REE :: Volume #2

#154: Twelve Shadows

The complete material joins in the machine, is not relaxes, because following cāo does, decides a key of this medicine success or failure. 全部材料加入机器之中,还不是放松的时候,因为接下来的cāo作,也是决定这次药剂一个成败的关键。 Mu Xiao looks time and temperature in dedicated the machine transferring, the adjustment temperature cannot over one amount, probably maintain in a temperature. When the first time section, his fast regulation temperature rise or dropped, back and forth so adjustment. 木萧专注看着机器中调动的时间和温度,调节温度不能超过一个数额,必须保持在一个温度上。当到了第一时间段,他快速调节温度上升或下降,来回如此调节。 Approximately crossed for three hours, Mu Xiao gradually reduced the temperature, until arriving at a zero low temperature, opened the compression capability of machine, the lower end flowed out a little bit gradually such as the mercury shape purplish red liquid. Soon, three such as refer to the size, the flowing purplish red ray freezing test tube, was deposited by Mu Xiao in a low temperature box one by one. 大约过了三小时,木萧逐渐把温度降低,直至到了一个零点低温,开启了机器的压缩功能,下端渐渐流出一滴滴如水银状的紫红液体。不久之后,三支如指大小,流动紫红光芒的冰冻试管,逐一被木萧存放在一个低温箱子里。 These three expense general Wolf King Bloodline Gene, made blood burn medicine...... , if no accident/surprise, should be able to help me speed up breaking through Four-layered Realm constitution.” Mu Xiao closes this low temperature box, looked at electron clock in a workshop, discovered that half afternoon has crossed, almost to dinner time. “这三支用一般狼王血脉基因,制成的血燃药剂……若无意外,应该可以帮助我加快突破四重境体质。”木萧关闭这个低温箱子,看了一下工房里的电子钟,发现半个下午已经过,差不多到晚饭时间 Today. Crossed best time that uses blood burn medicine, can only refine the body tomorrow, catches him to look to three shadow women, their does not have anything impatient look, indifference as always, does not have anything affected to result in their state of mind probably. 今天。过了使用血燃药剂的最佳时间,只能明天才炼体,接住他望向三名影子女人,她们没有什么不耐烦的神色,一如既往的淡然,好像没有什么影响得了她们心境似的。 How I seem does not have to be together with you, was inferior that tonight everyone eats meal together.” Mu Xiao put away the low temperature box, the tone just like scandal to ask generally. “我好像没有跟你们怎么相处,不如今晚大家一起吃个饭吧。”木萧放好了低温箱子,语气犹如闲话一般问道。 But listens in three shadow woman ears, is not such tranquility, they indifferent facial expression, immediately becomes cautious, unexpected Mu Xiao is willing to be intimate with their circles. 但听在三名影子女人耳中,就不是那样的平静,她们本来淡然的神情,顿时变得拘谨起来,预料不到木萧愿意亲近她们的圈子。 Until now, Mu Xiao does not have does not have has truly communicated with them, indelib considering Mu Xiao is one only regards as important the strength, does not understand the will of the people master, but sudden transformation, a little makes their three people a little handle today. 一直以来,木萧没有确实没有跟她们来往过,先入为主的认为木萧是一个只看重实力,不懂人心的主人,但今天突如其来的变化,有点让她们三人有点措不及。 In their Shadow 12 small group, when there is an important decision, before ranking most shadow, most has the decision-making power, only if half people did not agree, can cancel this privilege. 在她们十二影的小圈子里,当有重要决定的时候,排名最前的影子,最有决定权,除非有半数人不同意,才能取消这个权利 present Shadow Seven and Shadow Nine, looked at Shadow Five as if by prior agreement, must she answer Mu Xiao. 现在七影九影,不约而同看了五影,必须她来答复木萧 Un.” Shadow Five complied with one stiffly. “嗯。”五影生硬的应了一句。 She and Shadow Seven, Shadow Nine knows, is unable to reject the Mu Xiao's visit. 她和七影九影都知道,根本无法拒绝木萧的来访。 You have the work first puts.” The Mu Xiao smile said: I take the meat to come.” “你们有工作的先放下来。”木萧微笑道:“我取点肉食就过来。” Un.” Shadow Five nods, said: ” ninth sis, you take other food to come back, seven sis you relate other sisters, I and a master ice bunker take the meat. ” “嗯。”五影点头,道:”九妹,你多取点其它食物回来,七你联系其他姐妹,我和主人一趟冰库取肉。” Shadow Seven and on the Shadow Nine face becomes not like the beforehand desolateness, instead had a touch of humanity, greets with Mu Xiao goes out. 七影九影脸上变得不像之前的冷淡,反而有了点人情味,跟木萧打了个招呼就走出了。 