PBS :: Volume #30

#2977: Burns the soul emperor incantation

So opportunity, once in a thousand years! 如此机会,千载难逢! The Han illustrious Saint seven people incomparably have anticipated this moment, the nature has been ready, in an instant they have exactly the same magic seal simultaneously, illusory pale golden flame, ignites from them together. 韩昭圣七人早已无比期待这一刻,自然早就做好了准备,刹那之间他们同时结出一模一样的法印,一道虚幻的淡金色火焰,从他们身上燃起。 aura that their sends out, like the water of boiling, starts the fierce ebullition immediately, rises again and again! 他们身上散发出来的气息,立即如同煮沸之水,开始剧烈沸腾,连连上涨! Presents all Powerhouse clear sensations, the Han Zhaosheng seven people of bodies, released an incomparably astonishing pressure, even if were away from them to be remote, made them fearful and apprehensive! 在场所有强者们都清晰的感知到,韩昭圣七人的身上,都释放出来了一道无比惊人的威压,哪怕距离他们遥远,也令他们胆战心惊! If Heavenly Emperor seven, just like the flame cat that was suppressed, then present they, look like burn the day, but vast sea of fire! 倘若刚才的天帝七子,犹如被压制下去的小火猫,那么现在的他们,就像是焚天而起的浩瀚火海! Basically in present Great Upper Realm, Cultivator that each cultivation level has, will go to practice specially one to several Forbidden Technique, only for at crucial moments, erupts inconceivable battle strength, thus turns around the situation! 在如今的大上界之中,基本上每一位修为有成的修士,都会特意去修炼一至数门禁术,只为了在关键时刻,爆发出不可思议的战力,从而扭转战局! Now, Heavenly Emperor seven child are displaying such Forbidden Technique! 现在,天帝七子就在施展这样一门禁术 This technique is dark green acts according to Heavenly Emperor Arts to create, the name said that burns soul Emperor Technique, needs the combustion life unlike common Forbidden Technique, once it displays, combustion soul! 此术乃是苍根据天帝诀所创,名曰燃魂帝术,与寻常禁术需要燃烧生命不同,它一旦施展开来,将会燃烧灵魂! It is well known, soul most difficult practice, is also most difficult to restore, once the soul is wounded, that consequence is dreadful. But, because of so, burning soul Emperor Technique that the Heavenly Emperor seven child present displays, far exceeds in other Forbidden Technique, had the inconceivable prestige! 众所周知,灵魂最难修炼,同样最难恢复,一旦灵魂受创,那后果不堪设想。但,也因如此,天帝七子如今施展出来的燃魂帝术,远超于其他禁术,具备了不可思议之威! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The world shakes fiercely! 天地剧烈震荡! Han illustrious Saint seven people of boundless broad aura, connected in one rapidly, the back was appears great illusory shadow, might ability that erupted, rose suddenly unceasingly doubled and re-doubled! 韩昭圣七人磅礴恢弘的气息,迅速交汇在了一起,背后更是浮现出来了一道道伟岸的虚影,爆发出来的威能,不断成倍暴涨! Even if the Eternal Night founder and Ji Xuan two people, the complexion also changes, this power and influence has made in their hearts, blasted out a chill in the air! 哪怕是永夜教主和季玄两人,脸色也不由一变,这股威势已经令他们的心中,都炸开了一股寒意! ten thousand years is shattered!” “万载破灭!” The Han illustrious Saint seven people of loud and clear sounds, resound through the trim world, later everyone only feels at present a flower, but also without sees clearly they seven people of movements with enough time, saw together just like the ancient times Milky Way strength, went toward the Qin Nan bang! 韩昭圣七人洪亮的声音,响彻整片天地,随后所有人只感觉眼前一花,还没来得及看清他们七人的动作,就见到一道宛如远古天河般的力量,朝着秦南轰去! This strikes, may be called peerless, peerless invincible might that previously accurate Emperor Item released in comparison, is completely huge difference! 这一击,堪称绝世,先前准帝器释放出来的绝世神威与之相比,完全是天壤之别! third style!” 