PWE :: Volume #5

#458: Fish person Shaman authenticates

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Lele! Touches the corpse quickly!! Otherwise without enough time!!” Zhang Zhengxiong exclaimed, because he saw Ye Cang was similar to the pinkeye broad bill swordfish that went crazy flushes away generally, arouses the massive water splash, FrozenCloud felt speed too Fuck terror of Team Leader in water, again a bit faster became the flying fish. 乐乐!快摸尸体!!不然来不及了!!”张正雄吼道,因为他看到了叶苍如同发狂的红眼箭鱼一般冲去,激起大量的水花,冰云则感觉队长在水中的速度太尼玛恐怖,再快点就成飞鱼了。 ... Lin Le starts to pray that then puts out a hand to touch gently, the hand of Ye Cang in the straightedge, other person of hearts in abundance was only raised, can with enough time!? “哦```林乐开始祈祷,然后伸手轻轻一摸,叶苍的手只在直尺了,其余人一颗心纷纷被提了起来,能来得及吗!? Well, doesn't have the thing?” Ye Cang touches the link doubts saying that people chest one stuffy, SpyingBlade sets level the body float in the water surface, looks at the moonlight, good beautiful moon, has hit... white. “咦,怎么没有东西?”叶苍摸到手环疑惑道,众人胸口一闷,刃觑放平身体漂浮在水面,看着月色,好美的月亮,又白打了``` The FrozenCloud whole body sits weak, the words that the feeling that suddenly some types good to cry, Nana resurrecting knows, it is estimated that Team Leader must be spurted. 冰云全身瘫软坐地,突然有种好想哭的感觉,娜娜复活知道的话,估计队长又要被喷死。 Brother Little White, left 4 things, 3 equipment, a skill book.” The Lin Le simple-hearted smiling face, making people ignite the new hope, Ye Cang looks at the thing in Lin Le hand to blink, then threw one to gnaw dead Lele on his head! You are in front of my to snatch my Divine Hand corpse unexpectedly!” 小白哥,出了4件东西,3件装备,一本技能书。”林乐天真无邪的笑容,让众人燃起了新的希望,叶苍看着林乐手中的东西眨了眨眼睛,然后扑了过去一口啃在其脑袋上“死乐乐!你竟然当着我面抢我天之手的尸体!” Oh, oh, is good to hurt! Brother Little White, does not close my matter! Is... that Brother Little Xiong asked me to touch Lin Le suffering from injustice shirking responsibility said that Ye Cang gnawed the head of Lin Le to look angrily at Zhang Zhengxiong suddenly, let loose it, full speed killed. “哎呀,哎呀,好疼疼疼!小白哥,不关我的事!是小雄哥叫我摸的```林乐委屈的推卸责任道,叶苍啃着林乐的脑袋猛然怒视张正雄,将其放开,全速杀去。 Zhang Zhengxiong dropped the cold sweat immediately, hurries to swim away toward the ships, but was overtaken by Ye Cang gnaws calls you chaotic under instruction on the head! Also is Godly Artifact!!” 张正雄顿时落下了冷汗,赶忙朝着船只游去,不过还是被叶苍追上啃在脑袋上“叫你乱下指令!还为神器!!” Elder Brother, is actually the idea of Little Dino!!” Zhang Zhengxiong eats in the pain to hurry to push to FrozenCloud. “哥,其实是小龙的主意!!”张正雄吃痛中赶忙推给冰云 FrozenCloud chest one stuffy, Fuck! This fellow really nicely is similar to a young miss!? Looks Ye Cang that comes angrily, has swallowed a saliva, turns around to run away. Did not compare to the Ye Cang speed to be held to gnaw to gnaw was very long, Ye Cang felt that has calmed down the jumping up ship, sighed Godly Artifact to brush with you again, but... 冰云胸口一闷,尼玛!这家伙真的是善良的如同小姑娘吗!?看着愤怒而来的叶苍,咽了口唾沫,转身就逃。不还比起叶苍的速度还是被抓住啃头啃了很久,叶苍感觉消气了跳上船,叹了口气“神器再一次和你们擦身而过``` SpyingBlade and the others showed the whites of the eyes, good Lin Le has protected the fruits of victory. 刃觑等人翻着白眼,还好林乐保护了胜利果实。 Pastor looks at Ye Cang and people just action, expressed puzzled and doubts. The present young people were really could not master more and more, received the flamethrower, gave Ye Cang to take away the fish basket, I was bringing also useless .... 帕斯特看着叶苍与众人刚刚举动,表示不解和疑惑。现在的年轻人真是越来越搞不懂了,收起火焰喷射器,将鱼篓递给叶苍“拿去吧,我带着也没什么用```` Ye Cang received to recognize. 