PC :: Volume #8 传说

#1142: „Do not let me live departure, will otherwise put sooner or later to you Necrozma!”

? „ That strikes, if falls to the Ultra Megalopolis tower , the consequence is dreadful. ?“那一击,如果落到究极大都会塔上,后果不堪设想。 …… …… …… …… …… …… …… …… The people facial color is embarrassed, as the ray diverges, the Ting Shu trace has vanished unexpectedly does not see! 众人面色难堪,而且随着光芒散去,庭树的踪影竟然已经消失不见! that energy, blasted out the one large cave/hole in the sky, he flees from this region following that hole-” “刚才的那股能量,在天空上炸开了一个大洞,他就是顺着那个洞逃离出这片区域的-” Good sly boy.” “好狡猾的小子。” wait a moment!! There has the person!” 等一下!!那里有人!” Since the battlefield that before battled, the one person's shadow crawled from the ruins slowly, this person whole body was the blood, was badly undermined by whole body nature, under complementary waves that in Frost Moon exploded, Ultra Recon Squad this eagle Chief Ji, actually lived by luck, but his spirit, somewhat was obviously absent-minded at this time. 之前交战的战场,一道人影从废墟中缓缓爬起,这个人浑身是血,受到了全身性质的重创,在冰月爆炸开来的余波下,究极调查队这位鹰吉队长,竟然侥幸活了下来,不过此时他的精神,显然有些恍惚。 At that time that blazing ray flooded his line of sight, as if made him feel oncoming of end. 当时那炽烈的光芒充斥他的视线,仿佛让他感受到了末日的来临。 The fireworks in Ting Shu mouth, beat the nerve of this team leader directly, cast the deep shadow at heart to him. 庭树口中的烟花,直接击垮了这位队长的神经,给他留下了深深的心里阴影。 Is eagle Chief Ji!!” “是鹰吉队长!!” ...... …… The strength that similar moon/month falling Move displays, has made this group of people dread, although Ting Shu through pretending to find the opportunity to slide out of their lines of sight with the armored person evenly matched way, escapes toward the distant place, but this even more they left behind the Ting Shu thought. 类似月陨的招式展现的力量,已经让这群人忌惮起来,庭树虽然通过假装与装甲人势均力敌的方式找机会脱离他们的视线,向着远方逃去,但这更加强了他们留下庭树的念头。 In the Ultra Megalopolis tower, in the giant nutrition cabin, the eagle lucky awakens fiercely, ignores the stop of medical personnel, went into the conference room. 究极大都会塔内,巨大的营养舱内,鹰吉猛地惊醒,不顾医护人员的阻拦,闯入了会议室中。 Don't worry, so long as he has not left the Ultra Megalopolis range, the strength of Ultra Megalopolis tower can affect him, this time should not be negligent, eliminate to directly well this evil person.” “不用担心,只要他没有离开究极大都会范围,究极大都会塔的力量就能影响到他,这一次不要大意了,还是直接将这个恶徒消灭为好。” Orders regional stationed in the investigation team, the footsteps that spares nothing to hinder him to leave.” “命令各地的驻扎调查队,不惜一切代价阻碍他离开的脚步。” When the time is appropriate, the strength of use Ultra Megalopolis tower, thoroughly eliminates the opposite party!!” “待时机合适,就动用究极大都会塔的力量,彻底消灭对方!!” Stop!!” Eagle who intrudes flurriedly, becomes the focus of people all of a sudden, this time eagle, should the injury serious to being hard to walk theoretically is right, but before Ting Shu just before leaving, to a few words that he spoke, making him have to come here. “住手!!”慌乱闯入进来的鹰吉,一下子成为了众人的焦点,此时的鹰吉,理论上应该伤势严重到难以行走才对,但是庭树临走前对他说的一句话,让他不得不来到这里。 Eagle Chief Ji, your well training, not coming to here to make anything.” “鹰吉队长,你不好好修养,来这里做什么。” The one whiskers old person glowers to eagle, has the imposing manner of expecting too much, this matter speaking of the root, actually eagle must pay very big responsibility. 