PWE :: Volume #5

#460: Goes to the bog

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Ye Cang took inventory the big theater box inside thing, worthily big treasure chest that takes the links of 500 gold/metal + 100 Water Element to receive in exchange, 5 Dark Gold! 5 skill books, additional 3 fourth-order crystal core, in Dark Gold Equipment also has the accessory, person who the links of this value 500 gold/metal + 100 Water Element, had the accessory sufficiently, few, Dark Gold metal high Strength fought the boots to apportion Lin Le, the magic system shawl has given Fang Ci, after all Wu Na and NextDoorOldWang took the thing, tall Limin light armor hand guard Ye Cang looks at own Gold skin hand guard, looked at SpyingBlade again was also Gold, they have chosen playing a finger guessing game decisively, finally SpyingBlade victory. 叶苍清点了一下大包厢里面的东西,不愧是要500金+100个水元素之环换取的大宝箱,5件暗金之多!还有5本技能书,加3枚4阶的晶核,其中暗金装备中还有饰品,这足以值500金+100个水元素之环了,拥有饰品的人,屈指可数,暗金的金属高力量战靴分给了林乐,法系披肩给了方赐,毕竟吴娜隔壁老王都拿过东西了,高力敏轻铠甲护手叶苍看着自己的黄金皮护手,再看了看刃觑的也是黄金,两人果断的选择了猜拳,最后刃觑胜利。 Ye Cang excessive somewhat should not be feeling well, lucky! 叶苍别过头有些不爽,侥幸! SpyingBlade at heart secretly said, I after previous time plays a finger guessing game the failure, perceived through meditation was very long! 刃觑心里暗道,我可是在上次猜拳失败后,参悟了很久的! Ye Cang then divides next, is necklace Stamina sensitive three is very good, the necklace book is the Rare spot, FrozenCloud applies for Requirement, Ye Cang has given her directly, must arm as the second tank well, since let alone her performance has been good, completes own quest with every effort, impeccable. 叶苍接着分下一件,是项链体力敏三项都很不错,项链本就是稀有部位,冰云申请需求,叶苍直接给了她,作为第二坦克也要好好武装一下,何况她的表现一直以来都非常不错,尽力完成自己的任务,无可挑剔。 Finally is the climax, the accessory. 最后是重头戏,饰品。 earth protects( Dark Gold spirit. Rare) 土灵守护(暗金.珍稀 Category: Accessory 类别:饰品 Requirements: Does not have 需求属性:无 Defense + 40 防御力+40 Defense + 10% 防御力+10% Stamina + 40 体力+40 HP + 8% 生命值+8% damage that receives reduces 10% 受到的伤害减少10% physical damage that receives reduces 20 points. 受到的物理伤害减少20点。 SpyingBlade, FrozenCloud, Wu Na, NextDoorOldWang and other average per person are holds breath cold air, is good changes the ` condition violent foundation attribute, 40 Defense! Also additionally must add 10%! Stamina was 40 did not say that similarly had the extra 8% total HP promotion, the final reducing wound was also. 刃觑,冰云,吴娜,隔壁老王等人均是倒吸一口凉气,好变`态极端的基础属性,40的防御值!还额外要加10%!体力也是40不说,同样有额外的8%总生命值提升,最后的减伤也是。 SpyingBlade has scratched cold sweat accessory, although does not have the skill. But this attribute adds was too violent, the best quality goods of tank, whose do not need to know, although FrozenCloud can also use, but Shaking Bear is the main tank. Resources first is he, let alone is this type of pure defense thing, what is most important has looked at his being expert, I Feel Your Pain and sturdiness, Perception and Strength receives the Stamina addition, regarding him, so long as the limit does not have the brain to pile Stamina and Defense then. Perhaps now the majority of players link his against unable to break, damage is unable to create.... 刃觑擦了擦冷汗这饰品虽然没有技能。但这个属性加的太极端了,坦克的极品,不用想都知道是给谁的,虽然冰云也能用,但是狗熊才是主坦克。资源方面优先是他,何况是这种纯防御项的东西,最重要的是自己看过他的专精,感同身受和身强力壮,感知力量均受体力的加成,对于他来说只要极限无脑堆体力防御值即可。