PE :: Volume #35

#2082: World entirely Zhen

Chapter 2082 第2082章 World entirely Zhen 天地俱震 The card said to become Sheng, will have give an exaggerated account of things, welled up the phenomenon of golden lotus to appear, in the world will have the immortal sound to be remote, phenomenon of this worldwide celebration, this was the matter that Great Desolate world all lives knew. 证道成圣,会有天花乱坠,地涌金莲的异象出现,天地之间也会有仙音渺渺,此可谓普天同庆的异象,这是洪荒天地所有的生灵都知道的事情。 After all in the past no matter Hongjun, was Dongfang Yu, or was Nuwa they, everyone to become Sheng, in the world will have such phenomenon to appear. 毕竟当年不管是鸿钧,还是东方玉,亦或者是女娲他们,每个人成圣,天地间都会有这样的异象出现。 But if, sage will fallen, what picture have to appear? This actually nobody knows that after all sage all generations do not rub, did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, which sage fallen never has, even nobody has thought such matter radically. 可是,如果圣人陨落的话,会有什么样的景象出现?这却没有人知道,毕竟圣人万劫不磨,不死不灭,从来没有哪个圣人陨落了的,甚至根本没有人想过这样的事情。 But today, the Great Desolate world, Three Realms and Six Paths all people knew, because, in the world had the sage already fallen. 可是今天,洪荒天地,三界六道所有的人都知道了,因为,天地间有圣人已经陨落了。 Startled world, indescribably tragic, myriad things with sad! 惊天地,泣鬼神,万物同悲! Originally, after sage fallen, will have such phenomenon to appear, world all colors lost the color, only remaining black and white two colors. 原来,圣人陨落之后会有这样的异象出现,天地所有的颜色都失去了色彩,只剩下黑白二色。 The world vibrates, the ghosts and gods sob, such world phenomenon appears, naturally attracted innumerably has been able greatly the vibration, counted on the fingers at once, the conclusion that resulted in let all people panic-stricken. 天地震动,鬼神相泣,这样的天地异象出现,自然是吸引了无数大能的震动,旋即掐指一算,得出来的结论更让所有人惊恐不已。 Raises certainly, unexpectedly fallen? This, this, does Dongfang Yu know the law of slaughter Saint unexpectedly really?”, father counted on the fingers that knew the after truth of matter, on the face is having the look of shock. “准提,居然陨落了?这,这,东方玉居然真的懂屠圣之法?”,老子掐指一算,知道了事情的真相之后,脸上带着震撼的神色。 If carefully looks, but can also be able to see that on father's face is also bringing panic-stricken of faint trace, sage fallen, this is the matter that all people have not thought. 若是仔细看的话,还能看得到老子的脸上还带着一丝丝的惊恐,圣人陨落,这是所有人都没有想到的事情。 Mr. Dongfang Yu, really......”, the exceedingly high founder and primitive day revere two, on the face are also having the look of shock, are dumb as a wooden chicken. 东方玉先生,果然,果然……”,通天教主和原始天尊两个,脸上也带着震撼的神色,呆若木鸡。 Before raising certainly, one was beaten mercilessly by Dongfang Yu, already frightening in strength that Dongfang Yu had, now, raises certainly is killed unexpectedly, was his unexpectedly fallen of sage, this made them unbelievable, Legend that the sage did not refuse stubbornly to extinguish, was broken by Dongfang Yu. 准提之前被东方玉一顿毒打,就已经让人心惊于东方玉所拥有的力量了,现在,准提居然被杀了,身为圣人的他居然陨落了,这让他们两个难以置信,圣人不死不灭的传说,被东方玉打破了。 Elder Brother Dongfang Yu, he has achieved, Myth that then, the sage does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish was also broken......”. 东方玉哥哥,他真的做到了,如此一来,圣人不死不灭的神话也就被打破了啊……”。 In the middle of the Houtu (Mother Earth) palace, Houtu (Mother Earth) also knew the after truth of this matter, heaved a deep sigh. 后土殿当中,后土也知道了这件事情的真相之后,长叹一声。 This sage fallen, regarding the entire Great Desolate world, does not know that is the good deed. 这圣人陨落,对于整个洪荒天地而言,也不知道是不是好事。 