RETY :: Volume #22

#2115: The war of double immortal

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! The war of Chapter 2115 double immortal 第2115章双仙之战 These men are naked the upper body, inlays the dark green gem in their chest, is sending out the rich death air/Qi, does not dare to approach around them the spiritual energy the discretion 那些男人赤裸着上身,在他们的胸口嵌有墨绿的宝石,散发着浓郁的死气,连灵气都不敢靠近他们周围分寸 Especially is one person, in his hand also has an all over the body jet black bead, inside is burning the flaming purple fire, that is the ceremonial fire of not dead clan- not dead flame. 特别是为首一人,他手中还有颗通体漆黑的珠子,里面燃烧着熊熊紫火,那是不死族的圣火-不死炎。 Quiet bone clear, who can you see clearly the person who you blocked are?” “幽骨澈,你可看清楚了你拦的人是谁?” ancient strict woman cold snort/hum, the walking stick hammer place, air/Qi of withering fills the air from her, the people of not dead clan will encircle. 古严婆冷哼,拐杖锤地,一股肃杀之气从她身上弥漫而出,将不死族的人团团围住。 Paternal grandmother, are they?” The ancient wing celtis then feels their aura, really has to make her unable to breathe the constriction of air/Qi. “奶奶,他们是?”古青檀这下才感受到他们身上的气息,竟然有股让她喘不上来气的压迫感。 Must know , since she becomes the real immortal, few people will have made her have this feeling. 要知道自从她成为真仙后,已经很少有人会让她出现这种感觉了。 „Not the dead clan head of the clan's son, quiet bone clear, cultivating of nine days of gold/metal immortals are.” ancient strict woman is explaining in the wing celtis ear silently, these words also fell on Yang Chen and the others in similarly the ears. “不死族族长之子,幽骨澈,九天金仙的修为。”古严婆默默在青檀耳边解释着,这些话也同样落在了杨尘等人的耳朵里。 Nine days of gold/metal immortals 九天金仙 Unexpectedly is a nine days of gold/metal immortal, when this grade of strength can can also be found everywhere greatly? 竟然又是一个九天金仙,什么时候这等实力的大能也俯拾皆是了? Jie Jie Jie I know certainly the one who blocks was , the main hall lord in territory of Penglai, ancient Yanpo “桀桀桀我当然知道拦的是谁了,蓬莱之域的大殿主,古严婆阁下” Quiet bone clear sound ice-cold , and ghosts and demons, these murderous aura an effect on quiet bone clear do not have probably. 幽骨澈的声音冰冷且鬼魅,那些杀气对幽骨澈来说好像一点作用都没有般。 Moreover mentioned also strangely, the look of quiet bone clear has not looked from beginning to end to ancient strict woman, but fixed the eyes on the ancient wing celtis not to put, probably was confirming that anything was common. 而且说来也怪,幽骨澈的眼神从始至终都没有看向古严婆,而是紧盯着古青檀不放,好像在确认什么事情一般。 „Does that also not dodge open? I know that the people of your not dead clan do not fear death, but you, if compelled me anxiously, careful spelling this must make his flaws the old bones the territory of your dead souls!” “那还不快闪开?我知道你们不死族的人不怕死,但你若是把我逼急了,小心的拼上这把老骨头也要把你们死灵之域弄他个千疮百孔!” Can make strict woman say this words person, perhaps also only then their not dead clan. 能让古严婆说出这种话的人,恐怕也只有他们不死族了。 Until now not the dead clan and spirit Wa clan are sworn enemies. 一直以来不死族与灵娲族都是死对头。 Their is grasping not the strength that refuses stubbornly to extinguish, the strength of spirit Wa is controlling the purification world myriad things, if also the water and fire promotes and constrains mutually. 他们一个掌握着不死不灭的力量,一个操控着净化世间万物的灵娲之力,亦如水火相生相克。 Perhaps above these four god seas, the hostile relationship of their not dead clan and spirit Wa clan is known to everybody to be known to everybody. 在这四神海之上,他们不死族与灵娲族的敌对关系恐怕无人不知无人不晓。 Tens of millions years two clan wars continuous, the relations have been in the quite fearful situation intense. 数千万年来两族战争不休,关系已经紧张到相当可怕的地步了。 