PWE :: Volume #5

#465: Small XX and smelly frog

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Striking of big frog killed the news just to transmit, a form rapidly passed through the flame, NalanPureSoul shouted to clear the way in great surprise carefully „! He touched!!” 大蛤蟆的击杀消息刚一传来,一个急速的身影穿过了火焰,纳兰清魂大惊喝道“小心!他去摸了!!” Zhang Zhengxiong hurried to jump in the sea of fire Ye Cang intercepts has gotten down grasps stubbornly, cold sweat again and again, fortunately in Boss corpse range, otherwise... has hit mostly white, Lin Le slightly ran to kill the sea of fire to touch takes Boss, the people had relaxed. 张正雄赶忙在火海中跃起将叶苍拦截了下来死死抱住,冷汗连连,还好自己在boss尸体范围,不然```多半白打了,林乐小跑杀进火海摸取了boss,众人松了口气。 Lin Le has turned head to look that Ye Cang puts out a hand in the sea of fire is similar to the hell Evil Ghost appearance, immediately hit to tremble Brother Little White, left two Dark Gold, with skill book... 林乐回过头看着叶苍在火海中伸出手如同地狱恶鬼的模样,顿时打了个哆嗦“小白哥,出了两件暗金,和一本技能书``` Was one's turn the time of minute of equipment, Ye Cang looks that the people sighed say, next Boss made me touch, my Divine Hand was shivering... 轮到了分装备的时间,叶苍看着众人叹了口气“说真的,下个boss让我摸吧,我的天之手在颤抖了``` People simultaneously shakes the head. 众人齐齐摇头。 Mortal, yeah, divides to equip, Dark Gold Mage light armor, but is the Nature Element addition, who wants?” Ye Cang inquired. “凡人,哎,分装备吧,暗金法师轻铠甲,不过是自然系的加成,谁要?”叶苍询问道。 NalanPureSoul sighed, own preferential benefit and right kept the suitable thing to say as far as possible again, although this light armor removed Nature Element is very good, but after all was the Nature Element thing. 纳兰清魂叹了口气,自己的优惠和权利尽可能留到出了自己适合的东西再说,这件轻铠虽然排除自然系也很不错,但是毕竟是自然系的东西。 Ye Cang looked that nobody must shrug to throw into cart, pastes on had not determined that label second is high Agility belt, SpyingBlade your meaning?” 叶苍看没人要耸了耸肩丢进推车,贴上未确定标签“第二件是高敏捷腰带,刃觑你的意思?” „Don't you want?” SpyingBlade asked. “你不要?”刃觑反问道。 My is the Gold metal buckle, Defense is quite high, although is worse than this, but the comparison builds my clothes.” Ye Cang so returns saying that SpyingBlade sighed to receive belt to equip, front spoke that many idle talk, actually to install x. “我的是黄金的金属扣带,防御力比较高,虽然比这个差一些,但是比较搭我的衣服。”叶苍如此回道,刃觑叹了口气接过腰带装备上,前面说那么多废话,其实就是为了装x。 Finally is the skill book, I have a look, gu gua Leap Strike.” Ye Cang has pasted the skill book. “最后是技能书,我看看,咕呱跳跃一击。”叶苍将技能书贴了出来。 gu gua Leap Strike( gu gua. Super Rare): Gathers the strength 1 second, fast leap certain altitude and distance( by Strength. Stamina, the influence of Agility), crashes to pound to target creates the high quota crush damage( by Attack, Stamina, Strength influence). And enters stun(ned), strikes down the determination, consumes 25 anger, Cooldown Time: 3 minutes. 咕呱的跳跃一击(咕呱.超稀有):蓄力1秒,快速跳跃一定高度和距离(受力量体力,敏捷的影响),坠落砸向目标造成高额的碾压伤害(受攻击力,体力,力量影响)。并进入眩晕,击倒判定,消耗25点怒气,冷却时间:3分钟。 This skill is not Shaking Bear on Lin Le, the idea of people basically agrees, the Ye Cang lecture of skill book has given Lin Le. But Lin Le has given Zhang Zhengxiong, Zhang Zhengxiong shook the head, but Lin Le said with a smile Lele to have the leap skill, Brother Little Xiong did not have... 这个技能不是狗熊林乐的,众人的想法基本一致,叶苍讲技能书给了林乐。但林乐给了张正雄,张正雄摇了摇头,但林乐还是笑道“乐乐跳跃技能了,小雄哥还没有呢``` NalanPureSoul has gawked, such good skill also mutually declines unexpectedly. 纳兰清魂楞了一下,这么好的技能竟然还互相推让。 