PC :: Volume #8 传说

#1240: Giant stone lifeform, birth!

Chapter 1241 第1241章 Giant stone lifeform, birth! 巨石生物,诞生! The Legend(ary) giant stone, was discovered in Hoenn region some vestige at first. 传说的巨石,最初在芳缘地区的某个遗迹中被发现。 one ancient and contains the giant stone of huge Primal energy, being regarded as possibly is one of the Mega Evolution roots- 一个古老并蕴含庞大原始能量的巨大石头,被视为可能是超级进化的根源之一- The giant stone can send out the energy of light, its profile is like Mega Stone, but the heat went far beyond Mega Stone ; The fluctuation can cause Rayquaza Mega Evolution, and makes Groudon and Kyogre sober, in addition, if the sundial union of giant stone and Anistar City will initiate to expand and big destruction of entire star. 巨石能发出光的能量,其波形与超级石一样,但热量远远超过了超级石;其波动可以使烈空坐超级进化,并使固拉多盖欧卡清醒,除此之外,若是巨石与百刻市的日晷结合则会引发扩及整个星球的大毁灭。 These are Lysandre in the information that the another space and time knows, in addition, this giant stone also makes him have the many not quick recollection. 这些都是弗拉达利另外一个时空所知道的信息,除此之外,这块巨石还让他拥有很多不快的回忆。 At this time, Lysandre of this space and time has not known that this giant stone, the giant stone had not been discovered by others, the use time difference, Lysandre of different space and time took the lead this thing. 此时,这个时空的弗拉达利还不知道这块巨石,巨石也没有被其他人发现,利用时间差,异时空的弗拉达利率先得到了这个东西。 As a result of these experiences, making Lysandre understand, this giant stone is also hiding the unknown strength. 由于那些经历,让弗拉达利明白了,这个巨石还隐藏着未知的力量。 Pitifully, the giant stone of his space and time, Lysandre cannot use, the regret missed the opportunity in such one change world. 只是可惜,他那个时空的巨石,弗拉达利并未能利用好,遗憾错失了这么一个改变世界的机会。 However in this space and time, he must seize this opportunity. 不过在这个时空,他一定要抓住这次机会。 This giant stone, has the Absorb bioenergy, extracts energy master all merit and its strengthening the ability of the energy.” Lysandre said. “这块巨石,具有吸收生物能量,从能量中提取能量主人一切优点并将其强化的能力。”弗拉达利道。 I know, this you have said that Representative.” Thurow Skiddawian. “我知道,这个你已经说过了,代表。”库瑟洛斯奇道。 In the another space and time, this giant stone merely is a absorbed Zygarde energy, then can change the Zygarde shape, has the true Zygarde 70% strengths, is really unthinkable.” “在另外一个时空,这个巨石仅仅是吸收了基格尔德的一丝能量,便能变化成基格尔德的形态,拥有真正基格尔德70%的实力,实在匪夷所思。” What is main, controls this giant stone, is easy, although the giant stone has the strength, but it does not have the thought that simply is the perfect war weapon.” “最主要的是,控制起这个巨石,非常容易,虽然巨石具备力量,但它却不具备思维,简直是完美的战争武器。” „I am thinking from that time, if made it gather X, Y and energy shape of Z three sacred criteria, then used its Ability Absorb enough many energies, strengthened itself, can accomplish one to exceed complete body Zygarde sufficiently, and controllable lifeform.” “从那时我就在想,如果让它汇聚了X、Y、Z三神的能量形态,然后再利用其特性吸收足够多的能量,强化自身,会不会造就一个足以超越完全体基格尔德并且可控的生物。” Also it can be said that brand-new pokémon.” “也可以说是全新的精灵。” Lysandre demanded 300 ultra evolutionary stone to the alliance, actually the goal was not to use ultra evolutionary stone makes more Mega Evolution energies, the Mega Evolution energy was very indeed strong, but had the weakness, but the giant stone lifeform, was actually is similar to pokémon general, the growth potential was extremely high. 弗拉达利向联盟索要300块超进化石,其实目的不是为了用超进化石去制造更多超进化能量,超进化能量的确很强,但是还是有弱点,但是巨石生物,却是如同精灵一般,成长性极高。 