RETY :: Volume #22

#2157: Heishizhai

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! Chapter 2157 Heishizhai 第2157章黑石寨 Small stone, did you come back? How this time harvests? This is your first independent hunting, what won't have projected on? However has not harvested are not related, has not encountered the danger then!” “小石头,你们回来了?这次收获怎么样?这可是你们第一次单独狩猎啊,不会什么都没有打到吧?不过没有收获没有关系,没有遇到危险即可!” This is one is located in a village in crow mountain surrounding mountain valley, the surroundings have the high fence and lookout tower that the black stone construction becomes. 这是一座位于鸦山外围一个山谷之中的村寨,周围有着黑色石头建筑而成的高高围墙和了望塔。 And special guard. 其中还有专门的守卫。 Sees this group of young people, a middle-aged man of guarding the door, immediately is laughing speech while opens the camp gate. 看到这群年轻人,看门的一个中年男子,立即大笑着一边说话一边打开寨门。 Also ok.” “还行吧。” The small stone is the leaders in this group of young people, is the robust and dark-skinned high strong youngster, hears word responds immediately low-key. 小石头是这群年轻人之中的领头者,是个虎头虎脑、皮肤黝黑的高壮少年,闻言立即低调回应。 Well? Who is this person? How did you lead the bystander to come back?” “咦?这人是谁?你们怎么带了外人回来?” But at this time, that guarding a gate man actually noticed Yang Chen finally, immediately stopped movement that opened the camp gate. 但这时候,那守门男子却终于注意到了杨尘,立即停止了打开寨门的动作。 Even, he is quick interrogated, while turned off the camp gate. 甚至,他还很快一边质问,一边将寨门重新关了起来。 Obviously, compared with the young people, his middle-aged person must be more discrete. 显然,比起年轻人,他这个中年人要谨慎多了。 This year although the headman class the situation is pitiful, but internal fight will happen as before. 这年头人类虽然处境悲惨,但内斗依旧会有发生。 And, some evil spirit will also change into the human form, therefore he has to be anxious. 并且,一些妖魔也会化为人形,因此他不得不紧张。 If by some chance, Yang Chen is the bystander of conspiring, or is the evil spirit that passed by disguises that trouble was big. 万一,杨尘是图谋不轨的外人,或者是路过的妖魔假装,那就麻烦大了。 Even, this middle-aged person spoke, immediately sounded a bugle, quick has one group of people to gather above the camp gate. 甚至,这中年人说话之间,立即吹响一个号角,很快就有一群人聚集到了寨门之上。 Is this! This is the immortal is long, is not an unprincipled person, is not very the evil spirit. We......” “是这样的!这是仙长,不是坏人,很不是妖魔。我们……” But the small stone is very anxious with several other young people, explained hastily chaotically. 而小石头则与其余几个年轻人则很焦急,连忙七嘴八舌的解释了起来。 Yang Chen has not spoken, but the smile looks. 杨尘则没有说话,只是微笑看着。 Cannot enter this border, he is really indifferent. 进不进这寨子,他还真无所谓。 He must enter, no one can block him. 他要进,也没有人可以拦得住他。 But he is disinclined such to do, can understand, the discrete actions of these human. 只不过他懒得那样做,也非常能够理解,这些人类的谨慎举动。 Human of emperor was very weak, if no brain again, that is really away from perishes is not far. 帝界的人类本来就很弱,要是再无脑,那就真的距离灭亡不远了。 What? In the remote mountain cultivates the immortal that just left the mountain to be long? Drops from the clouds to be battered to death a midnight tiger? Also kicks a stone, killed another midnight tiger?” “什么?深山里修炼刚出山的仙长?从天而降砸死一头子夜虎?还一脚踢飞一块石头,打死了另一头子夜虎?” But listened to narrations of these young people, in these villages the person calls out in alarm to discuss immediately, even was full of the suspicion. 而听了这些年轻人们的讲述,这些村寨中人立即都惊呼议论起来,甚至充满了怀疑。 The reason does not have it, these things were too astonishing. 原因无它,这些事情都太惊人了。 