PWE :: Volume #5

#462: Frog feast

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NalanPureSoul doubts has hung up the communication, looks that NalanMoon and the others you go back first, Brother Hero asks me to have the penetralia to consult... 纳兰清魂疑惑的挂断了通讯,看着纳兰月等人“你们先回去,英雄兄找我有密事相商``` Team Leader that fellow, how definitely is planning butchers the guest to encircle money! PureSoul you must be careful that... Ye Cang in the NalanMoon mind is an inexpensive business of not good circle money. 队长那家伙,肯定又在谋划如何宰客圈钱!清魂你要小心```叶苍纳兰月心目中就是一个无良圈钱的贱商。 ... that I know NalanPureSoul said that Ba Bian leaves to hurry along. “我知道的```纳兰清魂说罢便动身赶路。 Ye Cang practices the level outside dungeon, because strange is quite sufficient, falls is also good, the people have not thought anything but actually, several hours of fighting bravely , the experiences of Ye Cang 3% promotion rose 1%, the people sighed that exceed is more difficult to rise toward behind rank, here is also brushes blames sacred place. 叶苍这边则在副本外练级,由于怪比较充足,掉落也算不错,众人倒也没觉得什么,数个小时的奋战,叶苍3%升级的经验涨了1%,众人不禁感叹越往后面这个等级越难升,这里还算是刷怪圣地。 For a long time your contract partner Weak Sauce covets life and fears death inspires keep it up in behind, obtains the new skill!” “你的契约伙伴小弱鸡长时间贪生怕死的在后面鼓舞加油,获得新技能!” Inspiration of Weak Sauce( Weak Sauce. Devil): When he is in the team, all rolls HP to increase 7%, Defense increases 5%. 小弱鸡的鼓舞(小弱鸡.恶魔):当他处于团队的时候,全团生命值增加7%,防御力增加5%。 The people are gratified, that fellow can a little use finally, this effect is good, Ye Cang also so thinks that a little effect always compares not to have. 众人不禁欣慰,那个家伙总算能有点用了,这个效果还非常不错,叶苍也是如此想的,有点效果总比没有好。 Ye Cang has a little been deficient, bringing people Offline/Log out to rest, leaves to go to sea to catch the wind, but NalanPureSoul in hurries along fully ..... 叶苍有点乏了,带着众人纷纷下线休息一下,出出海兜兜风,而纳兰清魂则在全力赶路中```` NalanPureSoul said the agreement Coordinate, waited for a while, looks that the people came up one after another. 纳兰清魂道了约定坐标,等了一会儿,看着众人陆续上来了。 This is not Brother PureSoul, finally came, we here painstakingly waited for you to wait for... Ye Cang to say with a smile for a long time indifferently. “这不是清魂兄吗,终于来了,我们可是在这里苦等你等了好久```叶苍淡然笑道。 Brother Little White, just sea breeze was really comfortable, today is the auspicious day of going to sea.” Lin Le also came up. 小白哥,刚刚的海风真舒服,今天是个出海的好日子。”林乐也上来了。 Who said that did not relax one in the afternoon, felt that was much better.” In the Zhang Zhengxiong hearty laughter comes up. “谁说不是呢,松弛了一下午,感觉好多了。”张正雄朗笑中上来。 NalanPureSoul stays to despise. This painstakingly waits for my... I to hurry along fully, you go to sea to catch the wind. 纳兰清魂呆着一丝鄙夷,哦。这就是苦等我```我在全力赶路,你们就去出海兜风。 Ye Cang looks look that NalanPureSoul a little despises, being without turning a hair gives a regretful smile to be very sincere was sorry, spoke incorrectly, actually waits for... in the sea painstakingly 叶苍看着纳兰清魂有点鄙夷的眼神,面不改色的歉然一笑很是诚恳“抱歉,说错了,其实是在海上苦等``` NalanPureSoul beautiful eyes turns the hygienic eye. Did not know whether to laugh or cry said that what matter had, said that what can sell?” 纳兰清魂美目一翻卫生眼。哭笑不得“说吧,有什么事,还是说又要卖什么?” Actually is this, we had discovered dungeon, lacks Fire Element, therefore makes you help. Naturally assigns Ye Cang to continue to say to your preferential.... “其实是这样,我们发现了一个副本,缺一个火系,所以让你来帮个忙。当然分配上会给你优惠的```叶苍继续说道。 dungeon, does the hideaway let loose?” NalanPureSoul selects the eyebrow slightly. 副本,隐藏还是放开的?”纳兰清魂微微挑眉。 Open .. Ye Cang returns to say. “开放性的``叶苍回道。 