That is not good, is it possible that you forgot for several hundred thousand years ago with agreement that my not dead clan sets?” “那可不行,莫非你忘了几十万年前与我不死族定下的约定了?” Quiet bone clear is beckoning with the hand to ancient Yanpo, obviously did not plan to let off them. 幽骨澈冲古严婆摆着手,显然是不打算放过他们了。 Hears his words, ancient Yanpo the complexion is pale, resembled to recall not the good recollection. 听到他的话,古严婆的脸色铁青着,似是回想起了不好的回忆。 „Do you also dare to mention this matter unexpectedly? I thought that you refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality!” “你竟然还敢提及此事?我看你是不见棺材不落泪!” As ancient strict woman's voice falls, the world changes color, four god sea raise the dreadful monstrous waves, spirit strength the great hand plunges quiet bone clear as well as his subordinate directly, wants the smashing that they rip. 随着古严婆的话音落下,天地变色,四神海上掀起滔天巨浪,灵力所化的巨手直接扑向幽骨澈以及他的部下,想要将他们撕的粉碎。 Obviously, the words of quiet bone clear touched ancient Yanpo the mine field. 显然,幽骨澈的话触碰到了古严婆的雷区。 Snort! It seems like you do not remember then engagement , I made you think with the military force!” “哼!看来你是不记得当时的婚约了,也罢,那我就用武力让你想起来!” Quiet bone clear is not a good stubble, the eight kitchen god beads in hand flies to shoot, not the dead flame gushes out, changes to the flame dragon, collides with that spirit strength tide together. 幽骨澈也不是个善茬,手中的八荒神珠飞射而出,不死炎喷薄而出,化作炎龙,与那灵力浪潮碰撞在一起。 Bang! 轰! Several crack, the sea levels of four god seas were rumbled actually a large cave/hole, this has not ended, quiet bone clear and ancient strict woman's form disappeared in same place. 几声炸响,四神海的海面硬是被轰出了个大洞,这还没完,幽骨澈与古严婆的身影都消失在了原地。 Airborne, two forms pester in together, from time to time the thunder, from time to time the spirit strength howls, the fights of nine days of gold/metal immortals, are not they can meddle. 空中,两道身影纠缠在一起,时而电闪雷鸣,时而灵力呼啸,九天金仙的战斗,已经不是他们能够插手的了。 Suddenly, not a dead flame falls from the sky, directly soars Yang Chen and the others to raid, lets Yang Chen complexion big change. 突然间,一道不死炎从天空中落下,直奔杨尘等人袭来,让杨尘面色大变。 Dodge opens!” “快闪开!” Yang Chen protects heavy rain Yao and bone iron after behind, the desolate ancient immortal body appears instantaneously, keeps off all the complementary waves of that not dead flame. 杨尘将凌雨瑶和骨铁护在身后,荒古仙体瞬间浮现,将那不死炎的余波尽数挡下。 Is good responds promptly because of Yang Chen, not the dead flame cannot hit his strategic point, but also makes the flesh that he touches a darkness, pains. 好在杨尘反应及时,不死炎未能击中他的要害,但也让他触碰到的肌肤变得一片漆黑,隐隐作痛。 Once nine days of gold/metal immortal powerhouses begin, the light was the complementary waves grinds them sufficiently. 九天金仙强者一旦动起手来,光是余波都足以碾碎他们了。 Engagement that he said a moment ago what's the matter? Does your spirit Wa clan have the engagement with not the dead clan?” “他刚才说的婚约是怎么回事?你们灵娲族还与不死族有婚约?” Yang Chen then leads heavy rain Yao and the others to hide by far, he wants to make clear the question in own heart while this opportunity. 杨尘这下带着凌雨瑶等人躲得远远的,趁这个机会他想把自己心中的疑问搞清楚。 Not the dead clan and spirit Wa clan are sworn enemies, will two clans possibly have the engagement? 不死族与灵娲族乃是死对头,两族怎么可能还会有婚约啊? Yang Chen the issue being confused that also asked the ancient wing celtis. 杨尘的这个问题把古青檀也问的一头雾水。 However ancient wing celtis remembered anything swiftly, the complexion changes, looks up quiet bone clear of distant place, in the look full is inconceivable. 不过倏然间古青檀似是想起了什么,脸色微变,抬头望着远处的幽骨澈,眼神中满是不可思议。 Unexpectedly is he “竟然是他” The ancient wing celtis twittering, this is understanding why ancient Yanpo will be angry. 古青檀呢喃着,这才明白古严婆到底为什么会这么生气。 When ancient wing celtis and ancient Liner, in addition young, because sister and brother's two people parents the war died in not the dead clan hand, wing celtis and Qilin, because the grief and indignation intruded to the territory of dead souls wants secretly to revenge for the father. 