PWE :: Volume #5

#445: Battlefield opening

LNMTL needs user funding to survive Read More

Little Ye Tian is reorganizing the material, now wharf, Bal Village, three Goddess the surrounding facility in palace, White Stone City Goddess Association stops over, the expenses in fund are big, the good labor force is quite inexpensive, implements the prospectus quickly. 小叶天整理着资料,如今码头,巴鲁镇,三女神的宫殿的外围设施,白石城女神协会落脚,资金方面的开销非常大,还好劳动力还是比较廉价的,很快将计划书加以实施。 But is training own Elf retinue as Ye Cang of Happy Firmament group leader at this time. Lilianna, develops the public relations to receive the potential in aspect is teaching especially! FrozenCloud only went to look, decisively has drawn back, for a very long time put out four characters Team Leader style... 而作为苍天乐集团头目的叶苍此时在训练自己的精灵仆从.莉莉安娜,就开发起公关接待方面的潜力进行着特训!冰云只进去看了一下,就果断退了出来,久久吐出四个字“队长风范``` The head of Szo Ram bandits and thieves, helping the people obtain the new being expert points. 索拉姆盗贼的头颅,让众人获得了新的专精点数。 CloudDragon vigorously supported this Goddess Association to stop over officially, makes many just enter the White Stone City 10 levels of players to obtain new profession at a there revolution of duty, after all each profession had each profession use, considered the multiplication of team, let alone transferred under duty Goddess Jam the flower in profession branch to enable to obtain the earlier very good small range summon cure skill. Restores the flower to work, this makes many Holy Church Priest somewhat be jealous, becomes quite popular assistance profession, now attacks and captures some danger zones to shout that the person shouted, has Huaxianzi comes Huaxianzi, does not have Huaxianzi, Priest, yeah, on can also use.... 云龙这边大力支持这女神协会正式落脚,让不少刚进入白石城的10级玩家在那里转职获得新职业,毕竟每一种职业都有每一种职业的用途,考虑到团队的多元化,何况转职珈妙女神职业分支里的花使就能获得前期非常不错的小范围召唤型治愈技能.恢复花灵,这让很多圣教庭牧师都有些眼红,成为较为热门的辅助职业,如今攻克一些危险地带喊人都是喊,有花仙子的来花仙子,没花仙子,牧师,哎,将就也能用``` Ye Cang was sighing the money of general store just arrived, was included within in the following construction to invest immediately, not only felt that some somewhat were on hand tight, in the sadness, embraced own Elf retinue Lilianna how work to progress?” 叶苍则感叹着杂货铺的钱刚到,立马就划入了后续建设中投资,不仅感觉有些手头有些紧,在忧伤中,揽过自己的精灵仆从莉莉安娜“工作进展如何?” Everybody is very friendly, warm... Lilianna somewhat is quite embarrassed. “大家都很友好,热情```莉莉安娜颇有些不好意思。 Will be slowly familiar with, gains ground, throws out the chest, receives the buttocks! Hair! Flings!” Ye Cang looks that it was somewhat lax, hurries to shout to clear the way. “慢慢就会习惯的,抬头,挺胸,收臀!头发!甩起来!”叶苍看着其有些松懈了,赶忙喝道。 Before Ye Cang short hell training. Lilianna heard the instruction to restore the elegant demeanor of female public relations instantaneously, Ye Cang nodded very much satisfied, sincere patted her shoulder to do well, filled of enjoyment... with the association and Goddess 经过叶苍之前短暂的地狱式训练。莉莉安娜听到指令瞬间就恢复了女公关的风采,叶苍很是满意点了点头,语重心长的拍了拍她的肩膀“好好干,跟着协会和女神吃香喝辣``` Good, President!” Lilianna numerous nods. Saw that the young blood comes, somewhat shyly slightly runs, tender sound track that gentleman, what need has I to help?” “好的,会长!”莉莉安娜重重的点头。看到有新成员进来,还是有些羞涩小跑过去,娇声道“那位官人,有什么需要我帮忙的吗?” Recruit who Ye Cang looks at that coming in immediately confused seven meat eight elements, good, this girl talent different reported. It seems like the shy actually hidden murderous intention, often can approach to the rich person is that silly minute is not clear, seems like clear sprouts dull, the regulations eat the person not to spit bone.... 叶苍看着那位进来的新会员顿时被迷的七荤八素,不错,这丫头天赋异禀。