RETY :: Volume #22

#2147: Does obeisance the Nüwa idol

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! Chapter 2147 does obeisance the Nüwa idol 第2147章拜女娲神像 I and others am also willing to have a lot of cultivation commodities, cannot make the master you suffer a loss!” “我等也愿意出大量修炼物资,绝不能让主人你们吃亏!” Five Heaven's Chosen servants also open the mouth immediately. 五名天骄奴仆也立即开口。 Even has the commodity, they were gain as in a big way. Moreover this is they are also voluntary, otherwise they can the conscience be anxious. 即便出物资,他们依旧是赚大了。而且这也是他们自愿的,不然他们都会良心不安。 Good. That decided like this.” “好吧。那就这样定了。” The Yang Chen three people stare slightly, then actually knows the difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth, the artificial rejection, has not nodded to comply immediately. 杨尘三人微微一愣,接着却知道盛情难却,并没有矫情拒绝,当即点头答应。 Happen, they also truly need to cultivate the commodity. 正好,他们也确实需要修炼物资。 Or regarding any follower, cultivating the commodity is the more the better, they are naturally no exception. 或者说,对于任何修炼者来说,修炼物资都是多多益善,他们自然也不例外。 Therefore, an incident dissipates in invisible immediately, suddenly the atmosphere is harmonious. 于是,一场事端立即消散于无形,一时间气氛融洽皆大欢喜。 Ok, since were all right, we diverge, tomorrow morning will pay respect to the Nüwa idol again!” “好了,既然没事了,那我们就散去吧,明天早上再来参拜女娲神像!” ancient strict woman is very satisfied this result, finally announced. 古严婆很满意这结果,最终宣布。 Therefore, the people scattered in a panic immediately, but under Yang Chen and the others also lead in ancient wing celtis saintess again personally, returned to skillful immortal Tan. 于是,众人立即作鸟兽散了,而杨尘等人也再次在古青檀这个圣女亲自带领下,回了巧仙谭。 Although said that their these two remote antiquity elders, and no real power, but the position is very lofty, even if there is real power the palace main, is still very respectable to them. 虽然说,他们这两个太上长老,并没有什么实权,但地位却很是崇高,即便是掌握实权的殿主们,也对他们很是尊敬。 Otherwise, ancient Yanpo will not make wing celtis saintess convey a message and guide and so on. 不然的话,古严婆也不会让古青檀这个圣女来传话和带路之类了。 Compared with before, the ancient wing celtis regarding was more respectable, because she who Yang Chen and the others also without doubt changed has known the opposite party strength was very powerful. 比起之前,古青檀对于杨尘等人也无疑变的更加尊敬了,因为她已然知道了对方实力都很强大。 Shortly after the ancient wing celtis leaves, cultivated the commodity also to be delivered to Yang Chen and the others massively as promised here. 古青檀离开之后不久,大量修炼物资也被如约送到了杨尘等人这里。 Has ancient Yanpo and other senior representative spirit Wa clans to deliver, there are that five Heaven's Chosen servants to send people to deliver. 这其中有古严婆等高层代表灵娲族送的,也有那个五个天骄奴仆派人送的。 In brief, the commodity are many, moreover is very precious, even Yang Chen and the others were experienced, pair of eyes illumination that still looks , the secretly thought worthily is lord of spirit Wa of a clan numerous strong competitors Penglai immortal territory, making a move is the atmosphere. 总之,物资很多,而且都无比珍贵,即便杨尘等人见多识广,也都看的双眼发光,暗道不愧是高手如云的蓬莱仙域之主灵娲一族,出手就是大气。 This wave, they also are really under the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances, gained one full greatly. 这一波,他们还真是在阴错阳差之下,足实大赚了一笔。 They incomparably believe that once there is an enough time, digested these precious commodities, their cultivating to can a level higher surely. 他们都无比相信,一旦有足够时间,消化了这些珍贵物资,他们的修为必定可以更上一层楼。 Later a night did not have the words, quick to next morning, the ancient wing celtis appeared again, led the Penglai temple them. 之后一夜无话,很快就到了第二天一早,古青檀再次出现,将他们带到了蓬莱神殿。 Place that this Penglai temple they observed yesterday, is called the Penglai temple and Penglai immortal temple and so on, but begins with the Penglai two characters, in the territory of Penglai is also the unique core organization. 