Mu Xiao and Shadow Five also leave together, on two people road also does not have anything talked, came beforehand to deposit the giant wolf ice bunker directly, took five bulk lots, there are the Wolf King flesh lump that other came, Mu Xiao picks up five with telekinesis with ease such as the hill high flesh lump, returned to their dwellings with Shadow Five. 木萧五影也一同出走,两人路上也没有什么交谈,直接来了之前存放巨狼的冰库,取了五大盘,有余下来的狼王肉块,木萧念力轻松托起五盘如小山高的肉块,跟着五影返回她们的住处。 The dwelling of Twelve Shadows woman is not in the dark level, but on Law Firm peak highest one, this is a place that greeted the honored guest, therefore the environment and furniture were not bad, moreover after passing through they overhauled simply, became a dwelling that filled with the female aura, their daily life in this. 十二名影子女人的住处不在暗层里面,而是在律师楼顶端最高的一层,本来这处是一个招呼贵客的地方,所以环境和家具都不差,而且经过了她们简单翻修之后,成了一个充满女性气息的住处,她们日常生活都在这一层之中。 Among them also has oneself LightBrain, so long as in Law Firm shadow, quick obtains the news that Mu Xiao dined. 她们之间也有自己光脑,只要在律师楼影子,很快就得到了木萧过来就餐的消息。 Shadow Eight and Shadow Ten first come back the dwelling, catches Shadow Six also to come back. 八影十影最先回来住处,接住六影也回来。 Shadow Ten beforehand Mu Xiao has seen, Shadow Six is a remaining metropolis beautiful woman elegant demeanor beautiful woman, she is not completely the Huaxia person, but is a person of mixed blood who has caucasian bloodline, her stature compares tall, the skin is exceptionally fair, initially looks to feel her surface not like other shadow like that ice-cold, but her look twinkle cold light, in addition skin white misconception, feels her compared with other shadow cold several points. 十影之前木萧已经见过,六影是一个身上残余都市丽人风采的标致女人,她不完全是华夏人,而是一个带有白种人血脉的混血儿,她身材比较高挑,皮肤异常白皙,初看觉得她表面不像其他影子那般冰冷,但她眼神闪烁的寒光,加上皮肤白森森的错觉,又觉得她比其他影子冷冽几分。 As for Shadow Eight is a 25~26 woman, having regular facial features, the eye is very big, but does not have moving aesthetic sense, only then has the coldness of two drifting snow, but her skin a little healthy darkness, a little Zhou Xuan shadow, putting on is also the sleeveless vest and shorts. 至于,八影是一个二十五六女人,五官端正,眼睛很大,但没有动人的美感,只有藏有两堆雪的寒冷,而她皮肤有点健康的黝黑,有点周萱影子,穿着也是无袖的背心和短裤。 Mu Xiao and Shadow Five, Shadow Six and Shadow Seven prepare food in the kitchen, several other shadow arrange the tableware on the dining table. 木萧五影六影七影在厨房做饭,其他几名影子在饭桌上布置餐具。 But Shadow One, Shadow Two, Shadow Three, Shadow Four, Shadow 11 and Shadow 12 does not have comes back the dwelling, Shadow Five, when the kitchen prepares food, told the Mu Xiao reason. 但还有一影二影三影四影十一影十二影没有回来住处,五影在厨房做饭的时候,告诉了木萧原因。 Originally Shadow 11 and Shadow 12 promote Neo-Human most late, Genetic Resonance frequency fall behind them is too many, therefore Shadow One, Shadow Two, Shadow Three and Shadow Four accompany two people to arrive at outside kill monsters, generally the comparison will come back late. 原来十一影十二影是最迟晋升新人类,基因共鸣次数落后她们太多,所以一影二影三影四影陪同两人到外面杀怪,一般比较晚才会回来。 Mu Xiao did not mind that their 12 talent opens the meal together, sits on the table seat at will, their six people sit straight, a does not have logical expression, the atmosphere a little awkward silence, Mu Xiao has to break silent, asked each of them's innate ability. 木萧不介意等齐她们十二人才开餐,随意坐在餐桌座位上,她们六人端正坐着,没有一个人话,气氛有点冷场,木萧只好打破沉默,问起她们每个人的先天能力 Shadow Five is the thought voice is the mouth does not use the words, only need a thought that be able to transmit the oneself words in others' mind, so long as opposite party mental does not push aside her transmission, the words that but can also transmit come back, conduct the secret to talk, are the ability that an isolation listens secretly, but there is a certain distance limit, but after gene frequency upgrade, the ability naturally can be strengthened, she can make a theater intelligence center of 12 person. 