……„Zhe'er, howyou...... can youspeaksuchwords?”Gongsun Huihas not expectedcontinuouslycleverWang Shouzhe, the speech is so unexpectedly astonishing.
“哲儿,你……你怎么能说这样的话?”公孙蕙没料到一直都乖巧的王守哲,说话竟然如此惊人。„Fifth Sister-in-law, Ifeel the Shouzhewordsreasonable.”Wang Dinghaisomewhatis convincedtodayWang Shouzhe, immediatelybacked up, „how longOld Ancestor Longyancanhaunchclan, everyonealsohad the preparationwell.”
The Gongsun Huicomplexionfluctuatedseveral, finallysaid: „Thisisclanis secret, in the past few days when I reported Old Ancestor Longyan, shepersonallywithme said that ifdid not beginheralso to be able to blow for 20years, perhapsifbegan...... not to say.”公孙蕙脸色变幻了几下,终于还是说道:“此为家族机密,前些天我去禀报珑烟老祖时,她亲口与我说若是不动手她还能镇得住二十载,若是动手……恐怕就不好说了。”20years? Wang Shouzheponderssecretly, actuallyinlong-timemanycompared with the oneselfimagination, the opportunity of soactuallynot necessarilynot having overturned.
二十载?王守哲暗忖不已,倒是比自己想象中长久的多,如此倒是未必没有翻盘的机会。„Zhe'er, youare the clanonlyhope.” The Gongsun Huicomplexion, „ourWang Clanthenshouldcontinueto bear patiently the low keydignifiedly, the strength of collectionentireclanhelpsyoubreak throughSpirit Platform Boundaryin 20 years, don'tcoming up in great numbers and from all sidesincident!”
“哲儿,你是家族唯一的希望。”公孙蕙脸色凝重不已,“我们王氏接下来应该继续隐忍低调,集全族之力助你在20年内突破灵台境,千万别横生事端!”„Yes, Sixth Unclewill find the wayto catchsomespirit fishto sell for moneytoyouraises the resources.”Wang Dinghaialsoquiteapproves saying that „, so long asyoucanrush toSpirit Platform Boundary, ourWang Claniscan really be saved.”
“是啊是啊,六叔会想办法多捕些灵鱼卖钱给你筹措资源。”王定海也是颇为认同道,“只要你能冲上灵台境,我们王氏才算真的有救。”„Do Irush toSpirit Platform Boundary? Then?”Wang Shouzheis sneeringsnorting contemptuously, „firstdid not say that Icanrush, even ifthere is an opportunityto clash, Liú ClanandZhao Clando visitmeto clashhelplessly? Will giveme20years? Let alone, even ifIrushedby luck, is still anotherOld Ancestor Longyan!”
“我冲上灵台境?然后呢?”王守哲冷笑着嗤之以鼻,“先不说我能不能冲得上,就算有机会冲,刘氏和赵氏会眼睁睁地看着我冲?会给我二十年时间?更何况,即便我侥幸冲上了,也不过是另外一个珑烟老祖而已!”Wang Shouzheistransmigrator, naturallycanjump out of the inertiathought of Wang Clanclansman.王守哲是穿越者,自然能跳出王氏族人的惯性思维。Hiswords, makingGongsun Hui and Wang Dinghaiheartonecold, beforetheyhave livedunder the asylum of Old Ancestor Longyan, thinks that Liú ClanZhao Clanwill not really have no consideration for face.
他的话,让公孙蕙和王定海心头一寒,之前他们一直活在珑烟老祖的庇护下,以为刘氏赵氏不会真的撕破脸。However, ifwas placed the completehopeWang Shouzheto be really likelyto attackSpirit Platformbythem, howLiú ClanandZhao Clanto sit by and do nothing?
但是,如果被他们寄予全部希望的王守哲真的有望冲击灵台,刘氏与赵氏岂会坐视不理?„Ok, Idisplayedshortly after the Old Ancestorlifea moment agointentionallysuggestion. Ibelieve that byplanning of Liú Shengyethatold fox, will not chooseabsolutelyat this timevanguardwithmyWang Clantear and bite. Therefore, ImakeFamily Guardcontinueto let in fresh airin secret, toLiú Clanand a Zhao Clanfive-yearaboutcountdown.”Wang Shouzhesnort/hum the sound said, „whodaresto provokeusin five years, wewithwhowent all out, catchesonetowarddyinghitting, the critical momentwecanemit...... ~ to have the Old Ancestor Longyantown/subduesgathering place.”
It looks like inWang Shouzhe, Old Ancestor Longyanisjoker bomb, joker bomb biggest role is notexplodesthatflash, butbeforeexploding the deterrent force.
