PE :: Volume #23

#1004: Mongolian wonderful D Lu Fei( 6 / 8 th)

Quick, Usopp came out on one cup of hot water but actually, after Dongfang Yu put out a hand to receive, has sipped one gently. 很快,乌索普就倒了一杯热水出来,东方玉伸手接过了之后,轻轻呷了一口。 But after Usopp the hot water has given Dongfang Yu, the vision at once falls on the body of Bai Feifei, at once emboldens to touch the hair of Bai Feifei, mouth to praise sighed: This Mister, you are hugging the fox is quite attractive. 乌索普把热水递给了东方玉之后,目光旋即落在白菲菲的身上,旋即壮着胆子去摸白菲菲的毛发,嘴里赞叹道:“这位先生,你抱着的这只狐狸好漂亮啊”。 Bang! 啪! However, the hand of Usopp just lifted, had wiped out by a Dongfang Yu palm of the hand, Dongfang Yu light saying: My this fox, can only be traced by woman, cannot be traced by the man, if which man began to touch it, I at least will chop his hand, therefore, if you do not want to throw the hand of oneself, I urged you not to trace. 不过,乌索普的手才刚刚抬起来,就被东方玉一巴掌打掉了,东方玉平淡的说道:“我这只狐狸,只能被女人摸,不能被男人摸的,如果哪个男人动手摸了它的话,我至少会把他的手砍下来,所以,如果你不想丢了自己的手,我劝你还是别摸”。 Hissing, good fearful......”, Dongfang Yu's expression although is the light appearance, but during this is light cold intention that contains, makes Usopp suck in a breath of cold air, under the heart shout wildly. “嘶,好可怕……”,东方玉的语气虽然是平平淡淡的样子,可这平淡之中所蕴含的冷意,却让乌索普倒吸了一口冷气,心下狂呼。 Hahaha......”, if others, at this time perhaps very awkward, but Usopp has actually hit Haha, the appearance that thinks little of slightly, said: Mister you said right, many thanks you reminded me, actually I think now that I must touch the sickness that the fox can die, this whole life will not trace the fox, you felt relieved. 哈哈哈……”,若是别人,这个时候或许就挺尴尬的了,可乌索普却打了个哈哈,丝毫不以为意的样子,道:“先生你说得对,多谢你提醒我,其实我现在才想起来,我得了摸狐狸就会死的病,这辈子都不会摸一下狐狸的,你放心吧”。 Although from original work knows that the Usopp disposition, sees with own eyes lovably, Dongfang Yu cannot bear reveal wipes the happy expression, uttered fine words that a point, Usopp the disposition is called the one who understands the times is outstanding, said coarse, covets life and fears death, timid as a rabbit. 尽管从原著中就知道乌索普的性格,可亲眼见到,东方玉还是忍不住露出一抹笑意,说得好听一点,乌索普的这个性格叫做识时务者为俊杰,说得难听一点,就是贪生怕死,胆小如鼠了。 Captain, is not good......”, Dongfang Yu just wants to speak, at this time, a flustered shout resounded. “船长,不好啦……”,东方玉正想说话,就在这个时候,一片慌张的呼喊声响起。 Dongfang Yu has turned head to look that sees only three young boys, great shout is running over toward here, these young boys look like only then 6 or 7-year-old about appearance, at this time ran over in a fluster. 东方玉回过头看去,只见三个小男孩,正大声呼喊着往这边跑过来,这几个小男孩看起来都只有六七岁左右的样子而已,这个时候神色慌张的跑过来了。 Piiman, the radish head, onion, how your three did run over?”, Looks at three young boys who this runs over, asking of Usopp surprise. 青椒头,萝卜头,洋葱头,你们三个怎么跑过来了?”,看着这跑过来的三个小男孩,乌索普诧异的问道。 These three people, were the so-called Usopp pirate roll three crew, naturally, the so-called Usopp pirate group added on his oneself also on four people, said is the crew, may in fact their ship not have. 这三人,就是所谓的乌索普海贼团中的三个船员了,当然,所谓的乌索普海贼团加上他自己也就四个人罢了,说是船员,可实际上他们连一艘船都没有。 Captain, is not good, the pirate, had the sea pirate ship to approach shore......”, ran up to the Usopp front, appearance that these three child talked, flustered saying. “船长,不好啦,海贼,有海贼船靠岸了……”,跑到乌索普的面前,这三个孩子你一言我一语的样子,慌慌张张的说道。 Sea pirate ship? Had the sea pirate ship to come really?”, Looks at the oneself three crew, Usopp start to talk asks, is somewhat nervous, didn't expect lay these many years, today unexpectedly has the sea pirate ship to appear. “海贼船?