RMJTIIW :: Volume #11

#1067: Chance encounter

Han Li naturally also has no opinion regarding the suggestion of Su Anqian, after all he is not the crude person. 韩立对于苏荌茜的建议自然也没什么意见,毕竟他本就不是鲁莽之人。 Three people released divine sense to conduct a search to the surroundings respectively, after without discovering what danger, then flying figure leapt, investigated carefully in various places, what a pity still had no special discovery. 三人各自释放神识对周围进行了一番搜索,没有发现什么危险后,便飞身跃下,仔细在各处探查起来,可惜仍旧没有什么特别的发现。 In the palace the aura of no living creature, some were still only the snow and ice cold winds. 宫殿内毫无活物的气息,有的仍旧只是冰雪寒风。 Three people investigate, arrives at the main hall in palace deep place quickly. 三人一路探查,很快来到宫殿深处的一处大殿。 This place places the palace deep place, could not have felt that outside cold wind, the air current is quite stable. 此地身处宫殿较深之处,已经感觉不到外面的寒风,气流颇为稳定。 Han Li stepped into the main hall, the vision flashed suddenly. 韩立踏进大殿,目光突然闪了一下。 What's wrong, what did Fellow Daoist Shi discover?” Su Anqian notices the subtle change of Han Li facial expression immediately, spoke to ask. “怎么,石道友可是发现了什么?”苏荌茜立刻注意到韩立神情的细微变化,出言问道。 Jin Liu hears sound, looked, this time he has received the heart of contempt to Han Li, facing the facial expression change of Han Li, in the heart is also one cold. 靳流闻声,也看了过来,此时的他早就收起了对韩立的轻视之心,面对韩立的神情变化,心中也是一凛。 Han Li has not replied the Su Anqian words, but was the half step walked several steps toward inside, picked a thing from a crevice of main hall corner, was actually several translucent white hair. 韩立没有回答苏荌茜的话,而是快步朝着里面走了几步,从大殿一个角落的石缝内捡一物,却是几根半透明的白色毛发。 These hair are half foot fully, is exceptionally soft, moreover slender incomparable, the naked eye is extremely difficult to discover, if not Han Li divine sense is powerful, it is estimated that cannot pay attention. 这几根毛发足有半尺长,异常柔软,而且纤细无比,肉眼极难发现,若非韩立神识强大,估计也注意不到。 what is this hair? It seems like on some unusual animals the thing.” Saying that the Su Anqian look moves. 这是什么毛发?看起来似乎是某种异兽身上之物。”苏荌茜神色一动的说道。 Un, here has these hair, perhaps here really has what unusual animals to occupy.” Han Li turns the hand to send and receive these root hair, looks toward the main hall deep place, saying that the vision flashes. “嗯,此处有这几根毛发,说不定这里真有什么异兽盘踞。”韩立翻手将这几根毛发收起,朝着大殿深处望去,目光微闪的说道。 Because he carries the reason of many True Spirit bloodlines, he is quite sensitive to the True Spirit aura. 因为他身负多种真灵血脉的缘故,他对于真灵气息极为敏感。 From these hair, Han Li indistinct sense/telepathy to some True Spirit aura, was somewhat similar to his Azure Luan bloodlines. 从这几根毛发中,韩立隐约感应到了些许真灵的气息,和他的青鸾血脉有些相似。 Su Anqian and Jin Liu looked at each other one dignifiedly, the facial expression several points. 苏荌茜靳流对视一眼,神情都凝重了几分。 Jin Liu slightly one hesitates, under the sleeve robe flings, green light Chī la flying shoots together, fell the front ground. 靳流微一沉吟,袖袍一甩之下,一道绿光“嗤啦”一声的飞射而出,落到了前方地上。 After radiance collects, a deep green small beast appeared in same place, this beast shape like the fox, the nose actually grew several times compared with the common fox, a deep green eye was also nimble and resourceful, seemingly smartly. 