第三式!” A Qin Nan long gown, flap flap makes noise, under vast pressure that this comes, he has no flinching, the body instead presented more perfect sharp glow. 秦南一身长袍,猎猎作响,在这呼啸而来的浩瀚压力之下,他没有任何的退缩,身上反而出现了一道更为极致的锋芒 Bang! 轰! sharp glow erupts, attack that even if Heavenly Emperor seven child hit, just like that boundless darkness, but this together sharp glow, was still the incomparable sparkle, everyone can see clearly its existence. 锋芒爆发,哪怕天帝七子打出来的攻击,宛如那无边的黑暗,但这一道锋芒,仍旧是无比闪耀,所有人都能够看清楚它的存在。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Two terrifying strengths, collided thoroughly, the complementary waves that erupted instantaneously, making one feel like the hit of vault of heaven and land, the big piece annihilated the smashing void directly! 两股恐怖的力量,彻底碰撞到了一起,那瞬间爆发出来的余波,让人感觉像是天穹与大地的撞击,大片虚空直接湮灭成了粉碎! Was only poor!” The Han illustrious Saint face upwards to bellow: fellow daoist, burns 30% soul strength again!” “只差一点了!”韩昭圣仰天大吼:“诸位道友,再燃30%魂力!” Kills!” Another six people face upwarded immediately the long and loud cry, itself will burst out the pinnacle completely, golden illusory flame that the body ignited, changed was more exuberant! “杀!”另外六人立即仰天长啸,自身意志全部都迸发到了极致,身上燃起的金色虚幻火焰,也变的更加旺盛! Finally, everyone only felt that world one dark, later saw Heavenly Emperor seven child hit peerless strikes, the front all, to thorough embezzling! 终于,所有人只感觉天地一暗,随后就见到天帝七子打出来的绝世一击,将前面的所有一切,都给彻底的吞没! Hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) world was annihilated, similarly Qin Nan that sharp incomparable form, was annihilated in! 数十万里的天地被湮灭,同样秦南那犀利无比的身影,也被湮灭在了其中! Won...... the victory!” “胜……胜了!” Han illustrious Saint dull looks at this, immediately on his dark green white such as snow face, surged a huge pleasantly surprised color. 韩昭圣呆呆的看着这一幕,随即他那苍白如雪般的脸上,涌起了一股巨大的惊喜之色。 Other six people, are so. 其他六人,亦是如此。 Although present they, because the strength of combustion soul is excessive, encountered the unprecedented heavy losses, but each of them's chest, excited and excited fills up thoroughly! 尽管现在的他们,都因为燃烧灵魂之力过度,遭到了前所未有的重创,但他们每个人的胸口,都被兴奋与激动彻底填满! They cut to kill Qin Nan! 他们斩杀了秦南 By the boundary of Heavenly Venerable, cut to kill to Dao Boundary Supreme Heavenly Venerable, and first person of old time! 天尊之境,斩杀了至道境无上天尊,并且还是旧时代的第一人! The Heavenly Emperor gate the biggest enemy, kills with one's own hand by them now personally! 天帝门如今最大的敌人,被他们亲手手刃! Ha!” “哈哈哈!” Han illustrious Saint fall about, the laughter is carefree, always suppresses in his one breath, releases thoroughly! 韩昭圣忍不住大笑起来,笑声畅快,一直以来憋在他心里的一口气,彻底释放出来! On this occasion a war, their Heavenly Emperor seven, who also refuses to accept? 值此一战,他们天帝七子,谁还不服? His Han Zhaosheng, but also who will refuse to accept? 他韩昭圣,还有谁会不服? He can sit the Heavenly Emperor seven child positions, not because of luck, because of his natural talent, his strength! 他能够坐上天帝七子的位置,不是因为运气,而是因为他的天资,他的实力! At this moment, many Heavenly Venerable of Heavenly Emperor gate, innumerable Cultivator of remote place, simultaneously responded, raised one piece instantaneously greatly in an uproar, on the face of everyone, wrote all over was excited and excited. 此时此刻,天帝门的诸多天尊们,还有遥远之处的无数修士们,齐齐反应过来,瞬间掀起了一片巨大哗然,每个人的脸上,都写满了激动与兴奋。 Qin Nan was cut to kill!” 秦南被斩杀了!” Heavenly Emperor seven child really powerful!” 天帝七子果然强悍!” Qin Nan has died, who can also keep off my Heavenly Emperor gate?” 