是真的有海贼船来了吗?”,看着自己三个船员,乌索普开口问道,神色有些紧张,没想到撒谎这么多年了,今天居然真的有海贼船出现了。 Yes, Captain, had the sea pirate ship to appear, but was not the steamship, um, was two small ships, heard the inquiry of Usopp, three child connected nod(ded) saying that but spoke of behind, shifting to a new subject. “是啊,船长,真的有海贼船出现了呢,不过不是大船,嗯,是两艘小小的船”,听得乌索普的询问,三个孩子接连点头说道,只是说到后面,话锋一转。 Is only the boat?”, Hears this news, in the Usopp look rejoiced, is the disappointed appearance, very complex. “只是小船而已吗?”,听到这个消息,乌索普的眼神中又是庆幸,又是失望的模样,非常的复杂。 What rejoices is since comes is the boat, is the pirate person are not many, what is disappointed, since is the boat, possibly was not oneself that ship on father Yasopp. 一则庆幸的是既然来的是小船,那么就算是海贼也人不多,但失望的是,既然是小船,就不可能是自己的爸爸耶稣布上的那艘船了。 Good! Walks, since there is a pirate to appear, brave marine warrior(s) Usopp, naturally must defend the homeland, repelled the pirate, came with me, hit the spirit quickly, the Usopp valiant spirited appearance said that during the speeches ran toward the seashore. “好!走,既然有海贼出现了,勇敢的海上战士乌索普,自然要保卫家园,击退海贼了,都跟我来吧”,很快打起了精神,乌索普雄赳赳气昂昂的样子说道,说话间朝着海边跑过去。 At this time had the pirate to come? Moreover is only two boats?”, Dongfang Yu in side is listening to the dialog that Usopp and three young boys see only, under the heart to think how many were very likely protagonist Luffy their to come? The oneself crossed over time node should be at around plot to be right. “这个时候有海贼来了?而且还只是两艘小船而已?”,东方玉在旁边听着乌索普和三个小男孩只见的对话,心下想了想,很有可能是主角路飞他们几个来了吧?自己穿越的时间节点应该就在剧情前后才对。 I think to look, in original work time, develops here, Straw Hat Pirates, how many crew there are to come? Luffy one, is Three Sword Style swordsman Zoro, um, that beautiful woman pirate thief Nami, well? As if only then these three people?”. “我想想看,原著中的时候,发展到这里,草帽海贼团,有几个船员来着?路飞一个,还有就是三刀流的剑士索隆,嗯,还有那个美女海贼小偷娜美,咦?似乎就只有这三个人而已了?”。 Under the heart is thinking, the Dongfang Yu under foot actually does not stay, passed with Usopp, happen, what also has a look at protagonist Luffy while this opportunity they are. 心下思索着,东方玉脚下却不停留,跟着乌索普过去了,正好,趁此机会也去看看主角路飞他们是什么样的。 Quick, Dongfang Yu with Usopp to island near, distant can see that two boats indeed started toward the island, on was hanging unexpectedly also a pirate flag, but, two boats looked like are almost also big with the fishing boat of ordinary fisherman, looked like looks like the boat that played in the offshore, possibly was not the sea pirate ship of that braving all hardships. 很快,东方玉就跟着乌索普到了海岛边上,远远的能够看到两艘小船的确往小岛这边开过来了,其中一艘上面竟然还挂着一面海贼旗,只是,两艘小船看起来也就和普通渔民的渔船差不多大,看起来就像是在近海游玩的小船,不可能是那种乘风破浪的海贼船。 It seems like is only the boat, person are not many, we arrange, runs away in fear them, distant looks is only two sea pirate ships of fishing boat sizes, on the ship possibly is not any sea thief, Usopp start to talk said that at once and oneself nearby several young boys moved, has drawn several pirate flags rapidly, is stringing together with the rope, prepares when the time comes to draw the strong momentum, retreats in fear enemy. “看来只是小船而已,人不多,我们布置一下,把他们吓跑吧”,远远的看着只是两艘渔船大小的海贼船而已,船上也不可能是什么大海贼,乌索普开口说道,旋即和自己旁边几个小男孩行动了起来,迅速画了好几面海贼旗,用绳索串着,准备到时候拉出来壮壮声势,吓退敌人 Looks at the arrangement of Usopp, Dongfang Yu smiled, has not interrupted to say anything, but looks that the two boats of distant place approach slowly, under the Dongfang Yu's heart also somewhat anticipated that resolves to want, when the Pirate King youth, resolves to become the first under heaven Great Swordsman swordsman, person who has the dream, even if now also very small and weak, but is also worth admiring. 