PBS :: Volume #29

#2857: Three thousand Grand Dao

After 5 minutes time, thunder pass/test presents the result extremely, Zhao Zhao Wushuang unexpectedly, with day amnesty sword person and sword unites, collaborates Mengjia veiled Dongzhi, erupts the extremely powerful strength, seizes extremely command at one fell swoop. 一柱香时间后,极雷关出现结果,赵家赵无双出其不意,与天赦剑人剑合一,联手蒙家蒙冬挚,爆发出极为强大的力量,一举夺下极雷令。 All Cultivator, feed above training field immediately. 所有修士们,立刻被传回了道场之上。 Zhao Wushuang, veiled Dong is sincere!” “赵无双,蒙冬挚!” thunder Hongshan bellows, eyes flood red, the whole body is sending out extremely astonishing vicious tendencies: My thunder Hongshan and you are absolutely irreconcilable!” 雷鸿山大吼一声,双目泛红,浑身散发着一股极为惊人的戾气:“我雷鸿山与你们不共戴天!” Other of these help thunder Hongshan child, the look is actually calm, after all they have received their advantage, obtains to make with them to have no relations extremely. 那些帮助雷鸿山的其他界子们,倒是神色非常淡定,毕竟他们早已拿到了他们的那一份好处,有没有取得极雷令与他们没有什么关系。 Haha, thunder fellow daoist, the skill was inferior that whom the person you can result in strangely?” “哈哈,雷道友,本事不如人你能怪得了谁?” Zhao Wushuang laughs saying that veiled Dongzhi is laughs at one, the facial color disdains, does not fear the threat quite the same as. 赵无双大笑道,蒙冬挚更是嗤笑一声,面色不屑,浑然不惧威胁。 However, the two person vision, swept ginger Red Sleeves unintentionally. 不过,两人的目光,都有意无意的扫了眼姜红袖 Although ginger Red Sleeves had no chance absolutely, but they cannot be negligent, otherwise made ginger Red Sleeves go well, they consumed the side command that the enormous strength made, but had no function. 虽说姜红袖绝对没有希望了,但他们也不能大意,否则让姜红袖得手了,他们耗费极大力气弄来的极雷令,可就没有任何作用了。 Stands is blue in another side eastern sovereign, he experienced thunder pass/test to fight extremely, not only the body does not have any injury, instead the imposing manner must be more powerful than before. 站在另外一边的东皇青,他经历了极雷关一战,身上不但没有任何伤势,反而气势比之前要更为强大。 Because he did not have wholeheartedly struggles extremely command, but to the strength of thunder quenching flesh body extremely, quenchings Divine Ability. 因为他本来就没有全心全意的去争极雷令,而是以极雷之力淬炼肉身,淬炼神通 His goal, placed the supernatural might pass/test. 他的目标,放在了神武关。 He must store up the strength, whole-heartedly, routs stone Tianjun this so-called first talent thoroughly, then takes the supernatural might command, coerces by the supernatural might command, forcing ginger Red Sleeves to obey. 他要蓄积力量,全力以赴,将石天均这个所谓的第一天才给彻底击溃,然后再拿下神武令,以神武令要挟,逼迫姜红袖就范。 „The third pass winner, inevitably is I!” 第三关的胜者,必然是我!” Eastern sovereign azure fighting intent abundant. 东皇青战意盎然。 Compared with martial arts natural talent, here everyone, absolutely is not his opponent! Time points pasts, on training field a peace, everyone while this short time, is restoring himself as far as possible, was achieved the peak condition by oneself. 武道天赋,这里的所有人,绝对都不是他的对手!时间一点点过去,道场上一片安静,所有人都在趁着这个短暂的时间,尽可能的恢复自己,让自己达到巅峰状态。 Quick, time! Above immortal palace that by Innate Martial body sources of the god, released a brilliance immediately, hit in void of distant place, evolved an enough thousand zhang (3.33 m) big entrance. 很快,时间到!仙宫上方那块由先天武体所化的众神之源,立即释放出来了一道光华,打在了远方的虚空中,演化出来了一个足足千丈之大的入口。 aura that sends out from this inside, closes unlike fire of karma pass/test Heji completely, auspicious, just like ancient Holy Land to launch, making everyone mind yearn. 从这里面散发出来的气息,与业火关和极雷关都完全不同,一片祥和,犹如一个古老圣地展开,令所有人都心神向往。 Qin Nan and the others simultaneously open the eye, with other God's favored ones together, flew into that supernatural might Guanzhong. 秦南等人齐齐睁开眼睛,与其他天之骄子们一起,飞入了那神武关中。 Ginger Red Sleeves remained same place, calmly looks at this, by such critical moment, she instead exceptionally tranquil. 红袖则留在了原地,静静看着这一幕,到了这样的关键时刻,她心里反而异常的平静。 She should do, she can do, she achieved. 她该做的,她能做的,她都做到了。 Lord them as for Qin Nan and Azure Vault whether to bring back to the supernatural might command, she does not know, she did not anticipate. 至于秦南青穹之主他们能否带回神武令,她不知道,她也不期待。 What result, she can withstand. 什么样的结果,她都能够承受。 Meanwhile, supernatural might Guanzhong, the Qin Nan figure just came , the feeling whole body was surrounded by warm aura, making him have a like a fish in water feeling, very comfortable. 