PBS :: Volume #29

#2863: Begins to become established law ( 1 )

When the this solitary one Daoist spoke these words again, the sound is not loud, but he lord as the three sages space, in addition he has not covered up specially, each few words that therefore he spoke, clear spread to training field. 孤道人再说这一番话时,声音并不大,但他身为三圣空间之主,再加上他并没有特意遮掩,故而他所说的每一句话,都清晰的传入了道场 This then fights martial Qi?” “这便是斗武棋?” Zhao Wushuang wait/etc. God's favored ones, responded from the shock, complexion great happiness. 赵无双等等天之骄子们,从震惊中反应过来,脸色不由大喜。 Qin Huan this appearance, gave to have a scare them, because this not only means that Qin Huan martial arts natural talent was aloof, but also means that ginger Red Sleeves has the enormous opportunity, took the supernatural might command! The opportunity of but now, just having, had been given the thorough annihilation by the words of this solitary one Daoist! Fortunately fortunately!” 秦焕这次横空出世,着实把他们给吓了一大跳,因为这不仅仅意味着秦焕武道天赋超然,还意味着姜红袖有着极大的机会,拿下神武令!可是现在,刚刚出现的机会,已经被孤道人的一番话给彻底湮灭了!“还好还好!” Jiang Saint and on Jiang bent/tune the face show the smiling face that wiped to take pleasure in others' misfortunes. 姜圣和姜曲脸上不由露出了抹幸灾乐祸的笑容。 martial arts natural talent aloofly how? 武道天赋超然又怎么样? How walks martial arts to be able? 走完武道又能怎样? The final outcome, Qin Nan must defeat! Ginger Red Sleeves, misses the supernatural might command inevitably! Pitifully.” 最终结果,秦南必败!姜红袖,必然无缘神武令!“可惜了。” Quiet juicy and quiet water Yao, the quiet Sui sighed one lightly. 幽水灵、幽水瑶、幽水语不由轻叹一声。 Judging from the present situation, Qin Huan, although martial arts natural talent is very high, perhaps also in stone day with eastern sovereign azure above, but Qin Huan had a fatal weakness, that was cultivation level is too low, the experience were too few, the experience was too short. 从目前的情况来看,秦焕虽然武道天赋很高,恐怕还在石天均和东皇青之上,但秦焕有个致命的弱点,那就是修为太低,经验太少,见识太短。 According to fighting martial Qi the rule, in that about 100,000 strength true meaning board game pieces, these powerful strength true meaning board game pieces, obviously are important. 按照斗武棋的规则,那近十万枚力量真谛棋子之中,那些强大的力量真谛棋子,显然是至关重要。 Because, only then comprehended the powerful strength true meaning board game piece, can a to arrange more powerful chessgame, evolve more terrifying Divine Ability. 因为,只有领悟了强大的力量真谛棋子,才能够布下更为强大的棋局,演化出更为恐怖的神通 But, some powerful strength true meanings, after that is must achieve certain Boundary, can understand that understands. 可是,有许多强大的力量真谛,那可是要达到一定境界之后,才能够理解明白的。 Even Qin Huan martial arts natural talent were aloof, can forcefully its comprehension, a that still need longer time. 即便秦焕武道天赋超然,可以强行将其领悟,那也需要更长的时间。 But, as solemn to Dao Boundary peak god sovereign, the God's favored one of the top big influence, they then do not require that long time. 但,作为堂堂至道境巅峰神皇,顶级大势力的天之骄子,他们便不需要那么长的时间。 Powerful strength true meaning board game piece that three double-hour later, they comprehend, perhaps was Qin Huan dozens times, even was several hundred times! Then, Qin did Huan fight with the opposite party? 三个时辰下来,他们所领悟的强大的力量真谛棋子,恐怕是秦焕的数十倍,甚至是数百倍!如此一来,秦焕怎么与对方斗? The quantity of technique law he can evolve, how possibly comparing favorably with opposite party? 他能够演化出来的术法之数量,怎么可能比得上对方? Moreover, this is establishes, in Qin Huan can comprehend the great power true meaning in forcefully the board game piece situation. 而且,这还是建立在秦焕可以强行参悟强大力量真谛的棋子情况下。 If in that about 100,000 board game pieces, presented the extremely powerful board game piece, Qin Huan interstate is unable to comprehend it, rapidness that can definitely defeat! „!” 如果说在那近十万枚棋子之中,出现了极为强大的棋子,秦焕跨境都无法将其参悟,那必然会败的更快!“靠!” Azure Vault main complexion, immediately gets dark. 青穹之主的脸色,顿时就黑了下来。 Although Qin Nan came from the future, but he is very clear, Qin Nan during the future, is not inevitably powerful, cultivation level is perhaps similar to him. 秦南虽是从未来而来,但他很清楚,秦南在未来之中,必然也不怎么强大,修为恐怕与他差不多。 Moreover, this also needs Qin Nan comprehend, is unable to find the emperor body and time blade help. 