PE :: Volume #35

#1935: Hongjun divides the treasure

After Energy Tester Blink, at once, a figure of high quota appears from Dongfang Yu's at present. 随着能量测试仪一阵闪烁之后,旋即,一个高额的数字出现自东方玉的眼前。 552800! 552800! Has exceeded 5 50,000 energy values, looks in the Dongfang Yu heart to secretly rejoice, this time changes the body later promotion, seriously is much higher. 超过了55万能量值,看得东方玉心中暗喜,这次变身之后的提升,当真高得让人心惊啊。 Super Saiyan 2 greatly complete times, energy value 360,000, but, along with changing the body Super Saiyan 3 boundaries, can the energy value actually rise dramatically to 5 50,000 situations? Scope that this surmounts, even if already had the preparation, feeling of shock. 超级赛亚人2大圆满的时候,能量值不过360000罢了,可是,随着变身超级赛亚人3的境界,能量值竟然能够飙升到55万的地步?这跨越的幅度,即便是早就有了心理准备,也有一种震撼的感觉。 However, careful thinking, all these in the reason, after all oneself now practice although are strength of Dragon Ball system, but similarly, transformed for the practice system of Great Desolate plane, what walks is with a strength card path, not only breaks through Super Saiyan 3, similarly to break through the boundary of sage. 不过,仔细的想想,这一切又在情理之中了,毕竟自己现在修炼虽然龙珠体系的力量,但是同样的,也已经转化为了洪荒位面修炼体系,走的是以力证道的路子,不只是突破超级赛亚人3而已,同样是为了突破圣人的境界。 The so-called inadequate Saint finally is the ants, but in to become Sheng three means that Karmic Virtue card strength is weakest, but Nuwa and Houtu (Mother Earth) had about 490,000 energy values, cuts three corpse card next bests, after Three Pure Ones they become the Saints, the energy value has about 520,000. 所谓不成圣终是蝼蚁,而成圣的三个办法之中,功德证道的力量最弱,但是女娲后土都有了490000左右的能量值,斩三尸证道次之,三清他们成圣之后,能量值都有520000左右。 This moment Dongfang Yu to become Sheng, what walks is most difficult, is strongest with a strength card path, the energy value has been 5 50,000 degrees, was in the reason. 此刻东方玉成圣,走的还是最难,也是最强的以力证道的路子,能量值达到了55万的程度,也是情理之中了。 Once there is a sage born, will present the give an exaggerated account of things phenomenon, will have the picture of worldwide celebration, Dongfang Yu by the position of strength card achievement sage, naturally also presented these pictures. 一旦有圣人诞生,就会出现天花乱坠的异象,也会有普天同庆的景象,东方玉以力证道成就圣人之位,自然也出现了这些景象。 But along with Dongfang Yu to become Sheng, although trillion life simultaneously start to talk, congratulated Venerable of Dongfang Yu achievement sage, was, in more person hearts the surprise, thought inconceivable. 而随着东方玉成圣,虽然亿万生灵齐齐开口,道贺东方玉成就圣人之尊,可是,更多的人心中还是诧异,觉得不可思议。 Initially when Zixiaogong explained religious doctrine, Ancestor of the Great Balance said personally, the primordial chaos auspicious sign was the base of Grand Dao, to become Sheng the key, seven primordial chaos auspicious signs already separately fell into seven big true line Disciple hands of Hongjun, but, did Dongfang Yu unexpectedly become the Saint? 当初在紫霄宫讲道的时候,鸿钧老祖亲自说了,鸿蒙紫气乃是大道之基,成圣的关键,七道鸿蒙紫气早就分别落入了鸿钧的七大真传弟子手中了,可是,东方玉居然成圣了? Mentioned reasonably, Dongfang Yu did not have primordial chaos auspicious sign to be impossible to become Sheng was right. 