NalanPureSoul has gawked, unexpectedly is open! No wonder such covers up, but must keep secret, open dungeon is very important equipment origin. Present stage most people is a green skin, this is first that in the Black Rock City range discovers, especially precious, once disclosed the news, the massive players come in swarms, the influence is very big, but covered-up, once processing not good to be discovered also will incur the public indignation of players, wait / etc.. These fellows must certainly after kills announced! Anya that side facility turned into the Gold section! Fortunately part of investments around the Anya temple, what is most important is these fellows definitely wants to kill the headline with, the communication has given NalanMoon and the others in private. After letting them have the person comes preparation to kill, as far as possible lets other person of farm some equipment. 纳兰清魂楞了一下,竟然是开放性的!难怪这么遮遮掩掩的,不过的确要保密,开放性副本是非常重要的装备来源。现阶段大部分人都是一身绿皮,这是黑岩城范围内发现的第一处,更加格外的珍贵,一旦走漏了消息,大量玩家蜂拥而至,影响很大,但藏着掖着一旦处理不好被发现了也会招致玩家们的公愤,等等。这几个家伙肯定是要在首杀后公布的!奥诺娅那边的设施就变成了黄金地段!还好自己有一部分投资在奥诺娅神殿周围,最重要的是这几个家伙肯定是想拿首杀上头条,私下通讯给了纳兰月等人。让他们带人过来准备首杀后,尽可能的让其他人farm一些装备。 Similarly Little Ye Tian at this moment has also been informing ThornyRose, strives for into the first several batch in inside farm team. 同样小叶天也在此刻通知了刺玫,争取成为前几批在里面farm的队伍。 I knew, crosses here as soon as possible, the headline attaches the Freedom Alliance banner, does not have the issue.” NalanPureSoul Graceful said with a smile. “我知道了,尽快过掉这里吧,头条附加上自由联盟的旗号,没问题吧。”纳兰清魂优雅笑道。 Said. Said... Ye Cang to give a calm smile, they looked at each other once more long time. “好说。好说```叶苍淡然一笑,两人再次对视良久。 Yeah. According to the Brother PaleSnow's meaning.” NalanPureSoul sighed on slim eyebrows to select to say with a smile. “哎。就依苍雪兄的意思吧。”纳兰清魂叹了口气柳眉上挑笑道。 Was and I discusses .... ` of sword Ye Cang not to say worthily that NalanPureSoul on drank roaring we not to have the discussion sword tenderly! No!!!” “不愧是和我论过剑的`````”叶苍还未说完,纳兰清魂就娇喝咆哮道“我们没有论过剑!没有!!!” Really is a shy fellow. Good, everybody supplies to prepare.” Ye Cang started to prepare the cooking. “真是个害羞的家伙。好了好了,大家补给准备一下。”叶苍开始准备烹饪了。 Just sunlight, the sand beach, ocean waves, changed into the biochemistry in the people instantaneously, the purgatory, twitched. 刚刚的阳光,沙滩,海浪,瞬间在众人心里换成了生化,炼狱,抽搐。 NalanPureSoul is more aggrieved, hurries along also to eat that inhuman thing. 纳兰清魂更是憋屈,赶路过来还要吃那非人的东西。 Here food, with recently on the inspiration in cooking channel, making you have a look at my new creativity!!” Ye Cang shouted to clear the way, people simultaneously shook at heart, ended, was new creativity.... “这里的食材,和最近在烹饪频道上的启发,让你们看看我的新创意!!”叶苍喝道,众人齐齐心里一震,完了,又是新创意``` The people look that Ye Cang from pushing a cart to have carried out 3 meters high, the complete new ringworm skin frog corpse, breaks off his mouth, the poisonous mushroom, the odor mushroom, some sanies, takes to come out the mouth to break off the corpse that the gu insect completed again to pull out spatially, squeezed in the Kagu peak the corpse and bone dregs, the Specter dust seasoning, broke off to squeeze to bind the secret system sanie seasoning the mouth of Kagu bee again the wicked maggot meat, then loaded into the big mouth of ringworm skin frog, for stuff inside slit, Ye Cang poured into with the green Green Slimes body fluid. 众人看着叶苍从推车搬出了一只3米高,完整的新鲜癣皮蛤蟆尸体,掰开其嘴巴,将毒蘑菇,恶臭菇,一些腐液,再将一只吧咕虫完成的尸体拿了出来将嘴巴掰开掏空,塞入咔咕峰的尸体和骨渣,幽灵尘等‘调料’,再将咔咕蜂的嘴巴掰开塞入裹好秘制腐液调料的恶蛆肉,然后装进癣皮蛤蟆的大嘴里,为了填满里面的缝隙,叶苍用翠绿史莱姆体液灌入。 