在王守哲看来,珑烟老祖就是一手王炸,王炸的最大作用性不是炸出去那一瞬间,而是在炸出去之前的威慑力。„Wonderful.”Wang Dinghaipats the thigh, „Family Headis goodto plan, wenow is a beast of preyat the point of death, before theyfearusat the point of death, goes all outto backlash. Then, theynot onlydo not dareto bullyus, but must find the wayto be on good termsto coax. No wonderLiú Shengyethatold fox, the little darlinggaveapologizing of threetenQian gold.”
“妙啊。”王定海一拍大腿,“家主好算计,我们现在就是一头临死的猛兽,他们就怕我们临死前拼命反噬。如此一来,他们不但不敢欺负我们,还得想办法交好哄着。难怪刘胜业那只老狐狸,乖乖给出了三十乾金的赔礼。”„Not onlyso, becausecurrentlyhasourWang Clanexplicitly‚time of death’, sobulkattractivefatplaces the front, previouslybecause ofLiú ClanandZhao Clan that sharing a common hatredto form an alliancewhilebearing patiently the waiting, hownot to haveotherideas?”Wang Shouzhesmiles saying that „, greedyanddissatisfiedis the most basichuman nature. The followingaspect, definitelybecomesveryinteresting. Iffinds the wayto add fuel to the flamesagainin secretwave of ~hehe”
“非但如此,因为现在有了我们王氏明确的‘死期’,如此一大块诱人的肥肉放在面前,先前因为同仇敌忾而结盟的刘氏与赵氏在隐忍等待的同时,岂会没有其它想法?”王守哲笑眯眯道,“要知道,贪婪和不满足可是最基本的人性。接下来的局面,必然会变得很有意思。如果再想办法暗中推波助澜一波~呵呵”Listened to the analysis of Wang Shouzhe, Gongsun HuiandWang Dinghaiheld breath a cold air/Qi, looked at each other in blank dismay, felt that somewhatfearedat heart. However, theyhad a ray of hopesimultaneously, clanhas the hope that the opportunityoverturns!
听完王守哲的分析,公孙蕙和王定海都是倒吸了一口冷气,不由面面相觑,都感觉心里有些怕怕的。不过,他们同时都生出了一丝希望,一丝家族有机会翻盘的希望!„Aunt, Sixth Uncle, this matteris the bigsecret of Wang Clanclanlife and death.”Wang Shouzhecups the handssaidseriously,„firsthopesyoucandefend the secret, second, hopes that youcantrustmeto supportmeunconditionally.”
“大娘,六叔,此事为王氏家族生死存亡的大机密。”王守哲郑重其事地拱手道,“一来是希望你们能守住机密,二来是,希望你们能无条件信任我支持我。”Thisis the Wang Shouzhegoal, his bodytooyoung, even ifthere is a Patriarchthisstatusstillto butt inunavoidably, can only firstejectsomeastonishingideasto subduesomekey men, will win the ally.
这才是王守哲的目的,他这身体太年轻了,即便是有族长这个身份也难免会遭人置喙,只能先抛出一些惊人的想法来折服些关键人物,赢取盟友。Gongsun Huiishisfather's wife, he will also be the Gongsun Huifuturedependence, but the Sixth UncleWang Dinghaicharacterwill bedirectlystraightforwardlyis also easyto win over.公孙蕙是他嫡母,他也是公孙蕙未来的依靠,而六叔王定海性格也是直接豪爽容易拉拢。Gongsun HuiandWang Dinghaideeplyinspire, pledgedseriously.公孙蕙与王定海都是深吸一口气,郑重其事地发了誓。Threepeoplespoke, the mediumfishing boatunderboatman'scontrol, had left the deep water wharf, entered the rushingAn Rivercenter.
The extravagance of An River, imagination of farultraWang Shouzhe, as far as eyes can reachsmokewavevastboundlessendless, Dingpu Crossinglooksgetting smallergraduallyis not clear.安江之阔,远超王守哲的想象,一眼望去烟波浩渺无垠无尽,定蒲渡口越来越小渐渐看不清晰了。Aseven moreenters the An Riverdeep place, the stormis biggradually, the shipsswayeven morefiercely, is even the Wang ShouzheQi Refining Boundarysix layerspeakphysical quality, feelssomegastric disorders.
随着愈发进入安江深处,风浪渐大,船舶摇晃愈发剧烈,便是连王守哲炼气境六层巅峰的身体素质,也觉得有些反胃。Gongsun Hui that similarlyhas a high and respected position , some are pale, is uncomfortable.
