PBS :: Volume #30

#2972: Fights Heavenly Emperor seven ( 1 )

The Han illustrious Saint seven people transform the figure immediately, makes many Emperor Technique, is coordinating seven accurate Emperor Item and Qin Nan games in the same place. 韩昭圣七人立即变换身形,打出诸多帝术,配合着七件准帝器秦南在一起。 However, among this short several breaths, the Han Zhaosheng seven people retrocede unexpectedly again and again, moreover they receive a Qin Nan blade every time, only felt that the figure like encountering the invisible impact, the within the body courage vigor turns wells up, the soul shakes faintly. 但是,这短短几息之间,韩昭圣七人竟是连连后退,而且他们每接下秦南一刀,只感觉身形如同遭到无形冲击,体内血气翻涌,就连灵魂都隐隐震荡。 Blade, sharp , but now Qin Nan each blade, is not sharp, but is the incomparable sincerity, like that vast boundless land. 刀,锋利也,可现在秦南的每一刀,都并不锋利,而是无比的厚重,如同那浩瀚无边的大地。 Fifty ingenious method, really! But, the fifty inheritance, the annihilation in the Space-Time river, could not have kept up with the time eventually!” The Han illustrious Saint loudly shouts, on the eye socket plated light golden color, sacred enormous and powerful aura, sends out from him. “大衍妙法,果然了得!但,大衍传承,终究还是湮灭在了时空长河之中,早已跟不上时代了!”韩昭圣大喝一声,眼眶上镀了一层淡淡的金色,一股神圣浩荡的气息,从他身上散发而出。 Light emperor prints!” Han illustrious Saint both hands tie seal, one round just like moon rays of light, arrives from void under. “光帝印!”韩昭圣双手结印,一轮宛如月亮般的光芒,从虚空中降临而下。 Although it does not sparkle, illuminated surrounding area several hundred thousand li (0.5 km) merely, but under its rays of light, Han Zhaosheng aura increases one after another, is similar to seems like in an unparalleled Monster Sovereign fusion, not only changes is especially powerful, but also had/left one ominously severe. 它虽不闪耀,仅仅照亮了方圆几十万里,但在它的光芒下,韩昭圣一身气息接连攀升,就如同像是于一位盖世妖皇融合,不仅变的格外强大,还多出了一股凶厉。 In addition, Qin Nan brandish a blade movement, he only felt slightly seemed to be tens of thousands of Dao Talisman articles to sift his within the body imperceptibly, is nibbling his within the body strength unexpectedly, even if transferred world's strength, is unable to prevent. 除此之外,秦南挥刀的动作微微一顿,他只感觉无形中似有成千上万道符文飘入了他的体内,竟是在蚕食他体内的力量,哪怕调动天地之力,都根本无法阻止。 This is a name that the Han illustrious Saint finished said light emperor the would-be emperor inherited. 此为韩昭圣获得的一位名曰‘光帝’的准帝传承。 This technique law, but also is only one in this inheritance. 这门术法,还只是这门传承中的一种。 Imaginary light swordsmanship!” Han illustrious outstandingly skilled rays of light gathers, melting is a sword, as his figure moves, full sword aura howls immediately, just like shrieks and howls wildly general. “幻光剑法!”韩昭圣手中光芒自聚,化之为剑,随着他身形一动,铺天盖地的剑气立即呼啸而起,犹如鬼哭狼嚎一般。 Yan Di burns the day!” “炎帝焚天!” Absurd emperor incantation Divine Technique!” “妄帝咒神术!” The front probe, had ended. 前面的试探,已经结束了。 Not only Han Zhaosheng, other Heavenly Emperor six child, displays the would-be emperor who obtained respectively to inherit, all trades might peerless Emperor Technique, makes one after another. 不只是韩昭圣,其他的天帝六子们,也纷纷施展起来了各自得到的准帝传承,一门门威力绝伦的帝术,相继打出。 Perhaps these would-be emperors have not expected, their inheritance, in another Space-Time, simultaneously arrive unexpectedly in this manner. 这些准帝们恐怕也没有料到,他们的传承,竟然在另外一个时空,以这样的方式齐齐登场。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Deafening explosive sounds, as if resounded through entire Upper Mysterious Territory Heaven. 一道道震耳欲聋的爆炸声,仿佛响彻了整个上玄境天 That hide various Cultivator in city, at present has to revolve various Cultivation Technique, offered a sacrifice to treasure, protected own whole body. 那一位位躲在城中的各种修士们,眼下都不得不运转起来了各种功法,祭起了宝物,护住自己的周身。 The complementary waves that although the collision produces, basically by building Mountain of Origins counter-balancing, are unable to affect them, will that but in this technique law contains, that may be nothing hinders, if not careful, they might be attacked the soul by others military dao intent will, the consequence is quite serious. 虽然碰撞产生的余波,基本上被正在打造的起源之山给抵消掉了,无法波及到他们,但这各种术法中所蕴含的意志,那可就是没有任何阻碍的,若是一个不小心,他们很可能会被他人武道意志冲击到灵魂,后果极为严重。 Here war, was divided in all directions ; first, Ji Xuan and Eternal Night founder two Supreme Heavenly Venerable encounter. 