PDL :: Volume #18

#1801: Uses all

From degenerating into the ruins 40 imperial palaces leaves, was not just far, Qin Shi complexion becomes flushed, blowout that a blood cannot suppress. 从沦为废墟的40九宫离开,刚不远,秦石脸色一阵涨红,一口鲜血压制不住的喷出。 Evil Spirit slightly one startled: Kid, are you how is it?” 邪魔微微一惊:“小家伙,你怎么样?” Qin Shi lifts the hand, reluctant hints Evil Spirit do not stop: Continue, returned to Qin Gong with a sense of urgency.” 秦石抬起手,勉强的示意邪魔不要停下:“继续,抓紧回秦宫。” Evil Spirit wrinkled under the eyebrow, at once also understands the meaning of Qin Shi, now, was Qin Gong the weakest time, although Ming porch in the surface acknowledged that the punishment is deserved, but by understanding of Qin Shi the Ocean Group, the Ocean Group was that type does not certainly reach the goal to vow not to rest, the Ocean Group these time suffered a loss in the Qin Shi hand, certainly easily will not relinquish. 邪魔皱了下眉,旋即也明白秦石的意思,现在,正是秦宫最薄弱的时候,明轩虽表面上认栽,但以秦石对溟组的了解,溟组一定是那种不达目的誓不罢休的,溟组这一次在秦石手中吃了大亏,一定不会轻易作罢。 Returned to Qin Gong extremely quickly, Qin Gong this time appearance not compared with 40 imperial palace in many, same desolate broken. 极快的回到秦宫,秦宫此时的样子并不比40九宫强上多少,一样的落寞残破。 Is good because, Qin Shi has not used the samsara statue in Qin Gong, is insufficient like the ocean palace, must replace a region to be good, 40 imperial palaces originally, feared that does not have hundred years, that region will be infertile, life Tu Tan. 只是好在,秦石并未在秦宫动用轮回石像,不至于像溟宫一样,要更换一片区域才行,原本的40九宫,怕是没有百年时间,那一片区域都将寸草不生,生灵涂炭。 What Qin Gong damaged was only some constructions, gave some time, quick then can repair. 秦宫破损的只是些建筑,给予一些时间,很快便能修复。 Saw Qin Shi complete return Qin Gong, Qin Gong the disciples were burst with joy. 秦石完好的回到秦宫,秦宫弟子都是沸腾起来。 Qin Shi at the rebellion that 40 imperial palaces initiate, already like viral spreading over in 7000 sea palaces, even is in the middle of the sea areas outside 7000 sea palaces. 秦石在40九宫所引发的暴动,早已如病毒般的传遍在7000海宫,甚至是7000海宫外的海域当中。 This time rebellion, has almost subverted 7000 sea palaces, made thoroughly to cancel the thought to the sea palace that Qin Shi has questioned, great strength that this Qin Shi showed that the imagination of far supernormal person. 这一次的暴动,几乎颠覆了7000海宫,也令一些对秦石有所质疑的海宫彻底打消念头,这一次秦石所彰显出的强大,远超常人的想象。 Similarly, Qin Gong also rapidly multiplied in the prestige of 7000 sea palaces. 同样的,秦宫在7000海宫的威名也是急速倍增。 Naturally, Qin Shi has no interest to care about these, the several wars of this priority, making Qin Shi fall into the middle of the unprecedented severe wound, almost the fleshly body smashing, within the body also by horrible to look at that the demon blood corroded, in the five internal organs, can with thousand put on hundred to describe. 当然,秦石并无心在意这些,这一次先后的几次大战,令秦石陷入前所未有的重伤当中,几乎肉身粉碎,体内也是被魔血侵蚀的惨不忍睹,五脏中,可以用千穿百孔个来形容。 Formerly, Qin Shi in 40 imperial palaces, reason that performance calmness of like that but does not want to expose own injury to be serious, why this, afterward he urged Evil Spirit , returned to Qin Gong with a sense of urgency, his injury, only then he understood. 