When NP „ TianjingMunicipal party committeemembers, often the stripdeputy mayorsinksclear(ly)militarywas disciplinedto trigger many guesses, the overseasaround the worldquiteinfluentialnewspaperdisclosed an inside story, the RepublicGeneral Staff Headquartersmilitary intelligence departmentprisoner abuse and persecutionpolitical figure. Reportedone, the world opinionin an uproar.
This year'sRepublic, being doomediseventful time.
今年的共和国,注定是多事之秋。Political Bureauconference of mid Julyunder the atmosphere that inthistype of mountainrainwantsconvenes.
七月中旬的政治局会议就是在这种山雨欲来的氛围下召开的。Yanjing Hotel'sfirstconference room, brilliantly illuminated, the atmosphereis solemn and respectful.
燕京宾馆第一会议室,灯火通明,气氛肃穆。Afterdaytimeconferencebreezedrizzleagreedsomeitem and uses of Lingnan of severalprovincechanging sessionnewbodies20bigpreparatory work, evening'sconferencedoes not recordanddoes not transmit, the non-proliferation, how the discussion of speaking freelyshouldtothisoverseasnewspaperleak.
在白天的会议微风细雨的议定了二十大准备工作的一些事项以及岭南几省换届新班子成员的使用后,晚上的会议则不记录、不传达、不扩散,畅所欲言的讨论如何应对此次国外报纸泄密事件。Actually some Political Bureau membersproposed that holdsPolitical Bureauenlarged meetingto discussthisissue, the statement that butthirtysecretariesandVice-Presidentsecureandhold/containerHengand otherswere always clear aboutdoes not support, cannotexpand the influence, becausethistimePolitical Bureauconferenceiswhatwind directionno oneexpects.
其实有部分政治局委员提议召开政治局扩大会议讨论这个问题的,但总卅书记、安副主席、包衡等都明确的表态不支持,不能扩大影响,因为这次的政治局会议是什么风向没人预料的到。Really, the conferencefrom the beginning, LingnanProvinceprovincial CPC committee secretaryHe Pingtunesfor the conference ’, ifleakdiscussed,gave the criticismto the General Staff Headquartersintelligence servicefaintly, then, Nanjing Municipal CPC CommitteesecretaryHanchengand other citiesalsospokein turn, the effort of criticismincreasedthemnot to criticize the military intelligence departmentto treatgradually ’ to arm the method of hoodlum ” after all the military situationorganization of the world to treat the method of terroristto be mostly the same except for minor differences, theywerequestioned that the secret of General Staff Headquartersintelligence service, questioned that military commissioncertainleadersto the understandingmistake that the military intelligence departmentdirectiongrasped.
果然,会议一开始,岭南省省委书记何平就为会议定了调子’如果泄密事件谈开,隐隐对总参情报部门提出了批评,接着,南京市委书记韩城等也依次发言,批评的力度渐渐加大’他们自不是批评军情部门对待武装暴徒的手段”毕竟全世界的军情机构对待恐怖分子的手段都大同小异,他们是质疑总参情报部门的保密工作,质疑军委某些领导对军情部门方向把握的认识错误。Vice-PresidentNingis smokingsilently, does not say a word.
The politicalrelationsare always intriguing, until now, Vice-PresidentNingare maintainingwithalwaysthirtysecretarieshighlyconsistent ’, althoughhisonlyfavored daughtermarriedTangto be leisurely, butregardingmaintaininginarmypurityandindependentthis point ’ healwaysverystrictly. The partydirectionspear/gunandarmycannotinterfere withpolitics ’ thisare the principledbottom lines.
政治上的关系一向错综复杂,一直以来,宁副主席都同总卅书记保持着高度的一致’虽然他唯一的爱女嫁给了唐逸,但对于保持军队纯洁性、独立性这一点上’他一向把得很严。党指挥枪、军队不能干涉政治’这是原则性底线。HoweverVice-PresidentNing, no matter whatis longer, in the army the prestigeis more prosperous ’ some people are the worry.
不过宁副主席在任愈久,军中声望愈隆’一些人越是担心。But, spreadsin the armynow No. 2weight figureGeneralZhang Hongjun the newly-borngranddaughter and Tangleisurelysonsubscribes the babyownrumor, manypeoplehave doubtseven can also understand that frightened ’ after alluntil now, GeneralZhang Hongjun and seniorofficercandivert the strength of Vice-PresidentNingonly, isonebalanced in army, butlooked that now the trenddevelops ” evensome people worried ’ the futurecanopenhistorical wheelgreatly, during20years the shift reliefwill not suitcertainpersonintentionsover the next ten years the words, canpresent the military authoritypolitics?