乌索普的布置,东方玉笑了笑,并没有插嘴多说什么,只是看着远方的两艘小船慢慢靠近,东方玉的心下也有些期待,立志要当海贼王的少年,还有立志要成为天下第一大剑豪的剑士,有梦想的人,就算现在还非常的弱小,但也值得敬佩的。 In a while, two boats approach shored, jumps down three people from the ship, two male female, Dongfang Yu takes a broad view to look that can see the status of three people from the appearance. 没过多久,两艘小船就靠岸了,从船上跳下来三个人,两男一女,东方玉放眼看去,从打扮上就能看得出三个人的身份了。 Stature irritable young girl, wears short skirt, an astute capable Qi Er orange short hair, is Nami. 身材火爆的少女,穿着短裙,一头精明干练齐耳的橘色短发,正是娜美 Wears the green trousers, the waist is carrying on the arm the green alga man of three handle long blades, naturally is Zoro, must say that this Zoro a little kills the feeling of Carter youth actually, on the ear is also hanging the ear pendant. 穿着绿色长裤,腰间挎着三柄长刀的绿藻头男子,自然就是索隆,要说这索隆倒是有点杀马特少年的感觉,耳朵上还挂着耳坠呢。 Finally, wears a straw hat, looks like the 16 or 17-year-old youth, naturally is this plane protagonist , Mongolian wonderful D Luffy that Luffy, disembarked at this time, the mouth was murmuring wants to eat the meat. 最后,戴着一顶草帽,看起来十六七岁的少年,自然就是这个位面主角,蒙奇D・路飞了,这个时候下了船的路飞,嘴里正囔囔着想要吃肉呢。 pā pā pā...... 啪啪啪…… When Dongfang Yu is taking a look at three people, Usopp take action, crossbow threatening nature springs many might good gravel, falls on the under foot of Luffy and Zoro, making them not have image one to be in chaotic situation very much. 就在东方玉打量着三个人的时候,乌索普出手了,弹弓威胁性的弹出许多威力不错的石子儿,落在路飞索隆的脚下,让他们两个很没有形象的一阵鸡飞狗跳。 Usopp looks that the attack of oneself has as if daunted them, the mouth sent out laughing to stand, was forking the waist, had saying of imposing manner very much: Pirate, you get lost to me, here had been seized by my Usopp pirate group, if you do not walk, I 80 million subordinates can make your attractive. 乌索普看着自己的攻击似乎吓住了两人,嘴里发出大笑站了出来,叉着腰,很有气势的说道:“海贼,你们都给我滚吧,这里已经被我乌索普海贼团占领了,若是你们再不走的话,我80000000的部下能够会让你们好看的”。 Um, the Usopp appearance looks like very has imposing manner, if in his hand does not take one is looking like a toy crossbow, this rumor was more perfect. 嗯,乌索普的模样看起来还是挺有气势的,只是如果他手中不是拿着一个看起来像玩具一趟的弹弓的话,他这个谎言就更加完美了。 „, Eight... 80 million...... Subordinates? Quite fierce......”, but, hears the Usopp words, that Luffy actually stared in a big way eyes, was staring at Usopp that both eyes shone, calling out of exaggeration, appearance of that appearance as if very worship. “哇,八…80000000……部下?好厉害啊……”,只是,听到乌索普的话,那路飞却瞪大了眼睛,双眼放光的盯着乌索普,夸张的叫道,那模样似乎非常崇拜的样子。 Looked at that Luffy appearance, Dongfang Yu already from original work knows freely his individuality, may see with one's own eyes, the corners of the mouth have pulled out pulling out. 看那路飞的模样,东方玉尽管早就从原著中知道他的个性,可亲眼看到,嘴角还是抽了抽。 The Usopp appearance looked like looks like has been lying, but Luffy unexpectedly such easily has believed that was this nerve too also thick a point? This simply looks like fool same fellow, can become Pirate King really? 乌索普的样子看起来就像是在撒谎了,可路飞居然这么轻易的就相信了,这神经也太粗了一点吧?这样简直就像是傻瓜一样的家伙,真的能成为海贼王吗? Looked at Luffy nearby Zoro and Nami again, under the Dongfang Yu's heart cannot help but sympathizes with them, with such captain, they can also experience that many life and death crises unexpectedly, was too laborious...... 再看路飞的旁边索隆娜美,东方玉的心下不由得同情他们两个了,跟着这样的船长,他们居然还能经历那么多生死危机,太辛苦了…… Hello, I said you, is lying?”, Looks at Usopp, because deceived Luffy one complacent appearance, Nami start to talk gratefully revealed to say. “喂,我说你,是在撒谎吧?”,看着乌索普因为骗到了路飞都一副得意洋洋的模样,娜美毫不客气的开口揭穿说道。 