REE :: Volume #2

#133: An Family (settle down), status and life experience

Outside weather already greatly bright, almost to afternoon time, Villa Region many people got up to continue to do the clean-up, Shangguan Yuanxin gets out of bed first time to examine surrounding does not have massive variation monster, discovered after the aspect obtained control, making Aybar and the others drive initially that grove, brought back all commodities. 外面天色已经大亮,差不多到了下午时间,别墅区很多人都起来继续做清理工作,上官媛馨起床第一时间查看了周围没有大量变异怪物,发现局面得到了掌控之后,让艾巴尔等人开车回去当初那个小树林,取回了所有物资。 The Villa Region the consumption of harvest and energy of personnel casualty situation, blood bead and variation beast...... wait/etc these things must count, therefore the basic unit personnel bustle about incessantly, Shangguan Yuanxin this crowd of high levels are also arranging various things, not like Mu Xiao present also in An Rongru's land of warmth and tenderness, but they are the sensible people, does not have disturbs the tender feeling that Mu Xiao and An Rongru do not see long time, only then the Jian Hanyao small cheek anger angrily, the temperament was hot tempered than several times the past, looked that anything was not pleasing to the eyes, if did not have Mu Xuanyin to hang behind her to make the small tail, she has possibly killed to go home catch a couple of adulterers. 别墅区的人员伤亡情况、血珠变异兽的收获、能量的消耗……等等这些东西都要统计,因此不止基层人员忙碌,上官媛馨这群高层也在安排各种事情,不像木萧现在还在安蓉茹的温柔乡之中,但他们都是明白人,没有打扰木萧安蓉茹多日不见的温情,只有简涵瑶小脸蛋怒气鼓鼓,脾气比以往暴躁得好几倍,看什么都不顺眼,如果不是有木绚音吊住她背后做小尾巴,很可能她早就杀回家‘捉奸’了。 ...... …… At this time, the bedroom overflows secretly fragrant, has the male and female fervor from now on hormone smell. Two people closely embrace in the same place, is mutually attentive, the deep affection honey likes supporting on the bed, clings to the opposite party the mild aura, does not want to break this thick sweet intent to be mild. 此时,卧室暗香流溢,有着男女激情过后的荷尔蒙气味。两人紧紧地搂抱在一起,相互温存,浓情蜜爱地相拥在床上,贪恋对方身上温润的气息,不想打破这股浓浓的甜意和暖香。 The An Rongru body is sensitive, by Mu Xiao from early morning continuously manipulates tosses about, is much more tired is incapable, comfortable satisfied rested past, but her two white delicate arms and jade legs tied down the Mu Xiao strong body like eight claw fish, the mature body of white Niru cheese is pasting the Mu Xiao chest, presses two grand great peak likely butterfat cream to collapse to seep out, she breathes during fluctuating, the butterfat soft / the meat is also shivering gently. 安蓉茹身子敏感柔媚,挨不住木萧从凌晨一直的摆弄折腾,早就累得酥软无力,舒适满足的睡了过去,但她两条玉臂和玉腿如同八爪鱼缠住了木萧健硕的身体,白腻如奶酪的成熟身子贴着木萧胸膛,压得两座雄伟巨峰像乳脂奶油般挤扁渗出似的,她呼吸起伏之间,乳脂软/肉也轻轻地颤动着。 The entire morning continuous, is overwhelmed with emotion Mu Xiao sensation to the An Rongru plentiful mature tender body tangled up clearly wonderfully, now she pleasantly warm such as the skidding body of jade entangles to lie when oneself, abundant soft smooth, from time to time floats such as orchid like snake the intoxicant delicate fragrance, simply is land of warmth and tenderness, but her happy love does not have Zhou Xuan can let loose like that but is also able to discriminate has taste. 整个早晨缠绵不休,木萧清晰地感觉安蓉茹丰满成熟的娇躯是何等销魂美妙,如今她温软如玉的滑溜身子缠卧在自己身上,丰软柔滑,时而飘来如兰似麝的醉人幽香,简直是一个温柔乡,只是她欢爱时没有周萱那般放得开,不过也有别有一番滋味。 