of Time that winds to flow appears immediately again. 韩立双手在身前一合,心念一动之下,方才那种神游万里,身合天地的感觉再次浮现而出,而那条蜿蜒流淌的光阴之河随即再次浮现。 Gu Huojin in Primordial Chaos vortex suddenly has sense/telepathy, a vision revolution, looked to Han Li. 处在混沌漩涡中的古或今忽然有所感应,目光一转,望向了韩立这边。 In his eye flashes through a surprised color, cannot bear talk to oneself: He unexpectedly successful...... was not right, he and is Time Principle Great Dao conjunction degree, unexpectedly how higher than me?” 他眼中闪过一丝惊讶之色,忍不住自语道:“他竟然成功了……不对,他与时间法则大道的契合程度,怎么竟然比我还高?”
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