PE :: Volume #35

#2057: Resurrecting

Chapter 2057 第2057章 Resurrecting 复活 A Spirit Mountain war, regarding Three Realms and Six Paths all living things, naturally does not have any too tremendous influence, after all the fight between sages, absolutely does not have what relations with them, who won who lost did not have what difference. 灵山一战,对于三界六道的芸芸众生来说,自然是没有什么太大的影响,毕竟圣人之间的战斗,跟他们完全没有什么关系,谁打赢了谁打输了也没有什么区别。 However, regarding other these top can greatly, regarding these Quasi-Saint, and even the sages, the significance that this fights is extraordinary. 但是,对于其他那些顶尖的大能来说,对于那些准圣,乃至圣人们来说,这一战的意义非凡。 First, is the appearance of Lucifer, broke through the Heavenly Dao shackles completely, has achieved strength of sage level. 首先,就是路西法的出现,完全突破了天道的桎梏,达到了圣人层次的实力 What is main is everybody could see that Lucifer strength had, was manufactured the puppet by Dongfang Yu, urged for oneself...... 更主要的是大家都看得出,那路西法实力是生前就有的,然后被东方玉制作成了傀儡,供自己驱使…… Then, the issue came, does this mysterious powerhouse, actually where come? Why before , has never had any about his news. 那么,问题来了,这个神秘的强者,究竟是从哪里来的?为何之前从来都没有过任何关于他的讯息。 Even many people twist with rapt attention calculate, wants to calculate Lucifer with foot, the conclusion that but results in is actually a blank, exist(ence) of this person, seems emerges out of thin air to be the same. 甚至很多人凝神捻算,想要推算出路西法的跟脚,可是得出来的结论却是一片空白,这个人的存在,仿佛是凭空出现一样。 Moreover, since this Lucifer puppet has achieved strength of sage level, how then he does achieve? 另外,既然这个路西法的傀儡生前达到了圣人层次的力量,那么他是如何做到的? Knew his method, oneself can also break through, achieves sage boundary strength? 知道了他的方法,自己是否也能突破,达到圣人境界的实力 Becoming the Saint are many for the time being, at least strength can promote to with the situation that the sage fights, sufficiently made countless people crazy. 能否成圣暂且不少,至少实力能提升到和圣人一战的地步,就足以让无数人为之疯狂了。 Finally, the most important point, that is Dongfang Yu says, he comprehended law of the move of slaughter Saint. 最后,还有最重要的一点,那就是东方玉所言,他领悟了一招屠圣之法。 The characteristics that although these words and sage all generations do not rub conflict, making people think impossible, but, Lucifer exist(ence) is learns from another's mistakes similarly. 虽然这句话与圣人万劫不磨的特性相冲突,让人觉得不可能,但是,路西法存在同样是前车之鉴啊。 Can look, Lucifer had strength of sage level, but, he had been killed by Dongfang Yu, manufactured for the puppet that oneself urged, the side had proven Dongfang Yu did have ability of slaughter Saint really? 都看得出来,路西法生前拥有了圣人层次的实力,可是,他还是被东方玉杀了,制作成了供自己驱使的傀儡,岂不是侧面证明了东方玉真的拥有了屠圣的能力吗? If Old Ancestor Ming He and town Yuan child these Quasi-Saint ranks can greatly, what they care is how Lucifer to break through the shackles, is the sage level strength. 冥河老祖和镇元子这些准圣级别的大能们来说,他们关心的是路西法如何突破桎梏,达到圣人层次的实力的。 But regarding Three Pure Ones their these sages, what they care was Dongfang Yu has killed the Lucifer matter. 而对于三清他们这些圣人来说,他们更关心的是东方玉杀了路西法的事情。 The law of his slaughter Saint is it possible that real? Did he grasp really has put to death the skill of sage? Only is thinks to make people think that is afraid. 他的屠圣之法莫非是真的?他真的掌握了诛杀圣人的技巧吗?光是想想都让人觉得不寒而栗啊。 