叶苍接过辨识了一番。 Thunderous fish( Super Rare. Fish): Perches in the lake of having mystical powers strength, the body can send out the thunder, swims the fast very rapidness. After taking, speed permanent + 3%, and has certain probability to grasp Thunder Element magic spell. 雷鸣鱼(超珍稀.鱼类):栖息在有灵力的湖泊中,身体能发出电闪雷鸣,游速非常之快。服用后速度永久+3%,并有一定几率掌握一个雷系法术 That thank you, Uncle Pastor.” The Ye Cang smile accepts. “那就谢谢你了,帕斯特大叔。”叶苍微笑收下。 Little Ye Tian is resurrecting three people. 小叶天复活着三人。 This time thank you, this gives your reward.” Pastor said with a smile. “这次谢谢你们了,这是给你们的奖励。”帕斯特笑道。 Congratulations, you've completed hidden quest protects Pastor. Thunderous fish, gained experience 4000. random obtains a Dark Gold level profession exclusive equipment, the specific random epic poem is expert in one( according to the attribute of character, skill grasps, experience, title decided being expert of quantity body random production), skill + 1.” 恭喜你完成隐藏任务‘守护帕斯特.雷鸣鱼’,获得经验4000。随机获得一件暗金职业专属装备,特定随机史诗专精一项(按人物的属性,技能掌握,经历,称号等来决定量身随机生成的专精),技能点+1。” The exclusive Dark Gold profession equipment and epic poem being expert makes the people one happy, let alone also 4000 experience and 1 skill point. 专属的暗金职业装备与史诗专精让众人一喜,何况还有4000的经验和1点技能点。 Here journey comes to the end, I must leave. Right, this ship delivered you, I have subscribed a renewal bigger portable Magic Crystal kinetic energy steamboat. Is predestined friends says goodbye, Lele, you also want keep it up.” Pastor receives the dock and hut, touches the head of Lin Le, turns around to depart. “这里的旅程告一段落,我要离开了。对了,这艘船送你们了,我订了一艘更新更大的便携魔晶动能轮船。有缘再见吧,乐乐,你也要加油哦。”帕斯特一把收起船坞和小屋,摸了摸林乐的脑袋,转身离去。 My meeting! Uncle Pastor said goodbye!” Lin Le waves to make farewell speech, FrozenCloud. SpyingBlade secretly said, this ship should have the big use at heart. After is portable, can receive to admit to push a cart with the backpack at any time. “我会的!帕斯特大叔再见!”林乐挥手作别,冰云刃觑心里暗道,这艘船应该会有大用场。毕竟是便携式的,可以随时收起放进推车和背包。 The people return to the ship. Little Ye Tian starts to fiddle with the kinetic energy system of steamboat, looks at the core technologies seal, does not dare to open stubbornly, because she saw the forgery-proof engraves, once opened discards, some choices of not being feeling well relinquish. 众人回到船上。小叶天开始捣鼓轮船的动能系统,看着核心技术被封的死死的,不敢打开,因为她看到了防伪刻印,一旦揭开就报废,有些不爽的选择作罢。 Lin Le and people jump to start to clean up the Water Element corpse on lake surface, Plentiful Rewards, more than 20 remarkable equipment, two Water Element skills, the Water Element finger ring has harvested more than 130 right, massive Water Element elite crystal core, as well as link and big crystal core of High Rank Leader Water Element rank the pair of feudal lord Water Element, returning to the clamping plank to start to reorganize and assignment. 林乐与众人跳下去开始清理湖面上的水元素尸体,收获颇丰,20多件卓越装备,两本水系技能,水元素指环收获了130多对,大量的水系精英晶核,以及一对领主水元素之环与高级首领水元素级别的大晶核,回到夹板开始整理与分配。 Lin Le has given Ye Cang the thing that Boss left. 林乐boss出的东西交给了叶苍 Ye Cang looks at the thing that hands over, the Dark Gold magic ring, the Dark Gold Water Element magic long gown, the Gold level dagger, the shield of source water, looks at Wu Na with NextDoorOldWang, „your candidate was the same to Wu Na two Dark Gold, is the Water Element additions, oneself discussed... 