RETY :: Volume #22

#2108: Is reborn in paradise the golden lotus

Pen interest pavilion, quickest renewal rebirth 80,000 years! 笔趣阁,最快更新重生八万年! That two bite the soul bead each other to pester, creates one piece to cover entirely the boundary of blood-color biting soul like the hell. 那两颗噬魂珠彼此纠缠,创造出一片如同地狱般布满血色的噬魂之境。 Evil behind-the-scenes manipulators with if painstakingly the mountain were all covered. 黑手与苦若山皆是被笼罩其中。 If painstakingly the mountain immerses in own heart demon disaster, completely does not know that outside had anything, is good bites the boundary of soul only to have the function because of this to the soul body, he had not been affected. 苦若山沉浸在自己的心魔劫难之中,全然不知道外面发生了什么,好在这噬魂之境只对魂体有作用,他并没有被影响到。 Actually evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, in the blood-color covered to vibrate violently, even braved the black smoke, might be evaporated to be the same. 倒是那黑手在血色笼罩中猛烈的抖动了起来,甚至冒起了黑烟,像是要被蒸发掉了一样。 Yang Chen! You are going bad my good deed!” “杨尘!你又在坏我的好事!” But this time, I will stand up from failure absolutely !” “但是这一次,我绝对会翻身的,啊哈哈哈哈!” In void crevice, dragon Yan Di dense smiling , after his wisp of remnant soul Yang dust the strength of wound of stars arrives, fully recuperated for a month. 虚空裂隙中,龙炎帝森然的笑着,他这缕残魂被杨尘的星辰之力伤到后,整整休养了一个月的时间。 In this period he swallowed many Celestial souls to survive. 期间他吞食了不少的天人魂魄才得以存活下来。 When the remnant soul was slightly stronger, dragon Yan Di found the opportunity to arrive at cloud Jiancheng certainly. 待残魂稍微强壮一些了,龙炎帝才找准机会来到了云间城。 According to his understanding, the Celestial and Asura limit a war to happen, when the time comes definitely many people died in battle, but these souls of person of dying were his nourishment. 根据他的了解,天人与修罗界定有一场大战发生,到时候肯定有很多人战死,而那些死去之人的魂魄就是他的养料。 dragon Yandi hugs is absorbing the premeditation of dead soul to subdue here, who knows that first with damn the bone god present world, may have a scare to him at that time. 龙炎帝抱着来吸收死魂的预谋一直折服在这里,谁知道先是遇见了鬼骨神现世,当时可给他吓了一跳。 The merit law that the ghost bone god cultivates all takes the ghost as the nutrient, he were for fear that discovered, will be destroyed completely. 鬼骨神修炼的功法全都是以冤魂为养分的,他生怕自己被发现了,会被灭掉。 He has then borne patiently, until if painstakingly the mountain comes, he discovered the opportunity that with amazement oneself turn over/stand up came finally. 他便一直隐忍,直到苦若山现身,他才惊讶的发现自己翻身的机会终于来了。 If painstakingly the mountain breaks through has been through repeatedly the heart demon tribulation surely, but the cultivating true virtue soul in heart demon tribulation is frailest, so long as he finds certainly the opportunity, can seize to abandon if painstakingly the body of mountain. 苦若山突破必定历经心魔劫,而心魔劫中的修真者魂魄最为脆弱,只要他找准机会,就能夺舍了苦若山的身体。 But who knows fellow who ancient Yanpo who this halfway kills poured a misdemeanor. 可谁知道这半路杀出来的古严婆倒成了个坏事的家伙。 But said no matter how, this is the chance of a lifetime, can restore the past peak to look at today this, dragon Yan Di takes risk to come at risk of life, is to seize the shed. 但不管怎么说,这是个千载难逢的机会,能不能恢复往日的巅峰就看今日这一遭了,龙炎帝拼死冒险现身,就是想要夺舍。 Bites the soul bead truly to restrain his present spirit body. 噬魂珠确实克制他如今的灵体。 But he as Emperor dragon, is some pressure bottom skills is useless. 可他身为龙帝,还是有些压箱底的本事没用的。 When bites the boundary of soul to surround the dragon Yan Di remnant soul, a bluish white dragon bone|keel braved suddenly. 就在噬魂之境困住龙炎帝残魂的时候,一根青白色的龙骨突然冒了出来。 On the dragon bone|keel has the complex Sanskrit, when it, as soon as comes, bit the space of boundary of soul to start to present collapsing unexpectedly. 龙骨上有着复杂的梵文,当它一现身,噬魂之境的空间竟然开始出现了坍塌。 