现在大部分玩家恐怕连他的防都破不了,一点伤害都无法造成``` Zhang Zhengxiong received the brown rock accessory, immediately felt one have promoted a scale, is very satisfied. 张正雄接过褐色的岩石饰品,顿时感觉自己提升了一个档次,很是满意。 Then Ye Cang lecture of five skill books align, looks to the people. 接着叶苍讲五本技能书排列好,给众人看。 Two Shouryuukenn. The resurrecting technique, the charge cuts rapidly, two Rising Slash, two sprints. 二段升龙拳。复活术,急速冲锋斩,二段升龙斩,二段冲刺。 Two Shouryuukenn are Little Dino, resurrecting technique Little Tian has studied, A'Xiong you also take one to study, died the person to reactivate each time for a long time, the charge cut rapidly. SpyingBlade do you want? Also is here you did not have anything to move, gives you, two Rising Slash gave Lele. Two sprints, need pretage skill, just I have, therefore was my, didn't have the issue?” After Ye Cang assigns, looks at the people to inquire that is unobjectionable. “二段升龙拳小龙的,复活术小天学过了,阿雄你也拿一本学,每次死了人等复活蛮久的,急速冲锋斩。刃觑你要?也是这里你还没什么位移,给你吧,二段升龙斩就给乐乐了。二段冲刺,需要前置技能,刚好我有,所以是我的了,没问题吧?”叶苍分配好后看着众人询问,均无异议。 Ye Cang takes two sprint Learned. 叶苍拿过二段冲刺学习 Your Dashing Straight Thrust was replaced. Turned into the new homemade skill, please name.” “你的直线冲刺被替换。变成了新的自创技能,请命名。” Ye Cang does not want to name as two Dashing Straight Thrust directly. 叶苍没有多想直接命名为二段直线冲刺 Two Dashing Straight Thrust( homemade. Ye Cang): Starts the overspeed sprint to front target. Creates 153% puncture damage, after the sprint, in 5 seconds may start the second sprint. Creates 164% puncture damage, the damage addition and speed addition receive the attribute influence, consumes Energy: 25 th, Cooldown Time: 30 seconds. 二段直线冲刺(自创.叶苍):对前方目标发动超速冲刺。造成153%的穿刺伤害,冲刺后5秒内可发动第二段冲刺。造成164%的穿刺伤害,伤害加成与速度加成均受属性的影响,消耗能量值:25,冷却时间:30秒。 Father, some of do your also how many experience to 20 levels?” Little Ye Tian inquired. “父亲,你还有多少经验到20级?”小叶天询问道。 3% appearances.” Ye Cang returns to say. “3%的样子。”叶苍回道。 Temporarily does not go back, first waits for the father to arrive at 20 levels, after having a look at 20 levels, is anything.” The Little Ye Tian words made the people fall into the ponder, what SpyingBlade thought was 20 levels will possibly present the second stage branch, might unable.... “暂时不回去,先等父亲到达20级,看看20级后是什么。”小叶天的话让众人陷入了思考,刃觑想到的是20级可能会出现第二阶段分支了,也有可能不会``` Walks, goes to that side swamp to have a look at... Ye Cang and the others to continue nonstop hurrying along, because back and forth two, has under the Little Ye Tian holographic map, starts to take the shortcut, on the road Ye Cang remembers anything to come, to continue to return to lake to forget that made Lele fish, this surrounding thing I also forgot gathering, rested.” “走吧,去沼泽那边看看```叶苍等人继续马不停蹄的赶路,由于来回都两次了,有小叶天的全息地图下,开始抄近道,路上叶苍想起什么来,继续回到湖泊“忘记让乐乐钓鱼了,这周围的东西我也忘记采集,都休息一下吧。” Lin Le completes to build the blanket on the ship to oneself, puts away the fishing pole and tool, then starts sleeps while fishes, SpyingBlade and the others this time have not left, but rests to look at fishing on the ship, several hours of tossing about, SpyingBlade and the others started to blush with shame, he fished 3 treasure chest and several hundred fish, this was the what kind efficiency, the key was he has not known, external that can walk worthily, after for a long time , the people determination should treasure chest, not awaken Lin Le its to be opened fell treasure chest, besides some gold bar gems and handicrafts, on was this high damage magic skill. Chain-like lightning skill book. 