RETY :: Volume #22

#2113: In to seal/confer Longxue fox tail

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! qu Luo Qiantuo has doubts, does the woman keep the Celestial who these cannot make a name also to have what using young? Must leave behind the fire seed to the day world of human beings, in the future will bring the endless threat? 只是佉罗骞驮疑惑,婆稚留这些成不了气候的天人又有何用?难道是要给天人界留下火种,日后带来无尽的威胁吗? From the beginning has the duty to come, his doubts are puzzled, the Celestial and Asura's coexistence, really can realize? 从一开始带着任务而来,他就疑惑不解,天人与修罗的共处,真的是能实现的吗? In the time of qu Luo Qiantuo god, Yang Chen has taken a step. 就在佉罗骞驮愣神的功夫,杨尘已经迈步走了下去。 qu Luo Qian conducted the back the strength of king you also to see a moment ago, makes any resistance is also useless again, the true wise man must understand how at crucial moment should do.” “刚才佉罗骞驮王的实力你们也看到了,再做任何的反抗也都是无用的,真正的智者是要在关键的时候明白该怎么做。” Yang Chen words penetration slowly to the ear of each Celestial , the spoken language is light, but has the unquestionable dignified shock and awe will of the people probably. 杨尘的话慢慢的穿透到每个天人的耳朵里,言语平淡,但却像是带着不容置疑的威严般震慑人心。 We are the dead ends, was the enlightened ruler first abandoned us, even worked as Asura captive, we can still leave behind a life.” “我们已经是穷途末路了,是圣主先抛弃了我们,就算当了修罗界的阶下囚,我们好歹也能留下一条命啊。” But we, if goes to Asura, the region that courage vigor fills to us is also extremely dangerous “可我们要是去修罗界,那血气弥漫的地域对我们来说也是极为危险的啊” These were something to be talked about later, first lived to say again!” “这些都是后话了,先活下来再说啊!” Yes, that lived the pain that might as well die I not to experience one a moment ago again “是啊,刚才那生不如死的痛苦我可不想再经历一遍了” The Celestial evils chirp the conversation, qu Luo Qiantuo was taking to their life and death crisis a moment ago, making their backs seep out layer upon layer the cold sweat. 天人余孽叽叽喳喳的交谈着,刚才佉罗骞驮带给他们的生死危机,让他们的后背都渗出了层层冷汗。 Only then after experienced the life and death truly, can understand the life the value. 只有在真正经历了生死后,才能明白生命的可贵。 Yang Chen sees this, the corners of the mouth rise slightly: You do not need to be worried to be in the future unendurable in Asura day, because you can also stay in a day of the world of human beings corner.” 杨尘见此,嘴角微微上扬:“你们不必担心日后在修罗界的日子会多难熬,因为你们还能留在天人界一隅。” This words not only shocked the day of the world of human beings people, people of Asura and others also look at Yang Chen dumbfoundedly. 此话不仅震惊了天人界众人,就连修罗界的一众人等也瞠目结舌的看着杨尘。 Yang Chen words are not a rumor. 杨尘的话并不是空穴来风。 Before he comes, the woman is young when the attempt fuses two explodes not without reason, he what thought is to make Asura swallow the original day world of human beings, was equivalent opens up territory to expand the earth to Asura. 就在他过来前,婆稚在尝试融合两界时有感而发,原本他想的是让修罗界吞噬掉原有的天人界,相当于给修罗界开疆扩土了。 But this means are feasible, actually no end of trouble for the future. 但这种办法虽然可行,却后患无穷。 Although their potential surfaces are not the true six day worlds of human beings, but its foundation links up with six as before, one expands, another one declines, this is not realistic. 他们所处的位面虽然不是真正的六道天人界,但其根基依旧跟六道挂钩,一界壮大,另一界式微,这本就是不现实的。 The Yin-Yang two-pole, is balanced and fresh, only then Asura and day world of human beings balanced in the same place, is the laws of true two fusion. 阴阳两极,均衡而生,只有修罗界与天人界平衡在一起,才是真正的两界融合之法。 Therefore these Celestials not only cannot die, but must live very well. 所以这些天人不仅不能死,还要活得很好。 