PE :: Volume #35

#1928: When human race strives to improve

human race, although was just born above Great Desolate Continent, although strength incomparable small and weak of human race, but, has the tenacity of striving constantly for self-improvement. 人族,虽说只是刚刚才诞生于洪荒大陆之上,虽说人族力量无比的弱小,但是,却有着自强不息的坚韧。 , All human race approach one after another in the direction of Kongtong Mountains, just like, this Kongtong Mountains as if became the human race final agglomeration. 陆陆续续的,所有的人族都往崆峒山的方向靠近过来,俨然,这崆峒山似乎已经成为了人族最后的聚集地了。 Only then trivial more than 10,000 people, even if were gathers, regarding Kongtong Mountains, did not have slightly the crowded feeling. 只有区区10000多人,即便是聚集起来了,对于崆峒山而言,也没有丝毫拥挤的感觉。 , Several tribes arrived at Kongtong Mountains one after another, the arrivals of some people safety no worries, naturally, more person casualties are serious. 陆陆续续的,有好几个部落来到了崆峒山,有的人安全无虞的到来,当然,更多的人死伤惨重。 Because many people on arriving at the road in Kongtong Mountains, has encountered the attack of monster, even, but also some tribes were swallowed by the monster directly completely. 因为很多的人在来到崆峒山的路上,就遭遇了妖怪的袭击,甚至,还有的部落直接被妖怪吞噬殆尽了。 Ninth Heaven, human race although more gathers, may arrive behind, the person of arrival are getting fewer and fewer. 足足九天,人族虽然越聚越多,可到了后面,到来的人却越来越少。 To Ninth Heaven, any human race had not appeared, wants to come, human race of entire Great Desolate Continent dispersion housing, surviving human race gathered in Kongtong Mountains completely. 到了第九天,已经没有任何的人族出现了,想来,整个洪荒大陆分散居住的人族,残存的人族全部都聚集到了崆峒山了。 Dongfang Yu is the preparation placed the human race care Little Xue, then goes to Heavenly Court to raise a disturbance, is, recently these days, Dongfang Yu can feel that in this Kongtong Mountains tenacious Aura, flows in human race, moreover along with the day by day past, this Aura became stronger and stronger. 东方玉本来是准备将小雪放在人族照料,然后去天庭大闹一场的,可是,最近这些日子,东方玉在这崆峒山能够感觉到一股坚韧不拔的气息,在人族之间流动,而且随着日子一天天的过去,这股气息变得越来越强。 Dongfang Yu understands that to the hopeless situation of this crucial moment, human race as if had the different transformation, therefore, this Ninth Heaven time, Dongfang Yu and human race treats in the same place, not anxiously acting rashly. 东方玉明白,到了这生死关头的绝境之下,人族这边似乎有了不一样的蜕变,因此,这九天的时间,东方玉都和人族待在一起,并没有急着轻举妄动。 To Ninth Heaven, monster race of troop slowly surrounded Kongtong Mountains. 到了第九天,一大群的妖族慢慢的将崆峒山包围了。 Very obviously, along with the accumulations of these human race, many monster race also knew this news, enough several thousand monster race, slowly approaches, surrounds Kongtong Mountains. 很显然,随着这些人族的聚集,许多的妖族也都知道了这个消息,足足数千个妖族,慢慢的靠近过来,将崆峒山包围。 Monsters stare at Kongtong Mountains, in look are having the hope and greedy look. 一个个妖怪盯着崆峒山,眼神中都带着渴望和贪婪的神色。 Broken then stands, to this hopeless situation , more than 10,000 human race that survived, does not have the heart of fear regarding monster race that under the mountain these gathered, conversely had the steadfast faith. 只是,破而后立,到了这绝境之下,残存下来的10000多人族,对于山下这些聚集起来的妖族并没有畏惧之心,反倒是有了坚定不移的信念。 Meanwhile, the old man of a person clan, has arrived at the summit of Kongtong Mountains, has a sacrificial altar above the summit. 