The people hold breath cold air, looks at the belly of ringworm skin frog drum drum, in the thing with mouth, as well as some green liquids overflows from the mouth unceasingly, has not started to enter the second process to make people simultaneously retrocede a stride, some NalanPureSoul also scalp feeling numb, this... this. 众人倒吸一口凉气,看着癣皮蛤蟆鼓鼓的肚子,和嘴巴里的东西,以及不断有一些绿色的液体从嘴边溢出,还没开始进入第二道工序就已经让众人齐齐后退一大步,纳兰清魂也有些头皮发麻,这```这。 Ye Cang defeats the lump that the ringworm skin frog has carried on the back, the sanie flows out, spreads the lime Slime body fluid with its mix, then puts out the prill, ties up to put on the iron rod it, making Zhang Zhengxiong brace oneself to rotate the iron rod to start to roast. 叶苍击破了癣皮蛤蟆背上的疙瘩,脓液流出,涂上石灰史莱姆体液与其混合,然后拿出烤架,将其绑在铁棍上放上去,让张正雄硬着头皮上去转动铁棍开始烤。 NalanPureSoul beautiful face changing colors looks the juice that mix spreads has permeated in the lump once more, then becomes rouses the drum, is similar to fills the minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings to poke explodes, the extremely fierce ardent nature disperses, a Zhang Zhengxiong hand covers the nose also has blocked from the eye, cannot open.... 纳兰清魂花容失色的看着那混合涂上的汁液再次渗入了疙瘩里,然后变得鼓鼓的,如同灌汤包一戳就爆,极其凶猛的烈性散出,张正雄一只手捂住鼻子的同时也遮住了眼睛,根本睁不开``` Ye Cang smiles, starts to make slightly the normal point fever soup and explodes a row of rice served with meat and vegetable topping, at least swallows gu with this frog, gu swallows Kagu, Kagu swallows the wicked maggot, outside also had the doubtful lump to fill the minced meat and gravy-filled steamed dumplings thing to fuse in the together gadget good to be too many, although will eat will have fainted deadly in the past. 叶苍嘿嘿一笑,开始制作稍微正常点的烧汤和炸排盖饭,至少和这个蛤蟆吞吧咕,吧咕吞咔咕,咔咕吞恶蛆,外面还有疑似疙瘩灌汤包东西融合在一起的玩意儿好太多了,尽管吃了还是会晕死过去。 Team Leader, has been leading us to attack the human limit .... FrozenCloud to press firmly between the fingers nose odd muttering. 队长,一直在带着我们冲击人类的极限````冰云捏住鼻子怪气的喃喃道。 Nearby several people put on a long face the nod, Wu Na is disorderly looks at the sky, goes to Black Rock City time should stutter to turn into other cities to be good. 一旁几人哭丧着脸点头,吴娜更是凌乱的看着天空,去黑岩城的时候应该结巴一下变成其他城市就好了。 Lin Le ahoge turned into the exclamation mark, looks at the one side to cover in trembling Little Lei, patted its shoulder comfort [say / way] to feel relieved that you compared with... that I ate first 林乐呆毛变成了感叹号,看着一旁捂着头在发抖的小雷,拍了拍它的肩膀安慰道“放心吧,你会比我先吃的``` Little Lei shivers was fiercer. 小雷颤抖的更加厉害了。 Finally Ye Cang received the system message. 最终叶苍收到了系统消息。 Congratulations, you completed together High Rank ingredients most series work! Please name!” Ye Cang quite somewhat proud names as the lazy frog to eat Slime of gu Kagu wicked maggot him to fill the soup barbecue! 恭喜你完成了一道高级料理之最系列作品!请命名!”叶苍颇有些自豪的将其命名为懒蛤蟆想吃吧咕咔咕恶蛆之史莱姆灌汤烤肉! The lazy frog wants to eat Slime of gu Kagu wicked maggot to fill the soup barbecue: Continues to take will restore 3 HP every second, restores 1 mana every 1 second, then obtains all attributes + 20, Attack + 12, Defense + 10, Poison Resistance + 50, shadow resistance + 50, restraining * intermediate( casting magic, uses skill consumption mana, Energy reduces 15%), eruption * intermediate( when physical attack has certain probability to supplement 50% damage.) ps: This food is extremely disgusting! Uses carefully! ( to be continued ) 懒蛤蟆想吃吧咕咔咕恶蛆之史莱姆灌汤烤肉:持续服用将会每秒恢复3点生命值,每1秒恢复1点魔法值,然后获得所有属性+20,攻击力+12,防御力+10,毒素抗性+50,暗影抗性+50,收敛*中级(施法,使用技能消耗的魔法值,能量值减少15%),爆发*中级(物理攻击时有一定几率追加50%的伤害。)ps:该食物极度恶心!慎用!(未完待续)
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