PE :: Volume #35

#2091: Heavenly Dao collapse Hui

Chapter 2091 第2091章 Heavenly Dao collapse Hui 天道崩毁 Dongfang Yu, actually you want to do!?”, Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, clarifies appearance that will not give up in light of this, the Heavenly Dao Hongjun complexion changes, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way. 东方玉,你究竟想干什么!?”,听到东方玉的话,摆明了是不会就此罢手的模样,天道鸿钧的脸色一变,沉声喝道。 oneself gave up, mentioned reasonably, Dongfang Yu should quit when you're ahead was right? But, was actually he is not willing to give up now? 自己已经放弃了,按理说来,东方玉应该见好就收才对吧?可是,现在却是他不肯罢手了? This looks like an emperor, wanting punishment well not to be obedient suddenly the official, is under a both sides dispute, this emperor discovered the ability that this official is very strong, oneself did not have the means to punish him, giving up that but, can only lose face. 这就像是一个皇帝,想要好好的惩处一下不听话的臣子,可是双方一番争执之下,这个皇帝发现这个臣子的能耐真的很强,自己还真没有办法惩处他,无奈之下,只能丢脸的放弃了。 Which knows that after as oneself of emperor gave up, this official instead is not willing to give up, unexpectedly wants to kill one's sovereign to usurp the throne. 哪知道,身为皇帝的自己放弃了之后,这个臣子反而是不肯罢手了,居然想要弑君篡位。 Mr. Dongfang, you may probably think things over carefully before acting!”. 东方先生,你可要三思而行啊!”。 Hears the Dongfang Yu's words, unexpectedly must under the killer to Heavenly Dao Hongjun, nearby father their complexion change, simultaneously the hurried start to talk persuasion said. 听到东方玉的话,居然要对天道鸿钧下杀手,旁边的老子他们脸色都是大变,同时急忙开口劝说道。 Heavenly Dao, is the entire Great Desolate world revolution core, if Heavenly Dao were destroyed, then the entire Great Desolate world will mess up, as them of sage, naturally is not willing to see that such matter occurred. 天道,乃是整个洪荒天地运转的核心,若是天道被毁了的话,那么整个洪荒天地都会乱了套的,作为圣人的他们,自然是不愿看到这样的事情发生了。 But, by Dongfang Yu present strength, the qualifications that they actually continually meddle does not have, therefore, can only persuade orally. 可是,以东方玉现在的实力,他们却连插手的资格都没有,因此,只能在口头上劝说罢了。 Relax, my innate discretion......”, saw with own eyes that Nuwa and Houtu (Mother Earth) two both want to persuade the oneself appearance, Dongfang Yu beckoned with the hand to them, start to talk said. “放心,我自有分寸……”,眼见女娲后土两个都想要劝说自己的模样,东方玉对她们摆了摆手,开口说道。 After hearing Dongfang Yu these words, nearby Nuwa and Houtu (Mother Earth) two, no longer spoke, but static looks. 听到东方玉这番话之后,旁边的女娲后土两个,不再说话了,只是静静的看着。 As for nearby father they, opened mouth, actually does not dare to say anything again, the Dongfang Yu's manner as well as was very firm, they also know that persuasion orally will be ineffective, only if they can meddle to defeat Dongfang Yu. 至于旁边的老子他们,张了张嘴,却不敢再多说什么了,东方玉的态度以及很坚定了,他们也知道口头上的劝说是不会有效的,除非他们能够插手打败东方玉 Such possibility? Ok, did not presumptuously think. 只是,这样的可能性?算了,还是不去妄想了。 Dongfang Yu's vision, static after shooting a look at a nearby father them, at once, the vision places the body of Heavenly Dao Hongjun...... 东方玉的目光,静静的瞥了一眼旁边的老子他们之后,旋即,目光重新放在天道鸿钧的身上…… If before, Heavenly Dao Hongjun gives up, Dongfang Yu also looks forward to give up in light of this, is now, Dongfang Yu could be said as is compelled the hopeless situation, touched the bottom to rebound. 若是之前,天道鸿钧放弃的话,东方玉还巴不得就此罢手呢,可是现在,东方玉可以说是被逼到了绝境,触底反弹了。 Used including the light of final mind, at this time Heavenly Dao Hongjun knows that wasn't the oneself match wanted to give up? Can Dongfang Yu such as he hope? 连最后的心灵之光都用出来了,这个时候天道鸿钧知道不是自己的对手了才想要罢手?