看似羞涩其实暗藏杀机,往往能傍到大款的都是那种傻傻分不清楚,看似清纯呆萌,实则吃人不吐骨头``` Seven Luminaries Empire, Steel Empire. The Elf kingdom is dominating the inland, however the war between three also often occurred, the brave warriors fight for their empire! Large-scale dungeon battlefield system! Official opening! Every week opens one time, each time opening each player and team may participate one time, died in battle , then returns to participate in the point! Seizes successfully / destroys the enemy fortress, or strikes to kill opposite party Leader then to win, meritorious service, equipment exchange. The treasure exchange is waiting for you ~~ system news resounds, the players burst with joy in abundance, the battlefield system opened! 七曜帝国,钢铁帝国精灵王国称霸着内陆,然而三者之间的战争也时常发生,勇士们为了自己的帝国而战吧!大型副本战场系统!正式开启!每周开启一次,每次开启每位玩家和队伍可参加一次,阵亡则回到参与点!成功占领/摧毁敌方堡垒,或击杀对方的首领即可获胜,功勋,装备兑换。宝物兑换都在等着你~~”系统消息响起,玩家们纷纷沸腾,战场系统开了! Interesting came... CloudDragon to pinch iron to let somebody cool off or calm down says with a smile. “有趣的来了```云龙捏了捏铁手冷冷笑道。 Ye Cang pinches the chin to think. Listened to the system to start to speak detailed rules, had considered was less than one second, started to summon the people set. 叶苍捏着下巴想了想。听着系统开始讲详细规则了,考虑了不到一秒,开始号召众人集合。 Elder Brother! Hurries! We go in the murder, was killing recently always various types of lumps, the insect, chatty hurried!!!” Zhang Zhengxiong careless urging said. “哥!赶紧的!我们进去杀人吧,最近老是在杀各种疙瘩,虫子,腻歪的慌!!!”张正雄大大咧咧的催道。 Lele also wants. Lele also wants!!” Lin Le somewhat is also excited. 乐乐也要。乐乐也要!!”林乐也有些兴奋。 Indeed recent, except for that several waves of robbers. However that by poisonous suffocation, did not have any meaning. Should vent.” SpyingBlade put out a hand according to sword blade edge, thinks that CloudDragon will also go, although everybody was camp Seven Luminaries, but... slip manslaughter anything should. “的确最近,除了那几波强盗。不过那都是被毒的奄奄一息,没什么意思。是该发泄一下了。”刃觑伸手按在了剑刃上,想到云龙也会去,虽然大家是同属阵营七曜的,但```失手误杀什么的应该还是可以的。 Went in said again... Ye Cang said Ba Biandai the people were entering the battlefield dungeon transmission. “进去再说吧```叶苍说罢便带着众人进入了战场副本传送。 Periphery looks at the dense and numerous players, sighed the population, Little Ye Tian has turned head to look at the armor full beard in military compound, that should be us the military officer. 看着周围密密麻麻的玩家,不禁感叹人数,小叶天回过头看着军营中的铠甲大胡子,那应该是我们这边将领了。 Officers! Steel Empire mixed ` broken arrived in the Bartos hill! I will defend the rear area! Waits for good news! For the Seven Luminaries Empire light!!” “将士们!钢铁帝国的杂`碎们已经抵达巴托斯丘陵!我会守住后方!等待诸位的好消息!为了七曜帝国的光明!!” The majority of players show the whites of the eyes, what will be you will defend the rear area, will wait for our good news!? When we are the idiots! But puts out a hand to shout worn out brightly!!” 大部分玩家翻白眼,什么叫你会守住后方,等待我们的好消息!?当我们是白痴啊!但还是伸手有气无力喊道“光明!!” Ye Cang and the others have not followed large unit, but as sub-element being far away as far as possible, carries on explores alone, terrain has the map fortunately, but Little Ye Tian also starts to produce in a hurry here holographic map. 叶苍等人并没有跟随大部队,而是作为小分队尽可能的远离,进行单独探索,地形方面还好有地图,而小叶天也开始赶制这里的全息地图。 CloudDragon arrived at the front, leading the person to block team in a canyon, but those who make CloudDragon select the eyebrow is, he has discovered League of Tyrants Thunderclap! Is the League of Tyrants person! That this battlefield, definitely will meet some FlameEmperor that fellow... finally meanings. 云龙这边已经到达前线,带着人阻击一处峡谷中的队伍,而让云龙挑眉的是,他发现了霸天盟雷震!是霸天盟的人!那这个战场,就肯定会遇到炎皇那家伙```总算有些意思了。 The LordAsked ambush just ambushes the Hundred Flowers person in a jungle, making its loss serious, several swords chop to turn the crotalaria sessiliflora, do not disdain [say / way] excessively woman is the woman, is really insipid, FlameEmperor that grandson where?” 