于此同时,一个人族的老者,走到了崆峒山之巅,在山巅之上有一个祭台。 On the sacrificial altar is placing some fruits and melons, this old man looked at the appearance is the 100-year-old age, was gradually old. 祭台上摆放着一些瓜果,这个老者看模样已经是100多岁的年纪了,垂垂老矣。 However the waist of whole person actually supports straightly, in the hand is pinching a fragrance, after lighting, loud start to talk, the old sound has actually been full of the firm faith. 但是整个人的腰却挺得笔直,手中捏着一根香,点燃了之后,大声开口,苍老的声音却充满了坚定的信念。 My human race from the hand of creation Empress Nüwa, is born in the world, the Great Desolate ten thousand clans, are Younger Brother, however, has monster race now, regards my human race is the grain ration, wants to extinguish my human race foundation, now my human race burning incense offers sacrifice and informs the gods the world......”. “我人族女娲娘娘之手创造而出,诞生于天地之间,洪荒万族,都是兄弟,然而,今有妖族,视我人族为口粮,欲灭我人族根基,今我人族焚香祭告天地……”。 All-Mother Empress Nüwa, although creates me and others, but, the empress borrows human race when to become Sheng, on this occasion life and death, Empress Nüwa actually not take action rescue. 圣母女娲娘娘虽创造我等,可是,娘娘借人族而成圣,值此生死存亡之际,女娲娘娘却并未出手救援”。 Sage father, sets up the person to teach to enjoy the big destiny, however on this occasion life and death, father sage take action has not helped one another. “圣人老子,立人教而享大气运,然值此生死存亡之际,老子圣人也未出手相助”。 human race is small and weak, does not dare to expect are too many, now informs the world, on this occasion when life and death, when my human race strives constantly for self-improvement, with the monster race life-and-death war, if the entire clan extinguishes, is heaven's will so, my human race should not survive in the world, although dies not complains. 人族弱小,不敢奢望太多,今敬告天地,值此生死存亡之际,我人族当自强不息,与妖族殊死一战,若全族而灭,也是天意如此,我人族不该存活于天地之间,虽死无怨”。 Slightly, the voice of old man suddenly became resounding: If survives by luck, my human race works as for generations, records the hatred of today sincerely, the oath extinguishes monster race, ten thousand th continuous!”. 微微一顿,老者的声音突然变得高亢了起来:“若侥幸存活下来,我人族当世世代代,谨记今日之仇恨,誓灭妖族,万世不休!”。 The human race destiny and faith, as if twisted a rope in this moment, likely was the call under hopeless situation, imposing manner extraordinary, this offered sacrifice and informed the gods the world along with human race, in Void the startling thunderclap was intermittent. 人族的气运和信念,在这一刻仿佛拧成了一股绳,又像是绝境下的呐喊,气势不凡,随着人族这番祭告天地,虚空之中惊雷阵阵。 At this moment, all sages, the attention almost places human race, regarding these sages, naturally knows that human race is the world protagonist matter. 这一刻,所有的圣人,注意力几乎都放在人族这边,对于这些圣人而言,自然知道人族才是天地主角的事情。 didn't expect, under cruelly harming of monster race, small and weak human race touches the bottom rebound, unexpectedly erupted such intense faith, making the person be moved, seemed vibrated by the human race faith including Heavenly Dao. 没想到,在妖族的残害下,弱小的人族触底反弹,居然爆发出了这么强烈的信念,让人为之动容,似乎连天道都被人族的信念所震动了。 The Wa imperial palace, the Empress Nüwa complexion is ugly, she can very clear feeling, relation between oneself and human race, was paler in this moment. 娲皇宫,女娲娘娘的脸色非常难看,她能够很清晰的感觉到,自己人族之间的联系,在这一刻淡了许多。 