按理说来,东方玉没有鸿蒙紫气应该是不可能成圣的才对啊。 Yes, Dongfang Yu to become Sheng, this is riddles in all person hearts. 是的,东方玉成圣了,这是所有人心中的一个谜团。 Regarding Emperor Jun, Old Ancestor Ming He and town Yuan child and the others, naturally hopes to know that Dongfang Yu to become Sheng reason, how doesn't he have the primordial chaos auspicious sign to become the Saint? 对于帝俊冥河老祖和镇元子等人而言,当然是希望知道东方玉成圣的原因,他没有鸿蒙紫气如何成圣的? His to become Sheng method, can oneself duplicate? 他成圣的方法,自己是否能够复制? Three Pure Ones and Western two Saints they, in the heart also similarly think the doubts, although they know that Dongfang Yu's might in the future becomes the Saint, but, actually this will be when they actually does not know in the future, perhaps in several thousand years, and even hundreds of thousands of years later? 就连三清和西方二圣他们,心中也同样觉得疑惑,虽然他们知道东方玉的未来是有可能成圣的,可是,这个未来究竟是什么时候他们却不知道,或许是在数万年,乃至数十万年之后呢? But everyone didn't expect, he was suppressed in the East Blue sea eye can unexpectedly to become Sheng, actually does he how achieve? 可是谁也没想到,他被镇压在东海海眼居然能够成圣,他究竟是如何做到的? No matter what idea and others are, at this time changed becomes Super Saiyan 3 Dongfang Yu, can very clear feeling own powerful strength, the Super Saiyan 3 boundaries Dongfang Yu draw support from time gem strength to experience one time in Marvel plane, but now, Dongfang Yu was the clear feeling Super Saiyan 3 strength. 且不管别人都是什么样的想法,这个时候变身成超级赛亚人3的东方玉,能够很清楚的感觉到自身强大力量,超级赛亚人3的境界曾经东方玉漫威位面借助着时间宝石力量体验过一次,而现在,东方玉才算是真真切切的感受到了超级赛亚人3的力量 As if so long as waving gently, even if Sun such star, oneself can also destroy to be the same. 似乎只要轻轻的挥一挥手,就算是太阳这样的恒星,自己也能打碎一样。 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Also not strength that waits for Dongfang Yu careful feeling oneself to have now, does not wait for other sages to come to Dongfang Yu to congratulate, suddenly, in Void the intermittent thunder sound got up, has brought to the attention of all people. 只是,还不等东方玉仔细的感受自己现在所拥有的力量,也不等其他的圣人过来给东方玉道贺,突然,虚空之中阵阵雷音响起,引起了所有人的注意。 Meanwhile, in the ear of sage, clear has broadcast the Hongjun sound, said: Now, my body nears about Heavenly Dao, you are the sage who the beginning of the universe does not extinguish, all may come to Zixiaogong to take testimony. 与此同时,诸位圣人的耳中,都清晰的传来了鸿钧的声音,道:“如今,我身合天道在即,尔等乃是混元不灭的圣人,皆可来紫霄宫作为见证”。 „Does teacher want about saying?”, Hears this sound, in all Saint person hearts secretly is startled. “老师要合道了?”,听得这个声音,所有的圣人心中都是暗自一惊。 However but actually does not dare to hesitate, left directly, arrived at Zixiaogong beyond 33 days. 不过倒也不敢迟疑,一个个直接动身,来到了33天外的紫霄宫。 Three Pure Ones, the West teaches two Saints, Dongfang Yu, Houtu (Mother Earth) and Nuwa, enough eight sages, is symbolizing on present Great Desolate Continent most powerful strength. 三清,西方教二圣,东方玉,后土女娲,足足八位圣人,也象征着现在洪荒大陆上最强大力量 Dongfang Yu, has congratulated......”, appears along with everybody after the square of Zixiaogong, Three Pure Ones and the others naturally are one after another congratulated to Dongfang Yu, no matter how, became the matter of Saint, this was the huge celebration. 