PWE :: Volume #5

#473: Free activity

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The free activity makes SpyingBlade think is the request of contact assassination plays, or goes to short rope used to bind animals of White Stone City under to CloudDragon, considered that influence Team Leader, I went to White Stone City, I will possibly give a CloudDragon manufacture trouble, did not have the issue.” 久违的自由活动让刃觑想着是不是去接点刺杀的委托玩玩,或者去白石城云龙下点绊子,考虑到影响“队长,我去白石城了,我可能会给云龙制造点麻烦,没问题吧。” All right, plays while convenient, after being discovered that I process... the Ye Cang words to let the SpyingBlade cold sweat. “没事,顺便玩,被发现后,我来处理```叶苍的话让刃觑冷汗。 Processed... SpyingBlade to ask. “怎么处理```刃觑还是问了一下。 Mediated you are not very ripe... Ye Cang natural returning said. “就说和你不是很熟啊```叶苍理所当然的回道。 SpyingBlade has hung up the communication, the god explained that was too penetrating. 刃觑挂断了通讯,神解释,太精辟了。 Ye Cang had found Linda in Black Rock City Goddess Association, inquired. 叶苍黑岩城女神协会找到了琳达,询问了一下。 You can indeed penetrate Learned one, accepts the blessing of Anya.” The wild nature sculpture of Linda back to Anya has taught the Ye Cang 3 advanced skills. “你的确可以深入学习一下了,接受奥诺娅的祝福吧。”琳达背对奥诺娅野性雕塑传授了叶苍3个进阶技能。 Wild Nature Leap( Anya. Ranger / Hunter. Beginner): Fast jumping leaves same place, movement speed increases 30% temporarily , to continue for 3 seconds, does not have the consumption, Cooldown Time: 30 seconds. 野性跳跃奥诺娅.游侠/猎人.初级):快速的跳离原地,移动速度暂时增加30%,持续3秒,无消耗,冷却时间:30秒。 Powerful Pierce( Anya. Ranger / Hunter. Beginner. Passive): The penetration effort of long-range weapon increases, the penetration increases, the amplification degree was affected by the related attribute. 强劲贯穿奥诺娅.游侠/猎人.初级.被动):远程武器的贯穿力度大增,穿透大增,增幅程度受到相关属性影响。 Hunting Soul( Anya. Ranger / Hunter. Beginner): Increases Agility 20%, movement speed 10%, open Agility to turn time on own initiative temporarily, the duration 15 seconds, Cooldown Time: 12 hours. 狩猎之魂奥诺娅.游侠/猎人.初级):增加敏捷20%,移动速度10%,主动开启敏捷暂时翻倍,持续时间15秒,冷却时间:12小时。 What the Ye Cang comparison cares is the last skill, Agility turns time of enticement not to be small, let alone Passive increased 20% Agility and 10% speeds, although Cooldown Time is long, but this is the big move of kind of skill, at crucial moment is used to determine the final outcome, this he understands. 叶苍比较在意的是最后一个技能,敏捷翻倍的诱惑不小,何况被动就增加了20%的敏捷和10%的速度,虽然冷却时间较长,但这是大招类技能,关键时候用来决胜的,这点他还是明白的。 Goes out of Goddess Association to look that the pack embarks to shout the slogan goes to the Dark Marsh Cavern person. As for also in Black Peak Mountain range many have been attacking and capturing. 走出女神协会看着打包出发喊着口号去暗沼洞穴的人非常之多。至于还在黒峰山脉的不少都已经在攻克了。 FrozenCloud brings Wu Na to practice the level to live the normal life alone, Fang Ci has dragged away by NextDoorOldWang, practice of Zhang Zhengxiong in Black Rock City forges, Lin Le went to Black Peak Mountain range to be responsible for the scene control of dungeon entrance alone, this was the request of ThornyRose. Because Ye Cang is not spatial, Zhang Zhengxiong must practice to forge, just Lin Le of Brother Mad Devil Le of title nothing Three Brothers was forced up. 冰云带着吴娜单独去练练级过过正常生活,方赐则被隔壁老王拖走,张正雄黑岩城中练习锻造,林乐单独去了黒峰山脉负责副本门口的现场控制,这是刺玫的要求。由于叶苍不空,张正雄要练习锻造,刚好没什么事情三哥疯魔乐哥称号的林乐被顶了上去。 