RITF :: Volume #12

#1185: I made a mistake ...

On Ye Xiao the move, handsome boy turned into the young pig face one after another immediately, no, is the big pig head. 叶笑身上接连中招,小白脸登时变成了小猪脸,不,是大猪头。 Lian Lian, do not think that my move......” Ye Xiao busy swells is being too impatient to wait to eat to ask: Your take action is so heavy, sees......” 怜怜,你不是要看我的招法……”叶笑百忙中肿着嘴急切问道:“你出手这么重,怎么看……” How I must the means confirm you to say does not calculate \; You leave the move freely are!” Ice-cold of Jun Yinglian face, still unceasingly left the move. “我要怎么办法验证你说了不算\;你尽管出招就是!”君应怜一脸的冰冷,仍旧不断出招。 Bang bang bang puff ping puff......” following, Ye Xiao almost passed in the uninterrupted move, besides turned into the head of big pig head, from top to bottom, each spot had not let off, is at crazily is beaten in the condition...... “砰砰砰噗噗噗砰砰噗噗……”接下来,叶笑几乎就是处在不间断的中招中度过的,除了已经变成大猪头的脑袋之外,浑身上下,每一个部位都没有被放过,都处在被疯狂殴打状态之中…… However is the tea time, did not say elsewhere, was only on the buttocks is trampled 1800 feet, was swollen high several. 不过是盏茶功夫,不说别处,就只是屁股上已经被踹了1800脚,高高地肿了好几层。 Jun Yinglian hits, while drinks to scold in heart. 君应怜一边打,一边在心中喝骂。 I let your Pure Yang Boy Cultivation!” “我让你纯阳童子功!” I make you not look for me first!” “我让你不先找我!” I make you be unfair to me!” “我让你对不起我!” Your unexpectedly also concubine......” “你居然还小老婆……” I let your first second concubine......” “我让你第一第二小老婆……” Lets your 12 concubines!” “让你12小老婆!” Concubine!” “小老婆!” Concubine concubine concubine......” in the Jun Yinglian heart meditates maliciously, the fists and feet is similar to the squally shower, leans the sentiment to divulge, falling that has not been separated slightly will get down...... “小老婆小老婆小老婆……”君应怜心中狠狠默念,拳脚如同狂风骤雨、倾情宣泄,丝毫没有间隔的落将下去…… The Ye Xiao physique, swelled to rise at the naked eye obvious speed. 叶笑的身板,以肉眼可见的速度肿涨了起来。 Hits, while endures to shout sorely: Lian Lian, your in the end confirmed...... Almost good...... !!......” 一边打,一边忍着疼叫:“怜怜,你到底确认了没有……差不多行了……噗!啊!……” Also does not know that this goods are brain tie a knot, was perplexed directly. 也不知道这货是脑筋打结,还是直接被打蒙了。 To the present unexpectedly also asks this retarded to exploding the issue. 到现在居然还在问这个弱智到爆的问题。 If the opposite party had not confirmed how can compare what fists and feet with you? Will that directly only move the sword with you good? 对方若是没有确认,岂会与你比什么拳脚?那只会直接与你动剑了好不好? A sword gets down, is head whiz flies...... 一剑下来,就是人头“嗖”的一声飞出去…… That is what kind hurries agily, pleasant! 那是何等的赶紧利索,赏心悦目! How could it not be much more relaxed than the present? Reduces effort a lot! 岂不比现在要轻松得多?省力得多! Where looks like so, time-consuming hard sledding, naturally also dispels anger now a lot! 哪里像现在这般,费时费力,当然还解恨得多! This crazy beating cruelly, has continued the quarter. 这一顿疯狂的虐打,前后足足持续了一刻钟。 The Ye Xiao sketchy estimate, oneself from head to foot, the most conservative estimate must bear the Jun Yinglian more than 10,000 times attack...... 叶笑粗略估算,自己从头到脚,最保守估计也得承受了君应怜10000多次的打击…… Luckily Jun Yinglian each attack has not used the real strength, launches the devastation in view of own human body purely, otherwise, now the hashed meat are not, early had made into the meat sauce...... 幸亏君应怜每一次打击都并没有动用真力,纯粹针对自己的肉体展开蹂躏,否则,现在自己连碎肉都不是,早已经被打成了肉酱了…… How or others Jun Yinglian is Dao Origin Stage level 9 peak powerhouse, the strength control of attack will control each time accurate, the wound will not arrive at meridians absolutely, the wound will not arrive at the skeleton absolutely, will not injure to the internal organs absolutely...... 