此处的大战,分为了四处,一是季玄永夜教主两位无上天尊交锋。 Second, Gu Fe and the others and other Heavenly Emperor gate Heavenly Venerable confrontation. 二是古飞等人与其他天帝天尊交锋。 Third, confrontation in common people building. 三是苍生楼中的交锋。 Fourth, Qin Nan and Heavenly Emperor seven. 四是秦南天帝七子。 If said that most terrifying, naturally is two Supreme Heavenly Venerable fights, and they also made the anger, made the would-be emperor to inherit, Emperor Item, accurate Emperor Item in their hands, the release more fearful might ability, might be called heavens-frightening move certainly particularly. 若说最恐怖的,自然是两位无上天尊交手,并且他们还打出了火气,打出了准帝传承,还有准帝器,尤其是准帝器在他们手中,释放出来了更为可怕的威能,堪称惊天动地。 In comparison, the confrontation of Qin Nan children with seven Heavenly Emperor, truly wanted inferior little, but most Cultivator vision, actually gathered on them. 相比之下,秦南与七位天帝之子的交锋,确实要逊色了少许,不过大部分修士们的目光,却都聚集在他们身上。 Including Eternal Night founder, Gu Fe and the others and Heavenly Emperor gate and other Heavenly Venerable. 包括永夜教主、古飞等人、天帝门等天尊 This war, to many, is not a simple fight, but is a collision of time. The King of God's favored one and old time of new times, whose is who weak? 这一战,对于许多人而言,不是一场简单的战斗,而是一个时代的碰撞。新时代的天之骄子与旧时代的王者,到底孰强孰弱? Qin Nan drew back!” 秦南退了!” Heavenly Emperor seven child display the emperor to inherit simultaneously certainly, unexpectedly is the terrifying in this way! This trades to do is other Supreme Heavenly Venerable, perhaps was routed by them directly!” 天帝七子同时施展准帝传承,竟是恐怖如斯!这换做是其他无上天尊,恐怕直接就被他们击溃了!” „Do you discover? Qin Nan can absorb world's strength, utilizes world's strength, the light shadow sword glow that but Han Zhaosheng cut a moment ago, weakened his world's strength probably!” “你发现没?秦南可以吸纳天地之力,运用天地之力,可是刚才韩昭圣斩出的光影剑芒,好像削弱了他的天地之力!” „, If no world's strength, how that Qin Nan seven child does compare with Heavenly Emperor?” “啧啧,若无天地之力,那秦南怎么与天帝七子相比?” The change of war, made many Cultivator, was excited, obviously they and Qin Nan did not have the enmity without the injustice, but they do not know, they so will be excited. 战局的变化,令得不少修士们,都为之激动起来,明明他们与秦南无冤无仇,可是他们自己都不知道,他们会这般兴奋。 This Heavenly Emperor seven child union same places, if is really no small matter Ah! “这天帝七子联合一起,果真是非同小可啊! Is being encountered Ji Xuan and Eternal Night founder, the eyeground passed over gently and swiftly a dignity. 正在交锋中的季玄永夜教主,眼底都掠过了一丝凝重。 The methods that seven child make from Heavenly Emperor, if trades to do is they, perhaps they will not feel better. 天帝七子打出的这各种手段来看,倘若换做是他们,他们恐怕也不会好过。 Ji Xuan Ji Xuan, even/including Cang the apprentice, can compel so the situation Qin Nan now, I thought that your Alliance future worrying Ah! this founder Sir does not cross the villain today, might as well do obeisance into under my Eternal Night Islam, does vice- founder how?” The Eternal Night founder said suddenly. 季玄季玄,如今连苍的徒弟,都可以将秦南逼到如此地步,我看你们联盟前途堪忧啊!今日本教主大人不记小人过,不如拜入我永夜教门下,来做副教主如何?”永夜教主忽然说道。 „Do you also want to win over me now?” Ji Xuan was really by this goods being mad, today was your Eternal Night teaches to extinguish the day of teaching!” “你现在还想拉拢我?”季玄真是被这货给气到了,“今天就是你们永夜教灭教之日!” Young people, are too impulsive, was swayed by personal feelings.” The Eternal Night founder shakes the head, looked like does not hit to awake you not to have other means.” “年轻人啊,就是太冲动,太意气用事了。”永夜教主摇了摇头,“看来不打醒你是没有别的办法了。” The words saying that side Qin Nan, his present situation is not truly wonderful, Heavenly Emperor that acts full power seven, what is really very powerful, lethality that erupts, is not weak in one to Dao Boundary Supreme Heavenly Venerable. 话说在秦南那一边,他现在的处境确实不妙,全力出手的天帝七子,的确是非常强大,爆发出来的杀伤力,已经不弱于一位至道境无上天尊 Even, in some aspect, they must be stronger! 甚至,在某方面上,他们还要更强! Moreover, that but also a little, Qin Nan source Avatar, performs, although can achieve this venerable/main body 1/5, battle strength that but can actually show, does not reach this venerable/main body 1/5 by far. 而且,还有一点,秦南的本源分身,发挥出来的力量,虽然可以达到本尊的五分之一,但其实能够展现出来的战力,远远不达本尊的五分之一。
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