一个络腮胡老人对鹰吉怒目而视,颇有恨铁不成钢的气势,这次事情说到根源,其实鹰吉要付很大的责任。 I had the words to say.” Eagle is gasping for breath, takes advantage of opportunity by the wall, the expression is difficult. “我有话要说。”鹰吉喘着气,顺势靠在了墙壁上,表情艰难无比。 Must say that to hate of Ting Shu, he is in several people are most intense, but...... 要说对庭树的恨,他是几人中最强烈的,但是…… „Before that fellow...... just before leaving said that if we are in hot pursuit again , he he is thorough and we tears to pieces the facial skin, finds the way to release Necrozma that under the Ultra Megalopolis tower suppresses, lets entire Ultra Megalopolis and he is buried along with the dead together.” “那个家伙……临走前说,如果我们再穷追不舍,他,他就彻底和我们撕破脸皮,将究极大都会塔下镇压的奈克洛兹玛想办法释放出来,让整个究极大都会和他一起陪葬。” He-” “他-” Flash that the eagle luck words fall, the entire conference room is silent. 鹰吉话落的一瞬间,整个会议室再次寂静下来。 Under the Ultra Megalopolis tower is suppressing immemorial Ultra Beasts Necrozma, in entire Ultra Megalopolis, the senior researcher who also only then their group of people and several teams leader, and one retire knows. 究极大都会塔下镇压着太古究极异兽奈克洛兹玛,在整个究极大都会,也只有他们这群人和几名队长,以及一个退役的老研究员知道。 Does the Ting Shu this kind of bystander, how possibly know this information? 庭树这样一个外人,怎么可能知道这个信息的? Is difficult to be inadequate is Phyco that bastard?” Some person of noses were mad crookedly, can only think that was Phyco this contacts the information that most team leader level character disclosed with Ting Shu. “难不成是西奥尼拉那个混蛋?”有人鼻子都气歪了,只能想到是西奥尼拉这个与庭树接触最多的队长级人物透露的信息。 He has not had no sense of propriety......” “他还没有那么不知分寸……” I think should be this Ting Shu by the secret of Ultra Megalopolis tower own method knows.” “我想应该是这个庭树以自己的手段知晓的究极大都会塔的秘密的吧。” By Necrozma threat of Ting Shu under with Ultra Megalopolis tower, was hit their soft rib directly, if they most are worried about anything, without doubt is Necrozma in Ultra Megalopolis tower regains consciousness, works loose the Megalopolis tower's suppression. 庭树究极大都会塔下的奈克洛兹玛威胁,直接击中了他们的软肋,如果说他们最担心什么,无疑是究极大都会塔中的奈克洛兹玛苏醒,挣脱大都会塔的镇压。 How impossible...... possibly to release Necrozma by him, he is certainly fooling us with the aid of this news, should not be swindled!” The one attitude strong old person shouts. “不可能……凭借他怎么可能把奈克洛兹玛释放出来,他一定是借助这个消息在唬我们,不要上当!”一位态度强硬的老人喊道。 Necrozma was suppressed in the Ultra Megalopolis tower, Ting Shu this bystander, does not have the possibility of contacting certainly, let alone helped the Necrozma difficulty-relief. 奈克洛兹玛被镇压在究极大都会塔中,庭树这个外人,绝无接触到的可能,更别说帮助奈克洛兹玛脱困了。 I do not believe......” “我也不相信……” Eagle Chief Ji looks at the unbelievable policy-makers, exhaled, no matter how, he had passed to the news, to be honest, he does not believe that Ting Shu can achieve this thing, but under the Frost Moon explosion, Ting Shu that tranquil expression, let eagle Ji afraid eventually. 鹰吉队长看着难以相信的决策者们,呼了口气,不管如何,他已经把消息传到了,说实话,他也不相信庭树能做到这种事,但是冰月爆炸下,庭树那平静的表情,终究让鹰吉怕了。 passes! 噗通! Completed the mission, eagle Chief Ji fainted again, the entire conference room, started Confusion. 完成了使命,鹰吉队长再次昏倒过去,整个会议室,开始混乱了起来。 