While this gap, the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator drills from the void crevice rapidly, grips tightly that dragon bone|keel in the hand. 趁着这个间隙,黑手迅速从虚空裂隙中钻出,将那根龙骨紧握在手里。 Ha, Yang Chen , I found the remains of real dragon in the vestige of day world of human beings few days ago, this dragon bone|keel is I dares to come in this's energy!” “哈哈哈,杨尘,没想到吧,前些日子我在天人界的一处遗迹中找到了真龙的遗骸,这根龙骨就是我敢现身于此的底气!” The evil behind-the-scenes manipulators gradually turn into the human form, is only the strength of remnant soul is insufficient, this person's shadow looks somewhat frail. 黑手逐渐化成人形,只是残魂的力量不够,这人影看起来有些单薄。 Biting soul integument that dragon bone|keel suppressed was not wonderful “噬魂珠被那龙骨压制了不妙” ancient strict woman's complexion changes, that side two bite the soul bead to keep shivering, bit the boundary of soul not to have the means to maintain again. 古严婆的脸色微变,那边的两颗噬魂珠不停地颤抖着,噬魂之境已经没办法再维持下去了。 Can biting soul bead this and other spirit suppressions, can only show that the master before death strength of that dragon bone|keel is quite not low. 能把噬魂珠这等灵器压制住,只能证明那龙骨的主人生前的实力也颇为不低。 When ancient strict woman wants to act, the dragon bone|keel in dragon Yan Di hand by the crumb, the residual was swallowed by the black flame accordingly, constitutes huge spirit, dragon Yan Di and if painstakingly the mountain gave to sphere. 就在古严婆想要出手的时候,龙炎帝手中的龙骨被应声捏碎,残渣被黑炎吞噬,构成巨大的灵阵,将龙炎帝和苦若山都给围住了。 This spirit uses the dragon bone|keel as the base, in addition continuous black flame assistance, even if ancient Yanpo the strength, defeats this spirit to require some time. 这灵阵以龙骨为基,再加上连绵不绝的黑炎辅佐,哪怕是古严婆的实力,击破这种灵阵都需要一定的时间。 Ahem, when I swallow the soul of that young child thoroughly, this body is the hope that I stage a comeback! Hahahaha!” “哼哼,待我彻底将那小儿的灵魂吞噬,这具身体就是我卷土重来的希望!哈哈哈哈!” dragon Yandi self-satisfied smiling makes noise, turns around to look to if painstakingly the body of mountain. 龙炎帝得意的笑出了声,转身看向苦若山的身体。 Good good, had an lineage/vein spirit body of certainly that spirit Wa clan, in the future will cultivate twice the result with half the effort, you also really helped my good deed!” “不错不错,有了那灵娲一族的绝脉灵体,日后修炼起来事半功倍,你还真是成全了我一桩好事!” The words fall, the shadow drills into if painstakingly in the body of mountain. 话落,黑影钻入苦若山的身体之中。 Yang Chen sees this, then knows that he must do, this strategy is the method of protracted time, his true goal is to seize the shed if painstakingly the body of mountain! 杨尘见此,便知道他要干什么,这阵法不过是拖延时间的手段罢了,他真正的目的是要夺舍苦若山的身体! This dragon Yan Di also really refuses to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality! 这龙炎帝还真是不见棺材不落泪! Walks, we help senior helping hand, breaks open the strategy as soon as possible!” “走,咱们助前辈一臂之力,尽快破开阵法!” Yang Chen looks young to the woman and the others, although their strength not strict woman, but the good and evil is also a strength, many breaks through the formation, then can be quicker breaks open it. 杨尘看向婆稚等人,虽然他们实力不比古严婆,但好歹也是一份力量,多一个人破阵,便能快些将其破开。 At this time is undergoing the pain of tribulation, if the mountain has felt in the god knowledge to have others to intrude. 此时正在历劫的苦若山已经感受到神识内有他人闯入。 Who are you? Why sneaks in my body?” If painstakingly in mountain the sea of soul presented a person's shadow, that is his own incarnation. “你是何人?为何潜入我的身体之中?”苦若山的魂魄之海中出现了一道人影,那是他自己的化身。 But in his opposite, dragon Yan Di whole face gloomy visits him. 而在他的对面,龙炎帝正满脸阴森的看着他。 Naturally demanded anything to you.” “当然是向你来索要点什么东西了。” Before I once possessed of Yan Moduo body, are you have not felt seriously?” “之前我曾将阎摩多的身体占为己有,难道说你当真是一点没感受出来?” The remnant soul of dragon Yan Di attached in the speeches if painstakingly above the state of mind of mountain, such as the maggot of tarsal bone pestered his state of mind not to let go, little pollution his god sea. 