In his space and time, Kalos region Champion and Elite Four use the full power, is unable to overthrow giant stone Zygarde, if not true Zygarde appears finally, perhaps that giant stone lifeform has destroyed the world. 在他那个时空,卡洛斯地区冠军天王倾尽全力,也无法打倒巨石基格尔德,如果不是最后真正的基格尔德出现,那个巨石生物恐怕已经毁灭世界了。 But the experience of that failure, enough, in this space and time, Lysandre was determined that one time must make the strongest giant stone lifeform by the energies of many Legend(ary) lifeform, has the giant stone lifeform, Team Flare will be in an impregnable position. 但那种失败的经历,有一次就够了,在这个时空,弗拉达利决心要凭借多个传说生物的能量制造出最强的巨石生物,有巨石生物在,闪焰队将立于不败之地。 I understand that I understand.” Sorarz chuckled, Yveltal and Zygarde energy they have collected, now only misses Xerneas, is the Xerneas trail is really not really easy to look. “我明白我明白。”库瑟洛斯奇嘿嘿一笑,Y神Z神的能量他们已经收集到了,如今只差X神,实在是X神的踪迹实在不好找。 „The Anistar City sundial, is our second goal, although the giant stone and sundial union will initiate Explosion of destruction world it is said that but asked without intent, both unify the energy of bringing is also giant, completes this step, the giant stone lifeform was then invincible.” In Lysandre tentative plan, so long as the giant stone has the energy of surpassing the sundial, then both are not the unions, but is the annexation, is the energy of giant stone annexation sundial. 百刻市的日晷,是我们第二个目标,虽然巨石和日晷结合据说会引发毁灭世界的大爆炸,但是毫无意问,两者结合带来的能量也是巨大的,完成这一步,巨石生物便无敌了。”弗拉达利设想中,只要巨石拥有超过日晷的能量,那么两者便不是结合,而是吞并,是巨石吞并日晷的能量。 Although there is a certain risk, but at present this is the only means. 虽然有一定风险,但是目前这是唯一的办法。 The optimal choice, actually provides innumerable ultra evolutionary stone to strengthen the giant stone lifeform, but this plan already, because Ting Shu was disrupted, annexes the sundial to become the only choice directly. 最优的选择,其实是给巨石生物提供无数超进化石进行强化,但是这个计划已经因为庭树被打乱,直接吞并日晷成为了唯一的选择。 If successful, even if is Zygarde of complete body, absolutely will not be the opponent of giant stone lifeform, as the matter stands, Kalos could be the new world truly, can by the brand-new place that Team Flare will transform. 如果成功,就算是完全体的基格尔德,也绝对不会是巨石生物的对手,这样一来,卡洛斯才真正算得上是新世界,能够被闪焰队改造的全新之地。 Moreover, the giant stone lifeform will have X, Y and Z three sacred criteria ability, the ecology in the world will wield in the hand of Team Flare. 而且,巨石生物将会有X、Y、Z三神的能力,世界的生态将执掌于闪焰队之手。 That first goal?” Sorarz asked. “那第一个目标呢?”库瑟洛斯奇问。 „After swallowing Zygarde and Yveltal energy, it will then regain consciousness, instinct swallows other energies, be only the energy of same rank will provoke its response, but Kalos region, has this energy, only then Anistar City mysterious crystal sundial and Xerneas, when the time comes, to make the giant stone lifeform stronger, we must first swallow the Xerneas energy, then swallows the energy of sundial.” “吞噬了基格尔德伊裴尔塔尔的能量后,它便会苏醒,本能的去吞噬其他能量,只有相同级别的能量才会引起它的反应,而卡洛斯地区,具备这种能量只有百刻市的神秘晶体日晷和哲尔尼亚斯了,到时候,为了让巨石生物变得更强,我们要先去吞噬哲尔尼亚斯的能量,再去吞噬日晷的能量。” Moreover, even if could not find Xerneas, currently also has the another choice......” “而且,就算找不到哲尔尼亚斯,现在也有了另外一个选择……” Ting Shu's Altaria, on that Altaria, has to be similar to the Xerneas energy, Fairy Aura. 庭树的七夕青鸟,那只七夕青鸟身上,也有着类似于哲尔尼亚斯的能量,妖精气场 Lysandre said, Sorarz nods layer on layer/heavily, has gone all out impatiently. 弗拉达利说完,库瑟洛斯奇重重点头,早就已经迫不及待大干一番。 ...... …… ...... …… Lysandre of different space and time evacuates from Lumiose City to here process, although secret, but is actually not able to hide the truth from the alliance completely. 