RMJTIIW :: Volume #14

#1379: The halfway kills

Beyond the Heavens Territory. 天外域 Han Li fly body figure stops suddenly, looks toward, in the mouth exuded one lightly. 韩立飞遁身形突然停下,朝着下方望去,口中发出了一声轻咦。 This aura was......” transmitted from under Golden Child also sense/telepathy to the breath all at once, mutters said. “这气息是……”金童感应到了一股气息从下方传来,喃喃说道。 Han Li is just about to investigate, the mind sudden pain, a picture emergence, is Samsara Palace Master, Demon Lord and scene of Gu Huojin war. 韩立正要施法探查,脑海突然一痛,一副画面出现,正是轮回殿主,魔主古或今大战的情景。 Meanwhile, a strange mood swamps into his mind, filled to the hatred of Gu Huojin. 与此同时,一股陌生的情绪涌入他的脑海,充满了对古或今的仇恨。 This mood came from Samsara Palace Master. 这种情绪正是来自于轮回殿主 While sense/telepathy to the Samsara Palace Master state of mind, Han Li also feels own thought that similarly by the Samsara Palace Master sensation. 感应轮回殿主心绪的同时,韩立也觉得自己的思想,同样在被轮回殿主感知到。 Among two people, in this moment, had a mind interlinked feeling unexpectedly. 两人之间,在这一刻,竟有了一种心灵相通之感。 Han Li is startled slightly, immediately pinches finger joints with the thumb wields, the golden thunder light projects from his sleeve together, submerges the front to be missing instantaneously void. 韩立微微一怔,立刻掐诀一挥,一道金色雷光从他袖中射出,瞬间没入前方虚空不见了踪影。 Side his drawing Golden Child, after thunder light flashes, two people of forms also disappear do not see. 紧接着,他一拉身旁的金童,雷光一闪后,二人身影也消失不见。 Meanwhile, sky over Heavenly Palace Continent. 与此同时,天宫大陆上空。 Samsara Palace Master, between Demon Lord and Gu Huojin erupted a fierce combat again. 轮回殿主,魔主古或今之间再次爆发了一场激战。 Three people opened respective spirit domain at this moment, the gold/metal, the silver, dark red, three huge spirit domain interlock intensely. 三人此刻都张开了各自的灵域,金,银,暗红,三个巨大灵域激烈交错。 In a twinkling, space passageway, time passageway, samsara passageway was opened, links up many world/interface, the innumerable strengths were reassigned to seize from these world/interface forcefully, join to three people of spirit domain. 霎时间,一个个空间通道,时间通道,轮回通道被打开,贯通诸多界面,无数股力量从那些界面被强行抽调夺来,加入到三人的灵域内。 Collides after one time intensely, three people of each one flies upside down backward. 一次激烈碰撞后,三人各自向后倒飞而出。 Demon Lord body figure, stands firm body figure that shoots immediately, two lift, grasps void continually, refers to the silver light flash moving. 魔主身形一挺,立刻稳住倒射的身形,两手抬起,虚空连抓,指间银光闪动。 In his space spirit domain the silver light flashes immediately crazily, the silver giants of dozens mountain sizes leap, closely absorbs on Gu Huojin golden spirit domain. 他的空间灵域内立刻银光狂闪,数十个山岳般大小的银色巨人一跃而出,紧紧吸附在古或今的金色灵域上。 These giants seem like exceptionally big strong, the appearance impressively and Demon Lord is exactly the same, whole body is a silver light crystal of creeping motion, disruption the strength of space concentrates, inside is flooding violent incomparable power of Space Principle, each other extrusion makes creak the grating sound. 这些巨人看起来异常高大强壮,容貌赫然和魔主一模一样,全身上下都是一种蠕动的银光晶体,正是碎裂的空间之力凝成,里面充斥着暴无比的空间法则之力,彼此挤压发出咯吱咯吱的刺耳之音。 Explodes!” “爆!” Demon Lord pinches finger joints with the thumb wields, dozens silver giants send out a scream, explodes suddenly, changes into dozens silver mushroom clouds, the strength of inexhaustible space being shattered scatters in all directions the sputtering. 魔主掐诀一挥,数十个银色巨人发出一声尖叫,猛然爆炸,化为数十个银色的蘑菇云,无穷无尽的空间破灭之力四散溅射。 