在古青檀和古麟儿尚且年幼的时候,姐弟两人的父母因为战争死在了不死族手中,青檀和麟儿因为悲愤私自闯入到死灵之域想要为父报仇。 However was actually stressed. 但是却被抓了个正着。 As spirit Wa clan several thousand years of rare spirit Wa certainly lineage/vein and god lineage/vein owner, they shouldered the huge mission without doubt, many clansmen think that they will lead the spirit Wa clan to defeat not the dead clan thoroughly, trades forever peace. 作为灵娲族几千年都难得一遇的灵娲绝脉与神脉拥有者,他们二人无疑背负了巨大的使命,许多族人都认为他们二人将带领灵娲族彻底打败不死族,换来永远的安宁。 At that time not the dead clan was the hostage with their two people, requesting the spirit Wa clan to marry with not the dead clan, married in the ancient wing celtis the territory of dead souls, otherwise killed their two people. 当时不死族拿他们二人做人质,要求灵娲族与不死族联姻,将古青檀远嫁到死灵之域中,不然就将他们二人都杀了。 However they know, if easily kills the ancient wing celtis and ancient Liner, will trade to come territory at risk of life retaliation Penglai absolutely, this regarding not the dead clan can be the deathblow. 不过他们知道,如果轻易的将古青檀和古麟儿杀死,绝对会换来蓬莱之域拼死般的报复,这对于不死族来说是会是致命的打击。 Therefore they want with the mode control of marrying the direct line bloodlines of spirit Wa clan, the important personage of indirect control spirit Wa clan. 所以他们就想要用联姻的方式控制住灵娲族的直系血脉,间接的操控灵娲族的重要人物。 Like this requests the territory of Penglai to comply. 这样的要求蓬莱之域不得不答应下来。 Also because of this engagement, let the territory of Penglai and not the dead clan armistice tens of thousands years. 也正是因为这个婚约,才让蓬莱之域与不死族休战了几万年。 Afterward because of if painstakingly the reason of mountain, seized the ancient wing celtis and ancient Liner, not the dead clan could not find the person, then started with the war of territory of Penglai. 后来因为苦若山的原因,将古青檀和古麟儿抓走,不死族找不到人,便又开始了与蓬莱之域的战争。 The wars of these several hundred thousand years of two clans, the genuine blasting fuse stands in the front of Yang dust. 说起来这几十万年的两族之战,真正的导火索就站在杨尘的面前呢。 I at that time also young, many things could not remember, but thinks vaguely quiet bone clear was initially me in that person who the territory of dead souls holds, he also shamed in me at that time, has not thought that these tens of thousands years pass by, he had the strengths of nine days of gold/metal immortals.” “我那时还年幼,好多事情都记不得了,只是依稀想起来幽骨澈就是当初将我在死灵之域抓住的那个人,他当时还羞辱于我,没想到这几万年过去,他都有九天金仙的实力了。” In the ancient wing celtis eye is flashing the complex god light/only, perhaps is because her day world of human beings treated for a long time, being not much left that a spirit velamen rubbed, this will let have such disparity with quiet bone clear. 古青檀眼中闪着复杂的神光,或许是因为她天人界待得太久了,一身灵根被磨的所剩无几,这才会让跟幽骨澈有着如此差距。 Otherwise today with the person of quiet bone clear fight, should be she. 要不然今天跟幽骨澈战斗的人,本应该是她啊。 In the time that several people talked, the above fight decided the victory and defeat. 就在几人交谈的功夫,上面的战斗分出了胜负。 ancient strict woman worthily is a slippery customer, although is old, but cultivates, regardless of which aspect steamroll a quiet bone clear head, dozens rounds get down, quiet bone clear has not tasted what benefit. 古严婆不愧是个老油条,尽管年岁已大,但是一身修为无论从哪方面都碾压了幽骨澈一头,几十个回合下来,幽骨澈并未尝到什么甜头。 Ghost woman, you are waiting to me, matter that my not dead clan recognizes, was not you said reneged on a promise usefully!” “老妖婆,你给我等着,我不死族认定的事情,可不是你说反悔就有用的!” Leaves behind these words, quiet bone clear looked at ancient Yanpo and the others wickedly, took the lead to depart. 留下这句话,幽骨澈恶狠狠的看了一眼古严婆等人,率先离去了。
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