先前,秦石在40九宫内,之所以表现的那般镇定,只是不想暴露自己的伤势严重,这也是为何,后来他催促邪魔,抓紧回到秦宫,他的伤势,只有他自己了解。 Returned to Qin Gong, during Qin Shi was falls into to close up. 回到秦宫,秦石便是陷入闭关当中。 Before closing up, Qin Shi several times urging Longxu, in any event must stare at the movement of tight ocean palace, Qin Shi is assured, the Ocean Group in 7000 sea palaces, is certainly hiding any startled day plot. 在闭关前,秦石又几次的叮嘱龙须,无论如何要盯紧溟宫的动作,秦石笃定,溟组在7000海宫,一定隐藏着什么惊天的阴谋。 Also urged Evil Spirit several times, this relieved closing up. 又叮嘱邪魔几次,这才安心的闭关。 In a lonesome and quiet secret room, Qin Shi sits cross-legged to sit, in three months, the Qin Shi whole body it can be said that is gloomy, in the fluctuation of Qin Shi within the body not slightly spiritual Qi, if not for understood that the Qin Shi person sees this, certainly believes that Qin Shi has never practiced the mortal. 在一处幽静的密室里,秦石盘膝而坐,足足三月光景,秦石的周身可以说是黯淡无光,在秦石体内没有丝毫灵气的波动,若不是了解秦石的人见到此幕,一定会认为,秦石是一个从未修炼过的凡人。 Serious of this injury, almost exhausted Qin Shi within the body all spiritual power, unprecedented has dried up. 这一次伤势之严重,几乎耗尽了秦石体内所有的灵力,前所未有的枯竭。 In the dantian, such as a withered river bed is the same, after three months, after having the slight spiritual Qi expiration and inspiration circles, finally like water-drop gathering on the Qin Shi dantian, but just dropped on the river bed, is evaporated immediately then by above dry major spirit vein. 在丹田内,如一干枯的河床一样,一直到三月后,才有细微的灵气吐纳后盘旋,最终如水滴般汇聚在秦石的丹田上,但刚滴落在河床上,立刻便被上面干燥的各大灵脉所蒸发掉。 Shaking the head that Qin Shi is looking at this not being able to bear: Really is distressed.” 秦石望着这一幕忍不住的摇头:“真是狼狈的可以啊。” This time, Qin Shi dares saying that since has been he steps into practices, in more than 15 years of time, injury most serious one time, does not have one. 这一次,秦石敢说,是他踏入修行界以来,15年多的时间里,伤势最为严重的一次,没有之一。 Finally has been lucky Feng Hen, otherwise is continue make a false counter-accusation half double-hour by the demon blood, perhaps I now then thorough becomes the disabled person.” Saying that Qin Shi has a lingering fear. “最后还是多亏了封痕,不然在继续被魔血反噬半个时辰,恐怕我现在便会彻底的成为废人。”秦石心有余悸的说道。 No matter what no one has expected, Qin Shi these time therapy, unexpectedly was in an instant then past a half year. 任谁也没料到,秦石这一次疗伤,竟是转眼便过去半年。 Six months, Qin Shi did not have sound, but 7000 sea palaces are not peaceful in the half year, in half year, the ocean palaces and 40 imperial palace migration, constructs, and extinguished Qin Men to start once more, place both sides in 7000 sea palace borders went on an expedition unceasingly, fie beacons on all sides. 半年时间,秦石仍是毫无动静,但这半年7000海宫并不太平,在这半年当中,溟宫及40九宫迁移,重新建造,并且灭秦门再次启动,在7000海宫边境的地方双方征战不断,狼烟四起 Ocean palace almost every day also started the harassment to Qin Gong, was only very strange, the ocean palace as if did not want to extinguish kills Qin Gong, or Ming porch knows that the ocean palace could not destroy completely Qin Gong, completely was the guerrilla warfare, got a bargain, will retreat immediately then, making Qin Gong fall into passively very middle. 