叶苍看着递来的东西,暗金魔法戒指,暗金水系魔法长袍,黄金级匕首,源水之盾,看着吴娜隔壁老王,将两件暗金的塞给了吴娜“你们两个一人选一样吧,都是水系加成的,自己商量``` The shield of source water( Water Element feudal lord. Beginner) discharges Water Element to protect the shield to target, absorbs 65 damage , to continue for 10 minutes, protects the shield maintains exists, this target obtains every 10 seconds replies 2 mana effects, until protecting the shield finished, consumes mana: 30 th, Cooldown Time: 10 minutes. 源水之盾(水元素领主.初级)对目标施放一层水系护盾,吸收65点伤害,持续10分钟,护盾保持存在的时候,该目标获得每10秒回复2点魔法值效果,直到护盾结束,消耗魔法值:30,冷却时间:10分钟。 This skill to Sister Nana, then discharges to me by her, lets I maintain have to protect the shield damage absorption at the same time, but can also very good magic restore the effect.” The suggestion of Little Ye Tian made Ye Cang give Wu Na the book directly, as for the Gold dagger, Ye Cang looked to SpyingBlade, SpyingBlade shook the head, threw into directly withdraws pastes on to treat sells. “这个技能给娜娜姐吧,然后由她对我施放,让我保持有护盾伤害吸收的同时,还能有一个非常不错的魔法恢复效果。”小叶天的建议让叶苍直接将书给了吴娜,至于黄金匕首,叶苍看向了刃觑,刃觑摇了摇头,直接丢进退出贴上待售。 Just obtained anything to be expert with profession equips... Ye Cang to reveal own being expert, putting out a hand makes the people look a ring that on the left hand are many. “刚刚都获得了什么专精和职业装备```叶苍亮出了自己的专精,伸手让众人看着左手上多出的一枚戒指。 fishmen Shaman authentication( epic poem. Beginner): Water Element. The Thunder Element magic spell effect increases 25%, Intelligence increases 10%, will visit any fishmen tribe to receive the courteous reception, will not come under the active threat facing majority of Water Element tribe, and may obtain the Shaman concurrent job in the specific certification agency. 鱼人萨满认证(史诗.初级):水系.雷系法术效果增加25%,智力增加10%,访问任何鱼人部族都会受到礼遇,面对大部分水系部族都不会受到主动攻击,并可在特定认证机构获得萨满兼职。 ps: You are each fishmen friend.... ps:你已经是每个鱼人的朋友了``` The abstention of green green jade( Dark Gold. profession) 绿翠之戒(暗金.职业 Category: Ring 类别:戒指 Requirements: Does not have 需求属性:无 profession restriction: Ranger. 需求职业:游侠 All attributes + 12 所有属性+12 spell power + 14 法术强度+14 Long-distance damage + 10% 远程伤害+10% armor penetration + 20 护甲穿透+20 Moves the express + 5% 移动速递+5% The best quality goods people of ring think but actually fortunately, that is expert a little cares, fishmen Shaman authentication, FrozenCloud, what SpyingBlade attention is the last few words, extra profession outside concurrent job... profession, this is very rare thing.... 戒指的极品众人倒觉得还好,那个专精有点在意,鱼人萨满认证,冰云,刃觑则关注的是最后一句话,兼职```职业之外的额外职业,这是非常稀罕的东西``` Elder Brother, my .. his mother is aura is expert, the equipment the actually good, original bracelet can trade.” Zhang Zhengxiong pasted own stable aura to grasp( the aura effect + 10%, and made aura be hard to be suppressed and scattered). “哥,我的``又他妈是光环专精,装备嘛倒是不错,原来的手链可以换了。”张正雄贴出了自己的稳固光环掌握(光环效果+10%,并使光环难以被抑制和驱散)。 Imitation. Prayed the chain( Dark Gold. profession. Imitation) 仿.艾露恩祈祷之链(暗金.职业.仿制) Category: profession stage prop 类别:职业道具 Attribute request: Does not have 属性要求:无 profession restriction: Clergyman 需求职业:圣职者 All attributes + 15 所有属性+15 Saint technique effect + 10% 圣术效果+10% Defense + 10 防御力+10 Hand. Imitation: The close combat attacks to undead, the Devil biology supplements Attack value 25% Saint strength damage. 艾露恩之手.仿:近战攻击对亡灵,恶魔生物追加攻击力数值25%的圣力伤害 Iron pray. Imitation: After opening, damage that periphery allied force target receives reduces 30% , to continue for 5 seconds, Cooldown Time: 3 hours. ( to be continued ) 艾恩露的祈祷.仿:开启后周围友军目标受到的伤害减少30%,持续5秒,冷却时间:3小时。(未完待续)
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