RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1634: Special love

Du Wei didn't expect, Li Mu unexpectedly for were been many a meeting opportunity with the people of dramatic team by oneself, must give the dramatic team to wrap a special plane specially, making them change Yanjing the traveling schedule, this makes her the surprised dumbfoundedness, looks at Li Mu ask immediately: Brother Li Mu, you said, is teasing me to be happy?” 杜薇没想到,李牧竟然会为了让自己跟剧组的人再多一次见面机会,要专门给剧组包一架专机,让他们把行程改到燕京,这让她顿时惊讶的目瞪口呆,看着李牧问:“李牧哥哥,你这么说,是在逗我开心的?” Li Mu said with a smile: Of course not, I now very earnest is saying this matter to you.” 李牧笑道:“当然不是,我现在可是非常认真的在跟你说这件事。” Saying, Li Mu was also saying: You can say, I do that to tease you am happy, but cannot say, I said to tease you are happy.” 说着,李牧又道:“你可以说,我这么做是为了逗你开心,但不能说,我这么说是为了逗你开心。” Li Mu specially in making and saying these two characters put the stress. 李牧特意在做和说这两个字上加了重音。 Du Wei one understands what is heard the meaning in Li Mu words, immediately felt oneself as if obtained this world's best love, although his solution wastes extravagantly, may in her young girl, actually feeling cannot help but, Li Mu's this solution, really be not only favors sweetly, and romantic. 杜薇一下就听明白李牧话里的意思,顿时觉得自己仿佛得到了这世界上最好的宠爱,虽说他的解决办法铺张又浪费,可在她的少女心里,却又不由自主的觉得,李牧的这种解决办法,真的是既甜宠,又浪漫。 This made Du Wei the somewhat moved mood obtain the enormous alleviation a moment ago instantaneously, she depended gently in the Li Mu's shoulder, said earnestly: Brother Li Mu, you are really good to me.” 这让杜薇刚才有些伤感的情绪瞬间得到了极大的缓解,她轻轻靠在李牧的肩膀,认真的说:“李牧哥哥,你对我真好。” Li Mu shows a faint smile: Is good to you should be, who makes you so lovable.” 李牧微微一笑:“对你好是应该的,谁让你这么可爱。” Du Wei smiles fully at heart is the delightful, pure smile makes Li Mu's feel one type is particularly tranquil and comfortable. 杜薇笑得满是甜美,纯净的笑容让李牧的心里感到一种分外的宁静与舒适。 Actually, Li Mu has a love naturally to Du Wei, like the Elder Brother to the younger sister, always wants to give her well. 其实,李牧杜薇有一种自然而然的宠爱,像哥哥对妹妹一样,总想给她最好的。 Actually the Du Wei family condition is good, good to rich and powerful to be not enough to describe, in she lives from infancy to maturity, completely in one type anything does not lack, anything is best in condition, but, Li Mu is so willing in oneself range in one's power, to give her even as before well. 其实杜薇的家庭条件非常好,好到有钱有势都不足以形容,在她从小到大的生活里,完全是在一种“什么都不缺、什么都是最好的”状态里,不过即便如此,李牧依旧愿意在自己力所能及的范围内,给她最好的。 Du Wei has a good throat, Li Mu to be willing to give her the good song, now she also develops internally, if this time through participating performance «Flying Tigers» as well as sings the theme song, can help her open the Western market, that Li Mu also wants to be all the rage these songs of the world Taylor Swift, Adele afterward one after another to her. 杜薇有一副好嗓子,李牧就愿意把好歌都给她,现在她还只是在国内发展,如果这次通过参演《飞虎队》以及献唱主题曲,能够帮她打开西方市场的话,那李牧还想把泰勒・斯威夫特、阿黛尔后来风靡全球的那些歌曲陆陆续续全都给她。 Moreover, Du Wei has the talent of acting in a play inborn, must have no time to let compared with most professional actors, this possibly has much to do with the environment that she lives since childhood, Li Mu although is not a money person, but has to acknowledge, from slightly does not need to worry about food or clothing even the family circumstances highly wealthy these children, must be more self-confident than the children of poor family, but the performance exactly is the matter that a need is self-confident enough can completely let loose. 而且,杜薇天生有演戏的天赋,比起绝大多数专业演员都要不遑多让,这可能跟她从小生活的环境有很大关系,李牧虽然不是一个金钱主义者,但不得不承认,从小衣食无忧甚至家境高度富裕的那些孩子,比穷人家的孩子要更加自信,而表演恰恰是一种需要足够自信才能够完全放开的事情。 