同样养尊处优的公孙蕙,也有些脸色发白,不舒服了起来。„Haha, Fifth Sister-in-lawandShouzhe, the fishing boatis not steadier than the ferryboat. When the shipssway, do not resistto inclinewith the body, butshould a tumblertake advantage of opportunitylikelygenerally, butis.”HowWang Dinghaiteachestwo peopleto deal with the stormto joltpatiently.
“哈哈,五嫂、守哲,渔船不比渡轮稳健。在船只摇晃的时候,你们不要用身体去对抗倾斜,而应像个不倒翁一般顺势而为。”王定海耐心地传授两人如何应对风浪颠簸。Wang ShouzheandGongsun Huiareprofound warrior, profound qi and physical qualityis placed there, did not have the momentto adapt tojolting. EspeciallyWang Shouzhe, studies the Wang Dinghaiboth feetsuch as the pileto sewin the deck, the bodyhas the rhythmto swingwithstormfluctuating, the stancewith easeis gradually satisfied.王守哲与公孙蕙都是玄武者,一身玄气和身体素质摆在那里,不出片刻已经适应了颠簸。尤其是王守哲,学着王定海双脚如桩钉在甲板上,身体随着风浪起伏有韵律地摆动,姿态逐渐轻松惬意起来。„Shouzhereallygoodtalent, howSixth Uncleto giveyouto performusuallyto fish.”Wang Dinghaipreparesto showoneselffull of enthusiasm, inclanfew peoplewill like the fishing boatlooking athimto fish.
“守哲果然好天赋,六叔给你表演一下平常都是如何捕鱼的。”王定海兴致勃勃地准备展现一下自己,家族中很少有人会喜欢到渔船看他捕鱼的。„Ibelieve that Sixth Uncleyourtechnologyis definitely uncommon, butfirstmakes the ordinaryfishing industry workertry.”Wang Shouzheproposed.
“我相信六叔你技术肯定不凡,不过还是先让普通渔工试试。”王守哲提议道。Wang Dinghaistares, says with a smileat once: „Shouzheyou were inspect the fishing boatlevel. Okay, the fishing industry worker on yourSixth Unclethisflagshipfishing boat, each oneis a expert. Wang Goudan, yougivePatriarchto demonstrate.”王定海一愣,却旋即笑道:“守哲你这是来考核渔船水准了。好好,你六叔这旗舰渔船上的渔工,个个都是好手。王狗蛋,你来给族长演示一把。”„Yes, Master Hai.”Whenyoung man the youngyoung fellowleapt upfrom the mast, the movementlooks likeonly the monkeyflexibly, after taking up a fishing netreorganizedone, the waisttwistsflings, the fishing netflewfrom the broad side, from the skyopened an attractivegreat-circlepocket,
哗啦!Bucklesfishing net that fallsemphatically, looks like a backing offbiglarge bowlto pound into the water, duringseveralbreathsankunder water.
The surroundingfishing industry workerapprovedone.
周围渔工都赞了一声。Thisis...... casts a net . Moreover the technologyis very strong.
这是……撒网,而且技术很强。Wang Shouzhe was also the earliest possible timejudged, before passing through, hewas an ordinaryoffice worker, usuallyfishedwith the friendoccasionally. Thereforewhenbrushingsomesoundsomemountainand othervideoAPP, the algorithmwill recommendsomefishingvideos, the videosandlive broadcasts of some manycasting a netexperts.王守哲也是第一时间判断了出来,穿越前他就是一个普通上班族,平常偶尔和朋友钓钓鱼。因此在刷某音某山等视频APP时,算法会推荐一些捕鱼视频,其中不乏有一些撒网高手的视频与直播。AlthoughWang Shouzheoneselfwill not play, actually can also judge that thisnetisgoodisbad. Has toacknowledge,thiscalled the Goudanyoungsterlevelto be good.
After Wang Goudanand othernetsdeparted for the deep, startsto receive the stringcautiously, pastes after the net the river bottomdraws, alsolittleupwardlypulls out, finally, hepulls outfiercely, the entirefishing netwas drawnon the shipbyhimin a flash.王狗蛋等网沉底后,开始小心翼翼地收绳子,将网贴河底收拢后,又一点点向上拔,最终,他猛地一抽,整口渔网都被他一瞬间拉到了船上。
The fishing netwrapped up a dorsal fingraybigfish, Wang Goudansolvedfrom the net bag the fish, after catching, took undeserved creditoverjoyed: „Elder Brother, isNine Stars Perch, musthavefivejin (0.5 kg).”
