PWE :: Volume #5

#469: Spicy and hot

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The people hold breath cold air, although does not have the attribute of skill ring to be but clean and violence, hides falling of Boss worthily, NalanPureSoul was also excited, the attribute of that ring all was the magic system urgently needed attribute . Moreover the addition was good. 众人倒吸一口凉气,虽然没有技能但戒指的属性干净而又暴力,不愧是隐藏boss的掉落,纳兰清魂也心动了,那个戒指的属性全是法系急需的属性,而且加成非常不俗。 First physical, the SpyingBlade five rings wore fill, Lele, A'Xiong you were also, this ring gave me, I 3... Ye Cang calm saying. “先物理的吧,刃觑五个戒指戴满了的,乐乐,阿雄你们也是,这个戒指就给我吧,我才3个```叶苍淡定的说道。 SpyingBlade is speechless, that is you installs x, not ring position Dai full! My also Requirement, my three rings are remarkable, Gold, Dark Gold.” 刃觑无语,那是你装x,不把戒指位置戴满!“我也需求的,我其中三个戒指都是卓越,一枚黄金,一枚暗金。” It seems like must fight out... Ye Cang to forward one step, SpyingBlade also slowly forwarded, they get rid suddenly, NalanPureSoul looks that they got rid instantaneously changed many hand signals and determinations. “看来又要决胜负了```叶苍向前走了一步,刃觑也缓缓向前,两人猛然出手,纳兰清魂看着两人出手瞬间变了好多手势和判定。 Scissors!” Ye Cang finalizes finally. “剪刀!”叶苍最终定型。 Cloth! Yeah .. SpyingBlade sighed slowly finally a racket, wants to change the fist also without enough time. “布!哎``刃觑叹了口气最后慢了一拍,想变拳头也来不及了。 Hey, practices again.” Ye Cang shows a faint smile, puts on the ring directly, then assigned the magic ring how saying that patted roll “嘿嘿,再练练吧。”叶苍微微一笑,直接戴上戒指,然后分配魔法戒指“怎么说,拍还是roll” Roll.” NalanPureSoul somewhat regrets to choose roll, because gold coins must keep last Boss to say again, although this ring good is good, but can postpone. “roll吧。”纳兰清魂有些惋惜选择roll,因为金币要留到最后一个boss再说,这枚戒指虽然好是好,但还是可以暂缓一下。 Wu Na also nodded to choose roll, Little Ye Tian has knit the brows slightly, why must agree with roll, he will not die to knock, defended to close Boss not to hit, thinks that its four Heavenly King status, has not said anything. 吴娜也点头选择了roll,小叶天微微皱眉,干嘛要同意roll,他不会死磕的,还有守关boss没打呢,想到其四天王的身份,没有说什么。 Those who make NalanPureSoul one happy is, roll has won unexpectedly, Ye Cang do not disdain [say / way] to be a pity that excessively my this Boss took a ring, otherwise roll ironclad was I wins... 纳兰清魂一喜的是,roll点竟然是自己赢了,叶苍别过头不屑道“可惜我这个boss拿了一个戒指了,不然roll点铁定是我赢``` Volume .... .... ` regarding these words, people simultaneously shows the whites of the eyes fiercely. Can roll leave the system no the courage that 0, which your come must with others roll point. “额`````````”对于这句话,众人齐齐猛翻白眼。能roll出系统都没有的0,你哪来的勇气要和别人roll点。 He He, he he... the NalanPureSoul hollow laugh several, Brother PaleSnow left the treasure chest corpse distant point actually time is very attractive. “呵呵,呵呵```纳兰清魂干笑了几声,其实苍雪兄宝箱尸体远点的时候还是很有魅力的。 The Ye Cang lecture of Three-headed Monster corpse skins cramp, takes out the heart and eye. Unusual of dismemberment is skilled, NalanPureSoul looks that it has separated the eye and heart specially, thinks that is the good thing. 叶苍三头怪的尸体扒皮抽筋,取出心脏和眼睛。肢解的非常熟练,纳兰清魂看着其特意分开了眼睛和心脏,想必是好东西吧。 