Therefore Li Mu also hopes that can her better acting in a play opportunity, best be able to make her the world's most well-known Chinese star, that Li Mu was happy. 所以李牧也希望能够给她更好的演戏机会,最好是能够让她成为全球最知名的华人明星,那李牧就再开心不过了。 «After Flying Tigers», Li Mu will tie up closely in oneself Spielberg together, but this bundle, will naturally also take to bring in Du Wei, best to tie up with the Spielberg future several movies Du Wei, this was equal to that gave Du Wei to build one to go nonstop to Hollywood, and became the direct bus of Hollywood top star. 《飞虎队》之后,李牧会把斯皮尔伯格跟自己更紧密的捆绑在一起,而这种捆绑,自然也会把杜薇带进来,最好是能够把杜薇跟斯皮尔伯格未来的几部电影捆绑起来,这样就等于给杜薇搭好了一部直通好莱坞、并且一跃成为好莱坞顶尖女星的直通车。 ...... …… The helicopter of navigation company flew to the Kunming (Spring City) airport, others of Li Mu and Du Wei as well as accompanying boarded the chartered airplane company long-waiting corporate aircraft. 通航公司的直升飞机飞抵春城机场,李牧杜薇以及随行的其他人一齐登上了包机公司等候已久的公务机。 The corporate aircraft is more peaceful compared with the helicopter, Li Mu then turns on the computer, opens the 《21 Guns》 lyrics that oneself reform, making Du Wei first be familiar with the lyrics, after Du Wei has looked, to lyrics praise without cease, has closely examined: Brother Li Mu, do you have the music score? I think to try to study now am singing.” 公务机比起直升机要安静许多,李牧便打开电脑,把自己改过的《21guns》的歌词打开,让杜薇先熟悉歌词,杜薇看过之后,对歌词赞不绝口,一直追问:“李牧哥哥,你有谱子吗?我想现在就试着学着唱一下。” Haha.” Li Mu flexure scratched the head: You know that I do not have the study to cross the music theory, will not write the music score.” “哈哈。”李牧挠了挠头:“你知道的,我没正经学过乐理啊,不会写谱子。” Du Wei spits the tongue, said with a laugh: You taught me to sing.” 杜薇吐了吐舌头,笑着说:“那你就教我唱好了。” The Li Mu awkward pulling down sound, said: „Others, are embarrassed.” 李牧尴尬的压低声音,说道:“还有其他人呢,多不好意思。” Du Wei same lowers the sound saying: Sang, had embarrassed what, usually went to KTV is not in front of many to sing.” 杜薇一样压低声音道:“唱歌而已嘛,有什么不好意思的呀,平时去ktv不也当着很多人的面唱歌吗。” Li Mu said: That is follows to accompany to sing, unlike the sonorous singing, the sonorous singing is to need the greatest courage.” 李牧说:“那是跟着伴奏唱,跟清唱不一样,清唱是需要莫大勇气的。” Du Wei blinks, says with a smile: Originally omnipotent Brother Li Mu also has the shy time, will be working as others' surface sonorous singing unexpectedly embarrassed......” 杜薇眨了眨眼,笑道:“原来无所不能的李牧哥哥也有害羞的时候,竟然会不好意思当着别人的面清唱……” Li Mu smiles helplessly: Method of goading somebody into action......” 李牧无奈一笑:“激将法啊……” Du Wei said with a laugh: „Are you leave alone method of goading somebody into action, you truly embarrassed were in any case right.” 杜薇笑着说:“你别管是不是激将法,反正你确实不好意思就对了。” Li Mu said with a laugh said: I must formally announce, your method of goading somebody into action was effective.” 李牧笑着说道:“那我要正式宣布,你的激将法奏效了。” Then, Li Mu made a deep breath, said: Come, listened, I sing now to you!” 说罢,李牧做了个深呼吸,道:“来,听好了,我现在就给你唱一遍!” Du Wei silent applause, excited said in a low voice: „It was good, but Brother Li Mu your dot sound, making me hear well.” 杜薇无声的鼓掌,一脸兴奋的低声说:“太棒了,不过李牧哥哥你小点声,让我一个人听到就好。” Li Mu nods, slightly somewhat bashful sang oneself reforming lyrics 《21 Guns》. 李牧点点头,略微有些害臊的唱起了自己改过歌词的《21guns》 Original 《21 Guns》, the lyrics general idea/careless is an anti-war song, anti-war no doubt is today's peace the matter that likes appealing, especially US (America) these famous singers, almost who has an anti-war song, otherwise embarrassed notified the person. 原版的《21guns》,歌词大意是一首反战歌曲,反战固然是当今和平者最喜欢呼吁的事情,尤其美国的那些大牌歌手,几乎谁都有一首反战歌曲,否则都不好意思跟人打招呼。 