这蓬莱神殿正是昨天他们观战的地方,也叫做蓬莱神庙、蓬莱仙庙之类,但都以蓬莱两字开头,在蓬莱之域也是独一无二的核心机构。 It like Nüwa Temple, does not have everywhere. 它不像女娲神殿,到处都有。 ancient strict woman and the others the positions of palace lord, because they are the biggest leaders in this Penglai temple. 古严婆等人的殿主之位,就因为他们是这蓬莱神殿之中的最大头领。 Yesterday, although the people entered observed, actually actually merely upper level palace outside temple, therefore has not seen in the Nüwa idol situated in inner palace. 昨天,众人虽然进入其中观战,其实却仅仅是在神殿外殿上层,因此根本都没有看到位于内殿之中的女娲神像。 Works as! 哐当! When the Yang Chen three people arrive, others have arrived in full, ancient Yanpo no longer waited for immediately, inspected a people situation, determined that had not been attempted to pervert by the bystander and so on, this with several other palace lords, opened the inner palace front door finally together with joint forces. 杨尘三人到来之际,其他人已然到齐,古严婆立即不再等待,检查了一下众人情况,确定没有被外人做手脚之类,这才终于与其余几位殿主,一起合力打开了内殿大门。 The inner palace as if in another independent small potential surface, from outside cannot see any situation, but goes in discovered that probably entered another world. 内殿仿佛在另外一个单独的小位面之中,从外面看不到其中任何的情况,但一进去才发现好像是进入了另外一个世界。 Around this world does not have in the main hall wall, but is the chaos is void and space and time turbulent flow. 这世界四周没有大殿墙壁之内,而是都是混沌虚空和时空乱流。 Inner palace during this is void floats, by floating island that a sacred white ray covers. 内殿则是在这虚空之中漂浮,被一阵神圣白色光芒笼罩的浮岛。 This floating island occupying land area is very big, the space that the white light covers is also very big. 这浮岛占地很大,白光笼罩的空间也很大。 Is setting up an idol in this islands, the person snake tail, is the appearance peerless female, is lending the incomparably dignified and sacred aura, has kilometer high fully, is the Nüwa idol. 在这岛屿中间则立着一座神像,人身蛇尾,是个容貌绝世的女子,散发着无比威严和神圣的气息,足有千米之高,正是女娲神像。 Hiss, this is the Penglai temple inner palace, is this Nüwa idol? Really outstanding!” “嘶,这就是蓬莱神庙内殿,这就是女娲神像吗?果然不同凡响!” Even if experienced such as Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao, enters to this microcosm, sees this idol, still cannot help but praised to the heavens. 即便见多识广如杨尘和凌雨瑶,进到这小世界,又见到这神像,也不由得叹为观止。 These Heaven's Chosen broaden the outlook, cannot help but has the sense of belonging to a spirit Wa clan, also worshipped to the Nüwa big god. 那些天骄更是大开眼界,不由得对灵娲一族更有归属感,也对女娲大神也更加崇拜了。 Meanwhile, everyone feels, here air covered entirely the pure vitality, the light is breathes, can feel refreshing, as if cultivated/repaired to continually promote. 同时,所有人都感觉到,这里的空气之中布满了纯净元气,光是呼吸一下,都能够感觉到神清气爽,似乎连修为都有所提升了。 Contains on the Nüwa idol to the terrifying energy abundantly, and is revolving in an extremely mysterious way. 在女娲神像身上更是蕴含着充沛到恐怖的能量,并在以一种极其玄妙的方式运转着。 Here mysterious vitality sends out merely from the Nüwa idol little. 这里神奇元气则仅仅是从女娲神像散发出来的一点点而已。 Ok, you paid respect here in turn then.” “好了,你们在这里依次参拜即可。” ancient strict woman led the people to arrive in front of the Nüwa idol at this time, referred to a big blue stone. 古严婆这时候带着众人来到女娲神像面前,指了指一块大青石。 Then, she arrives at not far away with several other palace lords, sits cross-legged to make the best use of the time to cultivate in the place. 接着,她就与另外几位殿主走到不远处,盘坐在地抓紧时间修炼起来。 Obviously, even if they are nine days of profound immortals, here will cultivate will still benefit greatly, and this opportunity will also be rare. 显然,即便他们都是九天玄仙,在这里修炼也将受益匪浅,并且这机会也不可多得。 In fact, this time except for several palace lords, come is Heaven's Chosen and Yang Chen and the others, the ancient wing celtis, simply did not have the qualifications to come in as for other spirit Wa clan high levels. 事实上,这次除了几位殿主,来的就是天骄们和杨尘等人,还有古青檀了,至于其他灵娲族高层根本没有资格进来。 Yes!” “是!” But people hears word nods immediately. 而众人闻言立即点头。 