PMG :: Volume #4

#807: Observes the statue, to become aware the magical powers

Wu Tian sword emperor, Emperor Xi, Three Lives Great Emperor, the demon emperor, is quite fierce, looks at their statues, I felt that the body is uncontrolled, really Yuan strength surging carelessly.” Huangfu Long expresses an exclamation, was too fierce, these four statues, do not know that the master in this palace, how the sculpture comes out, very strong big mighty force. 无天剑皇、曦皇三生大帝,还有魔皇,好厉害,看着他们的雕像,我都感觉身体不受控制,真元力量胡乱的涌动。”皇甫龙发出一阵惊叹,太厉害了,这四座雕像,不知道这宫殿的主人,是如何雕塑出来,好强大的伟力。 Em, I am also, so long as stared at these statues to be long, the spirit is unable to withstand, was quite fearful.” Yun Fei Yang nodded saying that four emperors, show disdain for the formidable character in world, has not thought that they are in the middle of the palace, actually can also know four emperors well-known. “恩,我也是,只要盯着这些雕像久了,精神都无法承受得了,好可怕。”云飞扬点了点头道,四皇,都是傲视天地的强大人物,没想到他们在宫殿当中,竟然还能够得知四皇知名。 Emperor Xi died, does not know that another three emperors, whether now also saves in society. 曦皇已死,不知道另外三皇,如今是否还存于世间。 This possibly also merely is the lord of palace and hears their magical powers to carve by own imagination, is not the four emperor genuine statues, if sees four emperor statues truly, perhaps we are unable to look straight ahead, will be crashed by that fearful will strength.” Jun Mo Xi had supplemented nod of, the people deeply to be so immediately, truly so, is just like that Wu Tian sword emperor, if that is the sculpture of true Wu Tian sword emperor, the Ling Tian peerless sword air/Qi, feared that will be will kill them directly. “这可能还仅仅是宫殿之主凭借自己的想象和听闻他们的神通才雕刻出来的,并非是四皇真正的雕像,若是真正看到四皇雕像,恐怕我们无法直视,会被那股可怕的意志力量所压垮来。”君莫惜补充了一声,顿时众人深以为然的点了点头,确实如此,就好比那无天剑皇而言,若那是真正无天剑皇的雕塑,凌天的绝世剑气,怕是会直接将他们杀死。 The master in this palace places in the sculpture of four emperor this palace, to drive itself, looks at reverently their unsurpassed honors, thus asked that arrived at the boundary of emperor, he wanted to break through goes a step further again, feared that was difficulty extremely. 这宫殿的主人将四皇之雕塑放在这殿内,以激励自己,瞻仰他们的无上荣光,从而去问道,到达了皇之境界,他想要突破再进一步,怕是极其的困难吧。 If one day, I also and they fiercely were equally good.” In the Huangfu Long sound is having little anticipations, the emperor, keeps aloof, even if in one empire in others eyes, like the ants, entire Dry Region, never had heard has the emperor, that character, the true exceedingly high penetrating place, is Great Expert. “若是有一天,我也和他们一样厉害就好了。”皇甫龙声音中带着几许期待,皇,高高在上,即便是一个中品帝国在别人眼中,都如蝼蚁,整个乾域,从未听说过有皇,那种人物,真正的通天彻地,乃是大能者 Will have the opportunity, emperor, starts from the weak one similarly, through the practice, in the mouth smiles the arrogant entire world step by step, tramples all living things.” Lin Feng looks at Huangfu Long saying that Huangfu Long cracks into a smile, layer on layer is nodding to Lin Feng, said: Right, perhaps one day, I also become an emperor, you, we have the opportunity.” “会有机会的,皇,也同样是从弱者开始,一步步通过修炼,嘴中笑傲寰宇,践踏众生。”林枫看着皇甫龙说道,皇甫龙咧嘴一笑,对着林枫重重点头,道:“没错,也许有一天,我也成皇,还有你们,我们都有机会。” The people look at each other to smile, in the eye is passing the ray of Ling Tian, some day, I am also an emperor. 众人相视而笑,眼中都透着凌天之光芒,有朝一日,我也为皇。 At this moment, they have not thought that the pledge that in this heart has not put behind, lets them now this bright smiling face, another day becomes existence that the crowd lies prostrate in worship, smiles the arrogant common people in the mainland agitation sanguinary rule. 