RITF :: Volume #12

#1177: Pursue!

She never thinks that does not want morning a point to see own son \; To reunite with the family member, but actually feared that the son encounters the danger because of this matter, or has any impulsive behavior...... 她何尝想,不想要早一点看到自己的儿子\;何尝不想要与家人团聚,但却又怕儿子因为这件事而遭到危险,或者有什么冲动的行为…… Makes the son beset with a crisis with it, the fictionalizing false appearance that would rather is contrary to convictions, said such as you do not miss my rumor so. 与其让儿子陷入危机,倒不如违心的虚构假象,说出诸如你不要挂念我这般的谎言。 Contained many to feel sad reluctantly...... 这其中,蕴含了多少心酸无奈…… Big love in this way, indescribable! 大爱如斯,莫可言状! A Ye Nantian deep sigh, the whole face completely is dejected. 叶南天一声长叹,满脸尽是颓然。 Ye Xiao is also infinite low-spirited, loses the mood to reveal in speech and appearance. 叶笑也是无限黯然,失落情绪溢于言表。 My trip of goals of are so, the words brought, my this then said goodbye.” Jun Yinglian said lightly, immediately, the body has transferred decidedly, steps line. “我此行的目的便是如此,话已带到,我这便告辞了。”君应怜淡淡地说了一句,随即,身子决然转过,踏步而行。 fairy maiden is already near Ye Family, how to come to sit?” Ye Nantian said in consternation: Has work fairy maiden to make a long and wearisome journey to bring my wife information, but also please come in surely, settles down the rest moment, making this Ye slightly perform the friendship of landlord, the gratitude!” 仙子既临叶家,怎不进来坐坐?”叶南天愕然道:“有劳仙子长途跋涉带来拙荆信息,还千万请进来,驻足歇息片刻,让叶某略尽地主之谊,感激之心!” Does not need.” Jun Yinglian this occasion only thought that the moral nature completely could not say the special feeling, performing was confused, said lightly: „After everybody, will be indefinite, makes the pocket to entangle senselessly.” “不必了。”君应怜此际只觉得心底尽是说不出特异感觉,尽是心烦意乱,淡淡道:“大家后会无期,无谓多做兜缠。” That the slender form brushes, arrived at beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m). 窈窕的身影刷的一声,已经到了几十丈之外。 Dodges again, vanished the trace. 再一闪,已经消失了踪影。 Comes suddenly, goes towering. 来得突如其来,去得更加突兀。 On Jun Yinglian, Ye Nantian or Ye Xiao, non- may hand over the person, oneself arrive at Ye Family for a long time, Ye Nantian, its child Ye Xiao everywhere gazes at to oneself unexpectedly, eyeful completely is one, obviously was to oneself flood the heart of coveting, was playboy one, had the father to raise seriously, does not have mother to teach, the education failure, such father and son, had what qualifications to discuss the junction with oneself, stayed the moment in this, thought unable to withstand! 君应怜而言,无论是叶南天还是叶笑,都非可交之人,自己来到叶家许久,叶南天迟迟不出,其子叶笑竟然对自己满目注视,满眼尽是自己,显然是对自己泛起了觊觎之心,更是纨绔一名,当真是有爹养,没娘教,教育失败之极,这样的父子两人,有何资格跟自己论交,在此多停留片刻,都觉得不堪! Even the moral nature flood oneself from the start should not come, such idea! 甚至心底都泛起了自己压根就不该来,这样的想法! The humans affair affinity, has the cause respectively, not when skillful non- book in circulation, the standpoint is different, insignificant! 世事缘法,各有因缘,无巧不成书,立场不同之际,不足道也! Ye Nantian sighed: „The Monarch Palace Lord manner is warmhearted, makes a long and wearisome journey, ten thousand li (5.000 km) comes, unexpectedly......” 叶南天叹了口气:“君宫主为人古道热肠,长途跋涉,万里而来,竟然……” Turns the head, actually discovered the son also already not. 一转头,却发现儿子也已经不在了。 A long and loud cry, suddenly resounds from the courtyard. 一声长啸,自院子里蓦然响起。 Golden Hawk sigh anxious illness falls, Yue Shuang Yue Han surprised extreme is looking at Ye Xiao: What happened?” 金鹰“呼”的一声急疾落下,月霜月寒惊讶万状地望着叶笑:“发生了什么事?” Me has the urgent matter, takes the Golden Hawk year my regulation!” “我这边有急事,需要金鹰载我一程!” At home, do not run all over the place, do not cause trouble.” “你们两个在家里,不要乱跑,也不要闹事。” Ye Xiao said without enough time, without consulting anybody jumps onto the back of Golden Hawk, when shouts , the Golden Hawk lightning general lift-off flies, whiz, from the sky leaves behind one string of afterimage, just likes flickers to move general, such baseless vanished! 