光华一敛后,一只碧绿小兽出现在了原地,此兽形如狐狸,鼻子却比寻常狐狸长了数倍,一双碧绿眼睛也非常灵动,看起来机灵之极。 A fiery red fox appearance, lies on the ground smells ruthlessly, then dashes to go to the half step forward. 火红狐狸一出现,就趴在地上狠狠嗅起来,然后对快步向前飞奔而去。 Green-eyed Spirit Fox!” The Han Li brow tip moves. 碧睛灵狐!”韩立眉梢一动。 Hehe, Fellow Daoist Shi looks like the story is quite vast, recognizes my spirit beast unexpectedly.” Saying of Jin Liu somewhat surprised. “呵呵,石道友看来见闻颇为广博啊,竟然认得我这灵兽。”靳流有些意外的说道。 Accidentally has seen in the ancient book.” Han Li said. “偶然在典籍中看到过罢了。”韩立说道。 This fox is one kind in fox clan, the battle efficiency is not strong, but the eye and nose are extremely keen, for exploring the way to treasure hunt very appropriately, is only scarce, some extremely few people have. 此狐乃是狐族中的一类,战斗力不强,但眼睛和鼻子极其灵敏,用于探路寻宝非常合适,只是数量稀少,极少有人拥有。 Has this Green-eyed Spirit Fox, in the front explores the way, we will follow on the heels will be safer, will walk.” Jin Liu said. “有这碧睛灵狐在前方探路,我们跟在后面会安全很多,走吧。”靳流说道。 The following time, three people follow to continue to go forward in Green-eyed Spirit Fox behind, quickly across several main halls. 接下来的时间,三人跟在碧睛灵狐身后继续前进,很快穿过数座大殿。 The front construction suddenly becomes scarce, a corridor appears in the front. 前方建筑突然变得稀少起来,一条长廊出现在前方。 Across corridor, their complexion simultaneously one happy, goes forward quickly, goes to a following dark hall. 穿过长廊,他们面色同时一喜,快步前进,来到后面的一个幽暗大厅。 The hall has 20-30 zhang (3.33 m), inside is quite spacious, anything does not have, the deep place towered a stone door, in stone door mounted a dark-red light gate, in the gate was rippling the one/1st level/layer dark-red light screen, was the gate of space. 大厅有20-30丈大小,里面颇为空旷,什么也没有,深处耸立了一座石门,石门上镶嵌了一道暗红色的光门,门内荡漾着一层暗红色光幕,正是空间之门。 In the gate of here space does not have restriction, possibly already by person break/solve. 此处空间之门上没有禁制,可能已经被人破解了。 „The gate of space, this time was actually not a time-comsuming then to find.” Su Anqian somewhat joyful saying. “空间之门,这次却是不费一点功夫便找到了。”苏荌茜有些欣喜的说道。 Be that as it may said that but Su Anqian has not approached immediately, but launches divine sense to investigate this hall carefully. 话虽如此说,不过苏荌茜没有立刻靠近,而是展开神识仔细探查这处大厅。 In front of the extremely easy to obtain advantage, the trap are more, can not negligently. 越是唾手可得的好处面前,陷阱越多,大意不得。 Han Li and Jin Liu are also handling the same matter, Jin Liu are actuating various places of Green-eyed Spirit Fox in the palace to move to explore the way. 韩立靳流也在做着同样的事情,靳流更驱动碧睛灵狐在殿内各处跑动探路。 Three people investigated some little time, in the surface somewhat is strange. 三人探查了好一会,面上都有些古怪。 Regardless how they investigate, even Su Anqian opened spirit domain directly, still had not discovered that surrounding has what trap danger. 无论他们怎么探查,甚至苏荌茜直接张开了灵域,仍旧没有发现周围有什么陷阱危险。 It seems like this level/layer what happened, causes this palace collapsing most, detained existence either already fallen, or has left. Walks, we go to five/5th level directly.” Su Anqian said that when then first flew into the gate of space, really does not have any difference appears, then enters smoothly. “看来这一层是发生了什么事情,导致这片宫殿坍塌大半,关押的存在要么已经陨落,或者已经离开。