溟宫几乎每日也的对秦宫发动骚扰,只是很奇怪,溟宫似乎并不是想要灭杀秦宫,或是明轩知道,溟宫也根本灭不掉秦宫,完全是游击战,沾点便宜,立刻便会撤退,令秦宫陷入十分的被动当中。 Was good because of a half year, Qin Gong also not, therefore caused the too big losses. 好在半年之久,秦宫也并没有因此造成太大的损失。 In this period has also presented several large-scale campaigns, finally all got rid with Longxu and Ming porch in pairs, both sides suspended going on an expedition. 期间也是出现过几次大型的战役,最终皆是以龙须与明轩双双出手,双方才暂停征战。 This situation, has been refusing to compromise, finally is continues for a half year. 这种情况,一直僵持着,最终又是持续半年。 One year, Qin Shi did not have the sound, this made Qin Gong the innumerable branches very worry. 一年时间,秦石仍是没有动静,这令秦宫无数的主干都是十分担忧。 In this year, Chen is almost day and night relaying defends with Longqi before that lonesome and quiet pit hole, Chen in the nimble and resourceful phoenix eye is anxious, small hands tight kneading together, one year passes, in Chen on the fair jade neck, still had together the eye-catching bloodstain, that bloodstain, as if corrodes Chen in the flesh is the same, such as circles the small snake of winding, to human an unusual aesthetic sense. 这一年当中,陈焉与龙崎几乎是没日没夜的替班守在那幽静的石洞前,陈焉灵动的凤眼中充满担忧,小手紧紧的捏合,一年过去,在陈焉白皙的玉颈上,仍是有一道夺目的血痕,那血痕,似乎侵蚀到陈焉的肌肤里一样,如一条盘旋缠绕的小蛇,给人一种异样的美感。 One year, how he has not awaked.” Chen min the attractive red lip is worried to say. “一年时间,他怎么还没醒。”陈焉抿着诱人的红唇担心道。 All right, he will certainly wake up.” Longqi regretted that has patted Chen, if to payout of Qin Shi, Longqi must admire a person, candidly admitting defeat, that certainly is Chen, Chen the love to Qin Shi, loves in the dust, base and low to the bone, Qin Shi, is Chen world. “没事的,他一定会醒来的。”龙崎惋惜的拍了拍陈焉,如果说,在对秦石的付出中,龙崎一定要佩服一个人,甘拜下风的话,那一定是陈焉,陈焉对秦石的爱,爱到尘埃里,卑微到骨子里,秦石,就是陈焉的全世界。 The official script looks at day after day thin Chen is also being the deep sigh tone, if personally does not see, he cannot believe really that initially that caused a stir in fox female Chen of surrounding, a sycophancy, making the innumerable men be willing to prostrate oneself under its pomegranate skirt, never had actually been seeing a person of Chen, in front of Qin Shi, unexpectedly was base and low to this situation. 隶书望着日渐消瘦的陈焉也是长叹口气,如果不是亲眼所见,他真的不敢相信,当初那轰动外围的狐狸女陈焉,一身媚骨,令无数男子甘愿拜倒在其石榴裙下,却从不正眼看过一人的陈焉,在秦石面前,竟是卑微到这种地步。 During this, Mu Xiaoyi is also comes to visit Qin Shi several times, every time sees Chen, she cannot bear low-spirited lowering the head. 这期间,慕小伊也是前来探望过秦石几次,每一次见到陈焉在,她都是忍不住黯然的低下头。 Initially, I had the opportunity to approach him to admire the little Iran , US pupil compared with her obviously to glitter the pain bitter [say / way]. “当初,我明明比她更有机会接近他”慕小伊美眸闪烁着痛楚的苦道。 Elder sister, with enough time, have not let yourself regret now.” Mu Little beautiful low voice [say / way]. “姐,你现在还来得及,别让自己后悔啊。”慕小妍小声的道。 Shaking the head that Mu Xiaoyi self-ridicules: Does not have the opportunity, I am different from Chen, I can never achieve, dares to like daring to hate like her, graceful, does not hesitate all loves, I and he, being doomed does not have the opportunity.” 