PC :: Volume #8 传说

#1268: Baigo

Tai Yi turned head to look at Silver, the complexion was pale. 太一扭头看了一眼阿银,脸色铁青。 You are speaking what nonsense!” “你在说什么傻话!” How I possibly throw down you to leave alone, but is only 60 demon beast that's all, with me, we breaks through together!!” “我怎么可能丢下你独自离开啊,不过是区区60只魔兽而已,跟着我,我们一起突围出去!!” Under surrounding of demon beast regiment, two people Poké Ball has also opened, the Tai Yi trump card was one Blastoise, two Hydro Pump that tortoise shell front stretched out is built high, aimed at the one set up formation weakest direction, simultaneously sucker demon both hands of Silver also swung occasionally, set up walls. 在魔兽军团的包围下,两人的“精灵球”也已经开启,太一的王牌是一只水箭龟,龟壳前端伸出的两门水炮被高高架起,对准了一个布阵最薄弱的方向,同时阿银的吸盘魔偶双手也摆动了起来,立起一面面墙壁。 But at this time in front of them, in 60 demon beasts, one sufficiently fall compared with normal similar big over three times Pidgeot slowly, falling one is the middle-aged person of long hair behind, the sharp vision stares at two people who are going to be ready to make trouble at present, as to tear them. 而此时他们面前,60只魔兽中,一只足以要比正常同类大三倍以上的比雕正慢慢落下,落到了一个系着长发的中年人身后,锐利的目光盯着眼前将要蠢蠢欲动的两人,似乎想要撕裂他们。 Rebellious army...... really appeared here.” “反抗军吗……果然出现在了这里。” The leaders of this kingdom army are sneering, one day ago they obtained the information to say rebellious army secret took the action, at present it seems like really has its matter. 这名王国军队的首领冷笑着,一天前他们得到情报说反抗军又秘密的展开了行动,眼下看来确有其事。 And, they also obtained a precise information saying that will have a group of rebellious army members to go to the Pallet Town back side of the mountain region. 其中,他们还得到了一条准确情报说,会有一批反抗军成员前往真新镇后山地带。 As the only one accurate information, the kingdom army gave high attaching great importance, deploying a number of main force armies to come to investigate. 作为唯一一个确切情报,王国军队这边给出了高度的重视,派遣了一批主力军队前来调查。 Feathers cause black Sichuan......” “飞羽使黑川……” Situation is not very wonderful.” “情况很不妙。” Faces this middle-aged man, the Tai Yi forehead is breaking into sweat, even if is one-to-one he is also hard to deal with this demon beast to cause, now opposite party in having the situations of so many helpers, although he on the mouth is showing off power, but Tai Yi understands the hope that two people escape is minimal. 面对着这个中年男子,太一额头冒着冷汗,就算是一对一他也难以应对这个魔兽使,现在对方在有这么多帮手的情况下,他虽然嘴上逞强着,但太一明白两人逃生的希望微乎其微。 ...... …… ...... …… „All -round strength of this army, compared with imagination in weak......” “这支军队的综合实力,比想象中的弱……” When Tai Yi regrets why to seek for one not to know help that the demon beast that still has causes, Ting Shu has been familiar with here all changes. 就在太一后悔为什么非要想不开来寻找一个不知道还存在不存在的魔兽使的帮助的时候,庭树对这里的一切变化一直了如指掌着。 Or this is he arranged. 或者说,这本就都是他安排的。 This is also he obtains an important part that the rebellious army trusts. 这也是他得到反抗军信任的重要一环。 Compares the modernized pokémon army, although in the ancient times the so-called demon beast army seemed like the military equipment to be complete, but also was just brute force that's all. 相比现代化的精灵军队,古代所谓的魔兽军队虽然看似武装齐全,但也只不过是蛮力而已 At least in the ancient times regarding breeding that on pokémon located, fell behind modern breeding study many many, when azure campaign was also the enemy of this accurate level, Ting Shu has the reversal war of confidence in the hidden status situation. 