PBS :: Volume #29

#2894: Red Sleeves goes out (First Part)

Qin Nan!” 秦南!” Azure Vault main drinking sound, blasts out in the boundless darkness: „Is your boy all right?” 青穹之主的喝声,在无边黑暗中炸开:“你小子没事吧?” The Qin Nan soul shakes, immediately the homing, the sensation returns to normal. 秦南灵魂一震,立即归位,感知恢复正常。 He opens eyes to look, the lord of complexion disastrous defeat Azure Vault, in the eye revealed concern as before, before that above, a Lebanese magnificent whole body is bathed in blood, with the form of land towards, flashes in formation mutually, makes one Divine Ability. 他睁眼看去,青穹之主脸色依旧惨败,眼中露出了一丝关切,在那前上方,黎华一浑身浴血,与陆朝的身影,相互在阵法之中闪动,打出一记记神通 However, before the two person position cannot compare by far, in the stone day, eastern sovereign azure and the others under everywhere attacks, chaos Yin-Yang formation trembles again and again fiercely, as if will break momentarily. 但是,两人所处的境地远远比不上之前,在石天均、东皇青等人的漫天攻击之下,混沌阴阳阵法连连剧烈震颤,仿佛随时都会破开。 Incessantly so, two person Internal Qi wait/etc., was unable to enter the Yin-Yang alternate condition completely, therefore causes them unable to display the previous strength, and is unable quickly to restore, therefore body of two person, in little is adding the wound. 不止如此,两人气机等等,已经无法完全进入阴阳交替的状态,故而导致他们无法发挥出先前的力量,并且无法迅速恢复,因此两人的身上,正在一点点的添着伤口。 The physique is gradually distressed, particularly Lebanese magnificent one, like the phoenix of flap, makes fighting of final trapped/sleepy beast in that. 身姿逐渐狼狈,尤其是黎华一,如同折翼的凤凰,在那做最后的困兽之斗。 In Qin Nan heart one anxious, immediately prepares to transfer the Space-Time ceremonial fire, but his intention moves, in the soul transmitted a fierce aching feeling. 秦南心中一急,立即准备调动时空圣火,但他心念一动,灵魂中不由传来了一股剧烈的疼痛感。 Incessantly so, in his within the body, but also transmitted the intermittent weak feeling, with that aching feeling together, just like the difficult situation is ordinary, making him at present one black, almost swallows him completely. 不止如此,在他的体内,还传来了阵阵虚弱感,与那疼痛感一起,犹如惊涛骇浪一般,令他眼前一黑,差点将他给完全吞噬。 Although at that time a catarmaran soul, making the deep Yin blade lose the goal shortly, therefore cannot cut to him, but Internal Qi of deep Yin blade, still gave him a soul big impact. 虽说当时双体一魂,令冥阴刀短暂失去了目标,故而没能向他斩出,但冥阴刀的气机,仍然给了他灵魂不小的冲击。 A Lebanese magnificent state of mind has the hole, when helps he destroys the deep Yin blade, makes his body bear the tremendous pressure, within the body remaining magic power revolves, consumes completely spatially. 黎华一神魂出窍,帮他摧毁冥阴刀之时,也令他身躯承受了巨大的压力,体内残余的法力不由自行运转,全部耗空。 He has no way to act temporarily, moreover by his present condition, must wait till him to restore to a time to use Space-Time ceremonial fire again, after that perhaps a double-hour . 他暂时是没法出手了,而且以他现在的状态,要等到他恢复到可以再使用一次时空圣火,那恐怕得一个时辰之后了。 By that time, what significance but also there is? 到那个时候,还有什么意义? Qin Huan, but also is really makes you escape by luck Ah! “秦焕,还真是侥幸让你逃过一劫啊! stone Tianjun the icy voice, resounds in the world: This time, is unlikely hard to cut you! However, no matter you want to make anything, that already certainly not possibly!” 石天均冷冰冰的声音,在天地间响起:“这一次,恐怕难以斩你!但是,不管你们想对界器做什么,那都已经绝无可能了!” Boisterous!” “聒噪!” Lebanese magnificent one and land towards/dynasty were angry roar one, two person locked stone Tianjun the figure simultaneously, but the latter sneered, he has drawn back goes forth to battle outside, depends on their present conditions, how possibly wound to them? 黎华一和陆朝都是怒吼一声,两人同时锁定了石天均的身形,但后者只是冷笑一声,他已退出阵外,就凭他们现在的状态,怎么可能伤的到他们? „!” “靠!” The lord of Azure Vault coughed fiercely, said bitterly: This goods I must kill him sooner or later!” 青穹之主剧烈咳嗽了一声,恨恨道:“这货我迟早要弄死他!” At the same time of speech, he took out ancient Talisman, pasted after Qin Nan conducted the back. 说完话的同时,他取出了一张古老的符箓,贴在了秦南的后背上。 After having this symbol, they want the wound to the Qin Nan soul again, that was not too possible. 有了此符之后,他们再想要伤到秦南的灵魂,那就不太可能了。 The Qin Nan complexion is ugly, surged to rebuke oneself with the guilt at heart. 秦南脸色难看,心里更是涌起了一股自责和愧疚感。 Originally, their hopes, are getting bigger and bigger. 原本,他们的希望,已经越来越大了。 