Before ten minutes, Ting Shu under the Ultra Recon Squad stop of Ultra Megalopolis core region, strikes to fall five in the air battleships, departs safely. 十分钟前,庭树究极大都会核心区域的究极调查队阻拦下,击坠五艘空中战舰,安然离去。 Before five minutes, Ting Shu successfully leaves the Ultra Megalopolis core region, entered the Ultra Megalopolis south region to go forward. 五分钟前,庭树成功离开究极大都会核心区域,进入了究极大都会南部区域前进。 Under the southern Ultra Recon Squad stop, Ting Shu displays the strength again, repelled several squads. 在南部的究极调查队阻拦下,庭树再次展现力量,击退了数个小队。 Sees Ting Shu the entire way with irresistible force departure, the policy-makers in Ultra Megalopolis tower, fell into the one difficult position. 看到庭树一路势如破竹般的离去,究极大都会塔的决策者们,陷入了一个两难的境地。 Actually...... must use the strength of Ultra Megalopolis tower again. 究竟……要不要再次动用究极大都会塔的力量。 Saw, Ting Shu must leave the Ultra Megalopolis region immediately, if not attack, must miss the best time. 眼看,庭树马上就要离开究极大都会的区域,如果再不攻击,就要错过最好的时机了。 Ignores Ting Shu departs, eventually is the one harm, his existence, in being in power person eye of Ultra Megalopolis, is more dangerous than any Ultra Beasts. 放任庭树离去,终究是一个危害,他的存在,在究极大都会的掌权人眼中,比任何究极异兽都要危险。 In conference room, eight people silent incomparable, has not known how long, among them, one from beginning to end, the old people of many spoken language, with that slurred sound, had not made the final decision. 会议室中,八人沉默无比,不知过了多久,他们当中,一个从始至终,都没有过多言语的年迈老人,用那模糊不清的声音,做出了最终的决定。 When said this saying, in most person hearts relaxes, but the body, actually also cannot help but shivered, they can sit to this position, the experience were innumerable, but at this moment, they actually understand, oneself were daunted by the one young people. 说出这话时,大部分人心中都松了一口气,但身体,却也不由自主颤抖了起来,他们能够坐到这个位置,经历无数,但此刻,他们却明白,自己被一个年轻人吓住了。 Last time start...... Ultra Megalopolis tower! Must eliminate the enemy!” “最后一次启动……究极大都会塔!务必消灭敌人!” When Ting Shu they have flown the one (piece of) region, Ting Shu realized suddenly is not good, this region/place should be an inhabited area, but actually alone/one person does not have at this time, the life fluctuation nearly is zero, discovered this point time, has been too late, destroys day of the energy of extinguishing the place, covered Ting Shu all of a sudden they. 就在庭树他们飞过一片区域的时候,庭树突然意识到了不好,这个地方本应该是居民区,但此时竟然一个人也没有,生命波动近乎为零,发现这一点的时候,已经为时已晚,一股毁天灭地的能量,一下子笼罩了庭树他们。 Even is away from the so far distance, the Ultra Megalopolis tower still displayed the strength that is unable to prevent, making Ting Shu show the difficult incomparable expression. 即使隔着如此远的距离,究极大都会塔仍然展现了无法阻挡的力量,让庭树露出艰难无比的表情。 This group of old codgers......” “这群老不死的……” Through Rotom Pokédex in the information that in the Ultra Megalopolis tower investigates, the Ting Shu itself thinks that coordinates own strength, can frighten this group of people, making them not dare to act rashly, who knows that group of people brave in the Ultra Megalopolis tower unexpectedly the suppressed monster broken cage, but risk, must kill him in this. 通过洛托姆图鉴究极大都会塔内调查到的信息,庭树本以为配合自己的实力,能够吓唬住这群人,让他们不敢轻举妄动,但谁知道,那群人竟然冒着究极大都会塔中被镇压的怪物破笼而出的风险,也要把他狙杀在此。
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