This time, two fellows of Buddhism, finally were the massive hemorrhage, for these years, they may really be the stingy person were the same, moreover cannot only enter, does not know that has plundered many things from our”. “这次,佛教的两个家伙,总算是大出血了啊,这么多年来,他们可真是铁公鸡一样了,而且是只进不出,不知道从我们这搜刮了多少东西”。 Relatively speaking, the mood of exceedingly high founder is actually very good appearance, looks that received and instructed with proposes two to suffer a loss certainly, lost two innate Spirit Treasure, laughed was saying. 相对而言,通天教主的心情却是很不错的样子,看着接引和准提两个吃了亏,损失了两件先天灵宝,大笑着说道。 Un, good, this first time sees them to eat such big owing actually, falls along with the words of exceedingly high founder, nearby father and primitive day revere but actually also approval point nod(ded). “嗯,不错,这倒是第一次看到他们两个吃这么大的亏呢”,随着通天教主的话落,旁边的老子和原始天尊倒也赞同的点点头 To be honest, for these years, receives and instructs with proposes one to sing the red painted-face certainly, sang the white face, did not want the cheek completely has plundered many magical treasure and talented people entered Buddhism, this matter, let countless people to them is very repugnant. 说实话,这么多年来,接引和准提一个唱红脸,一个唱白脸,完全是不要面皮的搜刮了许多的法宝人才入了佛教,这件事情,让无数的人对他们很是反感。 Today their first time has eaten such big owing, lost two innate Spirit Treasure, this lets their pleasant story, takes pleasure in others'misfortunes. 今天他们第一次吃了这么大的亏,损失了两件先天灵宝,这让他们喜乐见闻,幸灾乐祸。 No matter how, this Spirit Mountain war, all Fangda can see the thing of oneself care, these people excited and anticipation, thinks to be afraid, these Dongfang Yu have not paid attention. 不管如何,这次灵山一战,诸方大能都看到了自己关心的东西,无论是这些人激动和期待,还是觉得不寒而栗,这些东方玉都没有理会。 This time he and Nuwa, arrived together toward the royal palace in song city, also saw the corpse of spirit bead. 这个时候的他和女娲,一起来到了朝歌城的王宫之中,也见到了灵珠子的尸首。 Yeah, the person dies cannot come back to life, I can do, only then lets his True Spirit reincarnation rebirth, hoping him to be able in the future a reincarnation wealthy family......”. “哎,人死不能复生,我能做的,就只有让他的真灵转世重生吗,希望他将来可以投胎一个好人家吧……”。 The corpse who looks at the spirit bead, among the Nuwa looks is having the sorrowful color. 看着灵珠子的尸身,女娲的神色间带着悲恸之色。 After all the spirit bead with her hundreds of thousands of years, don't said that was a life, even if were a dying thing, with long also had very deep sentiment. 毕竟灵珠子跟着她已经数十万年了,莫说是一个生命了,就算是一件死物,用得久了也有很深的感情啊。 „Does person die cannot come back to life?”, Regarding the Nuwa words, Dongfang Yu actually shows a faint smile, during the speeches stretched out the palm of oneself, to the corpse of ground spirit bead. “人死不能复生吗?”,对于女娲的话,东方玉却是微微一笑,说话间伸出了自己的手掌,对着地上灵珠子的尸体。 „Do you want to do?”, Looks at the Dongfang Yu's movement, Nuwa is startled slightly, does not understand the Dongfang Yu's meaning. “你想干什么?”,看着东方玉的动作,女娲微微一怔,不明白东方玉的意思。 The spirit bead died, even if the sage, doesn't have the person who the means resurrected baseless dead? 灵珠子已经死了,就算是圣人,也没有办法凭空复活一个已经死去的人吧? You look and that's the end, regarding the Nuwa issue, Dongfang Yu shows a faint smile, excessively had not explained. “你看着就是了”,对于女娲的问题,东方玉只是微微一笑,并未过多解释。 During the speeches, the Dongfang Yu's right eye, changes to the lavender Rinnegan shape once again. 说话间,东方玉的右眼,再度化作淡紫色的轮回眼形态。 Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique! 