After fervor, why Mu Xiao starts a little curious An Rongru virgin, that is Jian Hanyao her daughter? Is thinking, in hand caressed in the bosom the beautiful person to grasp the waist gracefully, that gently beautiful curve made him be unable to put down, touches plentiful has the delicately beautiful line in the hand soft and. 当激情过后,木萧开始有点好奇安蓉茹为什么还是处子,那简涵瑶又是不是她的女儿?边想着,手中边抚上了怀中玉人盈盈一握腰肢,那柔美曲线让他爱不释手,摸在手中丰腴柔软、又有纤美线条。 Some An Rongru itchy intent that possibly touch, transmits several acoustic comforts from the Mu Xiao bosom tender greasy recite lightly, opened the affectionate water pupil of that pair of rippling water leakage light slowly, affectionate stares to come leisurely, suddenly remembered some time ago that intense happy love, on since the elegant elegant face flies such as charming blushing of young girl, had to say sweetly and prettily not moving. 可能摸的安蓉茹有些痒意,从木萧怀中传来几声舒适的娇腻轻吟,缓缓张开了那双荡漾出水光的深情水眸子,情深款款地凝视而来,忽然想起了不久前那激烈的欢爱,秀美端丽的脸上飞起如少女的娇羞红晕,有说不尽的娇美动人。 Mu Xiao looks at her elegant elegant face also some feelings of weariness, she but who moistens after the happy love, glows the beautiful ruddy light rosy cloud, the jade cheek is also infiltrating the fresh-faced peach of bright red traces of spring to be dizzy, rested the posture seduction to be moving lazy, making her look like as if slightly several years old, originally in the mature charming character and style were many charming gentle of little message sent by flowers young girl. 木萧看着她那张秀美端丽的脸还有些倦意,但经过欢爱滋润的她,焕发着美丽红润的光霞,玉颊还渗着鲜红春意的粉嫩桃晕,慵懒睡姿诱惑动人,让她看来仿佛小了好几岁,本来成熟妩媚的风情中多了少许花信少女的娇嫩欲滴。 Doesn't rest?” Mu Xiao caresses her lightly smoothly like the cream jade back, lingers that meat summit such as the lush ripe buttocks of new exhausted egg shell. “不睡下去?”木萧轻抚她柔滑如凝脂般的玉背,又流连那肉颠颠如新剥蛋壳的肥美熟臀。 Un...” An Rongru blushed sways from side to side snowed the plentiful body of white as jade, seemed a little caressed itchy intent by that big hand. “嗯…”安蓉茹脸红地扭动了一下雪白如玉的丰腴身子,仿佛被那大手爱抚得有点痒意。 Silently was gentle a meeting, suddenly An Rongru from the Mu Xiao warm bosom, lifted charmingly bright red such as wiped the fragrant face of rouge, warm sound song say/way: „Didn't you really ask the matter of my body?” 默默温存了一会,忽然安蓉茹木萧温暖的怀中,娇媚依人地抬起嫣红如抹了胭脂的香脸,温声细语的道:“你真不问我身子的事?” In my heart is a little curious, but more important was I had your entirety.” Mu Xiao sucks the red lip of her tender and beautiful desire drop gently, both hands supports in the tight bosom she plentiful fragrant supple tender body, she just like drinking the good wine rippled generally the intoxicant obsequious attitude, the fragrant lip small tongue is responding on own initiative. “我心中只是有点好奇,但更重要是我拥有了你的全部。”木萧轻轻吮住她娇艳欲滴的红唇,双手拥紧怀中她丰满香柔的娇躯,她宛如喝了美酒一般荡漾醉人的媚态,香唇小舌主动回应着。 Two people flirted slightly intimately, being of one mind stopped. Some Mu Xiao sensation An Rongru also words want to say that does not have shoulders each other lust. 两人微微亲热调情,心有灵犀的停了下来。木萧感觉安蓉茹还有话想说,没有挑起彼此的情/欲 The An Rongru red lip was kissed the ruddy young and fresh-looking by Mu Xiao, her eyelash trembled to open the beautiful pupil of graceful water glare, wiped to flatter the air/Qi overflow, but her facial expression was sad, as if remembered the past events, the say/way of pity: My husband is actually commercial elite that An Family (settle down) trains, but I am an illegitimate daughter of An Family (settle down) great person, because my husband is extremely outstanding, short time gained the control power of many companies, even has to be separated from the An Family's trend indistinctly, therefore An Family (settle down) to win over the will of the people arranged my dispensable illegitimate daughter to marry him, wants to win over this relations......” 