慕小伊自嘲的摇摇头:“没有机会的,我和陈焉不一样,我永远也做不到,像她那样敢爱敢恨,落落大方,不惜一切的爱,我和他,注定是没机会的。” Now can keep Qin Gong, is the heaven is attached to our Mujia palace most greatly.” Mu Xiaoyi said with a smile pale. “现在能留在秦宫,已是苍天对我们慕家宫最大的眷恋了。”慕小伊淡笑道。 Mu Xiaoyan low-spirited, truly, Chen the love, is no one can give. 慕小妍一阵黯然,确实,陈焉的爱,不是谁都能够给得起的。 Ling Zhu has also come several times, she more is sees Chen, she loves Chen, becomes the younger sister with Chen. 凌竹也来过几次,她更多是来看望陈焉的,她十分的疼爱陈焉,真的拿陈焉当妹妹。 „Hasn't he awaked?” The cavern that Ling Zhuwang Shimen is shutting tightly but said. “他还没醒吗?”凌竹望着石门紧闭的洞窟无奈道。 Chen low-spirited nod: Em, no, does not know that he is now what kind.” 陈焉黯然的点点头:“恩,没有呢,也不知道,他现在怎么样。” Looks appearance that Chen is lost in a reverie, Ling Zhu shakes the head: Do not be worried that this boy, could not die, he assigns compared with Xiaoqiang also hardly, initially deep sea source pond such, he lived, let alone is the present, has put in great inconvenience you actually, has defended his one year.” 望着陈焉魂牵梦绕的样子,凌竹摇摇头:“别担心,这小子,死不掉的,他可是比小强命还硬的,当初深海源池那样,他都活下来了,何况是现在呢,倒是委屈了你,守了他一年。” Chen thin and pale smiling: „It is not suffering from injustice, when he wakes up, will compensate my.” 陈焉憔悴的笑笑:“不委屈,等他醒来,会补偿我的。” Silly girl.” Ling Zhu loves dearly has hugged Chen. “傻妮子。”凌竹心疼的抱了抱陈焉。 Bang! At this time, peaceful one year of rock cave hole, caused together the ocean current vortex of raging tide suddenly, in world infinite spiritual Qi, as if opened the dam to be the same, in this time fierce emerging. 轰!在这时,安静一年之久的石窟洞,突然引起一道狂潮的海流漩涡,天地间无穷的灵气,仿佛打开水闸一样,在这时凶猛的涌入其中。 Feels drastic fluctuation in rock cave, Chen in the nimble and resourceful phoenix eye dodges pleasantly surprised, cannot attend to Ling Zhu, lithe leaps forward to the rock cave. 感受到石窟内的剧烈波动,陈焉灵动的凤眼中一闪惊喜,顾不上凌竹,轻盈的冲着石窟跃进。 In the rear area, is looking at Chen that anxious appearance, Ling Zhu cannot bear shaking the head that self-ridicules: Trades to make itself, can oneself achieve really?” 在后方,望着陈焉那急切的模样,凌竹忍不住自嘲的摇摇头:“换做自己,自己真的能做到吗?” In the rock cave, these time therapy, has exhausted entire one year, this was Qin Shi has not expected, but in this year, was not does not progress, under withered of limit, when spiritual power entered the body once again, instead made in the middle of the void dantian buy on this day spiritual Qi for a long time rapidly, in that world, was unceasingly full, changes sumptuous abundant. 在石窟内,这一次疗伤,耗尽了整整一年,这是秦石没料到的,不过这一年,也不是毫无进展,在极限的干枯下,当灵力再度入体时,反而令长时间空虚的丹田当中急速吸纳这天地灵气,那一片世界里,不断饱满,变的丰盛盎然。 The Qin Shi closed black pupil opens like cheetah suddenly, at this time, own world not independent gushing out, 300,000, 500,000, 800,000. 秦石闭合的黑眸如猎豹般突然睁开,在这时,自身世界不自主的涌出,300000,500000,800000。 Qin Shi own world, breakthrough to 800,000, that dantian next nine changes the meridians of supporting-heaven pillar also to have gold dragon to twine at one fell swoop, the boundary great accomplishment shackles are successful, make Qin Shi successful breakthrough. 