RETY :: Volume #22

#2118: ten thousand Sheku

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! Chapter 2118 ten thousand Sheku 第2118章万蛇窟 The ancient god vestige is aloof another world outside four god sea potential surfaces. 古神遗迹是超脱于四神海位面之外的另一个世界。 The hearsay has the god emperor of strength of direct access to the highest authorities after dying, the immortal mortal body will escape into void, opens the brand-new potential surface with the spirit strength of body. 传闻有着通天之力的神帝在死后,不朽的肉身会遁入虚空,用躯体的灵力开辟出全新的位面。 This potential surface was called emperor by the world. 这种位面被世人称之为帝界。 But ancient God Vestige it is said is the emperor entrance, if some people can be inherited in the ancient god vestige, grasped key that goes to emperor. 而古神遗迹据说就是帝界的入口,如果有人能在古神遗迹之中得到传承,也就掌握了前往帝界的钥匙。 A god emperor after the buried treasure that dying leaves behind is only thinks that can make all cultivating true virtue be jealous! 一位神帝在死后留下的宝藏光是想想就能让所有修真者眼红了! The hierograph in void directs the Yang Chen three people, the constriction of heading on to make them unable to breathe the air/Qi, becomes until the surrounding all clear, they change for the better. 神符在虚空中指引着杨尘三人,扑面而来的压迫感让他们喘不上来气,直到周围的一切变得清晰起来,他们才好转起来。 „This place unexpectedly spirit strength?” “这地方竟然一丝灵力都没有?” Yang Chen surprise looks at own palm, the engraved inscription on there also splendid desolate ancient immortal body, unexpectedly after arriving at the ancient god vestige becomes dim. 杨尘诧异的看着自己的掌心,那里原本还熠熠生辉的荒古仙体上的铭文,竟在来到古神遗迹后变得黯淡至极。 Not is only he, the heavy rain Yao bone iron also feels the oppression that the ancient god vestige brought. 不光是他,凌雨瑶骨铁也感受到了古神遗迹带来的压迫。 This side world does not have the sunlight to shine, the surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) are completely the strange malaria cover, so long as a little spirit strength sends out, will be leaned the number to swallow by these malarias completely. 这一方世界没有日光照耀,方圆百里尽是诡异的瘴气笼罩,只要有一点灵力散发出来,都会被那些瘴气倾数吞噬殆尽。 Yang Chen sighed, deeply frowning, although took cultivating of their real immortal as periphery not to have the spirit strength still to maintain the strength of immortal body even as before, but in this ancient god vestige has not known that what danger will have, fighting, if did not have the spirit strength to support that to be bad. 杨尘叹了口气,眉头紧锁着,虽然以他们真仙的修为就算周围没有灵力也依旧保持仙体的力量,但这古神遗迹中还不知道会有什么样的危险,打起架来要是没有灵力支撑那就糟了。 In my hand saved some spirit stones fortunately, otherwise in this place we time, as soon as burning a joss stick cannot treat.” “还好我手里存了些灵石,不然在这种地方我们一炷香的功夫都待不下去。” Three people adapted simply, then walks toward the ancient god vestige deep place. 三人简单适应了一下,便朝着古神遗迹深处走去。 In the memory of ghost bone god according to the bone iron mind, the ancient god vestige in territory of Penglai is the ancestor who in the spirit Wa clan once marched into the immortal emperor stays behind. 根据骨铁脑海中鬼骨神的记忆,蓬莱之域中的古神遗迹是灵娲族中曾步入仙帝的祖先留下的。 Therefore this ancient god vestige is not complete, but this, inside thing still makes the spirit Wa clan later generation profit even infinitely. 所以这古神遗迹不算完整,可就算这样,里面的东西也让灵娲族后人受益无穷。 However it is said that spirit Wa clan older generations are because after the cultivation overstated, committed suicide by fire dead, in the ancient god vestige that therefore left behind filled the vicious tendencies and demon barrier. 不过据说那灵娲族先辈是因为修炼走火入魔后焚身而死,所以留下的古神遗迹中充满了戾气与魔障。 This was also that two palace lords passes on the wing celtis to rush to the reason of catastrophe. 这也是那二殿主说古青檀闯了大祸的原因。 The spirit Wa clansman grasps the strength of purification, inborn is the difficult adversary that the demon bonds, therefore they can come freely such as in the ancient god vestige. 