Very obviously, in human race at heart, oneself is also the monster race family background, actually regards monster race to cruelly harm human race to disregard, this made human race have the resentment to read to oneself. 很显然,在人族的心里,自己也是妖族出身,却视妖族残害人族不管不顾,这让人族自己心存怨念了。 bastard! These monster race do not know when day......”, father although carries out the inactivity, but in this moment Three Pure Ones view, the father on hand pounds a oneself jade cup directly crushes. 混账!这些妖族不知天时……”,老子虽然奉行无为,可这一刻的三清观中,老子直接将自己手边的一个玉杯砸得粉碎。 Relatively speaking, how to say again Nuwa and human race have the relations that could not give, therefore the destiny finished pale has also related, but his father, actually felt destiny between oneself and human race, in this moment almost nothing left. 相对而言,再怎么说女娲人族也有割舍不了的关系,所以气运淡了却还有所联系,可他老子,却感觉到自己人族之间的气运,在这一刻几乎荡然无存了。 The simple analogy, monster race to Nuwa is Younger Brother, but human race to Nuwa is child. 简单的比喻,妖族女娲而言是兄弟,而人族女娲而言是孩子 Now Nuwa Younger Brother bullies her child, Nuwa does not say a word, as child naturally has the complaint, how may say again that mother and child relations cannot cut off. 现在女娲兄弟欺负她的孩子,女娲却一言不发,身为孩子自然颇有怨言,可再怎么说,母子关系是断绝不了的。 But father? His exist(ence) can only be the child master, let alone, this master also never has completely to arrive to work as the responsibility of master. 可老子呢?他的存在只能算是孩子的师父而已,更何况,这个师父还从来都没尽到当师父的责任。 Did not see father take action to assist to this time, in the heart of human race, the role of father so-called master, the nature was dispensable. 到了这个时候也不见老子出手相助,人族的心中,老子这个所谓师父的角色,自然可有可无了。 The father and Nuwa know that the human race tribulation is Heavenly Dao is doomed, therefore, what tribulation no matter human race suffered, does not have the meaning of take action, but watches critically. 老子和女娲都知道人族的磨难是天道注定的,因此,不管人族遭受了什么样的磨难,都没有出手的意思,只是冷眼旁观。 But actually didn't expect, the matter unexpectedly developed today's this situation, no matter Nuwa or the father, somewhat were scared. 可是却没想到,事情居然发展到今天这个地步了,不管是女娲还是老子,都有些慌神了。 These sages, are know that human race future, is other people, actually does not know that human race matter, many can also note human race here offering sacrifice and informing the gods greatly, the response to mention just a few. 这些圣人,都是知道人族的未来的,可是其他的人,却不知道人族的事情,许多大能也注意到了人族这边的祭告,反应不一而足。 Five Zhuang Guan, the town Yuan child and severe wound restored some red clouds, at this time sighed. 五庄观,镇元子和重伤恢复了一些的红云,这个时候都叹了一口气。 human race this tenacious faith makes them touch, but, oneself their strength actually could not resist monster race, wanted to help, had more desire than energy. 人族这坚韧不拔的信念让他们都为之触动,只是,自己两人的力量却对抗不了妖族,想要帮忙,也是心有余而力不足。 human race? The faith is good, was too what a pity small and weak a point, this World, is the law of the jungle, perhaps, does human race appear in this World is really a mistake?”, Moreover one side, in Netherworld Blood Sea, Old Ancestor Ming He also darkly sighed one. 人族?信念还不错,可惜太弱小了一点啊,这个世界,就是弱肉强食的,或许,人族出现在这个世界真的是个错误吧?”,另外一边,幽冥血海之中,冥河老祖也暗叹了一声。 