要不人家君应怜怎么是道元境九品巅峰强者呢,每次打击的力道控制都控制得精准至极,绝对不会伤到经脉,绝对不会伤到骨骼,绝对不会伤到内脏…… But each muscle and each inch flesh, were being beaten savagely by the limit from head to foot \; This is real sense the physical suffering of! 但从头到脚每一处肌肉、每一寸肌肤,都在被极限暴打\;这才是真正意义的皮肉之苦! Whole body! 全身上下! The unusual conditions, absolutely do not have any dead angle, not any place of least bit omission the physical suffering of limit. 浑然天成,绝对没有任何死角、没有任何半点遗漏之处的极限皮肉之苦。 So after the quarter,...... 如此一刻钟之后…… Bang! 砰! Jun Yinglian flies a foot to trample finally fully on the Ye Xiao abdomen, the Ye Xiao whole person seems mounts the clouds and rides the mist flies high generally flying upside down \; Is muddleheaded flying of rising brain enough the hundred zhang (333m) unexpectedly also decline place. 君应怜最后飞起一脚整整踹在叶笑小肚子上,叶笑整个人好似腾云驾雾一般凌空倒飞\;昏头涨脑的飞出去足足百丈居然还没落地。 Such by buttocks backward prominent lofty posture flying upside down...... 就这么以屁股向后突出的高雅姿势倒飞…… Ye Xiao understood suddenly! 叶笑突然明白了! This young woman so-called confirmation, is to devastate to maltreat itself radically! 这个女人所谓的验证,根本就是想要蹂躏虐待自己! Monarch Xiao in the heart is angry immediately. 笑君主顿时心中大怒。 I depend, does she dare to do unexpectedly?! 我靠,她竟然敢这么干?! She in fact already acknowledged herself! 她实际上早就承认了自己! The complete excuse, wants to punch itself one...... That is all! 全部的借口,就只是想要揍自己一顿……仅此而已! Otherwise, even if changes into Wu Fa to be such hit by her, early killed! 否则,就算是换成武法被她这么打,也早打死了! Holds on a minute!” Ye Xiao sad urging extremely shouts one. “且慢!”叶笑悲催万分的大喊一声。 Jun Yinglian arrived front, coldly said: What to hold on a minute? Can you give up?” 君应怜已经到了面前,冷冷道:“且慢什么?你要放弃了么?” The Ye Xiao grief and indignation said: „Your you...... You are are not confirming radically, you already confirmed actually my status, already acknowledged that I am Monarch Xiao this Senior...... Actually must hit me...... You hit me intentionally! Is?!” 叶笑悲愤地说道:“你你你……你根本就不是在验证,你其实早就确认了我的身份,早就承认我是笑君主本尊……却偏偏还要打我……你这是故意的打我!是不是?!” Jun Yinglian snort|hum, said: Also is what kind of?” 君应怜哼了一声,道:“是又怎样?” Also is what kind of? 是又怎样? So did not deny covers up, positive imposing manner asked back instant, making Ye Xiao instant be shocked. 如此毫不否认遮掩,正面气势反问的刹那,让叶笑瞬时愣住了。 fuck, this woman's response...... With completely not to be how different from the script that in my heart designs! 卧槽,这娘们的反应……怎地与跟我心中设计的剧本完全不一样啊! Is this is two matters completely good...... 这完全就是两回事好不好…… could it be that should not, I reveal the status, Lian Lian is choked with tears, was happy that the whole body shivers, language inadequate sound...... Then meets again after a long separation...... Puts into my generous bosom to walk arm in arm...... Romantic infatuation 难道不是应该,我一表露身份,怜怜就痛哭失声,跟着高兴得浑身颤抖,语不成声……然后久别重逢……投入我宽厚的怀抱依偎……轻怜蜜爱 ...... …… Should be this edition. 应该是这个版本啊。 This is correct edition! 这个才是正确的版本啊! But now...... 可是现在…… How can like this?! 怎么会这样呢?! Ye Xiao looks which spot one are from top to bottom casual at least to be swollen three grandiosely body, resembles the brand-new stature that the black bear was equally fat getting up seriously...... Wanting to cry but have no tears: But this present what's the matter? 