灵娲族人掌握净化之力,天生就是魔障的克星,所以他们能在古神遗迹中来如自如。 But Yang Chen these other families people enter, did not have the strength of guard purification, the danger that meets is inestimable. 可杨尘这些外族人进入其中,没了净化之力护身,所遇到的危险是不可估量的。 „Our place of nihility should be ten thousand Sheku.” “我们脚下的虚无之地应该就是万蛇窟了。” Before coming , the ancient wing celtis has confessed with them, before the spirit Wa clansmen were enter in ten thousand Sheku to strike to kill the snake demon, then took away their demon pill, the demon air/Qi will scatter with spirit Wa clan the strength of purification again, stayed behind was the pure incomparable spirit strength. 进来前,古青檀跟他们交代过,以前灵娲族人都是进入万蛇窟中击杀蛇魔,然后拿走他们身上的魔丹,再用灵娲族的净化之力将其中的魔气驱散,留下的便是精纯无比的灵力。 Demon pill after absorption purification can the strength rise dramatically did not say, demon pill who if obtains is product Jieji high that but might also obtain the extraordinary quality god technique inheritance in spirit Wa clan. 吸收净化后的魔丹会实力暴增不说,若取得的魔丹是品阶极高的那种,还有可能会得到灵娲族中的仙品神术传承。 The so-called god technique then dominates above the martial skill more powerful the law secret art, after marching into real fairyland, then can study the god technique, but the god technique also divides heterogeneous. 所谓神术便是凌驾于武技之上更为强大的法诀,步入真仙境界后便可以修习神术,而神术也分三六九等。 Every, spirit, extraordinary quality and day and marvelous work. 凡品、灵品、仙品、天品、神品。 Five big product Jie god technique has a strict hierarchy, each step has as far apart as heaven and earth, this is only then marches into the matter that real fairyland later cultivating true virtue can know. 五大品阶的神术等级森严,每一个品阶都有着天地之差,这是只有步入真仙境界之后的修真者才能知道的事情。 Like the time river that Yang Chen grasps is one of the god technique, but god technique third-order every, with the rise of Yang Chen strength, the role that the time river can play has started changes is small. 像杨尘所掌握的时间长河就是神术的一种,只不过那神术才堪堪三阶凡品,随着杨尘实力的提升,时间长河所能起到的作用已经开始变小了。 Therefore these arrives at the ancient god vestige time, the Yang Chen main goal is to obtain tall Pinjie the god technique. 所以这一次来到古神遗迹,杨尘最主要的目的就是获得高品阶的神术。 Across a barrier of inside the valley, they then arrived are regarded as restricted area ten thousand Sheku by the spirit Wa clan. 穿过山谷里的一层屏障,他们便来到了被灵娲族视为禁地的万蛇窟。 It is said here, the spirit Wa clan has no way to restore the spirit strength, can only maintain own strength by the demon air/Qi of purification demon snake, we be wonderfully careful the point.” “据说在这里,灵娲族也没法恢复灵力,只能靠净化魔蛇的魔气来维持自身的实力,我们还是小心点为妙。” Immortal emperor powerhouse body potential surface really terrifying in this way “仙帝强者躯体所化的位面果然恐怖如斯” Several people look downward, is occupying many demon snakes in the cavern between that mountain valleys, but when they look to several demon snakes of cavern peak, these demon also discovered them. 几人向下望去,在那山谷间的洞窟中盘踞着许多的魔蛇,可就在他们望向洞窟顶端的几只魔蛇的时候,那些魔物也发现了他们。 The suddenly time, five demon snakes soar, end turns into the demon thunder, treads void toward their racing wells up. 眨眼间的功夫,五条魔蛇腾空而出,尾端化成魔雷,踏碎虚空朝他们奔涌而来。 Yang Chen look changes, congeals from the palm like the black ink spirit strength jet black, wants to turn into dies out to refer. 杨尘眼神微变,漆黑如墨般的灵力从掌中凝结,就欲化成寂灭指。 But did not have, when he begins, nearby bone iron double pupil ignites the turbulent white fire, the resentment spirit resembles locust of blotting out the sky plunges the demon snake. 但还没等到他动手,一旁的骨铁双眸燃起汹涌的白火,铺天盖地的怨灵像蝗虫般扑向魔蛇。 Regardless of the demon air/Qi spirit strength is the nutrient in world ghost. 无论魔气还是灵力皆是世间冤魂之养分。 These resentful spirits the hunger and thirst in the god knowledge of bone iron were too long, after the bone iron puts, seems like the hungry ghost to be the same, is worrying the flesh of these demon snakes one after another. 