至少古代对于精灵定位的培育上,就落后了现代培育很多很多,如果天青战役时也都是这准水平的敌人,庭树有信心在隐藏身份的情况下逆转战局。 However even so, at present this kind of huge demon beast army, is not Tai Yi and Silver these two can cope, this is also this time Ting Shu wants. 不过即使如此,眼前这样一个庞大的魔兽军队,也不是太一阿银这两人能对付的,这也正是此时庭树想要的。 Two people had fallen into the hopeless situation, waits and sees here, Ting Shu knows that this/should he entered the stage. 两人已经陷入了绝境,观望到这里,庭树知道该他出场了。 The outside world, Tai Yi and Silver, the facial color is back to back serious, in the heart passes is jumping, the psychological quality that passes is not up to standard actually not, under the life and death crisis, few individuals can thorough calm. 外界,太一阿银背靠背,面色严肃,心中噗通噗通的跳着,倒不是心理素质不过关,生死危机下,没几个人能彻底冷静。 The surrounding demon beast regiment, the formation is also stricter, leader black Sichuan looks at two people who put on the stance, smiles one pale, just wants to order, but the one sound broke this tension-filled atmosphere at this time suddenly. 周围的魔兽军团,阵型也越加严密,首领黑川看着摆好架势的两人,淡笑一声,刚想下令,不过此时一道声音突然打破了这紧张的气氛。 Rumble.” “轰隆隆。” In this crisis time, this sound is as good as the startling thunderclap, was startled two groups of people to look simultaneously to Tai Yi and Silver that place giant mountain massif. 在这危机时刻,这道声音不亚于惊雷,惊得两批人同时看向了太一阿银背后的那处巨大山体。 The sound...... is here spreads! 声音……是这里传出的! The rock promoted sound spreads clearly, turning head that Tai Yi and Silver somewhat compel ignorant looked that to region/place that they backed on a moment ago. 岩石被推动的声音清晰传出,太一阿银有些懵逼的回过头看向他们刚才背靠的地方 Is this mountain massif...... unexpectedly spatial? 这块山体……竟然是空的? Probably stone door one thing was shoved open, sees only going out of one sloppy short hair men's whole face sleepiness, broken cotton garment as if several years have not traded are the same, tattered, such as the same savage, lets some people expression non- natures. 像是石门一样的东西被推开,只见一个邋遢的短发男子满脸睡意的走出,身上的破布衣仿佛好几年没有换过一样,破破烂烂,如同一个野人,让人表情有些不自然。 You...... you...... you......” “你……你……你……” After Tai Yi gawked one next, surprised looks at this person, the head somewhat could not turn around, originally tense innermost feelings, suddenly short circuit. 太一愣了一下后,吃惊的看着这个人,脑袋有些转不过来了,原本紧张的内心,突然短路。 This person... is not he remembers that had instructed his Aura Power mysterious senior in childhood. 这个人…不就是他记忆中的那个小时候指导过他波导之力的神秘前辈吗。 Although seemed like the vicissitudes many, but this dispirited appearance, will not make a mistake absolutely, has the opposite party could it be lived in the ten years in the mountain? 虽然看上去沧桑了很多,但这副颓废的模样,绝对不会出错,对方这十年来难道一直生活在山中? Excuse me, suddenly appeared to frighten you. But you did not feel oneself is a little noisy, my fond dream may all be disturbed by you.” “不好意思,突然出现吓到你们了。可是你们不觉得自己有点吵吗,我的美梦可全都被你们打搅了。” Ting Shu pulls out the ear to say with the finger. 庭树用手指掏着耳朵道。 Who your excellency is.” “阁下是谁。” This kingdom army, the member more than 20 people, 64 demon beasts, are completely well-trained, wants to train a well-trained demon beast regiment to be difficult in the ancient times, elite who they are it can be said that one in a ten thousand, in which leader feathers cause black Sichuan are in the kingdom the first-class demon beast cause, but even so, sees the present situation, somewhat is unavoidably stunned. 