此刻,他们根本未曾想过,这心中不曾忘却的誓言,让他们如今这张灿烂的笑脸,他日成为人群顶礼膜拜的存在,在大陆搅动腥风血雨、笑傲苍生。 „The statues of these four emperors, I can perceive through meditation, if you feel usefully, can choose to stay here to perceive through meditation, otherwise, hurries other places, seeks for the treasure, the emperor palace, will decide however will have many heavy treasures.” “这四尊皇之雕像,我可以参悟一番,你们若是感觉有用,也可以选择留在这里参悟,不然的话,就赶紧去其它地方,寻找宝物,皇者宫殿,定然会有不少重宝。” Lin Feng was saying to several people, although is only the statue that master in palace carve, but as before is the method of emperor, can perceive through meditation, particularly the Wu Tian sword emperor and Three Lives Great Emperor, that looking disdainfully world is unable the Wu Tian the swords as well as that person of Buddha demon three living shapes, is helpful to him, can realize from experience carefully, therefore he does not plan to leave immediately. 林枫对着几人说道,虽然只是宫殿的主人自己刻下的雕像,但依旧是皇者的手段,从中,可以参悟许多,尤其是无天剑皇和三生大帝,那睥睨天下无法无天的剑以及那人佛魔三生之像,都对他有帮助,可以细细体悟一番,因此他不打算立即离开。 Other people depart, I remain to accompany you.” Tang Youyou light saying, Jun Mo Xi looked at their one eyes, immediately smiles: Also good, three of us go to other places to try one's luck.” “其他人离去,我留下来陪你吧。”唐幽幽淡淡的说道,君莫惜看了两人一眼,随即一笑:“也好,我们三人去其它地方碰碰运气。” Yun Fei Yang and Huangfu Long do not have the opinion, has Tang Youyou, if meets anything then to wake up by shouting Lin Feng, perhaps by the Lin Feng strength, few people can how him. 云飞扬皇甫龙都没意见,有唐幽幽在,若是遇到什么便将林枫喊醒来,以林枫的实力,恐怕很少有人能够奈何得了他。 When three people leave, will ask the gate of closure main hall, Lin Feng is saying with a smile to Tang Youyou: Youyou, these four statues are the statues of emperor, the [say / way] that even if cultivates with you have nothing to do, but may also use for reference to comprehend, can perhaps have obtained.” 三人离开之时,将问道大殿之门关闭,林枫对着唐幽幽笑道:“幽幽,这四座雕像乃是皇之雕像,即便与你修炼的道无关,但也可借鉴领悟一番,说不定能有所得。” I know.” Tang Youyou nodded, immediately Lin Feng also no longer talks too much, sits cross-legged to sit, what the first view becomes aware was the statue of Wu Tian sword emperor, eyesight stares at that statue, the consciousness of Lin Feng completely was immersing, felt that unable Wu Tian the meaning of terrifying Swordsmanship. “我知道。”唐幽幽点了点头,随即林枫也不再多言,盘膝而坐,首先观悟的乃是无天剑皇之雕像,目光盯着那雕像,林枫的意识完全沉浸了进去,感受那无法无天的恐怖剑道之意。 Eye pupil closing slowly, Lin Feng as if saw a magnificent picture, sword emperor Wu Tian, disregards the heaven, grasps the long sword, must trample the world with the under foot, the sword, must break through the vault of heaven. 眼眸缓缓的闭上,林枫仿佛看到了一幅瑰丽的画面,剑皇无天,无视苍天,手持长剑,要将天地践踏与脚下,剑,要冲破苍穹。 Wu Tian sword emperor, is unable Wu Tian.” The body of Lin Feng, spirit of dying out blooms, he saw that handle great sword in mind, punctures the great sword that from the vault of heaven, all over the world, only has the sword. 无天剑皇、无法无天。”林枫的身上,一股寂灭之气息绽放而出,他又看到了脑海中的那柄巨剑,从苍穹之中刺下的巨剑,普天之下,唯有剑。 The sword air/Qi is getting more and more formidable, asks the middle of main hall, towering gives birth to spirit of fearful Wu Tian, the sword air/Qi shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami, is unable Wu Tian, to be getting stronger and stronger. 剑气越来越强大,问道大殿当中,突兀的生出一股可怕的无天气息,剑气山呼海啸,无法无天,越来越强。 