轮回天生之术 although regarding present Great Desolate plane, initially Naruto's Plane military power value very low, but has saying that certain skills are very powerful. 虽然对于现在的洪荒位面来说,当初火影位面武力值是非常的低下的,可是不得不说,某些技能还是非常强大的。 This Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique resurrecting ability, even if in the middle of this Great Desolate plane, is the top masterstroke. 轮回天生之术的复活能力,即便是在这洪荒位面当中,也是顶尖的神技。 Is this eyes!”, Looks secretly thought that Rinnegan that the Dongfang Yu right eye appears, in the heart of Nuwa muttered, then, the intense ray bloomed. “又是这个眼睛!”,看着东方玉右眼浮现出来的轮回眼,女娲的心中喃喃的暗道,然后,强烈的光芒绽放出来。 The spirit bead that the body died, True Spirit naturally invested in the hell, is only, at this time, invisible strength appeared, absorbed from the hell True Spirit of spirit bead. 已经身死的灵珠子,真灵自然是投入了地府之中,只是,就在这个时候,一股无形的力量却出现了,将灵珠子的真灵从地府之中摄了出来。 Meanwhile, this wisp of True Spirit also returned to spirit bead mortal body, he had damaged the death mortal body, in this moment, glowed the powerful life. 同时,这一缕真灵也跟着回到了灵珠子的肉身之内,他本来已经损坏死亡的肉身,在这一刻,又跟着重新焕发出了强大的生命了。 Life Aura? In mortal body that died, unexpectedly also does the beam energy spread send out the life Aura?”. “生命的气息?已经死亡的肉身之中,居然还能散发出生命的气息?”。 Nearby Nuwa, feels Aura that on the spirit bead sends out, stared in a big way eyes, surprised saying. 旁边的女娲,感受到灵珠子身上散发出来的气息,瞪大了眼睛,吃惊的说道。 Slowly, the eye of spirit bead hid shivered slightly, then has opened both eyes. 慢慢的,灵珠子的眼皮子微微颤动了一下,然后睁开了双眼 After the spirit bead comes soberly, after seeing Dongfang Yu and Nuwa, the teardrops almost tumble, received the child of bullying outside, in went home to see parents' appearance finally. 灵珠子清醒过来之后,看到东方玉女娲之后,泪珠差点滚落出来,一副在外面受了欺负的小孩,回到家里终于看到了父母的样子。 Empress, I, I......”, the spirit bead was sobbing, many words as if stopped up in the mouth, suddenly could not say. “娘娘,我,我……”,灵珠子哽咽着,许多的话似乎堵在嘴边,一时间说不出来。 Was good, has been all right, we go back, looks the spirit bead that dies and is reborn, on the face of Nuwa is also having the happy look, traces the spirit bead the head, favors saying that drowns. “好了,没事了,我们回去吧”,看着死而复生的灵珠子,女娲的脸上也带着欢喜的神色,摸了摸灵珠子的脑袋,宠溺的说道。 many thanks Mr. Dongfang Yu!”, The spirit bead also knows that resurrecting of oneself because of the Dongfang Yu's merit, on the face is having the grateful look, said to the Dongfang Yu expression of gratitude. 多谢东方玉先生!”,灵珠子也知道自己的复活是因为东方玉的功劳,脸上带着感激的神色,对东方玉道谢说道。 All right, the slight effort......”, regarding the expression of gratitude of spirit bead, Dongfang Yu beckoned with the hand, appearance that and does not care about. “没事,举手之劳罢了……”,对于灵珠子的道谢,东方玉摆了摆手,并不在意的样子。 Looks at Dongfang Yu, in the foreheads of spirit bead flashes through wipes the thinking the look. 看着东方玉,灵珠子的眉宇间闪过一抹思索的神色。 Saw that thought Dongfang Yu as if somewhat looks familiar, where as if has seen appearance. 怎么看都觉得东方玉似乎有些眼熟,似乎在哪里见到过的样子。 The spirit bead that after as Dongfang Yu succeeded resurrected, Western Paradise Spirit Mountain deep place, remembers certainly has proposed the breathless big cry. 只是,随着东方玉这边成功的将灵珠子复活了之后,西天灵山深处,想起了准提气急败坏的大叫声。 Dongfang Yu! You go too far!”. 东方玉!你欺人太甚!”。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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