而偏偏,现在又传出了军中第二号重量级人物张红军上将之刚刚出生的孙女和唐逸儿子订下娃娃亲的传言,很多人疑惑甚至恐惧也可以理解’毕竟一直以来,张红军上将及其老首长是唯一能牵制宁副主席的力量,也是军内的一种平衡,但看现在趋势发展下去”甚至有人都在担心’未来会不会大开历史倒车,未来十年二十年间交接班不合某些人心意的话,会不会出现军权政治?This is also thisPolitical Bureauconferencenon-conventionalreason, becausemanypeoplethought that ” the militarystrengthconstructionhas problems, this way, will have an accidentsooner or later, the military commissionhas turned into the monolithic blocquickly, the military commissionconferenceunsolvableissue, can only move to the Political Bureauconferenceto solve.
Since thistimePolitical Bureauconference is also the conference that the Republicpoliticsnormalizationshift relief the secondcriticismmilitary commissionhas led, the previousimmediate consequenceisattime the shortly afterCentral Committee plenary sessionapproachessomemilitary commissionkey leader of eastern Anhuito resign fromallduties.
这次的政治局会议也是共和国政治正常化交接班以来第二次批评军委领导的会议,前一次的直接后果则是事后不久的中央全会上靠近皖东的某军委主要领导辞去了一切职务。Is listening totalking, Tangpinched out the cigarette butt in handleisurelyslowly.
听着你一言我一语,唐逸慢慢掐灭了手中的烟蒂。Looked atTangWandong, looked athold/containerHeng, Tanglooked at the visionleisurelyfinallyto the father-in-law, Vice-PresidentNingas ifnoticedTang'sleisurelyvision, hehas not looked,actuallyshakes the headslightly, the movementwas very slight, wasasksTangselecteddo not speak.
看了看唐万东,又看了看包衡,唐逸最后将目光看向了岳父,宁副主席似乎注意到了唐逸的目光,他没有看过来,却微微摇了摇头,动作很细微,自是叫唐选不要发言。ButafterPropaganda Department of the CPC CentralMinisterjourneyhas spoken, TangYiclearinvited the throat, is saying with a smile: „ Isaidseveral., ’
但在中宣部程部长发过言后,唐逸清了请嗓子,笑着道:“我说几句吧。,’Almostissimultaneously, more than teneyeslookedwas leisurelytoTang, sinceTangentersCentral Political Bureauleisurely, is always very low-keyin the conference, evenspoke ” is still the organization departmentmust some issues of nose, buttoday, hemustspeakunderthisatmosphere, what does hewantto say?
几乎是同时的,十几双眼睛一齐看向了唐逸,自从唐逸进入中央政治局,一直以来在会议上都很低调,就算是发言”也不过是组织部门必须鼻的一些问题,而今天,在这种氛围下他要发言了,他想说什么?‚, The military intelligence department, hasitsparticularity, but the timeis progressing, the lotsare changing, issueeveryone of prisoner abusehas not said that Imustsaybut actually, the human civilizationendlessriver, from the inhumanworld, toopening up the stomachvarioustypesputs to death by dismemberment the torture, abolishes the death penaltytotoday'smanycountriesagain, thisis the progress of human ” Ibelieves that ” wewill happen one day, conditions are ripe, the quality of nationalshas been greatly enhanced, political and economic structureto a brand-newaltitude, will haveto the non-specialcrimeabolishesoneday of death penalty.’ ’
„ Arminghoodlum ’ terrorist ’, althoughsometimesis only the lethal weapon, will only retaliate the societycruelly, butIhope that the military intelligence departmentmusttoitonedignity, naturally, the operation of military intelligence departmentis very special, ourtheselaymenput forward the proposal. Do Ithink ’ ourtoday'sdiscussionsalso should inthisrange? The words that extendsagain, canvariousdiscussourcivil rights! ’ ’
„ Contradictorymagnification, is an inner-partystubborn illness, createdmanytragedies.