这支王国军队,成员二十余人,六十四只魔兽,全部训练有素,在古代想培养出一支训练有素的魔兽军团非常非常困难,他们可以说是万里挑一的精英,其中的首领飞羽使黑川更是王国中一流的魔兽使,但即使如此,看到眼前的情况,也难免有些错愕。 At this moment, the assistant of this army suddenly thinks that anything, leaned slightly has been in the leader black Sichuan tree-fungus to speak several words. 就在这时,这支军队的副手突然想起来了什么,微微侧过身在首领黑川耳边说了几句话。 This rebellious army sends out to seem to seek for the ally, this person is very likely their helpers.” “这次反抗军出动好像是为了寻找盟友,这个人很有可能是他们的帮手。” The black Sichuan facial color changes, but has not cared, even helper, still one person of that's all, but then, the Tai Yi action, made him confirm assistant's reminder. 黑川面色一变,不过并没在意,即使是帮手,也不过一人而已,而接下来,太一的举动,则让他证实了副手的提醒。 After Ting Shu appears, Tai Yi instantaneous is excited, diligently shows to have the feeling, urgent opens the mouth: Uncle Baigo, you still remember me, before I am that little rascal who frequently runs mountain to come.” 庭树出现后,太一瞬间激动起来,努力的展现着自己存在感,急迫开口:“白吾大叔,您还记得我吗,我是那个以前经常跑上山来的小鬼。” Right, this.” Then, Tai Yi releases Aura Power, tries to prove own status. “对了,这个。”说罢,太一释放出波导之力,试图证明自己的身份。 Baigo is the alias of Ting Shu, not only changed the name, Ting Shu even own image changed, used is not illusion technique, is not the item, is purely by the build and appearance that the medicine changes, bad sex, this tidying up medicine that originates Megalopolis, if will put the previous generation certainly to make everyone go after like ducks, the Minimize medicine under some little similar god of death elementary student clothing/taking, the light will unable to see the change of Ting Shu with the naked eye and instrument, will be able be said as true confusing falsehood with the truth. 白吾庭树的化名,不仅改了名字,庭树就连自己的形象都改了,用的也不是什么幻术,也不是什么道具,是纯粹以药物改变的自身体型、样貌,就差性别了,这种来源大都会的整容药物,如果放到前世一定会让所有人趋之若鹜,有点类似某死神小学生服下的变小药,光用肉眼和仪器根本看不出庭树的改变,可以说是真正的“以假乱真”。 Eh.” Ting Shu shot a look at Tai Yi one unknowingly, starts to act in a play, after doing intentionally recalls one next, somewhat being suddenly enlighted opens the mouth: I remember you, you are that little rascal, I also think that you died, such long does not see, your Aura is progressive.” “额。”庭树不经意的瞥了太一一眼,开始演起戏来,故作回忆一下后,有些恍然大悟开口:“我记得你,你就是那个小鬼啊,我还以为你死掉了呢,这么久不见,你的波导进步不小嘛。” „.........” Tai Yi smiled awkwardly, does not know how to reply. “哈…哈……”太一尴尬笑了起来,不知道怎么回答。 However at this time, Silver drew the Tai Yi lower hem corner suddenly, reminded his present situation, detected after oneself are also in the life and death crisis, Tai Yi could not smile, some apologies looked to Ting Shu, started to speak but hesitated: Uncle Baigo, sorry, these people......” 不过这时,阿银突然拉了拉太一的衣角,提醒了他眼下的情况,察觉到自己还处于生死危机中后,太一也笑不出来了,有些歉意的看向庭树,欲言又止:“白吾大叔,对不起,这些人……” His hadn't expected will also lead here a group of enemies, brought so many troublesome, then can also obtain the help of Uncle Baigo...... bewilderedly to be involved in the event, perhaps no one will be happy. 他也没有想到会把一批敌人带到了这里,带来了这么多麻烦,接下来还能得到白吾大叔的帮助吗……莫名其妙就被卷入事件,恐怕谁也不会开心。 Right now...... explains too many things radically without enough time! 这下子……根本来不及解释太多东西了!
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