龙炎帝的残魂就在说话间依附到了苦若山的神魂之上,如跗骨之蛆纠缠着他的神魂不肯松手,一点点的污染着他的神海。 The golden light bright god sea will then be covered a black flame shortly. 原本金光熠熠的神海顷刻间便被蒙上了一层黑炎。 Originally is you! At that time I detected that some differences, had not gone into seriously, now looked like me to kill you at that time directly!” “原来是你!那时我就察觉到了些许的异样,并未深究,现在看来我当时就应该直接把你杀了!” If painstakingly wailing of mountain pain makes noise, but his pain is the dragon Yan Di black flame nutrient, he called happier, dragon Yan Di smiled was happier. 苦若山痛苦的哀嚎出了声,可他的痛苦就是龙炎帝黑炎的养分,他叫的越欢,龙炎帝笑的越开心。 Places even if in those days to the dragon the Yan Di ten courage, his wisp of remnant soul does not dare to seize the body of shed profound immortal. 放在往日就算给龙炎帝十个胆子,他这缕残魂也不敢夺舍玄仙的身体。 Because of the reason of heart demon tribulation, if painstakingly mountain the sea of soul shrank about half, this gave dragon Yandi to reduce a big pressure. 但因为心魔劫的缘故,苦若山的魂魄之海缩水了近半,这就给龙炎帝减少了不小的压力。 Looks that the sea of soul was gradually seized, if painstakingly the mountain is filled with anxiously, is helpless. 看着魂魄之海逐渐被占领,苦若山满心焦急,却又无能为力。 Don't, when I am good to bully! At the worst I then have your wisp of remnant soul, goes to hell together!” “别当我是好欺负的!大不了我便带着你这缕残魂,一起下地狱!” Is complacent when dragon Yan Di, thinks that immediately wants the merit to become, if painstakingly the mountain sneers to use the final card in hand. 就在龙炎帝得意洋洋,以为马上要功成之时,苦若山冷笑着用出了最后的底牌。 A golden seed case of lotus flower raises from the sea of his soul suddenly, sees this golden seed case of lotus flower, the dragon Yan Di complexion drastic change. 一只金色的莲蓬突然从他的魂魄之海中升起,看到这金色莲蓬,龙炎帝脸色剧变。 How you will have rhizome that is reborn in paradise the golden lotus?” “你怎么会有往生金莲的根茎?” „Isn't this thing reborn in paradise the sea the most precious object? How to be taken away by you?” “这东西不是往生海的至宝吗?怎么会被你夺去?” These black inflammations when touch the sound that the seed case of lotus flower often emanation incites, dragon Yan Di incredible to visit him. 那些黑炎在触碰到莲蓬的时候不时的发出滋滋的声音,龙炎帝不可置信的看着他。 Being reborn in paradise the golden lotus is derives to be reborn in paradise the sea spirit strength, tens of thousands years can breed a world most precious object. 往生金莲乃是汲取往生海灵力,几万年才能孕育出一朵的天地至宝。 The common golden lotus can only treat as the refine the pill of immortality the medicinal herb, but is reborn in paradise the golden lotus actually to regard the extraordinary quality of spirit use, each will be reborn in paradise the golden lotus to recognize the lord, when the master will encounter the danger, will protect the lord with the spirit strength. 寻常的金莲只能当做炼丹的药材,但往生金莲却是能当成灵器使用的仙品,每朵往生金莲都会认主,当主人遇到危险时,会用灵力来护主。 That pale golden seed case of lotus flower drags in the sea of soul, gives birth to the golden lotus petal to come gradually, later the golden light is natural, all black inflammations melt rapidly, the remnant soul of dragon Yan Di also came under the influence. 那淡金色的莲蓬在魂魄之海中摇曳,渐渐生出金色的莲瓣来,随后金光大方,所有的黑炎迅速消融,就连龙炎帝的残魂也受到了影响。 But this is reborn in paradise the golden lotus unable to stop the determination of dragon Yan Di, he sees if painstakingly the mountain soon will break through successfully, the sea of soul is also restoring, knew that leaves own opportunity is not many, then ignites the remnant soul directly, forcefully with if painstakingly the state of mind fusion of mountain in one 可这往生金莲不能阻挡龙炎帝的决心,他见苦若山即将突破成功,魂魄之海也在恢复,自知留给自己的机会不多了,便直接燃起残魂,强行与苦若山的神魂融合在了一起
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