Chī la, golden spirit domain was blasted open, tears a large shortfall. 嗤啦”一声,金色灵域被炸裂开,撕裂出一个巨大缺口。 The red shadow flashes through, Samsara Palace Master body figure ghost-like appears before the golden spirit domain gap, a fist rumbles. 红影闪过,轮回殿主身形鬼魅般出现在金色灵域的缺口前,一拳轰出。 He the space rumble trembles behind, big such as stars Disc of Six Paths of Samsara appears. 他身后空间隆隆震颤,大如星辰的六道轮回盘浮现。 The samsara plate surface covered entirely the innumerable complex traces, but in the round wheel hexagon, in each corner/horn is glittering innumerable race virtual image, has human race, monster race, demon race, ghost clan, Grey World wait/etc., as if world all lives centralized here. 轮回盘表面布满了无数复杂的纹路,而在圆轮的六角,每个角上都闪烁着无数种族虚影,有人族,妖族,魔族,鬼族,灰界等等,似乎世间所有生灵都集中在了这里。 This grasped round wheel in world all things life and death samsara rumble during the rotations, as if anybody cannot escape the fate of samsara. 这掌握了世间万事万物生死轮回的圆轮隆隆转动间,仿佛任何人都逃不过轮回的下场。 The samsara plate of fast rotation crashed in Gu Huojin golden spirit domain directly. 快速转动的轮回盘直接冲进了古或今的金色灵域 It is not able with the power and influence eruption that the spoken language described, when compared with previous time struck killed Skeleton Sovereign, powerful several times continued. 一股无法用言语形容的威势爆发而出,比上次击杀骨皇时,强大了数倍都不止。 Golden spirit domain shivers fiercely, appears giant cracks, samsara plate nearby spirit domain is a porcelain, direct cuns (2.5 cm) disruption. 金色灵域剧烈颤抖,浮现出一道道巨大裂缝,轮回盘附近的灵域更是瓷器般,直接寸寸碎裂。 Samsara Palace Master had been wrapped by the dense and numerous dark red traces from top to bottom, hollow cheek Shenao, was similar to the whole body flesh to be found time again generally. 轮回殿主浑身上下已然被密密麻麻的暗红纹路所包裹,本就凹陷的面颊再次深凹,就如同全身血肉被抽空了一般。 He ignores to all these, in the mouth mumbled, single-handed knot seal, patted forward. 他对这一切熟视无睹,口中念念有词,单手结印,向前一拍而出。 A thick dark red ray projects from his double palm, integrates in the samsara plate. 一股粗大暗红光芒从他双掌内射出,融入轮回盘内。 When Disc of Six Paths of Samsara such as ate together the big tonic to be the same, immediately rises in a big way nearly one time, the ray that sent out was suddenly more intense, the entire samsara plate was wilder general trembles fiercely. 六道轮回盘时如同吃了大补药一样,立刻涨大了近乎一倍,散发出的光芒陡然强烈了许多,整个轮回盘更狂暴一般剧烈震颤。 Nearby golden spirit domain rumble rocks, the collapse disruption of big piece. 附近的金色灵域隆隆晃动,大片的塌陷碎裂。 The speed that Disc of Six Paths of Samsara goes forward also sped up ten times suddenly, having the unapproachable power and influence on go toward the Gu Huojin steamroll, place visited golden color spirit domain cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, suddenly on steamroll before the Gu Huojin body. 六道轮回盘前进的速度也陡然加快了十倍,带着无可匹敌的威势朝着古或今碾压而去,所过之处金色灵域寸寸碎裂,眨眼间就碾压到了古或今身前。 Sees with own eyes the Disc of Six Paths of Samsara so power and influence, the Gu Huojin complexion cannot help but is also dignified, pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed wields. 眼见六道轮回盘如此威势,古或今面色也不由得凝重起来,单手掐诀一挥。 One volume of golden fine gauze fly to shoot from him, above is embellishing the innumerable golden luminous spots, blooms the myriad golden rays, as if a golden galaxy. 一卷金色轻纱从他身上飞射而出,上面点缀着无数金色光点,绽放出万道金光,仿佛一条金色星河。 Inexhaustible power of Time Principle sends out from above, this golden fine gauze obviously is extremely powerful immortal artifact, above grade 2 immortal artifact, is close to grade 1 immortal artifact infinitely. 