走吧,我们直接去第五层。”苏荌茜说道,然后当先飞入了空间之门,果然没有任何异样出现,顺顺当当便进入其中。 Han Li and Jin Liu see this, with, entered the gate of space. 韩立靳流见此,也跟了上去,进入了空间之门。 Before two human eyes , the scenery fluctuates, appears in a desolated Gobi Desert. 二人眼前景色变幻,出现在一处荒芜的戈壁滩上。 Above desert is also the strong winds howls, yellow sand everywhere, looks not to see the end, vast incomparable. 戈壁之上也是狂风呼啸,黄沙漫天,四下望去不见尽头,辽阔无比。 In addition, in all directions the seeing institute and place is also towering molds, all the year round was swayed by the strong winds, presents various grotesque appearances, looks quite unusual. 除此之外,四面八方入目所及之处还耸立着一座座土山,长年被狂风吹拂,呈现出各种奇形怪状的样子,看起来颇为奇特。 Su Anqian at this moment float in midair, is sizing up toward the surroundings. 苏荌茜此刻悬浮在半空,正朝着周围打量。 This place also is quite but actually strange.” Han Li and Jin Liu also look toward the surroundings. “这地方倒也颇为古怪。”韩立靳流也朝周围望去。 Here void time restriction is more powerful, three people of divine sense can only investigate about 10% distances at this moment. 此处虚空中的时间禁制更加强大,三人神识此刻只能探查出10%左右的距离。 Void time restriction not only makes the divine sense range reduce greatly, as if a stone is more common, presses on three people of divine soul, starts to affect the precision of divine sense investigation, the Han Li three people of facial colors is very heavy. 虚空中的时间禁制不仅让神识范围大减,更仿佛一块石头一般,压在三人神魂上,开始影响神识探查的精度,韩立三人面色都很是沉重。 Walks. If this tower really altogether has seven/7th level, was only left over finally three/3rd level. Hopes this level/layer can also successfully pass.” Su Anqian shouted the one breath to say lightly. “走吧。若此塔真的一共有七层的话,就只剩下最后三层了。希望这一层也能顺利通过。”苏荌茜轻呼一口气说道。 The result three people more proceed, the wind of here space is bigger, scraped off the one/1st level/layer appearance the ground, the innumerable every large or small crushed stones were stirred in the wind, blocking the sky, as if the sand storm is common. 结果三人越往前去,此处空间的风越大,将地面也刮掉了一层的样子,无数大大小小的碎石被搅进了风中,遮天蔽日,仿佛沙尘暴一般。 Is dodging in the fly Han Li vision, suddenly stopped, looks strong winds that tumbles to the front. 正在飞遁韩立目光一闪,突然停了下来,望向前方翻滚的狂风。 Fellow Daoist Shi, how?” The Su Anqian two people see this also to stop, ask. 石道友,怎么了?”苏荌茜二人见此也停下,问道。 This wind is somewhat strange, not forms the thing naturally, but some people are controlling.” Saying of Han Li eyebrow raise. “这风有些古怪,并非天然形成之物,而是有人在操控。”韩立眉梢一挑的说道。 Su Anqian two people of hears word is startled, investigates the environment carefully, the quick look also changes. 苏荌茜二人闻言一怔,仔细探查周围环境,很快神色也都是微变。 They also discovered that the surrounding strong winds the difference, in the wind contained the faint trace vitality to fluctuate, some people are truly affecting. 他们也发现周围狂风的异样,风中蕴含了丝丝元气波动,确实是有人在影响。 It seems like this level/layer impossible easily to pass like four/4th level, now what to do? Wants go over and take a look?” Jin Liu said in a soft voice. “看来这一层不可能像第四层那样轻易通过了,现在怎么办?要不要过去看看?”靳流轻声说道。 Can cause the so large-scale hurricane, the strength decides however the no small matter, perhaps is existence of this level/layer captivity. 