异时空的弗拉达利密阿雷市撤离到这里的过程虽然隐秘,但是却无法完全瞒过联盟。 After entering the first-level readiness condition, the nerve time of alliance is the tight condition, although immediately has not discovered the Lysandre trail, but relies on the traces afterward, determined quickly approximate region that Lysandre is. 进入一级备战状态后,联盟的神经时刻处在绷紧状态,虽然第一时间没有发现弗拉达利的踪迹,但是事后凭借蛛丝马迹,很快确定了弗拉达利所在的大致区域。 At this time, the reconnaissance aircraft of alliance Lock-On this mountain range, had been investigating the suspicious life body unceasingly. 此时,联盟的侦察机已经锁定了这片山脉,正在不断排查可疑生命体。 pokémon in mountain range, two people provided very good Protect umbrella to Lysandre, if in a short time the alliance wants the accurate Lock-On Lysandre position, is not that easy. 山脉中的精灵,给弗拉达利两人提供了很好的保护伞,短时间内联盟要想准确的锁定弗拉达利位置,不是那么容易的。 Kate is the card Kalos League Flying scout, had experienced the innumerable duties, before this duty and him, has experienced the duty difference is not big, occupies the sky to search for the enemy trail in the open country area. 凯特是卡洛斯联盟飞行侦察员,曾经经历过无数次任务,这次任务和他之前经历过的任务区别不大,都是在野外地区占据天空搜寻敌人踪迹。 Supplements with the high-tech equipment, Kate can compared with riding Flying Type pokémon, having Psychic Type pokémon Trainer searches for the exact location of enemy quickly. 辅以高科技设备,凯特可以比乘骑飞行系精灵、拥有超能力系精灵训练家更快搜寻到敌人的具体位置。 However this time, Kate actually somewhat compelled ignorant, when the equipment that in the airplane the examination life fluctuates, passed by this mountain range, is beating crazily, as if the one terrifying incomparable lifeform is forming slowly, this situation he is unprecedented, even the huge life fluctuation responded, covered the life fluctuations of other lifeform, do not say that was human, the equipment even the one pokémon vitality could not have examined. 但是这一次,凯特却有些懵逼了,飞机内检测生命波动的设备,路过这片山脉时,正在疯狂跳动,仿佛一个恐怖无比的生物正在缓缓形成,这种情形他前所未见,甚至巨大的生命波动反应,遮盖了其他生物的生命波动,不要说是人类了,设备已经连一只精灵的生机都检测不到了。 Suddenly, a vibration sound that makes the trim mountain range shiver transmits from the one cavern!!! 忽然,一声让整片山脉颤抖的震动声从一个洞窟传来!!! The cavern was passed through the one large cave/hole directly, the dust brandishes, camouflaged the Flying Kate's line of sight, but he can see indistinctly, one seems like the ophidia lifeform of pair of wings to appear steadily the form from that smog. 洞窟直接被贯穿一个大洞,尘土挥舞,遮蔽了飞行员凯特的视线,不过他隐约可以看出,一个像是长着双翼的蛇类生物正在从那片烟雾中浮现出身影。 The evil aura lingers, the innumerable dust strange formation storm, swept across the trim mountain range, the Flying Kate last consciousness brings infinite panic-stricken, but did not wait for the next moment, he had then passed out, was destroyed by the one red light beam together with the reconnaissance aircraft. 邪恶的气息萦绕,无数尘土诡异的形成风暴,席卷了整片山脉,飞行员凯特最后一丝意识带着无限的惊恐,可是不等下一刻,他便已经失去了知觉,连同侦察机被一道红色光束摧毁。 The modeling of giant stone lifeform terrifying unified the body and Yveltal of 50% shape Zygarde pair of wings, the red crystal of chest front illumination constitutes its eye, the bewitching ray as if can shock any lifeform the soul, making one be afraid!! 巨石生物恐怖的造型结合了50%形态基格尔德的身体和伊裴尔塔尔的双翼,胸前发光的红色晶体构成它的“眼睛”,妖异光芒仿佛能震慑任何生物的灵魂,令人不寒而栗!! Loses the flash of relation in alliance scout Kate, Ting Shu, Diantha and the others, obtains the news in abundance. 就在联盟侦察员凯特失去联系的一刹那,庭树卡露乃等人,纷纷得到消息。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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