东方玉,恭喜了……”,随着大家都出现在紫霄宫的广场上之后,三清等人自然是陆陆续续的给东方玉道贺,不管如何,成圣之事,这可是天大的喜事。 Un, many thanks, Dongfang Yu also entered the ranks of sage, hear word, selects nod(ded) as returning a courtesy. “嗯,多谢”,东方玉也已经步入了圣人的行列了,闻言,点点头作为回礼。 Elder Brother Dongfang Yu, you have really succeeded......”, on the face of Houtu (Mother Earth) is having the joyful color, obviously feels for Dongfang Yu to become Sheng happy. 东方玉哥哥,你果然成功了……”,后土的脸上带着欣喜之色,显然是为东方玉成圣而感到高兴。 although already knows after Dongfang Yu, may becomes the Saint, who can think, he such quick succeeded? 虽然早就知道东方玉以后有可能成圣,可谁能想到,他这么快的就成功了呢? Good, is indeed difficult, but well in succeeding, on the Dongfang Yu's face has been hanging a smiling face, nod(ded) said that during the speeches somewhat favors the appearance that drowns to touch the head of Houtu (Mother Earth). “不错,的确困难,不过好在成功了”,东方玉的脸上挂着一丝笑容,点头说道,说话间有些宠溺的模样摸了摸后土的脑袋。 At this moment, everybody was the status of sage, Dongfang Yu and Houtu (Mother Earth) status quite, therefore Dongfang Yu naturally can treat as the youngest sister to regard her once again. 此刻,大家都是圣人的身份了,东方玉后土的身份相当,因此东方玉自然是可以再度把她当做小妹妹来看待了。 Dongfang Yu, has congratulated, nearby Nuwa also start to talk, is only relatively speaking, Nuwa complexion somewhat is actually somewhat awkward. 东方玉,恭喜了”,就连旁边的女娲开口了,只是相对而言,女娲的脸色多多少少的却是有些尴尬。 Several hundred years ago a Dongfang Yu sound referred to extinguishing half monster race, this matter stir entire continent, Nuwa similarly was the monster race family background, facing the Dongfang Yu's time, naturally was somewhat awkward. 数百年前东方玉一个响指灭了半个妖族,这件事情轰动整个大陆,女娲同样是妖族出身,面对东方玉的时候,自然是有些尴尬了。 Un, many thanks, facing Houtu (Mother Earth) congratulated, Dongfang Yu is the appearance that favored to drown, but faced Nuwa congratulated, the Dongfang Yu's look was desolater. “嗯,多谢”,面对后土道贺的时候,东方玉是宠溺的模样,但是面对女娲道贺的时候,东方玉的的神色却冷淡了许多。 Indeed, in the Dongfang Yu's heart also had some barriers to Nuwa, but, is not because Nuwa is the monster race family background status, because of human race. 的确,东方玉的心中对女娲也是有了一些隔阂的,只是,不是因为女娲妖族出身的身份,而是因为人族 Nuwa makes the person for to become Sheng, but after she becomes the Saint, has not cared regarding the human race life and death, on the same day mouth of Dongfang Yu in human race has scolded the father and Nuwa, this scolded the sound, naturally from the bottom of one's heart, this also has become barrier between Dongfang Yu and Nuwa. 女娲造人是为了成圣,可是她成圣之后,对于人族的生死就不太放在心上了,当日东方玉人族的时候嘴里是骂过老子和女娲的,这骂声,当然是发自肺腑的,这也成了东方玉女娲之间的隔阂了。 Before Dongfang Yu regarding the respect of Nuwa, was because she has created human race, today, Dongfang Yu to human race is angry because of manner of Nuwa, nature, that respect almost nothing left. 以前东方玉对于女娲的尊敬,是因为她创造了人族,今日,东方玉因为女娲人族的态度而恼怒,自然,那点尊敬几乎荡然无存了。 Nuwa is not idiot, becoming estranged of Dongfang Yu to oneself, she naturally can also feel, opened mouth to explain several. 