而且,这还必须要秦南自行参悟,无法找到帝身和光阴刀帮忙。 Lebanese magnificent one, land towards/dynasty wait/etc. person, listen all around to whoop, the sounds of many taking pleasure in others' misfortunes, the complexion changes is quite ugly, even plants the desperate feeling. 黎华一、陆朝等等人,听着四周议论纷纷,还有不少幸灾乐祸的声音,脸色不由变的极为难看,甚至还有种绝望的感觉。 Eventually, is only weak struggling? 终究,只是无力的挣扎吗? Ginger fellow daoist, too do not worry, martial arts natural talent of this boy, is not surpasses stone Tianjun azure little is so simple with the eastern sovereign merely, we have the opportunity.” “姜道友,你不要太担心,这小子的武道天赋,绝不仅仅是超过石天均和东皇青一点点那么简单,我们还有机会。” The lord of sinking sound Azure Vault said. 青穹之主沉声说道。 I was not worried.” “我不担心。” Ginger Red Sleeves shakes the head. 红袖摇了摇头。 From initial must defeat without doubt, went out of a ray of hope forcefully, what good worry she also has? 从最初的必败无疑,硬生生走出了一线希望,她还有什么好担心的呢? Lebanese magnificent one and land towards/dynasty was infected by the two person mood, in the heart is gradually calm. 黎华一和陆朝被两人的情绪所感染,心中渐渐镇定下来。 two person looks up Qin Nan that say/way frail form simultaneously, at heart secretly thought. 两人同时抬头看着秦南那道单薄的身影,心里不由暗道一声。 Qin Huan, all then depended on you! Meanwhile, above blue lotus stone platform. 秦焕,一切便靠你了!与此同时,青莲石台之上。 stone Tianjun looks at each other with the eastern sovereign azure, all saw spirited fighting intent from the opposite party eyes, by their wisdom, naturally understood in this bucket of martial Qi all sorts of advantages instantaneously. 石天均和东皇青相视一眼,皆从对方眼里看到了昂扬的战意,以他们的智慧,自然瞬间就明白了这斗武棋中的种种利弊。 Qin Nan put out a foul air, does not have any idle talk, sits cross-legged to sit above the rush cushion immediately, the mind sinks to that dao light wheel completely. 秦南吐出了口浊气,没有任何废话,当即盘膝坐在蒲团之上,心神完全沉入那道光轮之中。 That dense and numerous divine light, enlarged innumerable times in his heart instantaneously, many divine light, are ordinary just like the stars, huge incomparable, aura is vast, mysterious is extraordinary. 那密密麻麻的神光,瞬间在他心中放大了无数倍,其中诸多的神光们,宛如星辰一般,庞大无比,气息浩瀚,玄妙非凡。 He under these divine light, is similar to the ants to be common, even these smallest and weakest divine light, still be bigger than dozens times him, needs to make him look up. 他在这些神光之下,就如同蝼蚁一般,即便是那些最弱小的神光,也要比他高大了数十倍,需要令他仰望。 Just as everyone expected generally, his cultivation level was really weak, these strength true meanings levels, have gone far beyond his cognition. 正如所有人预料一般,他的修为实在是太弱了,这些力量真谛们所处的层次,已经远远超过了他的认知。 The emperor body and time blade of Qin Nan within the body, almost on the sensation to this condition, two great existences, were instantaneously silent simultaneously. 秦南体内的帝身与光阴刀,几乎瞬间就感知到了这种状况,两尊伟岸的存在,同时沉默了下去。 They are not really able to help now, even if they inform the Qin Nan these divine light mysteries forcefully, Qin Nan is still not able to understand, because the gap remains. 它们现在真的无法帮上忙,哪怕它们强行告知秦南这些神光们的奥妙,秦南也依然无法理解,因为鸿沟依然存在着。 Qin Nan must result from starts at first, comprehends them completely, can utilize them completely, performs. 秦南必须得从最初开始,将它们完全领悟,才能够将它们完全运用,发挥出力量。 „Was the Boundary difference too big?” 境界差别太大了么?” Qin Nan talked to oneself, at once erupts astonishing will. 秦南自语一声,旋即爆发出来了一股惊人的意志 Is difficult, he more must forward, no matter difference big, he will not flinch slightly, he surely does utmost! The Qin Nan mind, looked like becomes the innumerable moths to be the same instantaneously, part flew to some that weak divine light, that more was plunges that most dazzlingly, hugest divine light. 越是艰难,他越要向前,不管差别有多大,他也绝不会退缩丝毫,他必当竭尽全力!秦南的心神,瞬间就像是变为了无数的飞蛾一样,其中一部分飞向了那较弱的一些神光们,那更多的则是扑向那最为耀眼,最为庞大的一道道神光们。 Bang! boundless aura, unthinkable mysterious, almost made his mind rout, but he has not defeated eventually, looked like in deep place that boundless desert, even could not look at the end, he was still carefully, steadfast stand forth. 轰!磅礴的气息,匪夷所思的玄妙,几乎令他心神溃败,但他终究没有败,就像是深处那无边沙漠之中,即使望不到尽头,他仍旧是一步一个脚印,坚定不移的向前走去。
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