Originally, the sage also meets fallen?”, As for other big energies, for example the town Yuan, Kunpeng and Old Ancestor Ming He their these once similarly listened to exist(ence) of say/way in Zixiaogong, naturally also knew this news, but this news, makes them feel that similarly the heart is startled. “原来,圣人也会陨落的吗?”,至于其他的大能,比如镇元子,鲲鹏和冥河老祖他们这些曾经同样在紫霄宫听道的存在,当然也知道了这个消息,而这个消息,同样让他们觉得心惊。 The sages are representing any significance, they are certainly clear, oneself and the others, in addition thinks Sage Realm to be unattainable, Mr. Dongfang Yu can the slaughter Saint. 圣人代表着什么意义,他们当然清楚,自己等人尚且觉得圣人之境可望而不可及,东方玉先生就已经能够屠圣了。 Mr. Dongfang Yu is really Mr. Dongfang Yu, since worthily has been splitting heaven and earth apart, was called the strongest man. 东方玉先生果然是东方玉先生啊,不愧是开天辟地以来,就被称之为最强的男人。 Wait/Etc., since raised already fallen certainly......”. “等等,既然准提已经陨落了的话……”。 These Quasi-Saint can greatly, although heart startled in Zhunti fallen, but, quick, in their mind the miraculous glow dodges, at once became excited. 这些准圣的大能们,虽然心惊于准提的陨落,但是,很快的,他们的脑海中灵光一闪,旋即变得激动了起来。 Heavenly Court, above Heavenly Palace Peak, once sky young lad, became rein Three Realms Jade Emperor, this time he, the look was excited to stand, mouth in a low voice twittering: Raises fallen certainly, then, in the world to leave a sage position? Should his primordial chaos auspicious sign the exsomatize?”. 天庭,凌霄宝殿之上,曾经的昊天童子,已经成为了统御三界玉皇大帝了,这个时候的他,神色激动得站了起来,嘴里低声呢喃:“准提陨落,那么,岂不是天地间多出了一尊圣位了?他的鸿蒙紫气应该离体了吧?”。 Yes, not only Jade Emperor has thought of this point, other these have achieved the boundary of Quasi-Saint, because actually does not have the primordial chaos auspicious sign, therefore cut off the person of hope to the Saint position, at this time excited. 是的,不只是玉帝想到了这一点,其他那些已经达到了准圣之境,却因为没有鸿蒙紫气,因此对圣位断绝了希望的人,这个时候都激动了起来。 Raises fallen certainly, his primordial chaos auspicious sign decided however the exsomatize, if who can obtain this wisp of primordial chaos auspicious sign, to be many to become Sheng hope? 准提陨落,他的鸿蒙紫气定然离体了,谁若是能够得到这一缕鸿蒙紫气的话,岂不是多了成圣的希望吗? fallen that not to mention because raises certainly, the Three Realms and Six Paths powerhouse, what shape at this moment is, Kongtong Mountains, receives and instructs looks at raises already fallen certainly the corpse, the whole person was scared, being dumb as a wooden chicken looks raises the corpse that certainly, did not say a word. 且不说因为准提的陨落,三界六道的强者,此刻都是什么样的形态,崆峒山,接引看着准提已经陨落了的尸体,整个人都傻眼了,呆若木鸡的看着准提的尸体,一言不发。 They go hand in hand from splitting heaven and earth apart, friendship that between both sides is without a doubt, today, raises certainly such is killed in the oneself front, was his unexpectedly fallen of sage, this let receive and instruct suddenly is hard to accept such fact. 两人从开天辟地之初就结伴而行,双方之间的交情那是毋庸置疑的,今天,准提就这么在自己的面前被杀了,身为圣人的他居然陨落了,这让接引一时间难以接受这样的事实。 Master, Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue that the master......”, side causes heavy losses, received Dongfang Yu to give back to the oneself Kongtong seal at this time, on the face is having the look that the gratitude and shocks. “师父,师父……”,旁边重创的东方小雪,这个时候接过了东方玉还给自己的崆峒印,脸上带着感激和震撼的神色。 She has not thought that for oneself, the master makes the matter that the slaughter Saint has shocked everybody like this to come unexpectedly, and has succeeded, this lets in the heart of Dongfang/East(ern) Little Xue the incomparable gratitude. 她没有想到,为了自己,师父居然做出了屠圣这样惊世骇俗的事情来,而且还成功了,这让东方小雪的心中无比的感激。 What ratio among the world also has to have a such master, makes people think affected? 