Opposite party origin is also very suspicious, the youngster readily believe that these adults actually cannot obviously. 对方这来历也很可疑,少年们会轻信,这些成年人却显然不会。 Until the youngster midnight the tiger corpse will take out from the spirit shell, the people then believe Yang Chen strength, but actually dreaded. 直到少年们将子夜虎尸体从灵贝中取出,众人这才相信杨尘的实力,但却不禁更加忌惮了。 Many people even suspected, Yang Chen is the evil spirit change. 不少人甚至都怀疑,杨尘是妖魔变化。 After all, the evil spirit usually is also very powerful, strikes to kill 1-2 midnight tigers, at all is not the matter. 毕竟,妖魔通常也是很强大的,击杀1-2子夜虎,根本不是事情。 Makes way, makes way. This senior, in requests personally in a big hurry. Has to lose welcomes, but also please excuse me.” “让开,都让开。这位前辈,快快里面请。有失远迎,还请见谅。” But quick, this matter alarmed the head of the clan and big priest. 但很快,这事情就惊动了族长和大祭司。 Two people very big strong, another is the beautiful appearance female, sees Yang Chen, immediately reveals the respectful color, makes one open the door hastily, and in many astonished vision, went out to enter the border Yang Chenying personally. 两人一个十分高大强壮,另外一个则是个美貌女子,一见杨尘,立即都露出恭敬之色,连忙让人开门,并在诸多惊异目光之中,亲自出去将杨尘迎进了寨子。 Even, these two, although is restraining diligently, obviously is very excited, even the sound is shivering slightly. 甚至,这两头虽然在努力克制,却显然都很激动,连声音都在微微颤抖。 The joy in red light and eye on their face, cannot cover. 他们脸上的红光和眼中的欣喜,也根本掩盖不住。 This, even Yang Chen somewhat is still curious, after being welcomed in the village, immediately inquired the reason. 这一下,即便杨尘也不禁有些好奇起来,在被迎进村寨之中后,立即询问了原因。 The head of the clan and big priest do not conceal, even also wishes for earnestly, immediately said the truth hopefully. 族长和大祭司也不隐瞒,甚至还求之不得,立即充满期待的说出了真相。 Originally, two people are the real immortals, actually discovered that as before Yang Chen is immeasurably deep, immediately knows Yang Chen is the true expert. 原来,两人都是真仙,却依旧发现杨尘深不可测,立即知道杨尘是真正高手。 Two people particularly are big priest, but also felt the most profound very familiar holy aura on Yang Chen. 两人尤其是大祭司,还在杨尘身上感受到了一种玄之又玄又很是熟悉的圣洁气息。 Aura on this aura and Nüwa idol is unexpectedly similar, makes aura especially similar to the god. 这气息与女娲神像上的气息居然非常相似,与神使身上气息尤其类似。 Therefore, two people recombination drops from the clouds this matter, immediately had an incomparably bold speculation. 于是,两人再结合从天而降这个事情,立即就有了一个无比大胆的推测。 This speculation is bold, they cannot believe. 这推测大胆到,他们自己都不敢相信。 They suspected unexpectedly, Yang Chen this stranger, a time is in the legend the general ten thousand years will present god to cause. 他们居然都怀疑,杨尘这个陌生人,就是传说之中一般万年才会出现一次的神使。 Naturally, in the legend, the god caused previous time to present the distance now, has gone far beyond obviously for 10,000 years. 当然,传说中,神使上次出现距离现在,显然已经远远超过了一万年。 Even, because the god makes too long not appear, caused human now the situation to be getting more and more in imminent danger. 甚至,正是因为神使太久没有出现,才导致人类现在处境越来越岌岌可危了。 Reason that can have this speculation. 之所以能够有这推测。 Actually is incessantly related with the legend, is because even in this village, still has Nüwa Temple. 其实不止和传说有关,也是因为即便是这个村寨之中,也有女娲神庙。 In temple has god resembles, the seat of honor is Nüwa, in turn by Nüwa stands is the god causes. 庙中有神像,其中主位是女娲,女娲两边依次站立的则都是神使。 Yang Chen knows immediately, these gods cause emperor exploration who actually a spirit Wa clan sends. 杨尘则立即知道,这些神使其实正是灵娲一族派来的帝界探秘者。 