Everybody rests, Lele fishes, I sweep in the surroundings.” Ye Cang said that Ba Bian begins to pick the mushroom, picks the fruit. Picks the medicine, but Zhang Zhengxiong also everywhere saunters to have a look to have the bare ore, but also let alone in submarine has discovered three piles of Mithril essence and pile of demon iron ore, moreover dug several unusual Rare gems and spinels, had the Light Attribute light crystal. This point makes him very joyful, the giant crystal hand guard can supplement the scale and attribute. “大家休息一下吧,乐乐去钓鱼,我在周围扫荡一下。”叶苍说罢便开工去采蘑菇,采果实。采药,而张正雄也到处转悠看看有没有裸矿,还别说在水下发现了三堆秘银精华和一堆魔铁矿,而且挖到了几颗非常稀有的宝石与晶玉,其中更是有光系的光水玉。这一点让他很欣喜,巨型水晶护手又可以追加档次和属性了。 NalanPureSoul sits in the puddle restores, looks at Ye Cang sweeping the appearance, smiles, do not look at Wu Na excessively, FrozenCloud is chatting, hears Ye Cang, if the Battle of the Five Schools member, selects the eyebrow slightly. Battle of the Five Schools? Plays.... 纳兰清魂坐在水潭边恢复,看着叶苍扫荡的样子,嫣然一笑,别过头看着吴娜,冰云在聊天,听到叶苍要是五校之战的成员,微微挑眉。五校之战吗?去玩玩吧``` Lin Le fished its treasure chest, in the sleep convenient opened, gold coins. The gem throws into pushes a cart to continue, SpyingBlade sighed that external has evolved, now can fish its treasure chest opens instantaneously. 林乐钓其了一口宝箱,睡梦中顺手就开了,将金币。宝石丢进推车继续,刃觑不禁感叹外挂又进化了,现在可以钓其宝箱的瞬间开掉。 After the people fit out , to continue thoroughly, the left upward stone-paved road of puddle, several stone bridge standing tall and erect stone cliff one after another. Solved blocking the way swamp to be strange, finally thinks that final Boss was swamp strange class Boss. Also is similar to the swamp traveler like that those who let the person difference is on final stone cliff is a biology of doubtful humanity. The whole body is rotten, but in the meat emits the eumycetes spore, the body was being covered by the rhizome, the build is not big, but the people felt the danger. 众人整备好后,继续深入,水潭的左边向上的石道,数座石桥接连的高耸石崖。解决了拦路的沼泽怪,最后均以为最后的boss沼泽怪类的boss。也就是如同沼泽行者那般,让人差异的是在最后的一个石崖上是一个疑似人类的生物。全身腐烂,但肉里面冒出真菌类孢子,身体被根茎覆盖着,体型不大,但众人感觉到了危险。 The eumycetes mix undead( High Rank Leader. Abyss. Mix product): Does not have the accident is the exploration, but to human undead at the same time and a fungus bio-syncretic body, the danger coefficient is high, the red mushroom on his buttocks is the Super Rare fungus category food!! 真菌植物混合亡灵高级首领.深渊.混合产物):不出意外是探索而至的人类亡灵化的同时与真菌生物融合一体了,危险系数较高,其屁股上的红色蘑菇是超稀有的菌类食材!! Ye Cang has drawn back, said situation approximately, looks in the stone bridge that end stone cliff stage full is the spore dust, is very evidently dangerous, narrows the eye to think the tactic slightly, recalled that perhaps with that difficult war of swamp traveler this war, the close combat wanted in the fire .... 叶苍退了回来,将情况大致说了一番,看着石桥那端的石崖高台上满是孢子粉尘,看样子就很危险,微微眯眼想着战术,回想起与沼泽行者的那艰难一战“这一战,近战恐怕都要火中了```` While had not been discovered by him, has Fire Resistance high food or potion .... SpyingBlade, although does not want to say very much must eat, but to attack and capture Boss, last Boss that defended to close, clenched teeth this bad plan. “趁还没有被他发现,有没有火抗较高的食物或药剂````刃觑虽然很不想说要吃,但为了攻克boss,还是最后一个守关的boss了,才咬牙出此下策。 I try.” Ye Cang leads the people to draw back the distant point to start a cooking soup dish, adds Fire Element food, finally rubbed Fire Element crystal core powder to go, iron pot emitted the red light, emitted the red pirate-like skull. “我试试吧。”