But the US (America) musical world has so many anti-war songs, the source of this anti-war song is not the Second World War, but is the Vietnam War, US (America) hits the Vietnam War time makes war without just cause, the casualties especially are also giant, post-war US (America) raised the strong anti-war sentiments, therefore starting from that time, the film and television did with the song class art does starts to undergo the influence of anti-war tide. 美国乐坛有那么多反战歌曲,这种反战歌曲的源头并不是第二次世界大战,而是越南战争,美国打越南战争的时候师出无名,伤亡又格外巨大,以至于战后的美国掀起了强烈的反战情绪,所以从那个时候开始,影视作和歌曲类艺术作都开始经受反战浪潮的影响。 However, the second war to all victorious nations, was not a making war without just cause war, but was a justice ultimately defeats the evil just war, the just people joins up, fight in the world *** brilliant achievement, to all ally soldiers who attended the second war, that war was worth the later generation entire human race eulogy and praise. 但是,二战对所有战胜国来说,都不是一场师出无名的战争,而是一场正义最终战胜邪恶的正义之战、是全世界正义人民联合起来、抗击***的辉煌战果,对所有参加二战的同盟国士兵来说,那场战争都是值得后世全人类歌颂与赞美的。 Therefore, Li Mu the 《21 Guns》 lyrics, changed to participated in these just veterans of second war in the complete and thorough praise, particularly in «Flying Tigers» this movie these fought against Japan heroically *** the pilots of invader. 所以,李牧《21guns》的歌词,改成了是在完完全全、彻彻底底的赞颂参与二战的那些正义老兵,尤其是《飞虎队》这部电影里那些英勇抗击日本***侵略者的飞行员们。 Green Day although is punk style Band, but 《21 Guns》 this song actually not obviously at will, on the contrary, its melody line is very frivolously and steady, and nice at the same time of pleasant to hear, many atmosphere, can touch the will of the people easily. 绿日虽然是一支朋克风格的乐队,但《21guns》这首歌却一点也不显的轻浮、随意,相反,它的旋律线很稳重,好听、动听的同时,又不乏大气,很容易就能打动人心。 Li Mu although blows up the courage sonorous singing, but many somewhat cannot let loose, but Du Wei after is auditing he sang a paragraph, at heart the music score of this song had transformed, therefore when Li Mu sang the second paragraph, she has been able accurate following to sing in a chorus in a low voice. 李牧虽然鼓起勇气清唱,但多少还是有些放不开,不过杜薇在一旁听他唱了一个段落之后,心里就已经把这首歌的谱子转化了出来,于是在李牧唱第二个段落的时候,她就已经能够准确无误的跟着低声合唱了。 Li Mu was studied the song speed quickly shocking by her, but quick also understands, actually the music theory and music are the languages of music, the average person has not studied this language, studying to sing is completely the mechanical type strengthened in the mind remembers, did not speak a foreign language like the average person, but the person always near your ear, you followed he to study several times, on the pronunciation of learned that foreign language, but their gate language you were know nothing as before. 李牧被她学歌速度之快给震惊了,不过很快也就明白过来,其实乐理和乐谱就是音乐的语言,普通人没有学过这门语言,学唱歌就完全是机械式的在脑海中增强记忆,就像一般人不懂一门外语,但有一个人老在你耳边哔哔,你跟着他学几次,就学会那句外语的发音了,但是他们那门语言你依旧是一窍不通。 In this case, studies a song song, looks like the language that listens to others to use one type to say a chapter, therefore the average person study song looks like talking bird, mechanical type with singing many, continually deepens remembers, finally remembers this song. 这种情况下,学一首歌的曲子,就像是听别人用一种不懂的语言说一篇章,所以一般人学歌就像是鹦鹉学舌,机械式的跟唱很多遍,不断加深记忆,最后才把这首歌记住。 However to Du Wei this music specialized outstanding student, she since childhood already music theory music that set of thing study skillfully, therefore, when she hears a song, she can understand language, therefore, after she hears others uses this language to say a few words, she immediately the energy remembers these words basis, but like others, cannot only remember pronunciation. 