女娲也不是笨蛋,东方玉自己的疏远,她自然也能感受出来,张了张嘴想要解释几句。 To finally, the words that wants to speak could also not say, in the innermost feelings can only spooky sighed, on the fine elegant face, the look became somewhat low-spirited. 只是,到了最后,想说的话却又说不出来,内心中只能幽幽的一叹,精致的俏脸上,神色变得有些黯然了。 Nearby west teaches two Saints, wants to come up to greet, congratulated Dongfang Yu to become Sheng, naturally, if, wants to inquire Dongfang Yu not to have the primordial chaos auspicious sign, actually how became the Saint. 旁边的西方教二圣,也想上来打个招呼,恭贺一下东方玉成圣,当然,若是可以的话,也想打探一下东方玉没有鸿蒙紫气,究竟是如何成圣的。 Has not waited for their start to talk, in Void a distortion, at once, beard and hair all white Ancestor of the Great Balance then appears in the front of all people. 只是,还没等他们开口,虚空之中一阵扭曲,旋即,须发皆白的鸿钧老祖便出现在所有人的面前。 Has seen the teacher!”, After Hongjun appears, besides Dongfang Yu, all person simultaneously to Hongjun start to talk salutes. “见过老师!”,随着鸿钧出现之后,除了东方玉之外,所有的人齐齐鸿钧开口行礼。 Even if with is the sage, but status exist(ence) of Teacher Ancestor of the Great Balance, said as before again, Ancestor of the Great Balance nears about the [say / way], later everybody does not dare hurriedly. 即便同为圣人,可鸿钧老祖老师的身份依旧存在,再说了,鸿钧老祖合道在即,以后大家更不敢造次。 Dongfang Yu has not saluted to Ancestor of the Great Balance, does not know is because before , by the Hongjun suppression in East Blue sea eye reason, because Dongfang Yu is not Hongjun Disciple, therefore does not need to salute. 东方玉没有对鸿钧老祖行礼,也不知道是因为之前被鸿钧镇压在东海海眼的缘故,还是因为东方玉不是鸿钧弟子,所以无需行礼。 Realization of Hongjun swept one to present all sages, the vision has stopped on Dongfang Yu's slightly, said: Today the opportunity arrived, I must fuse Heavenly Dao from now on, your also had any words to say that can say now. 鸿钧的实现扫了一眼在场所有的圣人,目光在东方玉的身上微微停顿了一下,道:“今日时机已到,我自此就要融合天道了,你们诸位还有什么话想说的,现在都可以说”。 Teacher, I want to ask the Dongfang Yu's situation, he whether really already to become Sheng?”, Father start to talk, the words point to Dongfang Yu. “老师,我想问一下东方玉的情况,他是否真的已经成圣了?”,老子开口,话语直指东方玉 hear word, the Ancestor of the Great Balance strange look, as if already had not guessed correctly to father's issue slightly, nod(ded) said: Good, Dongfang Yu already to become Sheng. 闻言,鸿钧老祖并没有丝毫奇怪的神色,似乎对老子的这个问题早就猜到了,点头说道:“不错,东方玉已经成圣了”。 That, Teacher, whether Dongfang Yu does have the primordial chaos auspicious sign?”, Had determined after Hongjun nod(ded) Dongfang Yu's status, nearby mentioning person certainly asked with start to talk. “那么,老师,东方玉是否拥有鸿蒙紫气?”,随着鸿钧点头确定了东方玉的身份之后,旁边的准提道人跟着开口问道。 These words, asks suspicions in other Saint person hearts. 这句话,也算是问出了其他圣人心中的猜想了。 Regarding the issue that asks certainly, Hongjun has hesitated slightly, at once shakes the head, said: Not. 对于准提的这个问题,鸿钧微微迟疑了一下,旋即摇摇头,道:“没有”。 Really!”, although had already guessed correctly the answer, may get the definite answer after Hongjun here, these sage look at each other in dismay, on the face are having the astonished color. “果然!”,虽然早就猜到了答案,可从鸿钧这里得到了确切的答案之后,这些圣人面面相觑,脸上都带着惊愕之色。 