Race that was just born, Ashura Clan at least also has self-preservation ability in this world, but human race was too small and weak, today exterminates the clan to near, even if he also has the feeling of interdependence of two neighboring states. 都是刚刚诞生出来的种族,阿修罗族至少在这个天地间还有自保的能力,可人族却太弱小了,今日灭族在即,就算是他也有种唇亡齿寒的感觉。 hum hum hum, trivial did human race, how call again happy?”, In the middle of Heavenly Court, the eastern sovereign too one and Emperor Jun naturally also saw this, said regarding human race, the transvestite two clan ten thousand th continuous pledges did not spare a glance. 哼哼哼,区区人族,叫得再欢又如何?”,天庭当中,东皇太一和帝俊自然也看到了这一幕,对于人族所言,人妖两族万世不休的誓言更加不屑一顾。 Big fellow apprentices and seven Junior Sister, are really the unexpected misfortune, receives and instructs the mouth of Daoist to say in a low voice, the smiling face on face seemed to be brighter a point. “大师兄和七师妹,真是无妄之灾啊”,接引道人的嘴里低声说道,脸上的笑容似乎更加灿烂了一点。 Who can think that monster race compels this degree human race, unexpectedly made them also meet with a disaster? human race destiny, I and other looking, but is unavailable, some of them, the lane did not have, mouth that Hahaha......”, raises certainly, is fall about makes noise. “谁能想到,妖族人族逼到这个程度,居然让他们也跟着遭殃了?人族的气运啊,我等望之而不可得,他们有的,却偏偏弄没了,哈哈哈……”,准提的嘴里,更是忍不住大笑出声。 human race is following world protagonist , the human race destiny, naturally is these sages wants, the father and Nuwa were damaged, especially father almost nothing left, a good sign to have beaten completely, two Saints that their West teaches, naturally took pleasure in others'misfortunes. 人族乃是接下来的天地主角,人族的气运,自然是这些圣人都想要的,偏偏老子和女娲都受损了,特别是老子几乎荡然无存了,一手好牌完全打烂了,他们西方教的二圣,自然是幸灾乐祸了。 Snort, died to being imminent also to have the thoughts to do these curved to circle. “哼,死到临头了还有心思搞这些弯弯绕绕”。 A big bird, circles in upper air, looks at human race here movement, saying that the mouth disdains, at once the wings shakes, threw toward the summit of Kongtong Mountains directly. 一只大鸟,盘旋于高空中,看着人族的这边的动作,嘴里不屑的说道,旋即双翼一震,直接朝着崆峒山之巅扑了下去。 The short hundred years, these human race strength are very small and weak, oneself a person sufficiently all extinguished these human race, the thing of these big making up, oneself may not be impolite. 短短百年而已,这些人族力量无比弱小,自己一个人都足以将这些人族全灭了,这些大补之物,自己可就不客气了。 Scoff! 嗤! This giant monster the time of airborne falling, suddenly, the radiant ray suddenly appears together, has hit this monster instantaneously. 只是,这只巨大的妖怪从空中落下来的时候,突然,一道璀璨的光芒却突然出现,瞬间击中了这只妖怪。 This monster indeed was falls, but, was actually pounding maliciously falls on the ground, Aura all did not have, changes to a giant bird corpse. 这只妖怪的确是落下来了,但是,却是狠狠的砸落在地上,气息俱无,化作一具巨大的鸟尸。 Dongfang Yu, in the bosom is holding Little Xue, walked step by step, arrived at the summit of Kongtong Mountains directly, the sound is clear and bright, has almost spread over entire Great Desolate Continent: Sage Empress Nüwa, makes human race, but to become Sheng, ignores to the human race disaster. 东方玉,怀中抱着小雪,一步步走了出来,直接来到了崆峒山之巅,声音清朗,几乎传遍了整个洪荒大陆:“圣人女娲娘娘,造人族而成圣,对人族的灾难置若罔闻”。 Elder Brother Dongfang Yu! Cautious word!”, Falls along with the Dongfang Yu's words, in his mind suddenly presented the Houtu (Mother Earth) sound, in the expression is somewhat anxious. 