叶笑来不及多说更多,径自跃上金鹰的背脊,一声叱喝之余,金鹰闪电一般离地飞起,“嗖”的一声,在空中留下一串残影,恍如瞬移一般,就这么凭空消失了! The speed of Golden Hawk this moment present displaying, wanted too much too to be high more than it a moment ago unexpectedly! 金鹰此刻现在表现出来的速度,比之刚才竟还要高了太多太多了! Yue Shuang Yue Han is dumbfounded, honk drew out the mouth in abundance, sighed, stamped the feet saying: Really repugnant, any urgent matter such worries, the words did not confess that understands......” 月霜月寒大眼瞪小眼,纷纷嘟起了嘴,叹了口气,跺跺脚说道:“真讨厌,什么急事这么着急,连话也不交代明白……” Is......” Yue Han shows the whites of the eyes. “就是……”月寒翻着白眼。 „Won't he exit to steal the thing to go? Does the celebration taste our warm years in addition?!” Yue Shuang indulges in fantasy to say. “他不会又出去偷东西去了吧?庆祝外加回味咱们的温馨岁月?!”月霜异想天开道。 This...... Cannot.” Yue Han is nipping the finger, somewhat acts bashful the uncertain [say / way]: Now our day was good, did not use secretly, in the past stole the thing to have no alternative, now steals the thing again, recalled past suffering continually is not......” “这个……不会吧。”月寒咬着手指头,有些拿捏不定道:“现在咱们日子都好了,不用偷了,当年偷东西是无可奈何,现在再偷东西,连忆苦思甜都算不上吧……” Yue Shuang thinks, serious nod: Reasonable.” 月霜想了想,郑重点头:“有道理。” „Was the elder brother does do?” Two females squat on the door step, two rest one's chin in one's hands, ponders diligently together, recollections in close succession. “那哥哥是干嘛去了呢?”两女蹲在门阶上,两手托腮,一起冥思苦想,浮想联翩。 ...... …… Ye Xiao is burning with impatience, goes while the hawk \; Still unceasingly urged the Golden Hawk acceleration all the way. 叶笑心急如焚,乘鹰而去\;一路上兀自不断地催促金鹰加速。 He naturally very much knows Jun Yinglian cultivation level and speed, once has delayed, even if perhaps is the Golden Hawk speed, is not necessarily able to overtake, could not find. 他自然很知道君应怜修为和速度,一旦有所耽搁下来,恐怕即便是金鹰的速度,也未必能追得上,找得到。 Under the Jun Yinglian heart disgruntled, full speed speeds away, all the way is similar to white flowing light, is above mundane thoughts to go. 君应怜心下不悦,全速疾驰,一路上如同一道白色流光,绝尘而去。 In rapid speeding away, under heart unhappy returns to normal gradually, this matter, not worried again, oneself can do oneself this fresh last matter! 只是在飞速疾驰之中,心下的不快渐渐平复,此事已了,再无牵挂,自己可以去干自己此生的最后一件事了! On the face the look belongs to indifferently, not sadly not happily, is not angry without the anger. 脸上神色归于漠然,无悲无喜,无嗔无怒。 This goes, is this world Underworld stranger! 这一去,就是与此世幽冥陌路! Your enmity, I reported for you! 你的仇,我为你报! Regardless of whether finally to report Qiu thoroughly, I will look for you! 无论最终能否将仇报得彻底,我都会去找你! On under poor Biluo the underground spring, this time, you gave up any idea of that drops out me again! 上穷碧落下黄泉,这一次,你休想再抛下我! This speeding along, seriously is similar to with lightning speed, saw from afar unexpectedly fog that the Ten Thousand Medicine Mountain summit winds around! 这一路的飞驰,当真如同风驰电掣,远远地,居然已经看到了万药山山巅缭绕的云雾! Jun Yinglian cried loud and long, the speed speeds up unexpectedly again. 君应怜长啸一声,速度竟是再一次加快。 However at this time, suddenly behind came out an incisive hawk cry, has resounded through the sky! 然而就在这个时候,突然间身后出来了一声尖锐至极的鹰鸣,响彻了天空! As if all over the sky rosy cloud, in this hawk called, declined piece by piece, does not exist. 似乎满天云霞,都在这一声鹰鸣之余,片片破落,不复存在。 Jun Yinglian subconscious turning the head following the sound looks that sees only in oneself behind, remote horizon other end, Golden Hawk is glittering golden light ten thousand, the anxious illness pursues! 