无穷无尽的时间法则之力从上面散发而出,这金色轻纱显然是一件极其强大的仙器,远在二品仙器之上,无限接近一品仙器 Galaxy fine gauze Hū lā one extends to open, changes into nine great golden light screens, keeps off before the body. 星河轻纱呼啦一下伸展而开,化为九道宏大的金色光幕,挡在身前。 The golden light screen just launched, Disc of Six Paths of Samsara then but loudly, hits ruthlessly above. 金色光幕刚刚展开,六道轮回盘便轰然而至,狠狠撞在上面。 A series of bang bang the sound of sharp voice resounds unceasingly, in the air like igniting brilliant golden fireworks, together then golden light screen disruption together. 一连串“砰”“砰”的裂帛之声不断响起,空中如同燃起了绚烂的金色焰火,一道接着一道的金色光幕碎裂。 In an instant, nine light screens disrupt all, that golden fine gauze appears again, has actually disrupted more than ten. 转眼间,九道光幕尽数碎裂,那件金色轻纱再次出现,却已经碎裂成了十几块。 However, the speed that Disc of Six Paths of Samsara goes forward also slow flickered. 不过,六道轮回盘前进的速度也迟缓了一瞬。 Gu Huojin two pinch finger joints with the thumb, fluctuates the innumerable remnant shades, then void point. 古或今两手掐诀,变幻出无数残影,然后虚空一点而出。 The golden fine gauze of disruption flaming burns, the innumerable golden stars fly to shoot, falls in surrounding spirit domain. 碎裂的金色轻纱熊熊燃烧起来,无数金色星辰从中飞射而出,落在周围的灵域内。 The golden light in spirit domain like lit generally, starts to flow immediately turbulently, fuzzy , the golden galaxy that a boundless violence flows appears, Disc of Six Paths of Samsara, Samsara Palace Master, follows closely in Samsara Palace Master following Demon Lord curls such as all. 灵域内的金光如同被点燃了一般,立刻开始汹涌流淌,一个模糊下,一片无边的猛烈流淌的金色星河就浮现而出,将六道轮回盘,轮回殿主,还有紧随在轮回殿主后面的魔主尽数卷如其中。 Inexhaustible power of time gallops from star inside the river, as if the time brutally passes, anybody is unable to avoid. 无穷无尽的时间之力从星河内奔腾,仿佛光阴无情流逝,任何人也无法躲避。 Demon Lord touches to guard about this situation, calls out in alarm also exudes one without enough time, directly galloped galaxy engulf. 魔主对这个情况触不及防,惊呼也来不及发出一声,就直接被奔腾的星河吞没 But Disc of Six Paths of Samsara by golden galaxy one volume, immediately some tremors. 六道轮回盘被金色星河一卷,顿时有些颤动。 The Samsara Palace Master pupil shrinks slightly, its two wheel pinches finger joints with the thumb immediately, Disc of Six Paths of Samsara above rune one bright, immediately stabilizes, ruthlessly steamroll on the body of Gu Huojin. 轮回殿主瞳孔微微一缩,其两手立刻车轮般掐诀,六道轮回盘上面的符文一亮,马上稳定下来,狠狠碾压在了古或今的身上。 Pū chī, the body of Gu Huojin actually changes into one group of golden light, scatters to open. 噗嗤”一声,古或今的身体却化为一团金光,飘散而开。 Samsara Palace Master is startled, in the hand a magical formula loosen, Disc of Six Paths of Samsara hit spatial, flushed a distance forward, stopped. 轮回殿主一怔,手中法诀不禁一松,六道轮回盘撞了个空,向前冲了一段距离,停了下来。 At this moment, the surroundings turbulent golden color galaxy flashes suddenly, the galloping direction also changes, circles, in an instant changes into a huge golden vortex. 就在此刻,周围汹涌的金色星河突然一闪,奔腾方向随之一变,盘旋起来,转眼间化为一个巨大的金色漩涡。 The surrounding strength of tearing grown stronger suddenly also bring several times, Disc of Six Paths of Samsara is not steady, with the golden galaxy turning round rotation, flies toward the vortex deep place. 周围的撕扯之力骤然变强了数倍,六道轮回盘也被带的不稳起来,随着金色星河滴溜溜转动,朝着漩涡深处飞去。 Samsara Palace Master two are uneven, forms a law seal. 轮回殿主两手齐出,结成一个法印。 The symbol mark on Disc of Six Paths of Samsara blooms to soar to the heavens the brilliance, the rotation, exudes wū wū the sound of fearsome howling rapidly. 