安蓉茹红唇被木萧吻得红润水嫩,她睫毛颤颤地睁开了盈盈水光的美眸,一抹媚气外溢,但她神情却悲伤,仿佛想起了往事,哀怜的道:“我丈夫其实是安家培养出来的商业精英,而我是安家一名大人物的私生女,因为我丈夫太过出色,短短时间获取了多家公司的掌控权,甚至隐约有脱离安家的趋势,所以安家为了拉拢人心安排了我这个可有可无的私生女嫁给了他,想拉拢这一段关系……” Saying, Mu Xiao sees her facial expression to be sad, suddenly hugs her plentifully such as the jade tender body, making her whole person lie on the chest of oneself, immediately two groups of gigantic soft butterfats extrude flat Zhuang, has the intense trend of type of continuous ball ball, both hands extends goes to, rubs / is rubbing she full lush tender buttocks, bypasses buttocks / ditch, touched outlined several in her small tender seam honey mouth, when her facial expression bashful as was angry, tender pant breathed out, Mu Xiao said: I do not listen to you to use husband to call other man, because I am your husband.” 说着,木萧见她神情忧伤,忽然抱起她丰满如玉的娇躯,让她整个人趴在自己的胸膛上,顿时两团硕大柔软的乳脂挤压成扁状,有种绵绵弹弹的强烈动态,双手伸去下方,揉/搓着她饱肥美嫩的臀儿,又绕过臀/沟,摸在她小嫩缝儿蜜口勾划了几下,待她神情似羞似嗔,娇/喘嘘嘘,木萧才开口说道:“我不要听你用‘丈夫’来称呼别的男人,因为我才是你的丈夫。” You really overbearing... first listened to me saying that......” the An Rongru small mouth brought persuasive tender pant slightly, the Yuan pistil jade was touched to exude the moist lubrication by Mu Xiao gradually the rain and dew, the plentiful body such as a snow white creamy big snake, unsettled divided the place to sway from side to side. “你真霸道…先听我说完……”安蓉茹小嘴微微带了点婉转娇/喘,元蕊玉地被木萧摸得渐渐泛起潮湿润滑的雨露,丰腴身子如一条雪白滑腻的大蛇,不安分地扭动了起来。 My Little Rongru, what should you call me?” Mu Xiao also no longer teases her moist jade place, but a pair of big hand still slides the plentiful jade to conduct the back to walk randomly in she tender lush buttocks and fine. “我的小蓉茹,你该叫我什么?”木萧也不再挑逗她湿润的玉地,但一双大手依然在她柔嫩肥美的臀儿和纤滑丰腴的玉背上游走。 hus...husband.” On the An Rongru face flushed red tender sleek/moist, during the heart is charming is also very happy. 老…老公。”安蓉茹脸上酡红娇润,芳心娇羞之中又甜蜜无比。 A moment ago if she called husband is the does not have sentiment, but husband was actually full of her affection at this time. 如果说她刚才称呼的‘丈夫’是没有感情,但此时一声‘老公’却充满了她浓浓的情意。 ...... …… In receives, Mu Xiao hear of she said that matter of the secret, actually she speaking of midway time, Mu Xiao guessed correctly the result probably. 接下里,木萧听她说完了一件隐秘之事,其实她说到中途的时候,木萧大概猜到了结果。 Before An Rongru's the husband, called Jian Xuechen, becomes side rich and powerful people taking advantage of An Family (settle down) as the springboard, he in the high circle was a legend. But he is not resigned to by the An Family (settle down) control life , the does not have strong capital resists with An Family (settle down), but certain things must depend upon the An Family's relations, therefore his surface complied with the An Family's wedding, is actually accumulating the capital in secret. 安蓉茹的前丈夫,叫简学辰,借安家作为跳板成为了一方富豪,他在上流圈子是个传奇。但他不甘心被安家控制一生,又没有雄厚资本跟安家对抗,而某些事情还要依靠安家的关系,所以他表面答应了安家的婚事,其实在暗中累积资本。 however, Jian Xuechen has felt An Rongru, is An Family (settle down) sends to monitor his person, to restrain his person, he has looked cold and indifferent to An Rongru, said again An Rongru to his also does not have anything sentiment, two people relate have been at the desolate condition, including marrying is also same. 然而,简学辰一直觉得安蓉茹,是安家派来监视他的人、约束他的人,他一直对安蓉茹都爱理不理,再说安蓉茹对他也没有什么感情,两人关系一直处于冷淡状态,包括结了婚也是一样。 