叶苍带着众人退远点开始烹饪一道汤菜,加入火系食物,最后磨了一点火系晶核的粉末进去,铁锅发出红光,冒出红色的骷髅头。 Eats, Fire Resistance had.” Ye Cang looks that own new formula reaches as high as 55 Fire Resistance, happily said. “吃吧,火抗有了。”叶苍看着自己的新配方高达55的火抗,欣慰说道。 „Doesn't elder brother, you eat?” Zhang Zhengxiong hear of expressions are not probably right. “哥,你不吃吗?”张正雄听语气好像不对。 I am long-distance do not need... the Ye Cang calm [say / way]. “我是远程没必要```叶苍淡定道。 The close combat people looked at one mutually, after several seconds, the ground left several facial color red corpses, including the posture to revolt against fixed Ye Cang. 近战众人互望了一眼,几秒后,地上多出了几具面色通红的尸体,其中包括姿势在反抗定格叶苍 NalanPureSoul is scratching the cold sweat, one wants also to be, if I, I must draw the person who is making this gadget to eat the psychological balance together, was holding curiously, abundant a point, has tried with the tongue, my God quite spicy! Immediately almost at the scene fainted deadly in the past, puts out drinking that the magic spring water made an effort, this tongue selected almost to hang the ground. 纳兰清魂擦着冷汗,一想也是,要是我的话,我也要拉着做这玩意儿的人一起吃才心理平衡,抱着好奇,盛了一点,用舌头试了一下,我的天好辣!顿时差点当场晕死过去,拿出魔法泉水使劲的喝,这才舌头点了一下就差点挂地上。 Coming that Weak Sauce jumps, made one bowl to do, has wiped the mouth, expressed that very satisfied departure, NalanPureSoul also obtained a news, Devil has liked eating spicily . Moreover the hotter the better, summoned own Flame Devil, drinks soup, after taking, Fire Element damage obtained 25% amplifications temporarily, this cooking was not simple, these many hideaway effects, tried to drink the next bowl, the brain seemed lit generally, before falling to the ground, looks at own extra effect, flame spell power + 13, Fire Element damage + 8%.... 小弱鸡蹦蹦跳跳的过来,弄了一碗干了,擦了擦嘴,表示很满意的离开,纳兰清魂又得到了一个讯息,恶魔喜欢吃辣,而且越辣越好,召唤出自己的炎魔,去喝汤,服用后,火系伤害暂时获得了25%的增幅,这个烹饪不简单,还有这么多隐藏效果,试着喝下一碗,大脑仿佛被点燃了一般,倒地前看着自己的额外效果,火焰法术强度+13,火系伤害+8%``` Wakes up to look at hand that Ye Cang puts out a hand spookily Brother PureSoul, really has the regard of so sharing joys and sorrows, was much better... compared with these fellows 幽幽醒来看着叶苍伸手的手“清魂兄,竟然有如此同甘共苦的心意,比那些家伙好多了``` Here Ye Cang to look that FrozenCloud and the others despised completely, but the NalanPureSoul cold sweat again and again, I discovered that the extra effect tried, the fact had shown should not try, that odor too... covered the mouth spicily suddenly, gave up. 说到这里叶苍看着冰云等人满是鄙夷,而纳兰清魂则冷汗连连,我只是发现额外效果试了一下,事实证明还是不该试的,那个恶臭辣太```猛然捂住嘴巴,罢了罢手。 Little Ye Tian watches the NalanPureSoul action, father's cooking should have the extra special effect, just that thing should be deals with Devil and Warlock kind of Fire Element, remembered the father saying that Dodola of skill book was the chef in travelling mainland, even gave the element, Golem did has eaten, can prepare food including the ore, the special gastrology, corresponded Fire Element spicily, temporarily helped the father record here. ( to be continued ) 小叶天纳兰清魂的举动看在眼里的,父亲的烹饪应该是有额外特效的,刚刚的那个东西应该是应对恶魔术士火系的,想起了父亲说道技能书的那个朵朵拉是游历大陆的厨师,甚至给元素,石头人做过吃的,连矿石都可以做菜,特殊烹饪学,辣对应火系,暂时帮父亲记载到这里。(未完待续)
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