六道轮回盘上的符纹绽放出冲天光辉,急速转动,发出呜呜的可怖呼啸之声。 Boundless Samsara Principle erupts from Disc of Six Paths of Samsara, resists golden vortex the strength of tearing, stands firm quickly. 磅礴的轮回法则六道轮回盘内爆发而出,抵挡住金色漩涡的撕扯之力,很快稳住。 But at this moment, nearby golden vortex flashes again, the innumerable golden chains project, twine on Disc of Six Paths of Samsara, in an instant forms a chains prisoner's cage. 但就在此刻,附近的金色漩涡再次一闪,无数金色锁链从中射出,缠绕在六道轮回盘上,转眼间形成一个锁链囚笼。 Each chains sends out intense Time Principle fluctuations, these Time Principle deviations imprison one kind. 每一根锁链都散发出强烈的时间法则波动,这些时间法则偏向禁锢一类。 Powerful Time Principle fluctuations in send out from the golden lock chain prisoner's cage, rapid rotation the plate of samsara stagnates immediately, like by seal generally. 一股股强大的时间法则波动金锁链囚笼内内散发而出,迅疾转动的轮回之盘立刻停滞,如同被封印了一般。 On Samsara Palace Master on Disc of Six Paths of Samsara also tied down by several chains, cannot move. 六道轮回盘上的轮回殿主身上也被数根锁链缠住,动弹不得。 Golden vortex sky person's shadow flitted, Gu Huojin body figure flashes the appearance, counts on the fingers. 金色漩涡上空人影一花,古或今身形一闪出现,屈指一点。 Golden arrow image projects from his fingertip together, above is twining golden thunder and lightning, is actually not Thunder and Lightning Principle, but pure Time Principle. 一道金色箭影从他手指尖射出,上面缠绕着一道道金色雷电,却不是雷电法则,而是纯粹的时间法则 Under the golden arrow image speed quick astonishment, flashed then emerges out of thin air before the Samsara Palace Master body, hit to his head. 金色箭影速度快的惊人,一闪之下便凭空出现在了轮回殿主身前,打向他的脑袋。 Samsara Palace Master looks at golden arrow image before body, actually not startled, the corners of the mouth even show a smile. 轮回殿主看着身前的金色箭影,却没有惊慌,嘴角甚至露出一丝笑容。 Above golden spirit domain void moves, golden color thunder sword air-splitting, the above golden thunder and lightning windings, this time golden thunder and lightning is actually the strength of authentic thunder and lightning. 金色灵域上方虚空一动,一柄金色雷剑破空而出,上面一道道金色雷电缠绕,这次的金色雷电却是正宗的雷电之力。 Under thunder sword, person's shadow flitted, a azure robe man form appears, is Han Li. 雷剑下方,人影一花,一个青袍男子身影出现,正是韩立 He looked that does not look here situation, a fist pounds. 他看也不看这里的情况,一拳捣出。 The golden fist insinuates together, is Great Five Elements Extermination Fist. 一道金色拳影射出,正是大五行灭绝拳 By his present cultivation base, the displayed move even more is also mysterious, has delimited one in the midair „” the path, latter sends first to blocking before the Samsara Palace Master body, hits on golden arrow image. 以他如今的修为,施展的这一招也越发玄妙,在半空划过一个“之”型轨迹,后发先至的拦在轮回殿主身前,打在金色箭影上。 Bang rupturing! “砰”的一声爆裂! Golden arrow image blasting open, changes into everywhere golden light. 金色箭影炸裂,化为漫天金光。 Well, is you! Are you also living unexpectedly? Also good, that lets me personally except your variable!” Gu Huojin sees Han Li to appear, the vision sinks, the arm lifts, will make anything. “咦,是你!你竟还活着?也好,那就让我亲自除去你这个变数吧!”古或今看到韩立出现,目光一沉,手臂一抬,正要做什么。 Han Li golden light flashes, a golden round of shadow of rotation appears behind rapidly, its body figure turns into the remnant shadow to vanish immediately, next moment before the Samsara Palace Master body, lifted the hand to cut baseless under. 韩立身后金光一闪,一个急速转动的金色轮影浮现而出,其身形立刻变成残影消失,下一刻凭空在了轮回殿主身前,抬手一斩而下。 