君应怜下意识的转头循声看去,只见在自己身后,遥远的天际彼端,一头金鹰闪烁着金光万道,急疾追赶而来! This Golden Hawk speed was to really draw near is beyond description, the both sides distant distance was really far, was Jun Yinglian a suspension of movement, the instance that but snapping fingers, that Golden Hawk arrived in the Jun Yinglian top of the head! 这头金鹰的速度实在是快到了难以形容,双方远远距离甚远,可是君应怜这边才一停步,不过一个弹指的瞬间,那头金鹰就已经来到了君应怜的头顶上! Good quick speed!” Jun Yinglian approved one lightly, then treats continues own traveling schedule. “好快的速度!”君应怜淡淡的赞了一句,便待继续自己的行程。 Even if how commendable matter, has not placed Jun Yinglian already above the deathly stillness heart, is unable to make its heart lake have the fluctuation! 纵然如何值得赞美的物事,也已经不放在君应怜早已死寂的心田之上,更加无法令其心湖产生波动! Jun Yinglian when uses the technique of imperial spatial flight, travels at double speed to hurry along, when for the first time only that Golden Hawk has actually flown the sky, unexpectedly in light of this. 君应怜正待施展御空飞行之术,兼程赶路,却乍只那头金鹰飞过自己上空之际,竟然就此顿了一顿。 the next moment, sigh, dives unexpectedly in light of this! 下一刻,“呼”的一声,竟然就此俯冲下来! Is turns toward own position to dive impressively. 赫然是向着自己的位置俯冲下来。 The Jun Yinglian vision dodges, still without enough time the surprised instance, actually saw...... When that god steed carrying on the back of Golden Hawk, actually has other people! 君应怜目光一闪,尚来不及惊讶的瞬间,却已经看到了……那头神骏之际的金鹰的背上,竟然另有他人! The hurricane sound of sword, moves person of clothes sleeve Golden Hawk carrying on the back to flutter about, sends the silk to fly upwards, only has that eye, seems constant the general death to stare at itself, is not willing to move unexpectedly slightly. 飓风霍霍,吹动金鹰背上之人衣袂纷飞,发丝飞扬,唯有那一双眼睛,却似乎恒定一般的死盯着自己,竟是不肯稍移。 Is Ye Nantian that son!?” When Jun Yinglian has recognized immediately the identity of opposite party, under the heart the suspicion, the spunk that just returned to normal multiplies once again, what this boy pursues to make, nothing more than is drools oneself, he then greatly was the impolite death was staring a moment ago at himself, was brought by Ye Nantian one, now unexpectedly crossed, one close behind the other hot pursuit, think really my Jun Yinglian was good to bully? “是叶南天的那个儿子!?”君应怜立即就认出了对方的身份,心下疑窦之余,刚刚才平复下来的怒意再度滋生,这小子追上来能做什么,不外就是垂涎自己,刚才他便大是无礼的死盯着自己,被叶南天一眼带过,现在居然更过了,衔尾猛追自己,真以为我君应怜是好欺负的么? When this read the life, under the Jun Yinglian heart despised this Ye Family Young Master manner, I had the graciousness of life-saving obligation person to your family of three, if not even I and he exerted pressure to Beautiful Flower Moon Palace hand in hand, your parents were impossible the opportunity that had to reunit, at this moment, you drew out the illegal heart to the savior unexpectedly, the scoundrel, simply was ashamedly was how could it not be right Ye Xiao this name! 此念一生之余,君应怜心下不禁更为鄙视这个叶家大少的为人,我可是对你们一家三口有过救命之恩的大恩人,甚至若非我和他联袂向琼华月宫施压,你的父母根本就不可能获得破镜重圆的机会,此时此刻,你竟然对救命恩人起了不轨之心,岂非混账至极,简直就是愧对了“叶笑”这个名字! Golden Hawk drops, speed wonderful quick, oncoming force strange Meng, but, the hawk carries on the back the gaze that person of eye actually does wink Jun Yinglian. 金鹰一路下降,速度奇快,来势奇猛,可是,鹰背上那人的眼睛却是一眨不眨的注视着君应怜 Jun Yinglian can feel clearly that in that eye, is containing fully, indescribable complex emotion. 君应怜能够清晰感觉到,那双眼睛里面,蕴含着满满的,难以言喻的复杂情感。 In her heart, cannot help but shivered unexpectedly. 她的心中,竟然不由自主的颤抖了一下。 ............ ………… <\; was healthy, has given 21 days of injection continuously \; I must grasp the time symbol \; Saves a draft to celebrate the new year, cried...... This several days are happy on new year's celebration...... >\; <\;身体好了,连续打了21天针\;我得抓紧时间码字\;存点稿子过年哇,哭死了……这还有几天就过年乐啊啊啊啊……>\;
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