五影意念发声就是嘴巴不用话,只须一个念头,就能传达自己话在别人的脑海,只要对方精神不排挤她的传输,还可以传达的话语回来,进行隐秘对话,属于一种隔绝偷听的能力,但有一定的距离限制,不过基因次数提升之后,能力自然会加强,那她可以做一个十二人的战场情报中心。 Shadow Six is the tenacity ability, upgrade is equal to physique strengthening each time, the severe wound can still fight, anti- hits constitution System Ability that strengthens, often obtains Tenacity Strengthening origins. These strengthening origins do not represent as innate ability not strongly, so long as coordinates other attack capabilities, can display extremely strong battle efficiency. 六影坚韧能力,每次提升等于筋骨强化,重伤依然能战斗,耐打加强的体质系能力,也就是经常得到坚韧强化源泉。这些强化源泉作为先天能力不代表不强,只要配合其它攻击能力,也能发挥出极强的战斗力。 Shadow Seven is trace disperse can some disperse mental fluctuate, in air residual individual aura, may cease the traced ability. For example, Shangguan Yuanxin has a Mental Locking ability of tracing, if in front of Shadow Seven on does not have any use. 七影是痕迹驱散可以驱散一些精神波动,空气中残留的个人气息,可杜绝被追踪的能力。譬如,上官媛馨有一个追踪的精神锁定能力,如果在七影面前就没有任何用处。 Her ability Mu Xiao comparison regards as important, if Cultivation Spirit Soul Secret Method, she can become Purification Master. 她这个能力木萧比较看重,如果修炼一种灵魂秘法,她可以成为一个净化大师 Shadow Eight is Freezing Pupil Art, is a mental attack, so long as gazes at her eye, the mental consciousness will be stiff. Yun Shuxue once absorbed has had the similar ability. 八影冰冻瞳术,属于一种精神攻击,只要注视到她的眼睛,精神意识就会僵硬。云舒雪曾吸收过有类似这样的能力。 Shadow Nine is the sensitive ability, the promotion body can obtain reaction and speed each time strengthening of time. 九影灵敏能力,每次晋升身体都会得到一次反应力与速度的强化 Shadow Ten is Mental Scanning, regardless of life and dying thing, after scanning will obtain the proper information, can avoid many dangers, even slightly wins 1~2 to plan compared with An Rongru's Life Detection. 十影精神扫描无论生命和死物,经过扫描之后都会得出应有的信息,可以避免很多的危险,甚至比起安蓉茹的生命探测略胜一二筹。 After Mu Xiao listened to their ability, directs them to utilize the ability one by one skill, including the body strength skill application, and critical moment, overdraws the bloodline energy, conducts the eruption battle efficiency the method. 木萧听了她们的能力之后,逐一指点她们运用能力的技巧,包括身体力量技巧的应用,以及关键时刻,透支血脉能量,进行爆发式战斗力的方法。 The mosts of the time, they are listening, Mu Xiao, but meets some puzzled issues, they will also propose calmly. 大部分时候,她们在听,木萧在,但遇上一些不解的问题,她们也会平静提出。 Has talked over thoroughly eight o'clock about, other six shadow women come back, when they discovered Mu Xiao this guest, that indifferent facial features, had several points to become less crowded and be astonished slightly however. 一直深谈到八点钟左右,其他六名影子女人才回来,当她们发现木萧这一位来客的时候,那冷漠面容,微微有了几分松动和讶然。 Shadow One is a oldest mature woman, her age approximately in 30 **, but seems like also only then 30 year, the essence slightly is bigger than An Rongru, her look is sharp, sleek/moist white Jiaoyan color containing a dignity, the body puts on mechanical inner armor, still has the graceful mature charm. 一影是一位年纪最大的成熟女人,她年纪约在三十**,但看起来也只有三十岁左右,实质比安蓉茹还稍大,她眼神锋利明亮,润白娇颜含有一股威严之色,身上穿有机械内甲,依然有着风姿绰约的成熟魅力。 She once was a female boss, but the family member lost contact thoroughly, encountered the yin dark experience of being unable to withstand, the personality transformed firm and resolute and calm, quick recovered, the similarly low waist shouted Mu Xiao master respectfully. 她曾经是一个女老板,但家人彻底失联络,又遭遇了不堪的yin暗经历,性情转变得非常坚毅和冷静,很快就回过神来,同样低腰恭敬叫了木萧一声主人 The following five women also lower the head respectfully. 后面五名女人也随之恭敬低下了头。 Mu Xiao sized up their six people slightly, obviously Shadow One, Shadow Two, Shadow Three and Shadow Four in the 12 person, battle efficiency, when is strongest, because of their four people of constitution in Apex Body One-layered Realm peak, soon breaks through Two-layered Realm. 木萧微微打量了她们六人,显然一影二影三影四影十二人之中,战斗力当属最强,因为她们四人体质都在顶尖体一重境巅峰,就快要突破到二重境 That Shadow 11 and Shadow 12, when is the 12 person to be weakest, constitution also in SSS Grade mid phase. 