能引起如此大规模飓风,实力定然非同小可,说不定便是这一层囚禁的存在。 According to the beforehand experience, the gate of space near various detaining thing, wants through this, must pass, perhaps the no law of being opportunistic.” After Su Anqian hesitates one next, said. “按照之前的经验,空间之门都在各层关押之物附近,想要通过这层,必须过去,恐怕没有什么取巧之法。”苏荌茜沉吟一下后说道。 correct/good, nothing venture nothing gain!” In the Han Li pupil none flashes through, nod approval. 不错,不入虎穴焉得虎子!”韩立眸中精光闪过,也点头赞同。 Jin Liu somewhat is also scruple, Su Anqian and Han Li approve, he does not have the vigorous opposition. 靳流也只是有些迟疑而已,苏荌茜韩立都赞同,他也没有强烈反对。 Three people go to the forward flight quickly, in the vitality following void fluctuates, tracked down the past. 三人很快向前飞去,顺着虚空中的元气波动,一路追寻过去。 More proceeds, the strong winds are bigger, the vitality fluctuation in wind is also more intense, therefore three people do not need to be worried not to trace, toward vitality fluctuation intense place advance then. 越往前去,狂风越大,风中的元气波动也便越强烈,所以三人丝毫不用担心追踪不到,一路朝着元气波动强烈的地方前进即可。 In the front desert various types of molds are getting more and more crowded, the volume is also getting bigger and bigger, forms some continuous brown mountain ranges gradually. 前方戈壁上各种土山越来越密集,体积也越来越大,渐渐形成一些连绵的土黄色山脉。 After less than half double-hour, three people finally found in the wind the source of vitality. 小半个时辰过后,三人终于找到了风中元气的源头。 Three people in has hiding place near several hundred li (0.5 km) canyon to stand firm fully, and displays the secret technique concealment aura respectively, looks toward front. 三人在一条足有数百里大小的峡谷附近的隐蔽处站定,并且各自施展秘术隐匿气息,朝着前面望去。 Sees only the canyon to tumble at this moment dozens thick white tornado columns, each wind column has the hundred zhang (333 m) to be thick, dozens heads, direct impact clouds. 只见峡谷此刻翻滚着数十道粗大的白色龙卷风柱,每一道风柱都有百丈粗,数十里长,直冲云霄。 But the wind column embodiment contained the extremely terrifying spirit strength also to have power of magical principle, almost can destroy Heaven and Earth, as if tentacles brandish at this moment everywhere, all that will touch easily twisted broken engulf. 而风柱内蕴含了极其恐怖的灵力还有法则之力,几乎能毁天灭地,此刻更仿佛一根根触手般四处挥舞着,将碰触到的一切轻易绞碎吞没 The ground and sky were shaken, rumble trembles. 地面和天空都被撼动,隆隆震颤。 Can see a white form in a biggest white wind column indistinctly, because has the wind column impediment, therefore does not see clearly the appearance, in the wind column power of magical principle turns wells up, divine sense is unable to investigate. 在一个最大的白色风柱之内隐约能看到一个白色身影,只是因为有风柱阻隔,所以看不清楚样貌,风柱内法则之力翻涌,神识也无法探查进去。 But is dancing in the air one crowd of cultivator before dozens wind columns, has the 5 - 6 person, various show/unfolds magical powers and these wind columns are contending. 而在数十根风柱前则飞舞着一群修士,有五六人,各展神通和那些风柱抗衡着。 Is they......” the Han Li vision moves. “是他们……”韩立目光一动。 That group of people in Lei Yuce that and the others 1st level/layer and they bid good-bye, respectively is Lei Yuce, Wen Zhong, youth black clothes men and women, previously with the young men who Qi Mozi presented. 那群人正是在第一层和他们分手的雷玉策等人,分别是雷玉策,文仲,一对青年黑衣男女,先前和奇摩子一起出现的青年男子。 