叶笑看着自己浑身上下随便哪个部位至少都肿了三圈的“壮硕”身躯,当真就好像狗熊一样胖了起来的全新身材……欲哭无泪:可这眼下是怎么回事? You acknowledged that I have hit why also me?” The Ye Xiao grief and indignation, is filled with puzzled of whole face. “你承认我了为什么还打我?”叶笑悲愤至极,满心满脸的不解。 I acknowledged why you can't hit you?” A Jun Yinglian eye socket red, control vigorously own mood: You are unfair to me...... Why can't I hit you?” “我承认你为什么不能打你?”君应怜眼眶一红,极力的控制住自己的情绪:“你那么对不起我……我为什么不能打你?” I asked you, this life had the regret, harmed your come all alone \; If there is a next life, allow all your sea whole wide world...... This saying was you says?” “我问你,今生有悔,害你形单影只\;若有来世,许你四海八荒……这话是你说的吧?” But you?” “可是你呢?” You are living obviously, even if cannot instantly fulfill the commitment, at least should also pass words with me, but how you do, unexpectedly in the looking concubine, looked...... Why can't I hit you? I only disliked me to hit you to hit am short!” “你明明还活着,就算不能即刻履行承诺,起码也该跟我透句话吧,可是你是怎么做的,居然自己在一个劲的找小老婆,找了一个又一个……我为什么不能打你?我只嫌我打你打得少了!” You to the Dao Origin Stage level, have thought that asks me to meet \; It is not right, this time is as a result of circumstance, is I arrives at your front on own initiative, if you look for me, has not known that must wait till lord knows, does not say this 1-layer, what had you made a moment ago? “你一直到了道元境层次了,才想起来找我见面\;不对,这次是因缘际会,是我主动来到你的面前,要是等你来找我,还不知道要等到猴年马月,就不说这一层,你刚才又做了什么? With first that I have a reunion, unexpectedly is with me talked at length that you must look for the concubine...... Moreover more than one! ” 与我重逢的第一面,居然就是一个劲的跟我大谈特谈你要找小老婆……而且还不止一个!” Concubine!” Jun Yinglian more said more air/Qi, suddenly the pitching body on, hits take action once again greatly: I let your concubine......” “小老婆!”君应怜越说越气,突然再度蹂身而上,大打出手:“我让你小老婆……” Ye Xiao holds the head to squat on the ground, begs for mercy repeatedly: I made a mistake...... Forgiving...... Forgive! Bountiful......” 叶笑抱着脑袋蹲在地上,连声求饶:“我错了……饶命……饶命!饶……” Ping ping...... 砰砰砰砰…… The sound is getting more and more light. 声音越来越轻。 Long time after long time, hugs Ye Xiao that head completely is feeling helpless to feel finally did not attack to fall on oneself again, moves away the hand secretly, is slanting the swelling eye to look secretly...... 良久良久之后,抱着脑袋全然不知所措的叶笑终于感觉到再没有打击落在自己身上,偷偷地将手拿开,斜着肿胀的眼睛偷偷看去…… Sees only Jun Yinglian to stand in own side, the white clothing skirt-width shivers slightly, as if the tender body of that person is shivering fiercely general...... 只见君应怜就站在自己身旁,白衣下摆微微颤抖,似乎伊人的娇躯在剧烈颤抖一般…… In Ye Xiao sudden heart a pain. 叶笑突然心中一痛。 Also after is long time, constrains sobbing, finally beyond control resounding quietly, a series of teardrops, drop gradually on Ye Xiao. 又是良久之后,一声压抑至极的哽咽,终于无法控制的悄然响起,一连串的泪珠,渐次滴落在叶笑头上。 Ye Xiao......” the Jun Yinglian sound is mixing with the obvious vibrato: You...... Haven't you died really?” 叶笑……”君应怜的声音夹杂着明显的颤音:“你……你真的没死么?” In the Ye Xiao heart trembles, said: I have not died, I was allow you...... All sea whole wide world!” 叶笑心中一颤,道:“我没死啊,我可是许了你……四海八荒!” allow all my sea whole wide world......” the Jun Yinglian tender body more and more is fierce of shivering, she is biting the lip, going all out wants to stop own sob, own sadness, own excitement, but said that anything cannot control. “许我四海八荒……”君应怜的娇躯越来越是颤抖的厉害,她咬着嘴唇,拼命的想要止住自己的哭泣,自己的悲伤,自己的激动,但却说什么也控制不住。 Dao Origin Stage level 9 peak cultivation level, mental state, in unexpectedly completely is at this moment useless! 道元境九品巅峰修为,心境,在此刻竟然全然无用!
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