Um?” Tang Youyou look one startled, is staring at Lin Feng, in the beautiful pupil is the surprised color, Lin Feng this fellow, the sharpness truly is completely terrorist, a statue, makes him immerse instantaneously, the body, passes is not being able Wu Tian the air/Qi of Swordsmanship. “嗯?”唐幽幽神色一惊,盯着林枫,美眸中全部都是惊讶之色,林枫这家伙,领悟力确实恐怖,一座雕像,就让他瞬间沉浸进去,身上,透着无法无天的剑道之气。 The distant station, Tang Youyou this also wants to perceive through meditation in the one side, but actually discovered that is not realistic, Lin Feng becomes aware the sword in that the sword air/Qi was too intense, affects her, she is unable to observe and emulate the comprehension, can only look at Lin Feng from afar. 远远的站开来,唐幽幽本还想在一旁参悟,但却发现根本不现实,林枫在那悟剑,剑气太强烈了,影响到她,她根本就无法去观摩领悟,只能远远的看着林枫 She does not know that the Lin Feng perception was formidable, three Venerable instructions, then has lunatic sword Venerable, teaches his normalizing sword Secret Art, making him on the Swordsmanship with going a step further, afterward strided in the middle of the mystical place , the stone cliff 81 drawings, will trace, portrays in the mind, at this moment, Lin Feng through becoming aware this statue, the design that was traced as if had many to live, as if had the person, was brandishing a sword. 她并不知道,林枫悟性本就强大,又得三位尊者指导,其中便有疯子剑尊者,传授他归一剑诀,让他在剑道上跟进一步,后来跨入秘境当中,又得石壁81幅图画,将之临摹下来,刻画在脑海当中,这一刻,林枫通过悟这雕像,那被临摹下来的图案仿佛有许多都活了起来,仿佛有人,是在舞剑。 In addition in the middle of mind that handle great sword, at this time in the middle of the Lin Feng body, heart, mind, completely are the sword shade, as if suddenly became disorderly. 再加上脑海当中的那柄巨剑,此时林枫身上、心中、脑海当中,全部都是剑影,仿佛一时间都变得凌乱了起来。 Sword of air/Qi Wu Tian is occupying leadership, the sword of murdering is powerful, sword air/Qi such as angry sea raging waves, carelessly whips the seacoast, the squally shower, the trim is asking in the main hall as if to crack to fall. 无天之剑气占据着主导,杀伐之剑强悍无比,剑气如怒海狂涛,胡乱的拍打着海岸,狂风骤雨,整片问道大殿中都仿佛要裂掉。 The heavy pushing gate sound spread together, asks outside the main hall some people to pass by, will open the front door, however was shoving open the instance of ancient palace front door, he feels one fearfully to throw immediately toward him to the peak sword air/Qi, immediately made him call out in alarm one. 一道沉重的推门声传出,问道大殿之外有人路过,正要推开大门,然而在推开古殿大门的瞬间,他立刻感受到一股可怕到极致的剑气朝着他扑去,顿时让他惊呼一声。 Has the heavy treasure, good fearful sword air/Qi.” That will of the people splash the beat, the sound of heavy pushing gate spread immediately, gate gate closure after of Tang Youyou main hall, whatever the opposite party goes to the daydream, at this moment makes Lin Feng become aware the sword relieved is, she felt that the Lin Feng Swordsmanship will, must break through. “有重宝,好可怕的剑气。”那人心扑通的跳动了起来,随即沉重的推门之声传出,门后的唐幽幽将大殿之门关闭,任由对方去遐想,此刻让林枫安心悟剑才是,她已经感觉到,林枫的剑道意志,要突破了。 Scoffs and scoffs......” is unable the Wu Tian sword air/Qi to be getting more and more formidable, destroys all, sword intent of Wu Tian, occupied the leadership of all sorts of kendoists, the sound spreads together, the statue of that Wu Tian sword emperor disrupts, the twinkling changes into the ash to fly, vanishes in the middle of the space. “嗤、嗤……”无法无天的剑气越来越强大,毁灭一切,无天剑意,占据了种种剑道的主导,咔嚓一道声响传出,那无天剑皇之雕像碎裂掉,瞬息化为灰飞,消失于空间当中。 The sword air/Qi, brings unable the will of Wu Tian, even if the emperor statue, dares to destroy. 剑气、带着无法无天之意志,即便是皇者雕像,都敢毁灭掉。 