The woman has ordered young, returns the day world of human beings original region in the Celestial, but the high level of their influence also needs by Asura control, regarding odd/surplus evil of Celestial, to treat impartially with the Asura numerous clans. 婆稚已经下令,将天人界原本的地域交还于天人,只不过他们势力的高层还需要由修罗界掌控,对于天人的余孽,将与修罗界的众族一视同仁。 The sudden happiness somewhat is somewhat impractical, on these Celestial odd/surplus evil faces hung all over the shock. 突如其来的幸福多多少少还有些不切实际,那些天人余孽的脸上都挂满了震惊。 Another side, heavy rain Yao and woman young as had discovered. 另一边,凌雨瑶与婆稚似是有所发现。 Small fox felt the aura of nine red foxes in the temple deep place, wants to come is she right.” “小狐狸在圣殿深处感受到了九尾红狐的气息,想来是她没错了。” Heavy rain Yao barefoot and vertical, in she cherished nine ice fox that has depended on is not being willing to walk to drill suddenly, is revealing the small brains, the nimble and resourceful eyes were staring at the temple deep place not to move out of the way motionlessly. 凌雨瑶赤足而立,在她怀中一直赖着不肯走的九尾冰狐突然钻了出来,露着小脑袋瓜,原本灵动的双眼正一动不动的盯着圣殿深处不挪开。 It had once treated side the bustling place, with the bustling place same is in the fox clan the person, will be very certainly sensitive to her aura. 它曾在红尘身边待过,又跟红尘一样是狐族中人,对于她的气息当然会很敏感。 Knew after this news, heavy rain Yao returns to Yang Chenhuan rapidly, goes to the temple deep place together. 得知这个消息后,凌雨瑶迅速将杨尘唤回,一同前往圣殿深处。 The present temple the nobody left, in which maidservants have let adjoin Luo heaven to lead the person to send back Asura. 如今的圣殿已经空无一人,其中的侍女都让毗罗天带人遣送回了修罗界。 Yang Chen strolling in , before today , a here also resplendence in gold and jade green, actually covers a muddy light to be dim now probably. 杨尘漫步其中,今天之前这里还一片金碧辉煌,现在却像是蒙上一层浊光般黯淡。 Looks there quickly!” “快看那里!” Suddenly, heavy rain Yao is pointing at an underground darkroom, there resembles has anything to wriggle, was strange. 突然间,凌雨瑶指着地下的一处暗室,那里似是有什么东西在蠕动,诡异极了。 Yang Chen look changes, the trend went solitarily, arrived in front of the wall of that darkroom. 杨尘眼神微变,只身一人走向前去,来到了那暗室的墙壁面前。 When he approaches, the sharp grating sound resounds from the wall, the innumerable only dense and numerous gu insects drilled from the wall, goes toward Yang Chenpu. 待他靠近,尖锐刺耳的声音从墙壁上响起,无数只密密麻麻的蛊虫从墙壁上钻了出来,朝杨尘扑去。 These gu insect each have the violent poisonousness, so long as there is a living person to approach, will then bite the person. 那些蛊虫每一只都有剧毒,只要有活人靠近,便会噬人。 Yang Chen big hand lifts, the fire of stars then climbs up the entire wall rapidly. 杨尘大手一抬,星辰之火便迅速攀上整面墙壁。 Regarding these to Yin to evil gu insect, to Yang Zhigang the air/Qi of stars absolutely was difficult adversary existence. 对于这些至阴至邪的蛊虫来说,至阳至刚的星辰之气绝对是克星般的存在。 The gu insect was burnt down suddenly completely, stays behind, only then covers entirely Sanskrit tally seal at the same time the strategy. 蛊虫眨眼间被焚烧殆尽,留下的只有一面布满梵文符印的阵法。 Living to check seal if painstakingly the mountain should be here the seal anything.” “生刹印苦若山应该是在这里封印了什么东西。” The woman muttered young, this lived to check seal is Celestial the technique of seal, he understood from woman young there, needs with being angry to hold, wants to come these gu insects is this lives to check outside of seal, was responsible for giving to live to check seal to provide the continuous vitality. 婆稚喃喃道,这生刹印乃是天人的封印之术,他从婆稚那里了解到的,需要用生气加持,想来那些蛊虫就是这生刹印的外阵了,负责给生刹印提供源源不断的生机。 