The new century, the new times, the comrades, hope that weencourage each other ” ’
新世纪了,新时代了,同志们,希望我们共勉啊”’Tangtook up the teacupto drink waterleisurely, inconference roompeacefulsome little time.
唐逸拿起了茶杯喝水,会议室内安静了好一会儿。Northern Ningxiaautonomous regionSecretaryLiuJingyangsaid the sentence: „ Partydirectionspear/gun, does not representusto issue arbitrary and confused orders., ’ Hemustdraw backimmediately, is the old stylecadrehistrionics, is very in a moment hard, said the words that Tangselectedhas not given full expression. Buton this issue, althoughheandHanChengshurecords the personal friendshipto be good, but the view is completely obviously different.
The conferencewind directionchanges, will dofromvice-premierQiustarting tomorrow, when 45Political Bureau memberswill speak will again startto discuss the prisoner abuse, evenvarioustheoryhuman rights.
会议风向一变,自副总理邱作明起,四五名政治局委员再发言时就开始讨论虐俘,甚而诸论人权。Evenstartedmost blisteringHanChengshuto recordalsohas tojoin the discussionaboutcivil rights.
甚至开始言辞最为激烈的韩成书记也不得不加入了关于公民权的讨论。hold/containerHengsmiledto look atTangto be leisurely, the gentlespeech, actuallyquickonepossiblytriggered the conference that confrontedintenselyto cool, more tepiddrew the bottom linetocertainpeople, impressivepresenting. After today, ” after asking for advicethisTangleisurelytypestyle ” , will somepeople ” have the newidea?
A seeminglyordinaryAudibusiness automobiledrives intoXingfuli Subdistrictslowly, the car licensehas not seen, whencommunitysecurityaccording toconventionregistrationvisitguestbodythirtycards, the document that jumps down the car(riage)to register the small child who showsto have a scare the security.
„ Security, keeps secret the hundred degrees celsiuspost the handto hit
’ Before ’ small childturns roundto board, is patting the shoulderurging of security.
’’小青年回身上车前还拍着保安的肩膀叮嘱。‚, Yes, yes.’, Tonguesome of securityare not agile, the Ministry of Public Securityguards office, underimperial city rootseeks a livelihoodknows that ” thatis the security guard who thirtyYangleads.
‘,是,是。’,保安的舌头都有些不利索了,公安部警卫局,皇城根下讨生活的都知道”那是中卅央领导的警卫。In the business automobile, TangtouchesDowning'ssmallheadleisurelywith a smile, asked: „ Is sleepy?, ’
商务车内,唐逸笑着摸摸唐宁的小脑袋,问:“困不困?,’Andheandtwohehas playedgreatlyfromyesterdaylate TangYi, Downingat noon today, nowgreatlyheandtwoherested, Downingactuallymustfollowoneselfto seebig and aunt.
从昨晚唐逸、唐宁和大丫、二丫一直玩到今天中午,现在大丫和二丫睡了,唐宁却非要跟着自己过来看大大和大妈。‚, It is not trapped/sleepy.,’Downingyoungsoundnaivete.
If notnecessary, over the two daysholidayTangreallydoes not wantto go outleisurely, greatlyheandtwohe ’ enjoys the family happinessin the Houhaialleyrarely, Tangverylong is not so leisurely happy, before going out, saw that greatlyheandtwohesnuggles the appearance that mutuallyfalls asleepsweetly, thattypesatisfiedat heartwarmlynot to mention.
如果不是必要,这两天休息日唐逸真的不想出门,大丫和二丫都在后海胡同’难得享受天伦之乐,唐逸很久没这般开心了,出门前看到大丫和二丫相互依偎甜甜睡着的样子,心里那种温馨满足就别提了。Buttodayis the birthday of cousinsouthern Jiangsu, has no alternative butto come.
可是今天是表哥苏南的生日,不能不来。Howeverobviouslysouthern Jiangsuandsister-in-lawkingQinghave not thought that TangYiwill come ”, when the smalldeep poolknocks the gate, kingQing of opening the doorsaw that Tangwas startledleisurely, the pullgate that immediatelyhurried, said: ‚, You, youcame, quickly, come inquickly.’ ’
The woman and manare different, southern Jiangsuis stopping up the one breath, kingQing, althoughunderstandinghusband, but sometimes alsohas tothink that the loveris too stubborn, cannot see through.