与此同时,神武关中,秦南身形刚刚进来,就感觉浑身被一股温暖的气息所包围,令他有种如鱼得水之感,非常的舒适。 However, he also looks without enough time to all around, heard the ear to resound bellows, terrifying pressure swept across. 但是,他还来不及看向四周,就听见耳边响起了一道道轰鸣声,一股股恐怖威压席卷开来。 The day amnesty swords and ten thousand Xuelun wait/etc. Emperor Item, Emperor Item, appeared certainly completely. 天赦剑、万雪轮等等帝器,还有准帝器们,全部都浮现了出来。 Emperor body and time blade of Qin Nan within the body, comes in an instant. 秦南体内的帝身和光阴刀,也是刹那间现身。 Qin Huan, rolled out!” “秦焕,滚出去吧!” Zhao Wushuang loudly shouts, must make fearful murderous intention, that several people who only then assign ginger Red Sleeves eliminate completely, can annihilate all hopes of ginger Red Sleeves. 赵无双大喝一声,就要打出可怕杀机,只有把姜红袖指定的那几个人完全淘汰,才能够湮灭姜红袖的一切希望。 stone Tianjun also acts with the eastern sovereign azure, although two person does not have Emperor Item blessing, method that but they must make, strong in the common God's favored one, the might is by far peerless. 石天均和东皇青也有出手,两人虽然没有帝器加持,但他们要打出的手段,远远强于一般天之骄子,威力绝伦。 However, in this flash, an incomparably boundless situation drops from the clouds, all Emperor Item and accurate Emperor Item, all Cultivator gives to suppress forcefully completely. 然而,就在这一刹那,一股无比磅礴的大势从天而降,硬生生将所有帝器、准帝器,还有所有修士们全部都给压住。 The icy sound also blasts out together: „The supernatural might area inside the Great Wall, can not use the brute force! If violates again, immediately pursues!” 一道冷冰冰的声音也随之炸开:“神武关内,不得动用蛮力!倘若再犯,立刻驱逐!” stone Tianjun, eastern sovereign azure, Zhao Wushuang wait/etc. God's favored ones, in the heart secretly thought, then calls a halt immediately, Emperor Item wait/etc. took back within the body completely, the imposing manner dissipates, all belong to auspiciously. 石天均、东皇青、赵无双等等天之骄子们,心中暗道一声果然,便立刻停手,帝器等等全部收回体内,气势消散下去,一切重新归于祥和。 What is that?” “那是什么?” Suddenly, has the peak god sovereign startled sound opens the mouth, Qin Nan wait/etc. person, stone Tianjun, eastern sovereign azure wait/etc. God's favored ones, the vision looked immediately to the front. 忽然间,有巅峰神皇惊声开口,秦南等等人,还有石天均、东皇青等等天之骄子们,目光立即看向了前方。 Only sees, present they, place in a vast darkness, their not far away, 3000 azure color stone-paved roads, led to the dark deep place straightly, is unable to see the end. 只见到,现在的他们,身处于一片辽阔黑暗之中,他们的不远处,有三千个青色石道,笔直的通往了黑暗深处,一眼无法看到尽头。 Each azure color stone-paved road, is sending out dim light halo, it seems condensed by infinite mysterious, mysterious, contained the feeling of infinite true meaning. 每一座青色石道,都散发着朦胧光晕,它仿佛由无穷玄妙凝聚而成,给人一种玄而又玄,蕴含了无穷真谛的感觉。 This is three thousand martial arts! What is martial arts? “此为三千武道!何为武道 martial arts does not refer to the strengthen, breaks through higher Boundary unceasingly, but points to the true meaning in world, mastered the true meaning, can create Cultivation Technique, Forbidden Technique, Divine Ability wait/etc., the grasped true meaning will be stronger, Cultivation Technique, Forbidden Technique, Divine Ability that will create wait/etc. will also be stronger. ” 武道并非指的是变强,不断突破更高的境界,而是直指世间之真谛,掌握了真谛,便可创造功法禁术神通等等,掌握的真谛越强,创造出来的功法禁术神通等等亦会越强。” The ice-cold sound resounds, places ginger Red Sleeves on training field, can hear clearly, this perhaps is she only privilege as exquisite body. 冰冷的声音响起,就连身处道场上的姜红袖,也能够听得真真切切,这或许是她身为玲珑之体的唯一一个特权。 All Cultivator of entering the pass, all can only choose martial arts, leads the way alone. “所有入关之修士,皆只能选择一条武道,独自前行。 After stepping into martial arts, will then have heart demon of martial arts, arises at the historic moment, if unable to ascertain, might fall into, thorough crazy. ” 踏入武道之后,便会有武道心魔,应运而生,倘若无法窥破,很可能会身陷其中,彻底疯狂。” If fearing, can retreat now!” “如若惧怕者,现在还可以退去!” Supernatural might command, then in the end of this martial arts, if only then a person goes out of this martial arts, the supernatural might made then to belong to him, if there is two person or above Cultivator, went out of martial arts, then next fought martial Qi, the winner must the command.” “神武令,便在这武道之尽头,若是只有一人走出这武道,神武令便归他所有,若是有两人或以上的修士,走出武道,便下斗武棋,胜者得令。”
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