Zhang Zhengxiong showed a faint smile to receive Learned. Looks at the accessory column, oneself have two accessories, team own equipment perhaps is best, is not elder brother's that can resurrect, from exploding changes outside the ` condition ring, the next thing must to Lele, he also need the military equipment, cannot always he let me! However the equipment of Lin Le in the team is also best one, double Dark Gold weapon. One mostly is also Dark Gold, worst is Gold and his disparity is small, but does not have the accessory. This a little mechanical damage. 张正雄微微一笑接过学习了。看着饰品栏,自己有两个饰品,团队里自己的装备恐怕是最好的了,不算哥的那个能复活自爆的变`态戒指外,下个东西怎么也要给乐乐了,他也必须要武装起来,不能老是他让我!然而林乐的装备在团队也是最好的之一,双暗金武器。一身大多也是暗金,最差的都是黄金和他差距非常小,只是没有饰品。这个有点硬伤。 Assigns, Ye Cang excited the corpse entire load, sees this action, the people start the daydream, should not be .... simultaneously shakes the head to deny, self- deceit., Cannot. But the Ye Cang somewhat excited appearance, makes the people pass the incomparable cold air. The NalanPureSoul forced smile again and again, does not know really should come.... 分配好,叶苍兴奋的将尸体整个装车,看到这个举动,众人心里开始遐想,该不是````齐齐摇头否认,自我欺骗。不会的,不会的。但叶苍有些兴奋的样子,却让众人心里透着无比的寒气。纳兰清魂苦笑连连,真不知该不该来``` Restores some mana, the people continues upward, mire of under a grain of bright egg in stone platform in mushroom is lying down, Ye Cang looks at him to gawk, recognized one to shout to clear the way precious food! Cooked!!” 恢复一些魔法值,众人继续上行,一粒剔透的卵在石台上蘑菇下的泥沼里躺着,叶苍看着其楞了一下,辨识了一番喝道“珍贵食材!炖了!!” FrozenCloud and the others hurried to block Team Leader it, that is the pet egg! You can hatch on the hatching one! In the team most people did not have pet beast!!” 冰云等人赶忙将其拦住“队长,那是宠物卵!你能孵化就孵化一下吧!队伍里大部分人都还没有宠兽呢!!” Who said that ate!” Ye Cang struggles the rebuttal to say. “谁说的,还是吃了吧!”叶苍挣扎反驳道。 Finally under the consolation of people, the Ye Cang lecture of pet egg hatched, NalanPureSoul selects the eyebrow slightly, originally can domesticate is he, this is the sudden and huge profits, oneself also Brother PaleSnow, I have about the matter of hatching and domestication, hopes that you help... 最后在众人的劝慰下,叶苍讲宠物卵孵化了,纳兰清魂微微挑眉,原来会驯化的就是他,这可是暴利,自己也有一枚“苍雪兄,我也有关于孵化和驯化的事情,希望你帮一下忙``` 200 gold/metal fixed price, entire gold coins, thanked your help... Little Ye Tian to arrive at the NalanPureSoul front instantaneously, put out a hand to say lightly. “200金不二价,全金币,谢谢惠顾```小叶天瞬间就来到了纳兰清魂的面前,伸出手淡淡说道。 .... .... .... ` NalanPureSoul looks at the Little Ye Tian appearance, is really a mold carves, worthily is the brother and sister, owes the expression that pulls out such to look like continually, making the person want to press firmly between the fingers tearing to pieces that her face makes an effort. `````````````”纳兰清魂看着小叶天的样子,真是一个模子刻出来的,不愧是兄妹,连欠抽的表情都这么像,让人不禁想捏住她的脸使劲的撕烂。 Ye Cang hears money, immediately reorganized the wolf head hood somewhat disorderly hair, puts down it in the arrow, traces the Little Blue Feather's feather Brother PureSoul, deeply loves the small creature as one person, the magnificent pet is waving to you, Little Blue Feather, you said is right... 叶苍一听到钱,顿时整理了一下狼头兜帽有些凌乱的毛发,将其放下在箭头,摸了摸小蓝毛的羽毛“清魂兄,作为一个热爱小动物的人,华丽的宠物在向你招手哦,小蓝毛,你说对不对啊``` I do not eat, I do not eat, must die, must die!” Little Blue Feather returns, a Ye Cang hand blade, brings bird wool, a pitiful yell of birds ‚’ transmits. “我不吃,我不吃,要死,要死!”小蓝毛回到,叶苍一记手刀,带起一阵鸟毛,一声鸟类的惨叫‘嘎’传来。 NalanPureSoul looks that Little Blue Feather falls to the ground to put in great inconvenience various appearance speechless, hey hey, just egg, you first thought ate, the several pet beast estimates of your squad were surrounded by perils jumped from your pot, thought to train pet beast, clenched teeth „! Temporarily prepayment half.... 