东方玉怎会如他所愿? Looks at the Dongfang Yu's complexion, Heavenly Dao Hongjun also knows that he decided to start, felt on Dongfang Yu destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth strength, Heavenly Dao Hongjun with the thoughts that he began, the body and mind has not moved sufficiently, cuts Void to depart. 看着东方玉的脸色,天道鸿钧也知道他是打定了主意要下手了,感受到东方玉身上足以毁天灭地力量,天道鸿钧没有和他动手的心思,身心移动,划破虚空离去了。 Yes, Dongfang Yu of Heavenly Dao Hongjun under facing Super Saiyan 4 shape, turned around to escape unexpectedly. 是的,天道鸿钧面对超级赛亚人4形态下的东方玉,居然转身逃命了。 „To walk!?”, Is only, to this situation, how Dongfang Yu to look on his departure? The brow raises slightly, at once figure has cut Void similarly, pursued...... “想走!?”,只是,到了这个地步,东方玉岂会坐视他的离开?眉头微微一扬,旋即身形同样划破了虚空,追了过去…… Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Three Realms and Six Paths, endless Void, Heavenly Dao Hongjun in unceasing escaping, Void tearing, no longer is the pure speed issue, the space regarding Dongfang Yu and Heavenly Dao Hongjun, as if already completely lost the significance. 三界六道,无尽虚空,天道鸿钧在不断的逃跑,虚空撕裂,已经不再是单纯的速度问题了,空间对于东方玉天道鸿钧而言,似乎已经完全失去了本身的意义了。 To speed how rapid of Heavenly Dao Hongjun, but his behind Dongfang Yu is similar to following of maggot of tarsal bone, he absolutely does not have the means to get rid of Dongfang Yu, even, Dongfang Yu overtook him to come gradually. 只是,任凭天道鸿钧速度再如何的迅速,可他身后的东方玉都如同跗骨之蛆似的紧随其后,他根本就没有办法摆脱东方玉,甚至,东方玉已经渐渐的追上他来了。 Dongfang Yu chases down Heavenly Dao Hongjun in the entire world, this, making all Sheng completely scared, was they of sage, the qualifications of continually meddling did not have...... 东方玉追杀天道鸿钧于整个天地之间,这一幕,让诸圣已经完全傻眼了,身为圣人的他们,连插手的资格都没有…… Dongfang Yu's chases down, not only pure wants to chase down Heavenly Dao Hongjun, on the other hand, there are from the body of Heavenly Dao Hongjun confirms oneself World, whether such as Chu Xuan said is really the meaning of box. 东方玉的追杀,不只是单纯的想要追杀天道鸿钧而已,另外一方面,也有从天道鸿钧的身上验证自己所处的世界,是否真的如楚轩所言是个盒子的意思。 No matter TV series, is the novel, what also or is, Boss of war, certainly powerful, control outside box certainly will find finally the way to increase strength for him, but All Heavens and Myriad Realms, who is finally Boss? Naturally was Heavenly Dao Hongjun is most appropriate. 不管是电视剧,还是小说,亦或者是什么,最终之战的BOSS,一定会非常强大的,盒子外的掌控者一定会想办法为他增加力量,而诸天万界,谁才是最终BOSS呢?当然是天道鸿钧最合适了。 Therefore, Dongfang Yu also wants to force him to arrive at the deathtrap, has a look whether he will break through, confirms oneself World by this whether is really a box...... 因此,东方玉也想要逼迫他到死地,看看是否他会有所突破,以此来验证自己所处的世界是否真的是个盒子…… Both sides you pursue me to run away, enough a half hour, the Heavenly Dao Hongjun energy value has not changed as before, in the Dongfang Yu heart has doubts secretly, is it possible that has he exhausted the bag of clumsy tricks really? 双方你追我逃,足足半个多小时的时间,天道鸿钧能量值依旧没有变化,东方玉心中暗自疑惑,莫非,他真的已经是黔驴技穷了吗? Said? oneself wasn't World the box, the guess of Chu Xuan makes a mistake? 还是说?自己所处的世界并不是盒子,楚轩的猜测错了? After pursuing was so long, Dongfang Yu absolutely did not have the thoughts that continues to pursue, after the heart almost can determine, Aura shakes, has torn the space instantaneously, emerges out of thin air in Heavenly Dao Hongjun, extends the take action palm, has grasped toward Heavenly Dao Hongjun. 追了这么久之后,东方玉也已经完全没有了继续追下去的心思了,心中几乎能够确定下来了之后,气息一震,瞬间撕裂了空间,凭空出现在天道鸿钧的身后,伸出手掌,朝着天道鸿钧抓了过去。 „!”, Felt Dongfang Yu presents in oneself, Heavenly Dao Hongjun calls out in alarm one, Good Fortunes Jade Plate strength emerges. “啊!”,感觉到东方玉出现在自己的身后,天道鸿钧惊叫一声,造化玉碟力量涌现出来。 In a twinkling, inexhaustible pressure as if ocean waves general has welled up toward Dongfang Yu. 霎时间,无穷无尽的压力仿佛海浪一般的朝着东方玉涌了过来。 These pressure although can crush the sage easily, may regarding Dongfang Yu, actually not be how powerful strength, regarding these pressures, Dongfang Yu turns a blind eye, direct held the back of Heavenly Dao Hongjun. 只是,这些压力虽然能轻易粉碎圣人,可对于东方玉而言,却算不上多么强大力量,对于这些压力,东方玉视若无睹,直接一把抓住了天道鸿钧的后背。 energy, destruction entire World strength, gathers sufficiently in the Dongfang Yu's palm...... 能量,足以毁灭整个世界力量,在东方玉的掌心汇聚起来…… Dongfang Yu, wait/etc., you, if has killed me, Hongjun can also die......”. 东方玉,等等,你若是杀了我的话,鸿钧也会死的……”。 Feels powerful strength that in the Dongfang Yu palm gathers, the Heavenly Dao Hongjun complexion big change, the running together of two syllables in rapid speech called out. 感受到东方玉掌心中所汇聚起来的强大力量,天道鸿钧脸色大变,急声叫道。 Hears this words, strength that in the Dongfang Yu palm gathers, the vision falls on the body of Heavenly Dao Hongjun slightly. 听到这个话,东方玉掌心中汇聚起来的力量微微一顿,目光落在天道鸿钧的身上。 Really right, present Heavenly Dao Hongjun, mainly Heavenly Dao, is not Hongjun! 果然没错,现在的天道鸿钧,主要还是天道而已,并非是鸿钧 Hongjun is Heavenly Dao, but Heavenly Dao is actually not Hongjun! 鸿钧乃是天道,可天道却不是鸿钧 This was the past Hongjun body after Heavenly Dao had said the words, now are so right. 这是当年鸿钧身合天道之后说过的话,果然,现在就是如此没错。 although Dongfang Yu must eliminate the Heavenly Dao words, is not lenient, is, regarding Hongjun, Dongfang Yu and between him the personal friendship is good, therefore, if must eliminate Hongjun personally, Dongfang Yu also really not being able to get down hand. 虽然东方玉要消灭天道的话,毫不手软,可是,对于鸿钧,东方玉和他之间的私交还是挺不错的,所以,若是亲手要消灭鸿钧的话,东方玉还真下不去手。 ......”, looks Dongfang Yu has hesitated obviously the appearance, in the Heavenly Dao Hongjun heart relaxed secretly. “呼……”,看着东方玉明显迟疑了的样子,天道鸿钧心中暗自松了一口气。 His one breath has not relaxed completely, 36 Primal Chaos Azure Lotus in Dongfang Yu hand, to his gently brushes. 只是,他这一口气还没有完全放松下来,东方玉手中的36品混沌青莲,对着他轻轻的一刷。 At once, in the meantime, strength in palm spits, powerful Energy Wave appears, embezzled the body of Heavenly Dao Hongjun instantaneously completely. 旋即,同时,掌心之中的力量一吐,强大气功波出现,瞬间将天道鸿钧的身子完全吞没了。 Said by the strength card that anything has not been the issue that strength could not solve, if present, that was strength is insufficient! 以力证道,没有什么是力量解决不了的问题,若是有,那就是力量不够! The although sage was known as that does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, but Dongfang Yu actually sufficiently collapses Heavenly Dao now ruins, the sage who the nature, so-called does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, in front of Dongfang Yu, completely was not anything. 虽然圣人号称不死不灭,可东方玉现在却足以将天道都崩毁掉,自然,所谓不死不灭的圣人,在东方玉面前,完全不算什么了。 According to custom, once mortgages after the thing of bank was received by the bank time, does not have the means to take carry back, this is the custom. 按照规矩,一旦抵押在银行的东西被银行时间收回去了之后,就没有办法在拿回来了,这是规矩。 But if, you can buy wealthily the entire bank, naturally regarded as another matter. 可是,若是你能富裕到将整个银行都买下来的话,自然是另当别论了。 If the bank is Heavenly Dao, then the sage looked like the staff member in bank is common...... 若是银行是天道的话,那么圣人就像是银行里的职员一般了…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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