Awful, was seen through......”, hears the Nami words, just complacent Usopp, could not have borne call out in alarm makes noise. “糟糕,被识破了……”,听到娜美的话,刚刚还得意洋洋的乌索普,忍不住惊呼出声。 Usopp individuality, makes the Dongfang Yu's corners of the mouth twitch slightly, the individuality of this fellow deceived people, did the standard that but he deceived people, this say? Said that he amateur was praising him. 乌索普的个性,也让东方玉的嘴角微微抽搐,这家伙的个性就是骗人,可他骗人的水准,该怎么说呢?说他业余都是在夸奖他了。 Looks over number of times that original work he deceived people many, may deceive the number of times of person extremely to be few truly successfully, said? Straw Hat Pirates, really could be said as the whole staff is the rare and beautiful flowers. 纵观原著他骗人的次数多了去,可真正成功骗到人的次数却极少,怎么说呢?草帽海贼团,真的可以说是全员都是奇葩了。 Usopp was seen through, therefore pulled open the crossbow preparation to begin, that three young boy facing the genuine pirate, naturally was yells fled in horror. 乌索普被识破了,所以拉开了弹弓准备动手,那三个小男孩面对真正的海贼,自然是哇哇大叫的吓得逃跑了。 Facing the Usopp crossbow, Luffy is actually rare a proper appearance, said that the duel of pirate should be branches out the life and death, the appearance of being ready, conversely daunted Usopp. 面对乌索普的弹弓,路飞倒是难得一副正经的模样,说海贼的决斗就该是分出生死的了,蓄势待发的模样,反倒是乌索普吓住了。 Looks between Usopp and Luffy the situation of first meeting, Dongfang Yu thinks actually very interesting appearance, but, Dongfang Yu has not hidden figure, therefore falls with the Luffy vision on Dongfang Yu's, at once the vision shifts on Bai Feifei in Dongfang Yu bosom, both eyes shines: „, Has the meat. 看着乌索普路飞之间第一次见面的情形,东方玉觉得倒是挺有趣的模样,不过,东方玉也没有隐藏身形,所以跟着路飞的目光落在东方玉的身上,旋即目光又转移到了东方玉怀中的白菲菲身上,双眼放光:“哇,有肉”。 The attribute of Luffy glutton, although Dongfang Yu already knows that may look at Bai Feifei, that look treats as food to regard it unexpectedly generally, this makes the Dongfang Yu's complexion somewhat black. 路飞吃货的属性,虽然东方玉早就知道,可看着白菲菲,那眼神居然是把它当做食物一般看待,这让东方玉的脸色有些黑。 Isn't Bai Feifei a fox? As for settled on fur to make the shawl in Real World, was treated as a bulk meat in this Pirate King plane by Luffy? 白菲菲不就是一只狐狸吗?至于在现实世界被人看中毛皮想做披肩,在这海贼王位面又被路飞当做一大块肉吗? Bang! 啪! Even if this is Pirate King plane protagonist , may treat as a meat to regard Bai Feifei, Dongfang Yu is unforgiving, stood on the hillside was facing the Luffy fan distantly a palm of the hand, Luffy also really on by Dongfang Yu this palm of the hand hitting to fly. 就算这是海贼王位面主角,可把白菲菲当作一块肉来看待,东方玉还是不能原谅的,站在山坡上面对着路飞扇了一巴掌,路飞还真就远远的被东方玉这一巴掌给打飞了出去了。 Your this can bastard, a little eyesight vigor? This is my partner, is the partner knows? The partners cannot work as the meat to eat, after a Dongfang Yu aerobic and funny palm of the hand hits Luffy flew to exit, start to talk scolds. “你这混账,能有点眼力劲吗?这是我的伙伴,是伙伴知道吗?伙伴不能当肉来吃”,东方玉又好气又好笑的一巴掌将路飞打飞了出去之后,开口骂道。 Hum, is good to hurt......”, is covering the cheeks of oneself, clear Palestine has been in charge, Luffy hurt the tears to be about to come out. “呜呜呜,好疼……”,捂着自己的脸颊,都有一个清晰的巴掌印了,路飞疼得眼泪都快出来了。 kā chā...... 咔嚓…… Sees the Dongfang Yu's movement, both eyes of Zoro micro coldly, the long blade leaves the sheath inch, is staring at Dongfang Yu. 看到东方玉的动作,索隆的双目微寒,长刀出鞘寸许,盯着东方玉 Just that move completely did not have look yes what's the matter, is this fellow expert, don't tell me? Also with Luffy same is Devil Fruit solid ability user? 刚刚那一招完全没看明白是怎么回事,这家伙是个高手,难道?也和路飞一样是恶魔果实的能力者
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