纳兰清魂看着小蓝毛倒地委屈道样子各种无语,喂喂,刚刚的卵,你第一时间想到的就是吃,你小队的几个宠兽估计都是险象环生从你锅里跳出来的吧,想到培养宠兽,一咬牙“可以!暂时先付一半```”。 Indifferent, thanked your help... Little Ye Tian to shrug, received 100 gold coins, received a red egg, one and has given Ye Cang the frog egg. “无所谓,谢谢惠顾```小叶天耸了耸肩,接过100金币,将一枚红色的蛋接过,将蛤蟆卵一并给了叶苍 Ye Cang looks that has NalanPureSoul this type not to know details, shouted to clear the way erects an altar!” 叶苍看着有纳兰清魂这种不知底细的在,喝道“设坛!” SpyingBlade, FrozenCloud, Wu Na and the others covered the forehead, must start to install x, piled the pile to be perfunctory the surrounding plant, a Ye Cang lecture of egg has placed, started nine character true words seal to be near! Soldiers! Fight!! All!! Row! In! First .. 刃觑,冰云,吴娜等人捂住额头,又要开始装x了,将周围的植物堆了堆敷衍了一下,叶苍讲蛋放在其中,开始九字真言印“临!兵!斗!者!皆!阵!列!在!前`` NalanPureSoul unemotionally visits him, a hatching pet must use nine character true words, such thing of Eastern aura, you determined that... I came out to mix am not a day two days. 纳兰清魂面无表情的看着他,孵化个宠物还要用九字真言,这么东方气息的东西,你确定```我出来混也不是一天两天了。 Under the hatching of Ye Cang, in abundance broken egg / egg, a fiery red chicken and a ash-gray tadpole name as the chicken ` chicken and Emergency Ration No. 2 it. 叶苍的孵化下,纷纷破蛋/卵而出,一只火红的小鸡和一只灰色的蝌蚪将其命名为小鸡`鸡和备用粮食二号 NalanPureSoul received own pet beast, looks at its name immediately the chest one stuffily, discovered again is unable to change the name, a blood card arises spontaneously in the feeling of throat, looks that Ye Cang shivering [say / way] this called... 纳兰清魂接过自己的宠兽,看着其姓名顿时胸口一闷,再发现无法更改名称,一口血卡在咽喉的感觉油然而生,看着叶苍颤抖道“这个称呼``` Does not need to thank me, looks after it well, good adorable chicken... Ye Cang reveals to the small creature good intentions smile injunction said. “不用谢我,好好照顾它,好可爱的小鸡```叶苍露出对小动物善意的微笑嘱咐道。 It is Fire Bird... NalanPureSoul said. “它是火鸟```纳兰清魂说道。 So? who .. cares... Ye Cang shrugs, looks at the people, takes grey is not drawing several tadpoles saying that who wants?” “so?who``cares```叶苍耸了耸肩,看着众人,拿着灰不拉几的蝌蚪说道“谁要?” My .... the Zhang Zhengxiong words had not said that forcefully handed over by Ye Cang. “我````张正雄话还未说完就被叶苍强行转手了。 Zhang Zhengxiong looks at tadpole in System Notification and hand, does not know whether to laugh or cry, actually what he wants to say is ‚I do not want, do not give me, I take charming pet beast to go to younger sister... elder brother, can not... 张正雄看着系统提示和手里的蝌蚪,哭笑不得,他其实想说的是‘我不要,千万别给我,我要一只帅气的宠兽去把妹子```’“哥,能不``` Worthily is my younger brother, has the personal status, anything let alone, I know that in childhood you like catching the tadpole, spoke to them frequently, thank me... Ye Cang to pat the shoulder of Zhang Zhengxiong to say. “不愧是我弟弟,有品位,什么都别说了,小时候我就知道你喜欢抓蝌蚪,经常对他们说话,感谢我吧```叶苍拍了拍张正雄的肩膀说道。 Zhang Zhengxiong the face, was understanding painstakingly Ye Cang he, knows... that if now irony, definitely repaired yeah. 张正雄苦着脸,了解叶苍的他,知道现在如果说反话的话,肯定会被修理的```哎。 SpyingBlade , etc. think that sits Paladin on frog, said accurately is Priest, the feeling of good rare and beautiful flowers, NalanPureSoul is still intertwining oneself from the pet beast name, looks that the back of Ye Cang sighed, shielded the name, was not known on the line. ( to be continued ) 刃觑等想到一个坐在蛤蟆上的圣骑士,准确的说是祭祀,好奇葩的感觉,纳兰清魂还在纠结自己从宠兽的名字,看着叶苍的后背叹了口气,将名字屏蔽,不被人知道就行了。(未完待续)
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