But can enter the god in temple to cause, obviously is not general exploration, but can have the powerful strength, and makes existence of big contribution. 只不过能够进入神庙的神使,显然都不是一般探秘者,而是能够拥有强大实力,并做出大贡献的存在。 As for general exploration, according to the spirit Wa clan female immortal emperor and ancient Yanpo told, directly enters emperor, is not good on the luck, was held and eaten by the powerful evil spirit also has had. 至于一般探秘者,根据灵娲族女仙帝和古严婆讲述,直接一进入帝界,就运气不好,被强大妖魔抓住并吃掉的也不是没有过。 Head of the clan and big priest to prove them has not lied, immediately took away Yang Chen in Nüwa Temple in village. 族长和大祭司为了证明他们没有说谎,立即就将杨尘带去了村寨里的女娲神庙之中。 Although this Nüwa Temple is not big, is actually fully equipped, is not very sacred dignified, in Yang Chen really saw the idol. 这女娲神庙虽然不大,却五脏俱全,并非很是神圣庄严,在其中杨尘果然看到了神像。 Even, Yang Chen also eyes recognize, a god causes, is the spirit Wa clan female immortal emperor. 甚至,杨尘还一眼就认出,其中一个神使,正是灵娲族女仙帝。 And, she is also the last god causes. 并且,她也是最后一个神使。 Or after her, although causes to arrive brightly, does not have the qualifications after departure, was set up the idol, admits in Nüwa Temple. 或者说,在她之后虽然有神使降临,却都没有资格在离开之后,被树立神像,放进女娲神庙之中。 „, Only to have to become the immortal emperor rank powerhouse, can be qualified for this Nüwa Temple? Said, after Emperor ancient immortal she has the qualifications entered the temple, afterward can become the immortal emperor?” “难道说,唯有成为仙帝级别强者,才能够有资格进入这女娲神庙?还是说,古仙帝她是有资格进入了神庙之后,后来才能成为仙帝的?” In Yang Chen heart speculated. 杨尘不禁心中推测。 Meanwhile, he also somewhat worried joyfully. 同时,他也不禁既欣喜也有些担忧。 A head of the clan and big priest of small tribe, can see that he probably is the god causes. 就连一个小部落的族长和大祭司,都能够一眼就看出他可能是神使。 That other big points the experts in tribe, definitely energy. 那其他大一点的部落中的高手,肯定更能。 Even, the evil spirit and so on not necessarily cannot the status of recognizing their these external exploration. 甚至,就连妖魔之类也未必不能一眼认出他们这些外来探秘者的身份。 This causes, their status are very easy to expose, is very easy to unite the strength, found mutually each other , is very easy to become the target of evil spirit. 这就导致,他们的身份很容易暴露,很容易凝聚力量,相互找到彼此,却也很容易成为妖魔的目标。 Now, their batch will therefore be also easier to find each other, this is the good deed, is a misdemeanor. 现在,他们这一批也会因此更容易找到彼此,这是好事,也是一件坏事。 Was good can be easier to find heavy rain Yao, the bone iron and ancient Qingtan and the others because of him, going bad in if painstakingly the mountain will also be easier to find them. 好在他可以更容易找到凌雨瑶、骨铁和古青檀等人,坏在苦若山也会更容易找到他们。 Really, the senior is not an evil spirit. Otherwise enters the temple, even the safe/without matter, will be uncomfortable, even reveals one's true colors. Is the senior really the god in legend causes?” “果然,前辈并非妖魔。不然进入神庙,即便无事,也会非常不舒服,甚至原形毕露。难道说,前辈真的是传说中的神使?” At this time, the big priest and head of the clan are also observing Yang Chen in secret, quick cannot help but relaxes. 这时候,大祭司和族长也在暗中观察着杨尘,很快都不由得松了一口气。 Later they do not conceal, sent out the inquiry directly. 之后他们也不隐瞒,直接就发出了询问。 Originally, they lead Yang Chen to come, is not pure to prove their views to Yang Chen , is to take the opportunity to confirm, Yang can Chen be the evil spirit disguise. 原来,他们带杨尘过来,并不是单纯的为了向杨尘证明他们的说法,也是想要借机验证一下,杨尘有没有可能是妖魔假装。 Although this possibility is very small, but also has to guard. 虽然这种可能已经很小,但也不得不防。
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