However, because of his small and weak, Lebanese magnificent one has to come to save him, causing oneself to carry the heavy losses, chaos Yin-Yang is unable to display completely. 但是,因为他的弱小,黎华一不得不前来救他,导致自己身负重创,混沌阴阳阵无法完全发挥。 Brother Zhao, is I do not do right by you.” “赵大哥,是我对不住你们。” Qin Nan said in a low voice. 秦南低声道。 The war to the present, lord of Azure Vault and the others, paid very big price, is actually because of his small and weak, causes to be disillusioned, loses 100 percent. 大战到现在,青穹之主等人,都付出了很大的代价,可是却因为他的弱小,导致希望破灭,满盘皆输。 Moreover, then watches the whole thing, if because of him, the lord of Azure Vault ahead of time by Item's Spirit not staring, will not cause is so in an extremely difficult situation now. 而且,回头看整件事情,如果不是因为他,青穹之主并不会提前被界器器灵给盯上,也不会导致如今这般狼狈不堪。 What does your boy let one's thoughts wander? “你小子乱想什么呢? Without your emperor body and Emperor Item helps one another, how possibly to insist now? 要是没有你的帝身和帝器相助,怎么可能坚持到现在? Without you awakens Innate Martial body, how possibly to win that game? ” 没有你觉醒先天武体,怎么可能赢的了那一局?” The lord of Azure Vault shows the whites of the eyes, said: We made contribution, regardless of finally how, anyone not wrong.” 青穹之主翻翻白眼,道:“我们都尽力了,无论结果如何,谁都没有错。” Qin Nan is silent, the palm grips tightly. 秦南默然,手掌不由攥紧。 Unwilling! Really is unwilling! If, he can break through to the peak god sovereign, how to look like now is so weak? 不甘!真的是不甘心!倘若,他能突破到巅峰神皇,岂会像现在这般无力? How only to know hides in the rear area, rather than goes forth to battle to kill the enemy? 岂会只知道躲在后方,而不是上阵杀敌? Rumbling! explosive sounds resound one after another. 轰轰轰!一道道爆炸声接连响起。 A chaos Yin-Yang condition, becomes more and more not wonderful, in that huge chaos, had had many cracks, Yin-Yang rays of light, is completely dim. 混沌阴阳阵的状况,变得越来越不妙,那一片庞大的混沌之中,已经出现了不少裂缝,阴阳光芒,完全黯淡下去。 land towards/dynasty also dyed the blood, injury, is getting more and more serious. 陆朝也染了血,身上的伤势,越来越重。 Lebanese magnificent one not to mention, every shouted attracts, changed was especially heavy, like Great Mountain that creakied, will soon crash thoroughly. 黎华一更不用说,每一呼一吸,都变的格外沉重,如同那摇摇欲坠的大山,即将彻底崩塌。 Must defeat! However, they have not thought drawing back, they must fight, fights that at the last minute! Qin Nan sits cross-legged to sit with the lord of Azure Vault under formation, can only static looks at this, just like competed for the fire of karma to make same initially. 要败了!但是,他们没想过退,他们要战下去,战到那最后一刻!秦南青穹之主盘膝坐在大阵之下,只能静静的看着这一幕,正如当初争夺业火令一样。 The lord of complexion Azure Vault has no change, he truly no one is strange, however his innermost feelings are especially aggrieved. 青穹之主脸色没什么变化,他心里确实谁也不怪,但是他的内心格外憋屈。 Can the solemn Innate chaos body, only hide in behind like this? 堂堂先天混沌体,就只能这样躲在后面? Oh, formation must be broken.” “唉,大阵要被破了。” The lord of Azure Vault sighed, sound transmission saying: Three brothers, did not need to continue to support! Now seizes the time, escapes from this place!” 青穹之主叹息了一声,传音道:“三位老弟,不用继续撑下去了!现在抓住时机,逃出这个地方!” Brother Zhao, I-” land toward subconscious wants to reject. “赵大哥,我-”陆朝下意识的就想要拒绝。 Let alone unnecessary, life first! We may have the excellent future!” “别说多余的了,性命第一!我们可都还有着大好前程!” The lord of Azure Vault breaks forcefully, stands up, rouses the spirit: One failure, this is not anything! When the brother I close up for several years, when the time comes leads you to sweep away five again!” 青穹之主强行打断,站起身来,振奋精神:“不过一场失败而已,这不算什么!等老哥我闭关数载,到时候再带你们横扫五界!” Lebanese magnificent one and land towards/dynasty is silent, at present flees is the best choice. 黎华一和陆朝沉默,眼下遁走才是最好的选择。 Emperor Item and time of blade remote place, sighed gently. 遥远之处的帝器和光阴刀,也不由轻轻一叹。 formation must break! Do not let them run away!” 大阵要破了!别让他们逃了!” Jiang Saint and Jiang Quzao detected, bellows, all God's favored ones and Powerhouse , the spirit inspires. 姜圣和姜曲早有发觉,大吼一声,所有天之骄子和强者们,精神不由一振。 However, in this is at a crucial moment, red rays of light, spans suddenly innumerably void, arrives under. 然而,就在这千钧一发之际,一道红色的光芒,陡然跨越无数虚空,降临而下。 Exquisite big chessgame!” “玲珑大棋局!” The limpid sound, resounds through in all directions. 清澈的声音,响彻四面八方。
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