Without the primordial chaos auspicious sign, did Dongfang Yu unexpectedly become the Saint? Actually does he how achieve? 没有鸿蒙紫气,东方玉居然成圣了?他究竟是如何做到的? Was good, the time are not much, last issue, in this issue the appearance that but, Hongjun seems not willing to make the entanglement, beckoned with the hand, direct start to talk said. “好了,时间不多了,还有最后一个问题”,只是,鸿钧似乎并不愿意在这个问题上多做纠缠的样子,摆了摆手,直接开口说道。 Last issue? Remaining these sages, look at each other in dismay. 最后一个问题?剩下的这些圣人们,面面相觑 At once, passes the Catholicism master station to come out, asks: „After teacher has gathered Heavenly Dao, may I ask the teacher is Heavenly Dao? Is Heavenly Dao a teacher?”. 旋即,通天教主站出来,问道:“老师合了天道之后,敢问老师是天道?还是天道是老师呢?”。 This issue, very much had the standard, hear word, Hongjun actually deep looked at exceedingly high founder one eyes, at once replies: After, Hongjun is Heavenly Dao, but Heavenly Dao is actually not Hongjun. 这个问题,就很有水准了,闻言,鸿钧倒是深深的看了通天教主一眼,旋即答道:“合道之后,鸿钧乃是天道,而天道却不是鸿钧”。 These words, let present sage, a complexion slightly loosen, understood the meaning of Hongjun. 这句话,让在场诸位圣人,脸色都微微一松,明白了鸿钧的意思。 in other words, later Heavenly Dao or Heavenly Dao, but Hongjun, is only Heavenly Dao part. 也就是说,以后天道还是天道,而鸿钧,只是天道的一部分罢了。 Before gathering, some of some of my also magical treasure, are for these years I one after another acquired treasure from Great Desolate Continent, today then distributes to you, at this time, Hongjun start to talk. “在合道之前,我还有一些法宝,乃是这么多年来我从洪荒大陆上陆陆续续收集到的宝物,今日便分发给你们吧”,就在这个时候,鸿钧开口了。 During the speeches the palm wields, Primal Chaos Chart appeared, falls in Laozi's hands, said: This is Primal Chaos Chart, by the part of Pangu's Axe, has the effect of suppression kerosene wind, you are the big senior brother, should result in this innate supreme treasure. 说话间手掌一挥,一张太极图出现了,落在老子的手中,道:“此乃太极图,由盘古斧的部分所化,有镇压地火水风的功效,你乃大师兄,合该得此先天至宝”。 Teacher many thanks!”, In look that in other sages envy, the father received Primal Chaos Chart hurriedly. 多谢老师!”,在其他圣人们羡慕的眼神中,老子急忙接过了太极图 This is Primal Chaos Bell, originally is east sovereign too all, is only along with his fallen, this treasure went through into my hand, today apportioning primitively, at once, Ancestor of the Great Balance also will then take Primal Chaos Bell, making the primitive day clan receive excitedly. “此乃混沌钟,本是东皇太一所有,只是随着他陨落,此宝辗转入了我手,今日便将之分给原始了”,旋即,鸿钧老祖又将混沌钟拿了出来,让原始天族激动的收了下来。 As the father and primitive day Venerable must innate supreme treasure, the exceedingly high founder naturally is the hope was staring at Ancestor of the Great Balance. 随着老子和原始天尊都得了先天至宝,通天教主自然是渴望的盯着鸿钧老祖了。 At once, the Ancestor of the Great Balance palm wields, the Zhu Xian four sword and a sword chart appeared. 旋即,鸿钧老祖手掌又是一挥,诛仙四剑和剑阵图出现了。 As Executing Immortal Sword and a Executing Immortal Sword chart appears, all person complexions changed, the vision falls on Dongfang Yu's. 随着诛仙剑阵和诛仙剑阵图出现,所有人脸色都不由变了变,目光落在东方玉的身上。
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