试问,天下间还有什么比拥有一个这样的师父,更让人觉得感动的呢? shuā shuā shuā! 唰唰唰 Words that does not know , but since knew raises the sage certainly already the fallen news, in Void a distortion, at once, the father, the primitive day Venerable, the exceedingly high founder and Houtu (Mother Earth) their several, arrived one after another. 不知道的话也就罢了,可既然已经知道了准提圣人已经陨落的消息,虚空之中一阵扭曲,旋即,老子,原始天尊,通天教主和后土他们几个,陆陆续续的到来了。 although knew raised the fallen news certainly, but, looks the corpse that raised certainly lay down on the ground, the appearance that Aura all did not have, personally saw, in their hearts thought that deep shock, looked at the Dongfang Yu's look again, on the face is also having the shocking look. 虽然已经知道了准提陨落的消息了,可是,看着准提的尸体躺在地上,气息俱无的模样,亲眼所见,他们的心中还是觉得深深的震撼,再看东方玉的眼神,脸上也都带着震惊的神色。 In the past, Dongfang Yu had said that oneself comprehended law of the move of slaughter Saint, making all sages feel that the heart was startled. 当年,东方玉就就曾经说过,自己领悟了一招屠圣之法,让所有的圣人觉得心惊。 After Dongfang Yu has proposed one time, again has not said that everybody has forgotten soon, the words that didn't expect, Dongfang Yu initially spoke did not say casually, but is the fact. 只是,东方玉提过一次之后就再也没说过了,大家都快要忘记了,却没想到,东方玉当初说的话根本不是随便说说的,而是事实。 Receives and instructs the junior brother( senior brother), restrains your grief and accommodates change......”. “接引师弟(师兄),节哀顺变……”。 Sage looks at corpse that raises certainly, has a look at the appearance that receives and instructs a grief again, similarly thought that the heart has intimately, in the heart sighed however sighs deeply, can only start to talk comfort his one like this. 诸位圣人看着准提的尸体,再看看接引一副哀莫大于心死的样子,同样觉得心有戚戚焉,心中喟然长叹,只能这样开口安慰他一句了。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Has not waited for sage to say anything, suddenly, in world, Grand Dao thunder sound. 只是,还不等诸位圣人多说什么,突然,天地之间,大道雷音响了起来。 The thunderclap that this shocks, as if contain inexhaustible anger, making sage feel with amazement the look changes, although is only the thunderclap, but, all people can feel in the middle of the thunderclap contain anger. 这震撼的雷声,仿佛蕴含着无穷无尽的怒意,让诸位圣人都觉得骇然色变,虽然只是雷声,可是,所有人都能感受得到雷声当中所蕴含怒意 The Void distortion, the myriad things are all cold, at the same time, Ancestor of the Great Balance figure appeared from Void, the face darken as if can drop the water leakage to come, the vision falls on Dongfang Yu's, look ice-cold. 虚空扭曲,万物皆寒,与此同时,鸿钧老祖身形虚空之中出现了,脸色阴沉得仿佛能滴出水来,目光落在东方玉的身上,眼神一片冰冷。 Has seen the teacher!”, Looks at Ancestor of the Great Balance that presents, Three Pure Ones, Houtu (Mother Earth) and Nuwa they hurries to bow to salute. “见过老师!”,看着出现的鸿钧老祖,三清,后土女娲他们赶忙躬身行礼。 Teacher! You may probably take responsibility for me!”. “老师!你可要为我做主啊!”。 Looks Hongjun that presents, received and instructed had as if found pillar at this time, calling out that suddenly howled, looked at his appearance, where also had the deportment of slight sage? 看着出现的鸿钧,接引这个时候仿佛找到了主心骨似的,突然嚎啕大哭的叫道,看他的模样,哪里还有丝毫圣人的仪态? Dongfang Yu, you absurdly from putting to death the sage, have the dry day, today I on behalf of Heavenly Dao, eliminate the position of your sage sincerely!”, The Hongjun vision woods are cold, fall on Dongfang Yu's, start to talk said. 东方玉,你妄自诛杀圣人,有干天和,今天我谨代表天道,剥夺你圣人之位!”,鸿钧的目光森寒,落在东方玉的身上,开口说道。 Such remarks, world entirely Zhen! 此言一出,天地俱震! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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