Two people does not have has the relations, this is Jian Xuechen does not want any mistake, causes to be controlled by An Family's, if An Rongru had his children, once he had/left what accident/surprise, the family property definitely is completely An Family's. But he underestimated the An Family's ruthless spicy method and plans sinisterly. 两人没有发生关系,这是简学辰不想出现任何差错,导致受安家的控制,因为如果安蓉茹有了他的儿女,一旦他出了什么意外,家产肯定全部是安家的。可是他低估了安家的狠辣手段和阴险算计。 An Rongru is only the bright chess that An Family (settle down) sends, the dark chess was Jian Xuechen raised several years of lover, if were not the An Rongru's words, possibly this lover was his wife, but actually she was also the woman who An Family (settle down) trained, did not need her to restrain Jian Xuechen, first her does not have An Family's bloodline, time one was not steadily good to control, secondly this was safer, dual layouts. 安蓉茹只是安家派出去的明棋,暗棋是简学辰养了好几年的情妇,如果不是安蓉茹的话,可能这个情妇是他的妻子,但其实她也是安家培养出来的女人,不用她来约束简学辰,一来是她没有安家的血脉,时间一长不好控制,二来这是为了更加保险,双重布局。 Finally, this woman was Jian Xuechen had a baby girl, then transmitted to An Rongru, later Jian Xuechen on accidental/surprised death, that baby girl had Jian Xuechen bloodline, An Family (settle down) made some arrangements in secret, by An Rongru by daughter the name, received Jian Xuechen the property of most lifetime struggle, making An Rongru become in the list of the richest the richest widow. 最终,这名女人为简学辰生了一名女婴,然后转交给了安蓉茹,之后简学辰就意外死亡,那一个女婴有了简学辰血脉,安家又暗中做了一些安排,由安蓉茹以‘女儿’的名,接收了简学辰的大半生奋斗的财产,让安蓉茹一跃成为了富豪榜上最有钱的寡妇。 Actually secretly is the layout that An Family (settle down) makes. 其实暗地里全是安家做的布局。 Although, An Rongru to Jian Xuechen does not have any sentiment, but his death is nothing more or less with An Rongru has the indirect relation. Therefore, An Rongru is not willing to contact the high circle, because completely understood darkness of this circle, stays out, toward the charitable development, reduces in the heart that feeling of guilty. 虽然,安蓉茹简学辰没有任何感情,但他死亡不多不少与安蓉茹有间接关系。所以,安蓉茹一直不愿意接触上流圈子,因为看透了这个圈子的黑暗,才置身事外,往慈善发展,减小心中那罪恶感。 As for that baby girl is Jian Hanyao. 至于,那名女婴就是‘简涵瑶’。 She looks at Jian Hanyao to grow up, in heart already her regard as one's own, more stemming from guilty and feeling of guilty, has loved to her in every possible way. 她看着简涵瑶长大,心中已将她视如己出,更多是出于愧疚和罪恶感,才一直对她百般宠爱。 This is in the An Rongru heart the biggest secret, that side An Family (settle down) also extremely few people knows that this secret, kills a circle person with newly acquired wealth after all, is not the just and honorable method, moreover Jian Xuechen is the household former subordinates, if places in the floor, likely cold other household hearts. Therefore, that side An Family (settle down) does not dare to be extremely irritable, making An Rongru shift the Jian Xuechen asset, can only cooperate to nibble through some businesses slowly. 这是安蓉茹心中最大的秘密,安家那边也极少人知道这个秘密,毕竟害死一个圈子新贵,不是什么光明正大的手段,而且简学辰又是家族旧部,如果放在台面上的话,很可能寒了家族其他部员的心。所以,安家那边也不敢太过急躁,让安蓉茹简学辰的资产转移,只能通过一些商业合作来慢慢蚕食。 An Rongru knows that oneself is a puppet, the does not have resistance, making person An Family (settle down) send people to manage Jian Xuechen several main companies in secret. She handles other things wholeheartedly, for example this Villa Region is her oneself wants to do, the An Family (settle down) that side understands that she also has big existence value, said again she has cooperated, said anything on does not have, only treats as a reward. 