Then, they arranged one team quickly, the ancient wing celtis first, later was Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao, as well as their together bone irons, were first ten Heaven's Chosen. 接着,他们就快排成了一队,古青檀正是第一,之后就是杨尘和凌雨瑶,以及他们一起的骨铁,然后是前十名天骄。 Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao actually can also first, but two people intend to make wing celtis first try the water, pours does not care about this order. 杨尘和凌雨瑶其实也能第一,但两人有意让古青檀先试水,倒也不在意这顺序。 The ancient wing celtis deeply inspires, goes forward with stride, incomparably respectful kneels down and bow respect with both hands clasped in the big blue stone gracefully. 古青檀深吸一口气,大步上前,无比恭敬的在大青石上盈盈下拜。 Bang! 轰! Instantaneously, a powerful incomparable sacred white light, shoots up to the sky from the ancient wing celtis. 瞬间,一股强大无比的神圣白光,就从古青檀身上冲天而起。 Then, cultivating of ancient wing celtis for promotes in this white light directly fast, unexpectedly in an instant, reached the real immortal limit, then further achieved profound fairyland. 接着,古青檀的修为在这白光之中直接飞快提升,居然转眼之间,就达到了真仙极限,然后又更进一步达到了玄仙境界。 Right, ancient wing celtis directly to become Xuanxian. 没错,古青檀直接成玄仙了。 Even, her cultivating for also quick stable, and continues to promote, before long achieved later period of the profound immortal. 甚至,她的修为还很快稳固,并继续提升,不一会就达到了玄仙后期。 Meanwhile, in this process even/including Xuanxian the day tribulation has not appeared unexpectedly. 同时,这过程之中居然连玄仙天劫都没有出现。 However, Yang Chen and the others actually discovered, cultivating of ancient wing celtis for incomparably solid, compared with after crossing from mainland to an island tribulation the profound immortal of achievement, is not the least bit off unexpectedly. 但是,杨尘等人却发现,古青檀的修为无比扎实,比起渡劫之后成就的玄仙,居然丝毫不差。 Originally, that mysterious white light replaced a day of tribulation unexpectedly directly, and in the extremely gentle dangerous way, has not strengthened and quenchinged the body spirit of ancient wing celtis slightly and cultivates is. 原来,那神奇白光居然直接代替了天劫,并且以极其柔和没有丝毫危险的方式,强化和淬炼了古青檀的身体精神和修为。 Day, is this strength of Nüwa god emperor? This also wants powerful incessantly many times compared with the ghost bone god simply! Similarly, even the stars Great Emperor and thick ice empress, definitely are unable with it placing on a par!” “天啦,这就是女娲神帝的力量吗?这简直比鬼骨神还要强大不止多少倍呀!同样,连星辰大帝和玄冰女帝,都完全无法与之相提并论呀!” Yang Chen and the others saw that incomparably cannot help but shocked. 杨尘等人见状不由得无比震惊。 Initially, the bone iron promoted the real immortal, has not crossed the tribulation all-resourceful, the foot damn the bone god. 当初,骨铁提升成真仙,就没有渡劫,足见鬼骨神有多神通广大。 But that is only the achievement real immortal, now the ancient wing celtis is actually the achievement profound immortal, both apparently do not have the comparability. 但那只是成就真仙,现在古青檀却是成就玄仙,两者显然没有可比性。 Even if Yang Chen and the others have long known that the Nüwa idol is not ordinary, has not actually thought that as before the opposite party can be in so the degree mysteriously. 即便杨尘等人早就知道女娲神像不一般,却依旧没有想到对方能够神奇到如此程度。 Naturally, reason that promotes such big, should have ancient wing celtis's reason. 当然,之所以提升如此之大,其中应该也有古青檀本身的原因。 After all, the ancient wing celtis has existence of Nüwa god lineage/vein, itself should have the abyss source extremely with the Nüwa idol. 毕竟,古青檀是有着女娲神脉的存在,本身就应该与女娲神像有着极深渊源。 Good! Worthily is my clan saintess!” “不错!不愧是我族圣女!” At this time, even if ancient Yanpo and other palace lords, saw this, was still delighted, was gratified. 这时候,即便是古严婆等几位殿主,看到这一幕,也不禁喜出望外,都是欣慰不已。 Ok, was one's turn you!” “好了,轮到你们了!” But at this time, the ancient wing celtis also carried out thoroughly this paying respect, similarly is very happy, in high spirits flying got down the big blue stone. 而这时候,古青檀也彻底完成了这次参拜,同样无比开心,兴高采烈的飞下了大青石。
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