林乐在船上做好给自己搭好毯子,放好鱼竿和工具,然后开始边睡觉边钓鱼,刃觑等人这次没有离开,而是在船上休息看起钓鱼,几个小时的折腾,刃觑等人已经开始汗颜了,他钓起来了3个宝箱和几百条鱼,这是何等的效率,关键是他自己还不知道,不愧是会走路的外挂,许久之后众人确定应该没有宝箱了,叫醒林乐让其开掉了宝箱,除了一些金条宝石和工艺品外,就是一本高伤害魔法技能。连锁闪电的技能书。 Facing complaint that Ye Cang comes back, people hurry the chain-like lightning to its seal, but what the people do not know is Ye Cang, when gathering had discovered everywhere 2 treasure chest, after it opens, has not discovered the thing, decisive about looks at nobody, how many stones installs to throw into the lake treasure chest, then looks that own hand did sigh really ordinary treasure chest unable to withstand visit of Divine Hand? Yeah.... 面对叶苍回来的抱怨,众人赶忙将连锁闪电给其封口,而众人不知道的是叶苍在到处采集的时候就已经发现了2个宝箱,将其开掉后,没有发现东西,果断的左右看无人,就将宝箱装几块石头丢进湖里,然后看着自己的手叹了口气“果然普通的宝箱承受不住天之手的临幸吗?哎```”。 Ye Cang chain-like lightning Learned. 叶苍将连锁闪电学习了。 Chain-like lightning( Rare. Fourth-order magic spell. Beginner): Recited 3 sections( approximately two seconds), discharged a transmission to target the lightning chain, created 143 damage, most may transmit 8 target, every time transmitted target damage to decrease progressively 10%, and caused the paralysis to determine to target, consumes mana: 30 th, Cooldown Time: 3 minutes. 连锁闪电(稀有.四阶法术.初级):吟唱3个小节(约两秒),对目标施放一条传递的闪电链,造成143点伤害,最多可传递8个目标,每传递一个目标伤害递减10%,并对目标造成麻痹判定,消耗魔法值:30,冷却时间:3分钟。 Elder Brother, harvest of your gathering how?” Zhang Zhengxiong asked. “哥,你采集的收获如何?”张正雄问道。 Also good, had discovered many Rare food and raw material for medicine... Ye Cang nodded, then takes inventory fish that Lin Le fishes a while, you also had the luck of having good things to eat.” “还不错,发现了不少稀有食材和药材```叶苍点了点头,然后清点林乐钓上来的鱼“等会儿,你们又有口福了。” People simultaneously scalp feeling numb. 众人齐齐头皮发麻 The safety zone of basin swamp surrounding. 盆地沼泽外围的安全地带。 Ye Cang snort|hum the song is cooking the dashi, Kirie piece, even also started the sushi. 叶苍哼着小曲熬鱼汤,切生片,甚至还做起了寿司。 The people look at the Ye Cang new pattern, sighed respectively, removes craftsmanship, the Team Leader pattern were really many. 众人看着叶苍的新花样,各自叹了口气,排除手艺方面,队长的花样真的非常多。 SpyingBlade looks at Ye Cang to pinch the sushi, above Skeleton Devil bone dregs, the Specter dust, the dust of withering scattered a point respectively, touches one with the Zombie sanie, the fresh black card fish fillet will pinch with it in the same place, finally will also live the green Green Slimes body fluid to touch one on the fish, looks the green liquid that mounts, SpyingBlade has covered the mouth. 刃觑看着叶苍捏寿司,上面骸骨魔骨渣,幽灵尘,枯萎之尘各撒了一点,用僵尸腐液摸上一层,将新鲜的黑卡鱼片与其捏在一起,最后还将生翠绿史莱姆体液在鱼肉上摸了一层,看着那黏黏的绿色液体,刃觑捂住了嘴巴。 Ye Cang pinches the sushi to trade the different fish, the different matching ingredients, the people look the liquid that at present on various types of sushis mounts, has green, has the red, has the purple, the black, the whole body braves the cold air, when smelled Ye Cang to open the dashi tasty flavor of pot slow, fortunately normal, because in the soup mostly was the mushroom, was quite normal with fish .. of different type, although inside poisonous mushroom had many. ( to be continued ) 叶苍捏寿司换着不同的鱼类,不同的搭配配料,众人看着眼前各种寿司上黏黏的液体,有绿的,有红色的,有紫色的,还有黑色的,全身直冒凉气,当闻到叶苍揭开锅的鱼汤鲜美味道才缓了缓,还好有一个正常的,因为汤里面大多是蘑菇,和不同种类的鱼``比较正常,尽管里面毒蘑菇有不少。(未完待续)
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