女人和男人不一样,苏南堵着一口气,王晴虽然理解丈夫,但有时候也不得不觉得爱人太倔强,太看不开。In the living roomsitsseveraleverybody, iskingQing the wife's relatives, holiday, lends the opportunityfamily member who southern Jiangsucelebrates a birthdaygathering.
客厅里坐着几名男女老幼,都是王晴的娘家人,休息日,借给苏南过生日的机会家里人聚一聚而已。kingQingwife's relativesTangmostlydid not knowleisurely, butothersmayknowhim, to be honestkingQingat homenotspoke the badrelations of southern JiangsuandTang family, manyalsoattached importance to face ’ after allmarriesinto the redaristocratic familyin the maternal homerelativeeyes ’, Tangpresentprominentwasanypoliticalfamilycannot compare.
王晴的娘家人唐逸大多不认识,但人家可认识他,说实话王晴在家里没把苏南和唐家人的恶劣关系讲出来,多少也是好面子’毕竟在娘家亲戚眼里’自己是嫁入了红色世家,唐家现在的显赫更是任何政治家庭都比不了的。‚, Uncle, hello/you good.,’TangunderkingQing the introductionshakes handto greetwith the kingclearfamily memberleisurelywith a smile, firstiskingQing the Second Uncle.
‘,叔,你好。,’在王蜻介绍下唐逸笑着和王晴的亲人握手打招呼,第一个就是王晴的二叔。„Hello, youlooked that youare so busy, how, kingQing”youhowhad not saidonebeforehand, looks atusdisrespectfully ’. ’ ’ Truly ” kingQing the Second Unclejustcame inday is too hotfromoutside ”, the upper bodytook off/escapedremains a smallvest ’ stripped.
“您好您好,您看您这么忙,怎么还来了,王晴”你怎么事先都不说一声,看我们’多失礼。’’确实”王晴的二叔刚从外面进来”天太热,上身脱得就剩一件小背心了’光着膀子。Althoughwas complainedby the Second Uncle, kingQing is actually happy, said: „ Ido not know that youngYimustcome., ’ Thissmallleisurely, called is very at heart happy.
虽然被二叔埋怨,王晴却是开心着呢,笑着说:“我也不知道小逸要来啊。,’这声小逸,叫着心里别提多舒畅了。‚, Is greatly good, the auntis good, bighappy birthday ”’Downing'scleverbowing, in the room the personsmile, evensouthern Jiangsu, in the eyehad the happy expression, heldDowning'shand saying: „ Come, sits downquickly ’ to eatwith the goodthingtoyougreatly. ’ ’ kingQingsomewhatis helpless, knows the spousalso-calledgoodthingisthesepressurebottombrings the upscalecandy that from the overseas, butNingningwhatcondition, wherewill lookto glance? Might as wellwashes an apple. Butsees the loverto be happy, did not sayanything.
„ Sister-in-law ’ whatLeihecomesin the evening. ’ ’ Tangturns circleleisurelyhas shaken hand, saidwithkingQingwith a smile.
“嫂子’何磊何森晚上都过来。’’唐逸转圈和人握过手,笑着和王晴说。kingQing the happy expressioncannot cover up, ‚„ thatis indeed good, Imake several vegetable/dish.’,
王晴喜色掩不住,‘“那敢情好,我作几道好菜。’,Tangsmilesleisurely: „ Yes, whatLeiadded that ate ’ meto sayconsiders as finished, sister-in-law'scookwas stronger than oldChen of bright moonlightporch. ’ ’
唐逸就笑:“是啊,何磊还说出去吃’我说算了吧,嫂子的厨艺比明月轩的老陈还强呢。’’kingQingsaid with a smile: ‚, Thatwas you eat to tire ofdelicacies of every kind’to likeeating the simple dish., ’
王晴笑道:‘,那是你吃厌了山珍海味’喜欢吃家常菜。,’‚, Greatly, Igiveyourbirthday present.’ ’ Another side, Downinggivessouthern Jiangsu a smallgift box of beautifully packaged, mysteriouswhynoweveryoneknowshimcontinuouslyat the back of a smallarm, smiles.
‘,大大,我送你的生日礼物。’’另一边,唐宁将一份包装精美的小礼品盒递给苏南,现在大家才知道他为什么一直神秘兮兮的背着一只小胳膊,又都笑起来。TangYisaid with a smile: „ Is the music that IandNingningchoosetogetherreads, insidebirthdaysongisNingningsings. ’ ’
The giftis not expensive, butactuallyused the thoughtsobviously, by the Tangleisurelystatus and financial resource, delivering the villadelivers the race carto be simple, delivering such a musical boxgave the personto be difficult.