这些怨灵们在骨铁的神识之中饥渴了太久,被骨铁放出来之后都像是饿鬼一样,一口一口的撕咬着那些魔蛇的血肉。 Also is time demon snakes between several breaths then changes into the skeleton, only left behind five dark green beast pill who is flashing the strange ray. 也就是几息间的功夫魔蛇便化为骸骨,只留下了五颗闪着诡异光芒的墨绿色的兽丹。 The resentful spirit the flesh of snake demon seemed to be dissatisfied after the raw food, by the control of bone iron, was not welled up unexpectedly toward the deep place of devil's lair. 怨灵在生食了蛇魔的血肉后似乎还不满足,竟然不受骨铁的控制,朝着魔窟的更深处涌去。 Bone iron, recalls them quickly!” “骨铁,快把他们召回啊!” The heavy rain Yao startled sound said, the strength of that devil's lair downward demon snake is higher, if resentful alarmed the bottommost demon snake spirit, they definitely cannot resist. 凌雨瑶惊声道,那魔窟可是越往下魔蛇的实力越高,若是怨灵惊动了最下面一层的魔蛇,他们肯定招架不来。 According to the ancient wing celtis, the demon snake that ten thousand Sheku the deep place occupies has the strength of profound immortal at least! 据古青檀所述,万蛇窟深处盘踞的魔蛇起码有着玄仙的实力! „It is not good! This place was too strange, the demon air/Qi encouraged the resentful spirit strength, my hundred ghost governing good techniques are not easy-to-use “不行!这个地方太诡异了,魔气助长了怨灵的实力,我的百鬼御行术不好用了” On the bone iron forehead is the close beads of sweat, the god technique that the ghost bone god leaves behind is the posture of extraordinary quality, the strength of real immortal is really also hard to operate now appropriately by him. 骨铁额头上全是细密的汗珠,鬼骨神所留下的神术都是仙品之姿,以他现在不过真仙的实力还真的难以操纵得当。 Sees the bone iron invalid, Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao can only begin personally. 见骨铁这边行不通,杨尘和凌雨瑶只能亲自动手。 Two worlds have the tacit understanding, the cold air of heavy rain Yao disperse from the whole body, within two hikes up the curling rime fog, concentrates to gather the sharp ice cone suddenly, toward resentful flies spirit. 两人间自有默契,凌雨瑶的寒气自全身而散,两手间飘起袅袅冰雾,骤然间凝萃成锋锐的冰锥,朝怨灵飞去。 -- 啊-啊- Miserable pitiful yell sound resounding continuously, the ordinary cold air naturally could not injure the ghost ghost, but heavy rain Yao used to be the thick ice, the air/Qi of chill/yin cold its contained was deeper than the resentful soul. 凄凉的惨叫声此起彼伏的响起,普通的寒气当然伤不了鬼界的冤魂,但是凌雨瑶所用乃是玄冰,其所蕴含的阴寒之气比怨魂更深。 Resentful soul one after another froze by the thick ice, reveres the ice sculpture of staying behind innumerably. 一个接一个的怨魂被玄冰封冻,留下的只有无数尊冰雕。 But Yang Chen, dying out of emerging one after another incessantly referred to the eye raiding likely steadily to the resentful soul, a finger/refers disappeared one crowd. 而杨尘这边,层出不穷的寂灭指像长了眼睛般袭向怨魂,一指泯灭一群。 Among everywhere resentful soul several breaths was then short most probably, but when Yang Chen and heavy rain Yao relax, making matter that they stare dumbfounded happen. 原本漫天的怨魂几息间便少了大半,可就在杨尘和凌雨瑶松了一口气的时候,令他们瞠目结舌的事情发生了。 In ten thousand Sheku emitted a three twin tails blacksnake suddenly, it opens the great mouth, keeps swallowing to the resentful soul that ten thousand Sheku throws, aura is selecting for promotion suddenly. 万蛇窟中突然冒出了一个三头双尾的黑蛇,它张开巨嘴,不停地吞噬着向万蛇窟扑去的怨魂,身上的气息陡然间拔升着。 This is “这是” Nine nether world snakes? Does here really even/including Huanggu offense beast have?” “九幽冥蛇?这里竟然连荒古戾兽都有?” Yang Chen look changes, when these nine nether world snakes have the offense beast of desolate ancient bloodlines, the birth is accompanied by the phenomenon, depends upon to swallow the remnant soul promotion strength, the strongest nine nether world snakes can swallow the spirit emperor powerhouse! 杨尘眼神微变,这九幽冥蛇可是有着荒古血脉的戾兽,出生之时便伴有异象,依靠吞噬残魂提升实力,最强的九幽冥蛇能一口吞下灵帝强者啊!
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