Little Ye Tian steps up the construction in overseeing workers supply depot, for example general store, store, blacksmith's shop. Grain supplies shop kind, does not leave accident several days to be able first to do well this aspect, but Ye Cang in Learned good skill, went to own plantation, looks at inside plant in the healthy growth. Has pulled the hot berry, tries to insert in earth as for the plant directly. 小叶天这边加紧督工补给站方面的建设,例如杂货铺,商铺,铁匠铺。粮食补给店铺这类,不出意外几天就能优先弄好这方面,而叶苍学习好了技能,来到了自己的种植园,看着里面的植物在茁壮的成长着。将火浆果扯了下来,至于植物试着直接插进土里。 This plant needs the moisture to be quite heavy , and position has the greasy place, places here mire stage it is most appropriate.” Makarlo walks to feel the white beard to say with a smile from behind. “这种植物需要湿气比较重且位置有油性的地方,将它放在这边的泥沼台是最合适的。”麦卡洛从后面走来摸着白胡子笑道。 .. Ye Cang remembers to take off this gadget the place, seemingly is such a matter, has planted the hot berry according to the instruction of Makarlo, afterward Makarlo is teaching the attainment of detail and own summary in planter. “哦``叶苍想起摘下这玩意儿的地方,貌似是这么回事,按照麦卡洛的指示种下了火浆果,随后麦卡洛向其传授着种植方面的细节和自己的总结的心得。 Congratulations, you've obtained plant planter study identification.” System Notification. 恭喜你获得植物种植学辨识。”系统提示 Ye Cang discovered own can recognize these plant suitable environment demands approximately, looks at the surrounding different region planter the thing, oneself obviously are the hybrid in the same place. Definitely is he helps me handle, sincere Xie [say / way] thanked your handling, Teacher Makarlo... 叶苍发现自己的可以大致辨识出这些植物适合的环境需要,看着周围不同地带种植的东西,自己明明是混合种在一起的。肯定是他帮我打理的,诚恳的谢道“感谢你的打理,麦卡洛导师``` Overpraised. Our Lord Sage.” Makarlo kind saying with a smile Sage PaleSnow, gathering these many Rare plants, for what?”. “过奖了。我们的贤者大人。”麦卡洛和蔼的微笑道“苍雪贤者,采集这么多稀有植物,是为了什么?”。 Cooking... Ye Cang is actually direct, Makarlo has gawked, immediately Ha Ha has smiled getting up „, worthily is the sage. Good, this is a good use. Conforms to the Heavenly Dao circulation.” “烹饪```叶苍倒是直接,麦卡洛楞了一下,随即哈哈笑了起来“哈哈,不愧是贤者。不错,这是个好用途。符合天道循环。” Makarlo wants to teach the Ye Cang plant drugs manufacture study, immediately relinquishes. Because the cooking is also good choice, thinks of Lin Le, perhaps teaches to him is quite good, similarly is the partner of sage, moreover has the alchemy background, cooking? Reminded him of such a character to come, Master Dodola, a legendary explorer, the legendary identification scientist, the legendary cooking master, founded myriad things all for the taboo vanguard clique of food. 麦卡洛本想传授叶苍植物制药学,随即作罢。因为烹饪也是不错的选择,想到林乐,或许传授给他比较好吧,同样是贤者的伙伴,而且也有炼金术的底子,烹饪吗?不禁让他想起了这么一位人物来,朵朵拉大师,一位传奇探险家,传奇辨识学家,传奇烹饪师,开创出了一个万物皆为食物的禁忌先锋派系。 Ye Cang then left the plantation quickly, because the growth cycle returns for sometime, particularly that most Rare plant, only gathering some quite scarce mushroom class. 叶苍很快便离开了种植园,因为成长周期还有一段时间的,尤其是那最稀有的植物,只采集了一些较为稀少的蘑菇类。 Left own botanical garden, then arrived at the underground river the observation wharf construction project, the military aspect also in preliminary carries on, but business has been able to pass through 30% ships, other was still rushing a job, discussed two sides marquis Azshara to greet with the overseeing workers armed forces personally returns to Black Rock City Offline/Log out. 