安蓉茹知道自己是个傀儡,没有反抗,让人安家暗中派人来主持简学辰的几间主要公司。她一心一意做其他事情,譬如这个别墅区是她自己想做的,安家那边明白她还有很大存在价值,再说她一直都非常合作,就没有多说什么,只当作一个奖励罢了。 An Rongru strives for Villa Region also for Jian Hanyao, or for oneself. 安蓉茹争取别墅区也是为了简涵瑶,又或者为了自己 What a pity, after Ending World, all these schemes and tricks and wealth privilege and position reputation...... all come to naught, only then this secret kept in the An Rongru's heart, if does not have Mu Xiao's appears, if is also not An Rongru has the true sentiment to him, had the relations. 可惜,末世发生之后,这一切阴谋诡计、财富权利、地位名声……一切一切都化为泡影,只有这一个秘密留在了安蓉茹的心中,如果没有木萧的出现,如果又不是安蓉茹对他有真正感情,又发生了关系。 An Rongru may not say this secret for a lifetime. 安蓉茹可能一辈子都不会说出这个秘密。 ...... …… Person who kills Hanyao her father, in the final analysis I am also an accomplice.” An Rongru eye socket deep red is moved, two white delicate arms embrace the Mu Xiao's neck, buried on his shoulder, twittering said/tunnel: „If known by Hanyao, I really do not know how should face her.” “害死涵瑶她父亲的人,说到底我也是帮凶。”安蓉茹眼圈深红伤感,两条玉臂搂抱木萧的脖子,埋在了他肩膀上,呢喃地道:“如果被涵瑶知道,我真不知道该怎样面对她。” This small little girl is also loving you. Do not look that her surface is barbaric, actually the thoughts are maturer than you and close.” Mu Xiao is supporting her beautiful greasy luster of the skin gently, gently in her soft such as satin silk warm smooth/slide jade back caress, comforts her moved mood. “这小妮子也爱着你。别看她表面野蛮任性,其实心思比你还成熟和细密。”木萧温柔地拥着她美腻的玉体,轻轻在她柔软如缎绸般温滑的玉背爱抚,安慰她伤感的情绪。 An Family (settle down), a little relates with Shangguan Yuanxin probably. 安家,好像是跟上官媛馨有点关系。 In Mu Xiao heart secretly thought. 木萧心中暗道。 What person is your father An Family's?” Mu Xiao asked suddenly. “你父亲是安家的什么人?”木萧忽然问道。 Un?” An Rongru does not want to raise, how this does not have has also paid attention to oneself from infancy to maturity cold blood father, even even/including mother passed away has also come simply several times, basic does not have many conversations, only have are also a attention of plot wedding. “嗯?”安蓉茹本来不想提起,这个从小到大也没有怎样关注过自己的‘冷血’父亲,甚至连母亲去世也只是简单来过几次,根本没有过多的交谈,唯有也是一场阴谋婚事的关注。 However, Mu Xiao asked has certainly the intention, An Rongru naturally does not conceal the oneself man, replied said: My father called An Yuansheng, he in household rank third.” 不过,木萧问起一定有用意,安蓉茹自然不隐瞒自己的男人,回答说道:“我父亲叫安元盛,他在家族排行第三。” What person is An Renwang your?” Mu Xiao also asked. 安仁王是你什么人?”木萧又问道。 In the future period, An Renwang is a difference one step steps into the King rank senior Neo-Human. But Neo-Human of this beginning period, if survives the future New World period, was called senior Neo-Human by New World Neo-Human, An Renwang has the non- small fame in this senior circle. 未来时期,安仁王是一个差一步就踏入王者级别的资深者新人类。而这一个开端时期的新人类,如果生存到未来新世界时期,就被新世界新人类称之为资深者新人类,安仁王就在这个资深者圈子里有不小名气。 Mu Xiao a little pays attention, has a matter he a little to care. 木萧才有点关注,还有就是有一件事情他有点在意。 My uncle has two sons, he is youngest one, is my younger male cousin.” An Rongru thought of anything suddenly, said: An Renwang, probably motorcade that Shangguan Yuanxin's fiancé......” “我大伯有两个儿子,他是年纪最小的一个,算是我堂弟。”安蓉茹忽然想到了什么,说道:“安仁王,好像是车队那个上官媛馨的未婚夫……” Really is this...... 果然是这样…… In the Mu Xiao heart has actually guessed correctly the answer, but really knows that was a different matter. 木萧心中其实已经猜到答案,但真正知道又是另一回事了。
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