秦南已死,谁还能挡我天帝门?” Old time was shattered completely! This, no one can prevent establishment of Mountain of Origins!” “旧时代完全破灭了!这一下,没有任何人能够阻挡起源之山的建立!” Sees? I have said that Qin Nan must defeat without doubt! Qin Nan must defeat without doubt!” “看到没有?我早就说过了,秦南必败无疑!秦南必败无疑!” The Eternal Night founder is listening to everywhere cheers, is a little at once absent-minded. 永夜教主听着漫天的欢呼声,一时之间有点恍惚。 Once the pictures of many things, 11 flashed through in his mind, this made him slightly a little vacant, was a little caught off guard, once that like the comet rise, stood erect in the young people of summit of Great Upper Realm, such falls/dies? 曾经诸多事情的画面,一一在他脑海里闪过,这让他略有点茫然,也有点措手不及,曾经那位如彗星般崛起,屹立在大上界之巅的年轻人,就这样陨落了? Eternal Night founder a little has mixed feelings, even also surged a powerless feeling. 永夜教主心情不禁有点复杂,甚至还涌起了一丝无力感。 Time, change was really quick, quickly to merely two months, can change the world! 时代,变化的实在是太快了,快到仅仅两个月时间,就可以改换天地! Old person like him, but can also during such time, stand erect not but actually? 像他这样的老人,还能够在这样的时代之中,一直屹立不倒吗? Absolutely Ok!” The Eternal Night founder responded suddenly, firmness and sharpness that the look again changed! “绝对可以!”永夜教主猛然反应过来,眼神再度变的坚定而又锐利! He elected right, he has stood in dark green this side! 要知道,他可是选对了,他早就站在了苍这一边! Now Qin Nan falls/dies, dark green completely dominant, even if later he occupies under dark green, that can also follow dark green during the time of this dramatic change, obtains the infinite advantage! 如今秦南陨落,苍完全独大,哪怕以后他屈居于苍之下,那也可以跟着苍在这剧烈变动的时代之中,得到无穷的好处! „, Ji Xuan, your Union Master had been cut to kill, you should not want to continue to support-” the vision of Eternal Night founder, went to the front this and he God's favored one with time. “啧啧,季玄啊,你们盟主都已经被斩杀了,你该不会还想继续撑下去-”永夜教主的目光,投向了前方这个与他同个时代的天之骄子。 Since Qin Nan falls/dies, he believes that at present this person can see clearly the reality, the choice joins to his side. 秦南既然陨落,他相信眼前这人能够看清现实,选择加入到他这一边来。 However, his words have not said, saw on the Ji Xuan face the faint smile expression, absolutely does not have the Qin Nan falls/dies later shock and pain. 但是,他话还没说完,就看见了季玄脸上似笑非笑的表情,完全没有秦南陨落之后的震惊和痛苦。 This made the Eternal Night founder fiercely one suddenly. 这令永夜教主心里不由猛地一突。 Not a wonderful feeling, raises in his heart! 一股不妙的感觉,在他心底升起! fellow daoist, Qin Nan has died, but the war had not ended!” The Han illustrious Saint deeply inspires, although is the severe wound in the body, but is beaming and buoyant, is mighty, said: We might as well while this opportunity, disintegrate their Alliance thoroughly, can win over the person to win over, the impenetrably thickheaded person then executes at the scene-” “诸位道友,秦南已死,但战争还没有结束!”韩昭圣深深吸了口气,虽是重伤在身,但神采奕奕,气势恢弘,道:“我们不如趁着这个机会,将他们联盟彻底瓦解,能够拉拢之人就拉拢,冥顽不灵之人便当场格杀-” Another six people are exactly the same as his condition, probably accepted a big baptism, the whole person sublimates completely. 另外六人跟他的状态如出一辙,像是接受了一场大洗礼,整个人都完全升华。 However, in this moment, the sound made a sound together suddenly near their ears: Finally that move, but also is the good, dark green vision is very good, your seven people can be the God's favored one in this world.” 然而,就在这一刻,一道声音忽而响在了他们的耳边:“最后那一招,还算是不错,苍的眼光很好,你们七人都可以算是这个世界的天之骄子了。” Han illustrious Saint seven people of complexions, immediately excitedly big change. 韩昭圣七人的脸色,顿时勃然大变。
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