东方玉哥哥!慎言!”,随着东方玉的话落,他的脑海中突然出现了后土的声音,语气中有些急切。 Sage shame, Dongfang Yu also has not become the Saint, the error of this moment start to talk word sage, is is very indeed inappropriate. 圣人不可辱,东方玉还未成圣,此刻开口言圣人的过失,的确是很不合适的。 Regarding the Houtu (Mother Earth) words, Dongfang Yu has not paid attention, the sound has not stopped , to continue start to talk: Sage father, sets up the person to teach, but to become Sheng, may turn a blind eye to the human race life and death similarly, two sages both depend upon human race, but to become Sheng, then to them, after becoming the Saint , didn't human race then have the value?”. 只是,对于后土的话,东方玉并没有理会,声音没有停顿,继续开口:“圣人老子,立人教而成圣,可同样对人族的生死视若无睹,两位圣人都是依靠人族而成圣,然则对他们而言,成圣之后人族便没了价值吗?”。 This human race is born in the world, strength is small and weak, nobody shelters, but I must tell entire Great Desolate Continent today, human race is not nobody shelters, since the human race life and death the sage does not meddle, then my Dongfang Yu meddled, the Dongfang Yu's sound, changes to the startling thunderclap to be billowing, spreads over Great Desolate Continent. “这人族诞生于天地之间,力量弱小,无人庇护,可是今天我要告诉整个洪荒大陆,人族并非是没有人庇护的,人族生死既然圣人不插手的话,那么我东方玉就插手了”,东方玉的声音,化作惊雷滚滚,传遍洪荒大陆 Saint king mercy!”, Falls along with Dongfang Yu's, Kongtong Mountains all human race, weep. “圣王慈悲!”,随着东方玉的滑落,崆峒山所有的人族,喜极而泣。 human race is born, Dongfang Yu had occupied some human race destiny, at this moment, under the unity is strength, the Dongfang Yu obtained human race destiny, beyond example rose suddenly. 人族诞生,东方玉本就占了一些人族气运,此刻,众志成城之下,东方玉所得的人族气运,空前的暴涨了起来。 bastard Dongfang Yu! He dares so!?”. 混账东方玉!他竟敢如此!?”。 Was in front of Great Desolate's, oneself is scolded by Dongfang Yu unexpectedly, the father was air/Qi flies into a rage, how before the Dongfang Yu fame was again high, now he is also not a sage. 当着洪荒的面,自己居然被东方玉骂了,老子更是气得暴跳如雷,以前东方玉名望再怎么高,现在他还不是圣人呢。 Oh......”, the Wa imperial palace, Nuwa sighed spookily, no one knows that her was thinking anything at heart. “唉……”,娲皇宫,女娲幽幽一叹,谁也不知道她的心里在想些什么。 Dongfang Yu is really the good method, then his human race destiny, in the human race prestige, nobody can shake, receives and instructs the Daoist to see with own eyes in this, the mouth cannot bear sigh with emotion saying. 东方玉果然是好手段啊,如此一来他的人族气运,在人族的威望,无人能够撼动了啊”,接引道人眼见于此,嘴里忍不住感慨的说道。 Groaning, but, regarding receiving and instructing the words of Daoist, the accurate mentioning person was actually cold snort|hum several, said: This act although can result in the human race big destiny, but goes against heaven's will the conduct, must suffer the scourge, among the successes and failures whether is worth still waiting for discussing. “哼哼”,只是,对于接引道人的话,准提道人却是冷哼了几声,道:“此举虽然能得人族大气运,可是逆天行事,必遭天谴,得失之间是否值得还有待商榷”。 These sages, how can not know that at this time take action did help the human race words have the big destiny? But goes against heaven's will the conduct the scourge, makes them not dare to act rashly. 这些圣人,怎会不知道这个时候出手帮助人族的话会有大气运?可是逆天行事的天谴,却让他们不敢轻举妄动。
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