Besides these five people, an unexpected person, that Lan Yan that escapes from his hand. 除了这五人外,还有一个出乎意料的人,那个从他手中逃掉的蓝颜 Su Anqian and Jin Liu see clearly the front six people, in the surface also reveal the surprised color. 苏荌茜靳流看清前方六人,面上也露出惊讶之色。 Astonishment of that dozens white wind column powerful forces, Lei Yuce six people, although does utmost, stimulates to movement the pinnacle the immortal artifact magical powers respectively, but was still suppressed stubbornly, compels to retrocede successively. 那数十道白色风柱威力强大的惊人,雷玉策六人虽然竭尽全力,各自将仙器神通催动到极致,但仍然被死死压制,逼得节节后退。 What is more astonishing, this Han clearly felt, the form in white wind column has not tried, seemed playing with Lei Yuce et al . 更加惊人的是,韩某分明感觉,白色风柱内的身影并未尽全力,似乎在和雷玉策等人玩耍。 Quack, depends on your such strengths also to go to six/6th level, really overreaches oneself, accompanies me here to be good fun.” An sharp grating sound spreads from the wind column, quack laughs. “嘎嘎,就凭你们这样的实力也想去第六层,真是不自量力,还是陪我在这里好好玩一下吧。”一个尖锐刺耳的声音从风柱内传出,嘎嘎大笑。 Finishing speaking, the sound of howling is big, the wind column that danced in the air respectively combines into one suddenly, changes into together the thick incomparable white wind column, one was involved in which six people completely. 话音刚落,呼啸之声大起,原本各自飞舞的风柱骤然合而为一,化为一道粗大无比的白色风柱,一下将六人全部卷入了其中。 The white wind column is giant, as if holds up a day of column to tower, the wind power is violent several times, has the potential of Heaven and Earth changes countenance greatly. 白色风柱巨大无比,仿佛一根擎天之柱般耸立,风力更是猛烈数倍,大有天地变色之势。 Lei Yuce and the others immortal artifact were blown turning round spins, unstab, is unable to display many power, several people of bodies were imprisoned in the wind column, as the wind column spins, is unable to work loose. 雷玉策等人的仙器被吹得滴溜溜打转,东倒西歪,根本无法发挥出多少威能,几人的身体更被禁锢在风柱之内,随着风柱打转,无法挣脱而出。 Su Anqian and Jin Liu of distant place see this, in the surface change color immediately. 远处的苏荌茜靳流看到此幕,面上顿时变色。 Lei Yuce is the expert who Gold Source Immortal Territory have several, other person of several people of strengths seem like not weak, was so easily then imprisoned unexpectedly. 雷玉策金源仙域有数的高手,其他人几人实力看起来都不弱,竟然如此轻易便被禁锢。 But the Han Li brow is also a wrinkle, that white wind column seems like not extraordinary, implication is also only Wind Attribute Principle, power unexpectedly such big, even if he, wanting break/solve is still difficult. 韩立眉头也是一皱,那白色风柱看起来并不出奇,其中蕴含的也只是风属性法则,威能竟然如此之大,就算是他,想要破解也非常困难。 Well, is not right!” “咦,不对!” In the Han Li eye the purple glow flashes, in the mouth calls out in alarm makes noise. 韩立眼睛中紫芒一闪,口中惊呼出声。 five/5th level here affects is too big on divine sense, sensation insufficient clear, he by the Nine Nethers Demon Eye examination, this discovered the secret of white wind column. 五层这里对神识影响太大,感知的不够清楚,他以九幽魔瞳查看,这才发现了白色风柱的秘密。 In this wind column as if contained two different power of Wind Attribute Principle, each other perfect integration, difficult minute each other. 这风柱内似乎蕴含了两股不同的风属性法则之力,彼此完美融合,难分彼此。 :.: :。:
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