秦石的自身世界,一举突破到800000,那丹田下九条变化成擎天柱的经脉也是有金龙缠绕,界境大成的桎梏水到渠成,令秦石成功的突破 Qin Shi is feeling powerful body, under pinching of effort the fist, as if in 800,000 meters own world the strength of myriad things, in gathers to be the same toward his palm, making him unable to bear show the satisfied smiling face. 秦石感受着充满力量的身躯,用力的捏下拳,仿佛800000米的自身世界内万物之力,都在朝着他掌心中汇聚一样,让他忍不住露出满意的笑容来。 This breakthrough, should be most successful one time.” “这一次突破,应该是最成功的一次。” Truly, reason that because the demon blood makes a false counter-accusation, although severe wound your five main internal organs (entrails), but instead has actually helped Falling Star Tyrant Body Technique, in some degree lets, make more formidable, in addition the deficient spiritual power drainage that your fleshly body changes, made this breakthrough again, in spiritual power, on fleshly body, perfect fusion.” The Evil Spirit nod said. “确实,因为魔血反噬的缘故,虽然重伤了你的五脏六腑,不过却反而成全了星陨霸体决,在某种程度让,让你肉身变的更加强大,加上匮乏的灵力重新引流,令这一次突破,无论是在灵力,肉身上,都极致的融合。”邪魔点头道。 Qin Shi has pinched under the fist, the void palm, in the middle of that rock cave on the extremely firm rock is the seal next huge hand imprint. 秦石捏了下拳,虚空一掌,那石窟当中极为坚固的岩石上便是印下一道巨大手印。 Is looking at that huge hand imprint, the Qin Shi excited [say / way]: Depending on present this strength, even if not draw support from the demon blood, is bumping into the suppression in the palace basic shell of boundary, I should also be able to face.” 望着那巨大手印,秦石兴奋的道:“凭现在这股力量,就算不借助魔血,在碰到压制在界境的殿主级,我应该也能面对。” Shaking the head of Evil Spirit forced smile said: Do not have a dream the boy, in the middle of 12 palaces, only has the latter six palaces is the suppression in the boundary, to avoid dwelling place of celestial beings, but now, in your boy hand, does not die is the wound, but your present strength, even if bumps into the first six palaces, although is inferior , the ability that but should also one fight, cannot hit, the running words, should nobody be able to block you.” 邪魔苦笑的摇头道:“别做梦了小子,12殿当中,唯有后六殿是压制在界境的,为了避开仙府,但现在,在你小子手中,不是死就是伤,不过你现在的实力,就算碰到前六殿,虽然不及,但应该也有一战的能力,打不过,跑的话,应该没人能拦得住你。” Under Qin Shi, present strength, although does not dare the clamoring ultra boundary, the words that but socializes, the ultra boundary wants to kill him, no longer looks like originally like that easy as pie. 秦石点下头,现在的力量,虽不敢叫嚣超界境,但周旋的话,超界境想杀他,也不再像原来那般易如反掌。 Ultra boundary, is not unattainable. 超界境,也不在高不可攀。 At this time, a Qin Shi brow wrinkle, from the rock cave, heard the rapid sound of footsteps, was the spooky body is fragrant along with it, making Qin Shi be infatuated with. 在这时,秦石眉头一皱,从石窟外,传来急促的脚步声,随之是幽幽的体香,令秦石不禁陶醉。 Qin Shi knows that was Chen came, under the black pupil glittered has wiped low-spirited, with rebuking oneself. 秦石知道,是陈焉来了,黑眸之下不禁闪烁过一抹黯然,和自责。 He he, said well with that girl, the girl, for you, uses all, if not for initially she, you did not have the opportunity to work loose from making a false counter-accusation of demon blood.” “呵呵,好好和那小妮子说说吧,那小妮子,为了你,真的是倾尽所有,当初若不是她,你根本没机会从魔血的反噬中挣脱出来。” The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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