但是对杜薇这种音乐专业的高材生来说,她从小就已经把乐理乐谱那套东西学的滚瓜烂熟了,所以,当她听到一首曲子的时候,她是能够读懂其中语言的,所以,当她听到别人用这种语言说出一段话之后,她立刻能记住这段话的根本,而不像其他人,只能记住发音。 Thinks through this, Li Mu to Du Wei one on the performance of learned song , was not so surprised. 想通这一层,李牧杜薇一遍就学会这首歌的表现,也就不那么惊讶了。 Du Wei followed Li Mu to sing second at this time, the entire song is skilled, one sang, she acted like a spoiled brat to say to Li Mu: Brother Li Mu, you sang again to me!” 杜薇这时候跟着李牧唱完第二段,整首歌就已经非常熟练了,一遍唱完,她对李牧撒娇道:“李牧哥哥,你再给我唱一遍!” Li Mu said with a smile: You have studied skillfully, but also wants me to sing Ah? I to think that to you you alit from the airplane to enter the awning later to record directly.” 李牧笑道:“你都已经学得滚瓜烂熟了,还要我给你唱啊?我看你待会儿下了飞机就能直接进棚录音了。” Du Wei slightly somewhat said shyly: „To listen to you to sing one again, if you feel shy, we sang one together.” 杜薇略有些羞涩的说:“就是想听你再唱一遍嘛,你要是觉得害羞,那我们一起唱一遍好了。” Li Mu is helpless, can only nod to comply. 李牧无奈,只能点头答应。 This time, Du Wei sang unspotted, can grasp to the feeling that this song that type melodious grave, told unusual was proper. 这一次,杜薇唱的毫无瑕疵,就连对这首歌那种悠扬庄重、娓娓道来的感觉都能够把握的非常到位。 Li Mu sighed: Today goes back later to rest, then we hurry the awning to record this song.” 李牧不禁感叹:“今天回去之后休息一下,然后咱们就赶紧进棚把这首歌录出来。” Du Wei nods, said: Tonight the parents have the elder sister to reach an agreement to eat meal at home, my grandparent can also come, they very long have not seen me, said that thought me, passed today, which day in the future will be casual.” 杜薇点了点头,说:“今晚爸妈还有姐姐说好要在家吃饭,我爷爷奶奶也会过来,他们很久没见我,都说想我了,过了今天,往后随便哪天都可以。” Li Mu said: I must first with recording the musician communicate to compose, after handling, I will inform your, but will not catch up, over the two days you rested well.” 李牧说:“我得先跟录音乐手沟通一下编曲,搞定之后我会通知你的,不过也不会太赶,这两天你就好好休息一下。” Saying, Li Mu is also asking her: How does matter of school arrange?” 说着,李牧又问她:“学校的事情怎么安排的?” Du Wei said: That side school is the main professional course will have the school teacher to arrange to me to make up, somewhat melts the class to have no major problem actually, I study independently in the dramatic team was similar, actually is not difficult.” 杜薇说:“学校那边就是主要的专业课会有学校老师安排给我补上,有些化课倒是没什么大问题,我自己在剧组的时候自学的差不多了,其实也不算难。” Li Mu said with a smile: Makes a movie does not forget to study the class, is really standard academic tyrant.” 李牧笑道:“拍戏都不忘学化课,真是个标准的学霸。” Du Wei said with a smile: My grandfather told me to practice good self-discipline since childhood, he also went to war to hit in the past, in descendants' the autonomy education to the family/home attached great importance.” 杜薇笑道:“我爷爷从小就告诉我要严于律己,他当年也是一路打仗打过来的,对家里子孙的自律教育非常重视。” Saying, Du Wei was also saying: Right, in this dramatic team, was very big to the rise of English, the directors as well as most staff, acted the leading role are the English, therefore has used English to exchange with them, I had not treated as a stranger in the country before for a long time, this time worked with them together is so long, felt big to the spoken language ability promotion, later went to the US (America) abroad study the words, the spoken language does not need to be worried.” 说着,杜薇又道:“对了,在这个剧组里,对英语水平的提升特别大,导演以及大部分的工作人员、主演都是英语,所以一直都是跟他们用英语交流,我以前没长期在国外待过,这次跟他们一起工作这么久,感觉对口语能力提升非常大,以后去美国留学的话,口语都不用担心了。” Li Mu curious asking: „Do you want to go to the US (America) abroad study?” 李牧好奇的问:“你想去美国留学?” Right.” Du Wei nods, said earnestly: Goes to Berklee College of Music, studies the Hyundai / modern music and jazz, is I have vainly hoped.” “对啊。”杜薇点了点头,认真的说:“去伯克利音乐学院,学现代音乐和爵士乐,是我一直的梦想。”
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