十一影十二影当属十二人最弱,体质还在sss级中期 As for others , there is a Apex Body One-layered Realm strength, obviously this time their does not have has relaxed refining up the body. 至于其余的人,也有顶尖体一重境的力量,显然这段时间她们一直没有放松炼体。 The Shadow Two appearance was inferior that several other shadow are splendid, the figure not high is not generally short, moderate, but she is that type more looks more has the respectable family young married woman flavor woman, perhaps after unforgettable bitterness, the personality is also most obvious walking into extreme, does not use with her words, knows that her personality is very definitely callous, killing is full. 二影的长相不如其他几位影子出色,身材一般不高不矮,不胖不瘦,但她是那种越看越有良家少妇味道的女人,也许经过难忘的惨痛之后,性情也是最明显的走入极端,不用跟她话,也知道她性情肯定十分冷酷,杀性十足。 Shadow Three can be in Twelve Shadows, most has the woman of flavor, her graceful bearing is neat, charming moving, is only cold, if the frost facial expression, is not easy getting along with like that especially her whole body showed malignant influences, the whole person was full of the risk. 三影可以是十二名影子里面,最有韵味的一个女人,她风姿楚楚,妩媚动人,只是冷若冰霜的神情,不是那般好相处,尤其她浑身透出一股煞气,整个人充满了危险性。 Shadow Four has a prettiness of white-collar, perhaps before was an office worker, but present she had the different sharp makings. 四影有一种白领的俏丽,也许以前是一个上班族,不过现在她有了不同的锐利气质。 As for Shadow 11 and Shadow 12 is the university student who two just graduated, the body is also surviving the youth, but covered very thick blood-soaked to be gloomy, former facial expression white soft/greasy, delicate and exquisite, the latter was slim and graceful, is slender, the facial features were beautiful. 至于,十一影十二影是两名刚毕业的大学生,身上还残存着青春气息,不过掩上了很浓厚的血腥灰暗,前者脸容白腻,娇小玲珑,后者亭亭玉立,身材修长,面容姣好。 After Neo-Human evolution, the body all outstanding at the same time presents, described with future Neo-Human simple words: Human evolution, not only the strength, outstanding genetic cell, basic does not have Neo-Human is ugly. 新人类进化之后,身体所有优秀一面都会呈现出来,用未来新人类一句简单的话语来形容:人类进化的不只是力量,还有优秀的基因细胞,根本没有一个新人类是丑陋的。 however, arrives regarding Mu Xiao's, Twelve Shadows expresses the different mood, having the will of the people are warm, some people are moved, some people feel inferior, some people, some people oversuspicious...... this Twelve Shadows woman to have one to fill despair tranquilly unable to withstand, but they have overcome the heart spirit biggest difficulty, instead had the will of extreme pursue strength. 然而,对于木萧的到来,十二名影子都表现出不同的情绪,有人心暖,有人感动,有人自卑、有人平静、有人多疑……这十二名影子女人有一段充满绝望而不堪过,但她们早已克服了心灵最大的难关,反而拥有了极端追求力量的意志。 Person who gives them the will, is this man at present. 给她们意志的人,正是眼前这个男人。 A dinner is very tranquil, Mu Xiao also understood that Shadow One their ability, knew that Shadow One and Shadow Two, Shadow Three and Shadow Four are the close combat attack capability, is the mental attack capability, but Shadow 11 and Shadow 12 ability is extremely also splendid. 一顿晚饭很平静过,木萧也了解一影她们的能力,得知一影二影三影四影都是属于近战攻击能力,还有是精神攻击能力,而十一影十二影的能力也极其出色。 Shadow 11 is Cell Repair for treating ability, a Shadow 12 is stimulates an exciting nerve to achieve the body comprehensive amplification ability stimulated, not only stops can individual use, ability that but can also use to the oneself person. 十一影细胞修复一个治疗能力,十二影是亢奋激发一个刺激神经达到身体全面增幅的能力,不单止可以个人使用,还可以对自己人使用的能力。 But their evolution becomes the Neo-Human date and time to be short, refining body art this time a little improvement, therefore their does not have obtains any extra ability. However, Mu Xiao after this time understands them, thinks that they definitely have the value of training, Zhou Xuan strives for resource for them no wonder everywhere. 但她们进化新人类时日较短,炼体术这段时间才有点起色,所以她们没有得到什么额外的能力。不过,木萧经过这次了解她们之后,认为她们绝对有培养的价值,也怪不得周萱处处为她们争取资源
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