Golden flame spews out from his hand, is the flame on Time-Freezing Fire Torch, after a slightly tumbling, then changes into a golden color hot sword, flashes cutting that passes on the golden chains prisoner's cage. 一股金色火焰从他手中喷涌而出,正是断时火把上的火焰,微一翻滚后,便化为一柄金色火剑,一闪而逝的斩在金色锁链囚笼上。 Chī la! 嗤啦”一声! The golden chains prisoner's cage was cut two halves accordingly, Samsara Palace Master withdraws, said to Han Li in a low voice: 金色锁链囚笼应声被斩成两半,轮回殿主脱身而出,冲韩立低声说道: Many thanks.” “多谢。” Gu Huojin sees with own eyes this scenery, the pupil shrinks. 古或今眼见此景,瞳孔一缩。 Here is his spirit domain, Han Li unexpectedly so relaxed round trip, but also waved then to break his lock day of firmness. 这里是他的灵域,韩立竟然如此轻松的来去,还挥手便破了他的锁天牢。 However under he has not pursued the Han Li two people, body figure moves, integrates surrounding spirit domain again, vanishes does not see. 不过他并未追赶韩立二人,身形一动之下,再次融入周围灵域,消失不见。 The golden vortex flashes vanishes, changed into golden spirit domain, before is restored by spirit domain that Disc of Six Paths of Samsara ruined at this moment all, the area also expanded over hundred times suddenly, innumerable golden light rippled, probably vast incomparable golden sea. Gu Huojin spirit domain with Han Li such, has not congealed the essence, but turned into the liquid general, was seemingly delicate, is actually not able to destroy. 金色漩涡一闪消失,重新化为了金色灵域,之前被六道轮回盘毁掉的灵域此刻尽数恢复,面积也陡然扩大了百倍以上,无数金光在其中荡漾,好像一片浩大无比的金色海洋。古或今灵域并未和韩立那样,凝成实质,而是变成了液体一般,看似柔弱,却是根本无法毁坏。 The tremendous pressure attacks to come from the surroundings, as if the ocean waves are common, extend unceasingly. 巨大压力从周围冲击而来,仿佛海浪一般,延绵不绝。 Time Principle along with these momentum, corrode to come, to seize every opportunity toward two people. 一股股时间法则伴随着这些冲力,朝着二人侵蚀而来,无孔不入。 A Han Li brow wrinkle, the body golden light puts greatly, opens own Time Spirit Domain immediately. 韩立眉头一皱,身上金光大放,也立刻张开了自己的时间灵域 Completely substantive spirit domain appears, inside is the big piece mountains and rivers scenery, immediately blocked the corrosion of surrounding golden spirit domain, and spreads to go toward the surroundings. 一个完全实质的灵域浮现而出,里面是大片的山河风光,顿时挡住了周围金色灵域的侵蚀,并且朝着周围扩散而去。 The surroundings are the Gu Huojin Time Spirit Domain golden light to flash crazily, want to stop Han Li spirit domain, is helpless, was driven back unceasingly. 周围属于古或今时间灵域金光狂闪,想要阻拦韩立灵域,却无能为力,被不断逼退。 The area that Han Li spirit domain invades, compared to Gu Huojin spirit domain, was still less than 1%, is not anything. 只是韩立灵域侵占的面积,相对于古或今灵域而言,尚不及百分之一,并不算什么。 Samsara Dao Ancestor sees with own eyes this scenery, in the eye actually flashes through amazed, then said to Han Li voice transmission: 轮回道祖眼见此景,目中却闪过一丝惊诧,接着冲韩立传音道: Demon Lord was whirled away by golden star sea, at present does not know the trace...... must resist Gu Huojin, his strength is indispensable, does not know whether Fellow Daoist Han can help also rescue it.” 魔主被金色星海卷走,目前不知所踪……要对抗古或今,他的力量不可或缺,不知韩道友能否帮忙也将其救出。” Han Li hears word, on the eye pupil exudes a golden light, looks toward the surroundings, the vision stops suddenly, lifts the hand to grasp void. 韩立闻言,眼眸上泛起道道金光,朝着周围望去,目光蓦然一停,抬手虚空一抓。 The golden light rainbow projects from his hand together, submerges the golden galaxy somewhere. 一道金光长虹从他手中射出,没入金色星河某处。 Huā lā, a person's shadow by the golden rainbow cling, was flown, is Demon Lord. 哗啦”一声,一道人影被金色长虹卷住,飞了出来,正是魔主 () ()
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