出了自己的植物园,便来到了地下河这边观察码头建设工程,军用方面还在初步进行中,但商贸方面已经可以通行30%的船只,其余的仍在赶工中,与亲自督工军商两边的艾萨拉侯爵打了个招呼就回到黑岩城下线了。 Crescent Moon Lake. 弦月湖 Ye Cang continues to supervise the military of own two apprentice / to dance to practice, regarding having free time to instruct their Ye Cang, what they are more is some not only fear and hopes him to come, what fear is, the basic evening must suffer dozens cannot run away ironclad, desirably, the seriousness was been like this rapid by own progress, loving it may be said that hates to interweave, just thought of here, two female hold breath cold air, two hand two feet, the buttocks, the abdomen, several wicker attack proliferate continually, Ye Cang has the yawn to say lightly „should not be in a daze, gives me to move... to hurry.” 叶苍继续督促自己的两个徒弟的武/舞艺修行,对于有空来指导两人的叶苍,两人更多的是有些既害怕又希望他来,害怕的是,基本一晚上要挨几十下是铁定逃不了的,希望的是,这样的认真态度让自己的进步非常迅速,可谓的爱恨交织,刚想到这里,两女倒吸一口凉气的,两手两脚,屁股,腹部,十几连柳条打击遍布,叶苍打着哈欠淡淡说道“别发呆,给我动起来```赶紧的。” The two-day weekend arrives, Zhang Zhengxiong received Zhang Shaofeng, the news brief notice of Li Lijia, is bringing Ye Cang and Lin Le, Little Ye Tian, FrozenCloud comes to the peak control room in third science and technology education building. 双休日到来,张正雄收到了张少峰,李丽佳的简讯通知,带着叶苍林乐,小叶天,冰云来到第三科教楼的顶端控制室。 Zhang Shaofeng looks is white hair Ye Cang of head, this is first time with his meeting face-to-face, Li Lijia has not thought that fellow who has not gotten rid, became the King in east district, has General Holy War many brains titles, even was commented into the Linhai institute city ten big student men of the hour, the position is quite high. 张少峰看着为首的白发叶苍,这算是第一次和他面对面的见面,李丽佳也没有想到,一个没出过手的家伙,就成为了东区的王者,拥有圣战大将军诸多头脑称号,甚至被评入了临海学院城十大学员风云人物,位置颇高。 Live operational training camp started, I hope that you can undergo the one-week training, inside is this Linhai participating personnel, each other training wearing is very important... Zhang Shaofeng but actually directly rubbish. “实战训练营开始了,我希望你们能去接受为期一个星期的训练,里面都是本次临海参赛的人员,彼此训练磨合是很重要的```张少峰倒也直接不废话。 „Did elder brother, how you say?” Zhang Zhengxiong some do not would rather but seek information the opinion of Ye Cang. “哥,你怎么说?”张正雄有些不情愿但还是征询叶苍的意见。 School grades... Ye Cang said lightly. “学分```叶苍淡淡说道。 additional... Zhang Shaofeng said with a smile. “加```张少峰笑道。 Bonus... Ye Cang continues to say. “奖金```叶苍继续说道。 Zhang Shaofeng continues to say with a smile to... suitably. “适当给```张少峰继续笑道。 That participates , was very in any case bored for these days, was right, I have a friend and we participate together, skill very good... Ye Cang embraces FrozenCloud to say with a smile. “那就参加吧,反正这几天也挺无聊的,对了,我有个朋友和我们一起参加,身手很好的```叶苍揽过冰云笑道。 Naturally, Su Bingyun, performance is a student, has the potential resort to violence player very much, is Battle of the Five Schools member .. Zhang Shaofeng knows the FrozenCloud background in capital. “当然可以,苏冰云,表演系学员,很有潜力的武斗型选手,在帝都也是五校之战的成员``张少峰是知道冰云的背景的。 Li Lijia, looks at FrozenCloud to narrow the eye, the Su Family second daughter, does not know why recently and Ye Cang T-105 this goods person walked unusual was near, even changed job. ( to be continued ) 李丽佳,看着冰云眯了眯眼,苏家的次女,不知为何最近和叶苍t-105这货人走的非常近,甚至跳槽过来。(未完待续)
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