君莫问潜伏在一处密林里刚好伏击到百花的人,让其损失惨重,几剑砍翻野百合,别过头不屑道“娘们就是娘们,真是没劲,炎皇那孙子在哪里?” NalanPureSoul sighed, his battlefield and Ye Cang and the others were different, but was the support to fighting the Elf kingdom, looks at the distant place canyon above woman, MistyVeil, the battlefield runs into her is most disgusting, but, NalanPureSoul thinks that this slim eyebrows selected, the corners of the mouth raised slightly, it seems like can some meaning ... 纳兰清魂叹了口气,他所处的战场与叶苍等人不同,而是支援对战精灵王国,看着远处峡谷上方的女人,烟寒纱,战场遇到她是最恶心的,不过,纳兰清魂想到此柳眉一挑,嘴角微微扬起,看来会有些意思`` Reviews Ye Cang, is defending a narrow winding path, a half hour passed by, does not have the habitation. 反观叶苍这边,守着一个羊肠小道,已经半个小时过去,没有人烟。 Elder Brother, we sits here plays the table tour, big half an hour .. Zhang Zhengxiong has made in the Holy Sword card equipment, starts the effect, has torn down the Lin Le bear of evolution source earth. “哥,我们坐在这儿玩桌游,都大半个钟头了``张正雄打出圣剑卡装备上,发动效果,拆掉了林乐的大地之熊进化源。 Botches it by rushing .... Ye Cang to say lightly. “欲速则不达````叶苍淡淡说道。 One hour passed by, cold wind has raided, chooses regarding nobody from this track, the people were somewhat disorderly. 一个小时过去了,一阵寒风袭过,对于还是没人选择从这条小道过,众人有些凌乱了。 Elder Brother, we go to the front, but can also kill happy .... Zhang Zhengxiong to lose heart. “哥,我们去前线吧,还能杀个痛快````张正雄已经死心了。 Ye Cang sighed, crosses the hands behind the back to enter one second of ponder to result in the result pattern, clapping [say / way] great idea! Goes to the front! SpyingBlade?” 叶苍叹了口气,负手进入一秒思考得结果模式,拍手道“好主意!去前线!刃觑呢?” Team Leader , he when you play the table tour walked .... FrozenCloud to return to say. 队长,他在你们玩桌游的时候就走了````冰云回道。 Really is fellow who does not get on well with others, walks... Ye Cang to sigh again, the people killed with Ye Cang in the sigh to the front. “真是个不合群的家伙,走吧```叶苍再次叹了口气,众人在叹息中跟着叶苍杀向了前线。 But at this time CloudDragon has encountered with the regiment of flame dragon, Lord's Reign, League of Tyrants, Heavenly Oath even tangled warfare in one, war exceptionally frigid. 而此时云龙已经和炎龙的军团交锋了,君临,霸天盟,天道盟均混战在了一起,大战异常的惨烈。 CloudDragon looks at the distant place to grasp the red long hair handsome man of both hands sword, so that imposing manner of casting a sidelong glance world, has the appearance that several lackey idle courtyards are strolling, closely makes a fist, having VastSea several people to kill. 云龙看着远处手持双手剑的红长发俊朗男子,俾睨天下的气势,带着那几个爪牙闲庭漫步的样子,紧紧握拳,带着沧海几人杀去。 FlameEmperor catches the eye slightly, looks at LordAsked that catches up with, CloudDragon, the sword shoulders on the shoulder, completely proudly puts out a hand to hint them to come.... 炎皇微微抬眼,看着赶来的君莫问,云龙,剑扛于肩上,满是傲然的伸手示意两人过来``` Death archer. Fiery Flower( the brain truster of flame dragon, and archer, is one of the alliance most well-known three big archers), shows a faint smile, League of Tyrants, Heavenly Oath was the Steel Empire influence, the flame dragon has defeated, to the losses that they caused is also very big, after all no one wants to suffer defeat in the first battlefield, aims at a CloudDragon arrow to change to the flowing light, but the twinkling , the CloudDragon form working as, shot down in a flash in the sky, has not gone to hide to be called your lord to accompany me to play, defeated... ( to be continued ) 死亡射手.花火(炎龙的智囊,兼射手,是联盟最为知名的三大射手之一),微微一笑,霸天盟,天道盟都是钢铁帝国势力,炎龙败了,对他们造成的损失也是非常大的,毕竟谁也不想在第一次战场中就败北,瞄准云龙一箭化作流光,瞬息而至,云龙身影一晃“当”,当空击落,并没有去躲“叫你主子来陪我玩玩吧,手下败将```”(未完待续)
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