PE :: Volume #35

#2061: Xiqi army

Chapter 2061 第2061章 Xiqi army 西岐大军 Houtu (Mother Earth), the mind of whole person was all chaotic, was her mind of sage was unexpectedly chaotic, obviously shock in this moment heart went to what situation. 后土,整个人的心神全都乱了,身为圣人的她心神居然都乱了,可见她此刻心中的震撼达到了何种地步。 Elder Brother Dongfang Yu unexpectedly is the human race status, is this possible? His appearance compared with Nuwa must early, but human race is actually only the race that Nuwa creates, can he be human race? 东方玉哥哥居然是人族的身份,这怎么可能的?他的出现比女娲还要早啊,而人族却只是女娲创造出来的种族而已,他怎么会是人族的? Looks at the Houtu (Mother Earth) complexion, Dongfang Yu can guess obtains in her heart has shocked, but, Dongfang Yu has not spoken to disturb her. 看着后土的脸色,东方玉就能猜得到她心中的震撼了,不过,东方玉却并没有说话来打扰她。 Such thoughts, want her oneself slowly accepts, therefore, Dongfang Yu is only static sitting in the one side, making Houtu (Mother Earth) digest the news of this shock. 这样的心思,要她自己慢慢的去接受,因此,东方玉只是静静的坐在一旁,让后土来消化这个震撼的消息。 The Houtu (Mother Earth) mind touches, indeed thought that the Dongfang Yu's words are impossible, he is the human race status is more impossible. 后土心神触动,的确是觉得东方玉的话不可能,他是人族的身份更不可能。 However, if all these real? Assuming that Dongfang Yu is the human race status real, quick, Houtu (Mother Earth) discovered that Dongfang Yu many matters of actions, can explain for these years must pass. 但是,如果这一切都是真的呢?假设东方玉人族的身份都是真的,很快,后土发现东方玉这么多年来所作所为的许多事情,都能解释得通了。 If Dongfang Yu is really the human race status, then he first sees Nuwa time, looks after to her specially, this can also explain that must pass, no wonder he will regard with a special fondness to Nuwa. 若是东方玉真的是人族的身份,那么他初次见到女娲的时候,对她特别照顾,这也就能解释得通了,难怪他会对女娲另眼相待。 Also, in the past attendance of Dongfang Yu to human race, even because of the matter between human race and monster race flies into a rage, does not hesitate to go against heaven's will the conduct, a sound of shocking everybody referred, has destroyed 50% monster race, oneself had filled in the sea eye by Ancestor of the Great Balance. 还有,当年东方玉人族的照顾,甚至是因为人族妖族之间的事情而大发雷霆,不惜逆天行事,一个惊世骇俗的响指,毁了一半的妖族,以至于自己都被鸿钧老祖填了海眼。 If not for Dongfang Yu oneself broke through Sage Realm with strength card say/way, has not known how long must be suppressed in the sea eye to locate. 若不是东方玉自己以力证道突破到了圣人之境的话,还不知道要被镇压在海眼处多久呢。 For human race, Dongfang Yu has achieved this situation unexpectedly, actually for these years, many people think the doubts to be puzzled, does not understand why Dongfang Yu considers this situation to human race, even has obloquied the father and Nuwa two sages for human race. 为了人族,东方玉居然做到了这个地步,其实这么多年来,很多人都觉得疑惑不解,不明白东方玉为何对人族照顾到这个地步,甚至为了人族大骂了老子和女娲两位圣人。 Now, supposed that Dongfang Yu is really the human race status, then all these can explain that must pass. 现在,假设东方玉真的是人族的身份的话,那么这一切就能解释得通了。 Originally, Elder Brother Dongfang Yu your status, unexpectedly is human race, no wonder......”. “原来,东方玉哥哥你的身份,居然是人族,难怪了……”。 although thought that all these are somewhat unbelievable, but supposed that Dongfang Yu is the human race status, a lot can explain that must pass, even if difficult to accept, Houtu (Mother Earth) also thought that all these can only accept. 虽然觉得这一切有些难以置信,可是假设东方玉人族的身份,很多事情都能解释得通了,就算是再难接受,后土也觉得这一切都只能接受了。 That, what idea I to Nuwa am, do you understand now?”, Saw that Houtu (Mother Earth) has digested this news, accepted this truth, Dongfang Yu start to talk said. “那么,我对女娲是什么样的想法,你现在明白了吧?”,眼看着后土消化了这个消息,也接受了这个真相,东方玉开口说道。 „, I understood......”. “原来如此,我明白了……”。 Thinks that Dongfang Yu is the human race status, regarding the relations between him and Nuwa, thinks that Dongfang Yu is different from the special accommodations of other people to Nuwa obviously, in the heart of Houtu (Mother Earth) thought can accept. 想到东方玉人族的身份,对于他和女娲之间的关系,想到东方玉女娲明显有别于其他人的特殊照顾,后土的心中都觉得可以接受了。 ......”, looked at the Houtu (Mother Earth) appearance, as if really not again to the relations between oneself and Nuwa thought to dislike, Dongfang Yu relaxed secretly. “呼……”,看后土的模样,似乎真的没有再对自己女娲之间的关系觉得膈应,东方玉暗自松了一口气。 Dongfang Yu and Houtu (Mother Earth), are treating in the hell, is all right to chat, the time also crosses but actually very quickly. 东方玉后土,在地府之中待着,没事聊聊天,时间倒也过得挺快的。 At this time, in the world of mortals, above the Qishan of Xiqi, suddenly huge Fire phoenix, has exuded the sound of clear yelling in the summit of Qishan. 只是,就在这个时候,凡间之中,在西岐的岐山之上,突然有一只巨大的火凤凰,在岐山之巅发出了清脆的啼叫之声。 Regarding the world of mortals, exist(ence) of phoenix almost vanished, is the auspicious omen, this, has aroused the interests of countless person. 对于凡间而言,凤凰的存在几乎绝迹了,乃是祥瑞,这一幕,引起了无数人的关注。 phoenix cry Qishan? Un, this good view......”, at the same time, nearby Qishan, Jiang Ziya rides to sit in carrying on the back of weird creature actually, saw this, in the heart moved slightly. “凤鸣岐山?嗯,这倒是个不错的说法……”,与此同时,岐山附近,姜子牙骑坐在四不像的背上,看到了这一幕,心中微微一动。 As if has obtained, then counted on the fingers that at once on the face reveals to wipe the smiling face. 似乎有所得,然后掐指一算,旋即脸上露出了一抹笑容来。 Before the teacher has said that oneself did not have the immortal reason, can only obtain the world riches and honor, therefore Jiang Ziya went toward the song city, wanted to seek riches and honor toward the song city. 之前师尊说过,自己没有仙缘,只能求得人间富贵,所以姜子牙去了朝歌城,想要在朝歌城谋得一份富贵。 Who would have thought that King Zhou is stupid, oneself said that princess is the evildoer/monstrous talent incarnation, he does not believe oneself unexpectedly, even must grasp with oneself, but, must flee toward the song city. 岂知那纣王昏庸无道,自己都说了那王妃是妖孽化身,他居然不信自己,甚至还要抓拿自己,无奈之下,只得逃离了朝歌城。 Now, Jiang Ziya counted on the fingers that discovered originally to become Tang the destiny completely, this Xiqi will be doomed to rise, but generation it, this made Jiang Ziya see the hope. 现在,姜子牙掐指一算,发现原来成汤的气数将尽,这西岐注定了崛起而代之,这让姜子牙看到了希望。 No matter what minister, by far cannot compare the founding hero to come the component to be heavy, if oneself can, when Xiqi rises plays the huge role, that this lifetime riches and honors also enjoyed is endless. 不管是什么样的大臣,都远远比不上开国功臣来得份量重,自己若是能够在西岐崛起的时候发挥巨大的作用的话,那这一生的荣华富贵也就享之不尽了。 Moreover, can revenge while this opportunity, why not? 而且,趁此机会还能报仇,何乐而不为呢? „To have a look at that unenlightened ruler was kicked the throne the time, is what kind of countenance, in the heart muttered secretly thought, has decided on such idea, sat in carrying on the back of weird creature good, Jiang Ziya directly toward Xiqi the past. “真想看看那昏君被踢下王座的时候,是一副怎么样的嘴脸”,心中喃喃暗道,打定了这样的主意,坐在四不像的背上,姜子牙直接朝着西岐行了过去。 although from timeline, some does not suit, with sealed some god Legend differences, plot that but, these should have, occurred slowly. 虽然时间线上来看,有些不对劲,和本来的封神传说有些出入,但是,这些该发生的剧情,还是已经慢慢的发生了。 Jiang Ziya was the same with Legend, goes to Xiqi, the preparation was having the soldiers and horses rebellion of Xiqi, overthrew the rule of Shang Dynasty. 