Broke through.” The Tang Youyou heart trembles, this fellow, with the aid of the statue of Wu Tian sword emperor, the Swordsmanship will breaks through once again, this time, strength fearful. “突破了。”唐幽幽心头一颤,这家伙,借助无天剑皇之雕像,剑道意志再度突破,这一次,实力将更加的可怕。 At this time, the eye pupil of Lin Feng opens, the radiant ray blooms from the eye pupil, is bringing the air/Qi of showing disdain , the meaning of Wu Tian. 此时,林枫的眼眸睁开来,璀璨的光芒从眼眸当中绽放而出,带着傲视之气,无天之意。 „.” The Lin Feng double fist grips tightly, on the face reveals wipes the happy expression, has not stepped into Tian Qi, the Swordsmanship will entered Seventh Layer, in the same step, who can with it fighting, once after striding in Tian Qi, by the fearful Seventh Layer Swordsmanship will, the second kills same level Tian Qi absolutely. “咔嚓。”林枫双拳紧握,脸上露出一抹笑意,还未踏入天武,剑道意志已入七重,同阶之中,谁能与之争锋,一旦跨入天武之后,凭借可怕的七重剑道意志,绝对秒杀同级天武 Stands up, before Lin Feng passes through the Emperor Xi statue, deep looked at one, immediately arrived side Three Lives Great Emperor, sat cross-legged to sit, this Three Lives Great Emperor, his nine revolutions of Buddha charm inspiring, perhaps cannot escape the relations, must comprehend well. 站起身来,林枫走过曦皇的雕像前,深深的看了一眼,随即又降临在了三生大帝身边,盘膝而坐,这三生大帝,将他的九转佛魔力引动,恐怕脱不了关系,一定要好好领悟一番。 Lin Feng sits down, then directly sinks to which the mind, shortly, nine revolutions of Buddha demon merit have rotated crazily, unceasing carries on the Zhou Tian circulation, in the meantime, in the middle of the memory, the scene of that Buddha demon war is partly visible, as if becomes real. 林枫一坐下,便直接将心神沉入其中,顷刻间,身上的九转佛魔功疯狂的转动了起来,不断的进行周天循环,同时,记忆当中,那佛魔大战的场景若隐若现,仿佛变得更加的真实。 This palace master, the statue of portray had the charm, even if not the Three Lives Great Emperor main body, the statue that but portrays from this, can inspire my nine revolutions of Buddha demon merit.” In the Lin Feng mind resounds together the sound, immediately puts behind all thoroughly, the Zhou Tian circulation that whatever nine revolutions of Buddha charms keep, the unceasing strong mortal body, lets the strength of unceasing enhancement demon. “这宫殿主人,刻画的雕像已经拥有了神韵,即便不是三生大帝本尊,但从这刻画出来的雕像,都能够引动我的九转佛魔功。”林枫脑海中响起一道声音,随即彻底忘却一切,任由九转佛魔力不停的周天循环,不断的壮大肉身,让佛魔之力不断的增强。 Now, now what Lin Feng is unable to clarify is Three Lives Great Emperor three lives, has any relations with nine revolutions of Buddha demon merit, he to three lives, is curious, wants to obtain it, cultivates three bodies, Buddha, demon and person, do not die, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 如今,林枫现在无法弄清楚的是三生大帝的三生经,和九转佛魔功到底有什么关系,他对三生经,充满好奇,想要得到它,修炼成三具尊身,佛、魔、人,一尊不死,即是不死不灭。 What a pity wants to obtain King Scripture, was too difficult, that is the genuine exceedingly high treasure, emperor cultivates scriptures, obtains King Scripture, if the talent is formidable, least also will become extremely formidable Venerable. 可惜想要得到皇经,太难了,那可是真正的通天宝物,皇者所修经书,得到一部皇经,若是天赋强大,最少也将成为一名极其强大的尊者。 5201 the novel high-speed first round Peerless Martial God latest chapter, this chapter is Chapter 807 5201小说高速首发绝世武神最新章节,本章节是第807章 Observes the statue, to become aware the magical powers address for the chapter that if you think is good please do not forget to the friend recommendation in group and micro blog! 观雕像、悟神通地址为如果你觉的本章节还不错的话请不要忘记向您群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!
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