If places ordinarily, this lives to check seal by if painstakingly under mountain personally arrange/cloth, even if Yang Chen is the body of real immortal is unable to break open now, but after if painstakingly the mountain leaves, lived to check the aura of seal to weaken, effortless Yang Chen then broke open this. 如果放在平常,这生刹印由苦若山亲自布下,就算杨尘如今是真仙之躯也无法破开,但苦若山离开后,生刹印的气息已经削弱了很多,不费吹灰之力杨尘便将此阵破开。 Can let if painstakingly the thing of mountain expenditure such greatly at heart seal, is not definitely simple. 能让苦若山花费这么大心里封印的东西,肯定不简单。 After the wall was broken open, inside is the unjust darkroom, moist gloomy smell welled up immediately, Yang Chen fingertip shines the spark, gave to illuminate the entire darkroom. 墙壁被破开后,里面是不见天日的暗室,一股潮湿阴暗的气味顿时涌了上来,杨尘指尖亮起星星之火,将整个暗室都给照亮了。 What heaving in sight is the bucket thick iron chain, moreover on these iron chains also has many scrip­tures, its quality is not lower than the immortal step absolutely! 映入眼帘的是水桶般粗大的铁链,而且那些铁链上还有许多的经文,其品质绝对不低于仙阶! Looks up, Yang Chen, heavy rain Yao also had the woman to be startled young by present one. 抬头望去,杨尘,凌雨瑶还有婆稚都是被眼前的一幕惊到了。 A bloody big dragon was pierced by the iron chain, standing tall and erect cloud penetration nail above the wall of temple. 一只血淋淋的巨龙被铁链刺穿,高耸穿云般的钉在了圣殿的墙壁之上。 Dragon also lives is looking at that dragon blood!” “龙还活着看那龙血!” Right, this being scarred big dragon also has the aura, although suffocates, but at least also has the weak vitality. 没错,这条伤痕累累的巨龙还有气息,虽然奄奄一息但至少身上还有微弱的生机。 The woman is pointing at the cavern of big dragon under foot young, there gathered a Tanlong blood. 婆稚指着巨龙脚下的一处洞穴,那里汇聚了一潭龙血。 Resembling is detected that luminous all around, the body of big dragon rocked slightly, stirs up the iron chain to rustling to make noise. 似是察觉到了周遭的光亮,巨龙的身躯微微晃动,惹得铁链瑟瑟作响。 What if painstakingly the mountain seal a dragon does make here?” “苦若山在这里封印一条龙做什么?” In Yang Chenyan only then has doubts, when he finishes speaking next, heavy rain Yao cherished nine ice fox to leap up suddenly, it directly soared the cavern of big dragon under foot to throw, frightened heavy rain Yao to jump. 杨尘眼中只有疑惑,而当他话音刚落下之际,凌雨瑶怀中的九尾冰狐突然蹿了出去,它直奔巨龙脚下的洞穴扑去,吓了凌雨瑶一跳。 Two people look at each other one, is the small fox had definitely discovered! 两人对视一眼,肯定是小狐狸有所发现! their two people also follow, under that big dragon body has can only accommodate one person through the cavern, non- depth, but inside actually fulled floaded operation dragon blood. 他们二人也紧随其后,那巨龙身下有着只能容纳一人通过的洞穴,不深,但里面却灌满了龙血。 „Did its it worm one's way into?” “它它钻进去了?” Heavy rain Yao surprised speaking of, but at this moment, the cavern transmits the sound suddenly, small fox that the body stains dragon blood from drilled, in the mouth is also holding in the mouth a strange thing. 凌雨瑶吃惊的说到,但就在这时,洞穴突然传来声响,身上沾满龙血的小狐狸从其中钻了出来,嘴巴里还叼着个古怪的东西。 At first that thing is stained with dragon blood, Yang Chen is not looking clearly, after that small fox places in it Yang Chen hand, he discovered that unexpectedly is a fox tail! 起初那东西沾着龙血,杨尘看不真切,等那小狐狸将其放在杨尘手中后,他才发现那竟然是一条狐狸尾巴! This fox tail all over the body blood red, perhaps is to save in in dragon the blood, throughout not corrupt, seems like as before creamy soft. 这条狐狸尾巴通体血红,也许是存于龙血之中,始终未曾腐败过,看上去依旧滑腻柔软。 Squeak squeak squeak “吱吱吱” The claw of small fox pats that fox tail to keep calling, but fierce gold/metal Hou here, they do not know that now the small fox is saying anything. 小狐狸的爪子拍着那条狐狸尾巴不停地叫着,但现在烈金犼不在这里,他们也不知道小狐狸在说些什么。
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