渔网兜住了一条背鳍花白的大鱼,王狗蛋把鱼从网兜里解出,擒住后欢天喜地地过来邀功:“海哥,是条九星鲈,得有五斤重。”„Yourboyis good, throwsin the running waterbox.”Wang Dinghaipattedhisshoulderto approveone, turn headansweredtoWang Shouzhe, „Nine Stars Perch, althoughdid not belong tospirit fish, actually the tasteslidtenderlyis the superiorfishtastily, thissold to the fish mongerchildren to evenon a bigcopper. Howeverourclanhas the fishshopin the Changningcity, produces and markets by oneself, thiscangainseveralsilver coins.”
The Wang Shouzhenodappreciation, the Great Qian Countrycurrencywith the silver coin, the bigcopper, Qian goldcalculates. Usuallyonejin (0.5 kg)paddy ricefivetotensilver coins, 100silver coinscanexchange a bigcopper, therefore this fishvaluebigcoppervalue not poor.王守哲点头赞赏,大乾国的货币以角子,大铜,乾金来计算。通常而言一斤稻米才五到十个角子,一百角子才能兑换一个大铜,因此这条鱼值一个大铜价值不菲了。Wang Goudanattainsto putin the fishing boatcentrallivewater chamber the fishing, thiscabin and water currentare unimpeded, canmaintain the activeness that the fishingattainsto the full.王狗蛋将渔获放到渔船中央的活水舱内,这舱和外界水流畅通,可以最大限度保持渔获的活性。Howeveraccording toWang Dinghai, so long assomevaluehighfishingattainhasthistreatment. The livewater chamberwas also dividedseveralregions, the specialdepositingtypedifferentfishingattain.
不过据王定海说,只要一些价值较高的渔获才有此待遇。活水舱也被分割成数片区域,专门存放种类不同的渔获。Haddisplaying skills of Wang Goudan, otherfishing industry workersalsoperform the unique skill, the one after anothertechnique is very that experienced and reliable, the netcastsis bigandround, butthisfishingattains is actually uncertain.
有了王狗蛋的献技,其余渔工也纷纷表演绝活,一个个手法都十分老到,撒出去的网又大又圆,不过这渔获却是不一定。Most the netis the spatialnet, somewhatwill be occasionally pleasantly surprised.
After more than double-hour, variousfishingattainedto be gradually many, Nine Stars Perchhadthree, more expensiveTurbulent Waves Leopard Marked Mandarin Fish, although more than twojin (0.5 kg), butWang Dinghaiexpressed that thisfishwanted1bigcopper60silver coinsat least, the goodfishingto attainremainsis enjoyingtoPatriarch.
The Wang Shouzhesurfaceis smiling, satisfyingunderhas been calculating. These30li (0.5 km)hunting and fishingfieldsare the Ping'an Wang Clanhunting and fishingrange, the clanfamily propertyalsoregard as important, by rights ought tois one of the clanimportantfinancial revenues.王守哲表面笑盈盈,可心下一直在盘算不已。这三十里渔猎场是平安王氏的渔猎范围,家族对此族产也十分看重,理当是家族重要的财政收入之一。As the timepasses by, Wang Shouzhegraduallysomeare impatient, saiddirectly: „Sixth Uncle, weperformedalsoperformsimilarly, the casting a nettechnology of fellowfishing industry workers was very strong. Whetherwecan enter the subjectrapidly, demonstrates the truefishingwork.”
The expression that the Wang Dinghaioriginalred lightglowsframesinstantaneously, somewhatcannot feel the mind saying: Shouzhe, haven't wefishedin the demonstrationtruly? Is it possible that do youwantto lookto catchspirit fish? Somebuildsmallspirit fish, fish forthrough the luck, somelarge-scalespirit fishare very fierce, needs to copewith the hunting and fishingarrow. ”王定海本来红光焕发的表情瞬间定格,有些摸不着头脑道:守哲,我们不是已经在演示真正的捕鱼了吗?莫非,您是想看捕捉灵鱼?一些体型较小的灵鱼,都是通过运气捕捞上来,一些大型灵鱼十分凶猛,需要用渔猎箭才能对付。”
Was this occupationfishes?
The face of Wang Shouzhesomewhatwas black, becauseprevious lifeis curious, rubs the colleaguefamily/homerelative'sprofessionalfishing boatto experienceoccupationfishing, finallythatnetreceivesenough more than 40,000jin (0.5 kg), but also is considered as the poor harvest......王守哲的脸都有些黑了,上辈子因为好奇,蹭着同事家亲戚的职业渔船去体验过职业捕捞,最终那一网收上来足足四万多斤,还被认为是歉收……As forcasting a net, onEarththatis the purefishinghappytool, fishinganythingis stronger , the players is a chartrest and recreation. Whomustreallytaketo cast a netas the occupationto fishto keep a family, entire familymuststarve to death.
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