姜子牙和传说中一样,去了西岐,准备带着西岐的兵马造反,推翻商朝的统治了。 A twinkling, is two years has flashed, trivial two years, regarding Great Desolate Continent, but is in a flash, is, these two years time regarding the world of mortals, are actually blustery. 一眨眼,又是两年的时间一晃而过了,区区两年的时间,对于洪荒大陆而言,不过是弹指一挥间罢了,可是,这两年的时间对于凡间而言,却是风起云涌。 Because two years ago Jiang Ziya arrived in Xiqi, had been awarded the duty of prime minister by Xiqi, then calls from a high place, said that was phoenix cry Qishan, the heaven is doomed Xiqi to be going to overthrow tyrant's rule, therefore has formed powerful Army, toward hit toward the song city. 因为两年前姜子牙到了西岐,被西岐授予了丞相之职,然后登高一呼,说是凤鸣岐山,上天注定了西岐将要推翻暴君的统治,所以组建了强大军队,朝着朝歌城一路打过去了。 But similarly, the Shen leopard mao wish certificate oneself of vigor is also stronger than Jiang Ziya, naturally was exhausts helps Shang Dynasty resist the attack of Xiqi fully. 而同样的,申公豹也卯着一股劲的想要证明自己比姜子牙更强,当然是用尽全力的帮助商朝去抵挡西岐的进攻。 Because he does not keep the help of ample force, the Shen leopard obtains King Zhou actually more and more has entrusted with heavy responsibility, the status also successively increases, became Shang Dynasty the position of country master, the position high weight. 因为他不留余力的帮忙,申公豹倒是越来越得到纣王的重用了,地位也节节攀升,成为了商朝的国师之位,位高权重。 All, as if Legend originally does not have what change, it seems like I should also come out to walk......”. “一切,似乎和原本的传说没有什么变化啊,看来我也该出来行走行走了……”。 Dongfang Yu, secretly is also paying attention in the two years is sealing the situation of war of god, saw that the war of this god was in the stage of superheating gradually, Dongfang Yu figure moved, left the hell directly. 东方玉这两年来,也在暗自的关注着封神之战的局势,眼看着这封神之战已经是渐渐进入了白热化的阶段,东方玉身形一动,直接离开了地府。 No matter Shen bao, is Jiang Ziya, the regulations are to clarify the person of teaching, properly speaking under this battle, should be clarified that in teaches to fight is right. 不管是申公豹,还是姜子牙,实则都是阐教之人,按理说这番争斗之下,应该是阐教内斗才对。 But unfortunately Shen leopard although the attention of these fellow apprentices, but Jiang Ziya presides over war of the god is actually mission that the primitive day Venerable awards personally, to clarify teaches, therefore, under the both sides battle, Shen bao wants to ask some senior brother senior sisters to help, does not have any a person to come to assist. 但可惜的是申公豹虽然更得那些师兄们的关注,可姜子牙主持封神之战却是原始天尊亲自授予的任务,也是为了阐教,因此,双方争斗之下,申公豹想要找一些师兄师姐们帮忙,却是没有任何一个人前来相助的。 Continuously originally oneself took care is not willing to help oneself to the fellow apprentices and senior sisters who unexpectedly, this made Shen bao feel that was not at heart balanced. 连一直本来对自己更照顾的师兄和师姐们居然都不愿意帮自己了,这让申公豹更觉得心里不平衡。 Since you do not want help me, my oneself helps oneself, goes to other place to seek for the helper. 也罢,既然你们都不愿意帮我的话,那我就自己帮助自己,去别的地方寻找帮手。 In the heart thought that suffering from injustice Shen bao, focused on clarifying finally taught beside on other helpers. 心中更加觉得委屈的申公豹,终于把目光放在了阐教之外其他的帮手上面。 But the truncation of Wan Xianlai towards teaches, naturally was the goal of his first choice. 而其中万仙来朝的截教,自然是他首选的目标了。 The fellow daoist please please do not bother to see me off! 道友请留步! This compared with the innate supreme treasure also fearful words, started to reveal its might. 这一句比先天至宝还可怕的话语,也开始显露出它的威力了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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