礼物并不贵重,但却显然用了心思,以唐逸的身份和财力,送别墅送跑车简单,送这么一个音乐盒给人却是难上加难了。‚, Thanks ”’southern Jiangsureceived the musical box, silentlong time, is noddingtoTangfinallyleisurely, saidthesetwocharacters.
‘,谢谢”’苏南接过音乐盒,沉默良久,终于对着唐逸点点头,说出了这两个字。Tangsmilesleisurely, looked ataround the eye, said: ‚„ LeLe?,’
„ Being late comes. ’ ’ LeLechangedrecentlyis very big, kingQingknowsTangteacheshismatterleisurely.
“晚点就过来。’’乐乐最近变化挺大,王晴是知道唐逸教训他的事的。TangYisaid with a smile: ‚, Leadshisyounggirlfriend?,’
唐逸笑道:‘,带他的小女朋友吧?,’kingQingis startledslightly, shewithsouthern Jiangsuisdid not agree that greatlyLeLewas in loveat this time, actuallydoes not wantTangto seeLeLe the girlfriendevidentlyleisurely.
王晴微微一怔,她和苏南是都不大同意乐乐这个时候谈恋爱的,却不想看样子唐逸见过乐乐的女朋友。kingQingsaid with a smile: „ IgiveLeLeto telephone, callinghimto bring. ’ ’, ifTangselectedcompares the girlfriend who approvesLeLe, thatisLeLe the good fortune, oneselfandhis fatherdoes not needto keep offis blockingis being the unprincipled person.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………,7 : 00 am airplanes, the smallcitycivil airfieldschool grade orderare too few, can only go to the northernthirtyCapitalto take plane, everyonesees the renewaltimeIshouldin the northernthirtyCapitalsomesmallblackrooms. For these dayssavedthreedays of manuscripts, buthad the matternot to writeyesterday ” was equal toremainingtwodaysretained the draft, tookdust-ladenbyme for a long timetypeoldnotebook, but the oldnotebookcooling systemhad the issue , does startingonehouron the automatic shutdown, after did not knowwas uselessfor a long time, havethisproblem, butbrokenot, manywritingtimemustsuffer a hardship, momentarilyshortcutarchive, sweat.
明天早上七点的飞机,小城市民用机场班次太少,只能去北卅京坐飞机,大家看到更新的时候我应该在北卅京某个小黑屋呢。这几天本来存了三天的稿,可是昨天有事没写”等于剩下两天的存稿了,带上了被我尘封了好久的式老本本,不过老本本散热系统有问题,开机一个多小时就自动关机,不知道好久没用后还有没有这个毛病,不过断更是不会的了,最多写的时候要吃点苦头,随时快捷键存档,汗。Alwayshad the friendto sayin the commentaryareawrote ’ actuallyreallydoes not needto add something superfluous and ruin the effect, moreoveroutsideshouldbe ableto satisfy a cravingfinally. ConnectsoldComradeTang under withDowning'sseveralstories the followingstory. Saw that alsosomepeoplesaidwhatoutsideshouldwriteTang Ningto grow up, wroteoutsidenaturallyto wanthimto grow upatDowning'sangle of view, at the angle of view of elementary student? Thatfeelingwas too strange, hehe.
老有朋友在评论区说写写的’其实真没必要画蛇添足了,而且外篇应该能最后过把瘾。用唐宁的几个小故事串联下老唐同志后面的故事。看到还有人说外篇应该写唐宁长大了什么的,以唐宁的视角写外篇当然是要他长大了,难道以小学生的视角吗?那感觉太怪了,呵呵。Actuallydoes not wantto go toNanning, mayeditmustchat the new bookwithme, thatgoes, happen toalsoa little matter, after Nanningfinished, goes to the northwestsomecityto handle a matter, moistens the numberto go home.
其实本来不想去南宁的,可编辑一定要和我谈谈新书,那就去吧,正好也有点事,南宁结束后,去西北某城市处理点事,沾号回家。ActuallyNanningandGuilin ’ hadmeto recallbeginning of the monthto listen to the editorto sayspeciallyhappily ’ go toGuangxi, Istunnedfor a long time.
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