PBS :: Volume #28

#2797: Enemies

The lord of Azure Vault has a sensation. 青穹之主率先有所感知。 A Lebanese magnificent careful sensation, nods saying: Inside really has aura, moreover from this aura, should be a peak god sovereign. Thinks that he from other places, we one step arrived here first.” 黎华一仔细感知了一下,点点头道:“里面确实有股气息,而且从这气息来看,应该是一位巅峰神皇。想必他是从其他地方,先我们一步来到了这里。” peak god sovereign? We have a look advanced.” The lords of nine six Azure Vault beckon with the hand. 巅峰神皇么?我们先进去看看。”九六青穹之主摆摆手。 The quick, remnant emperor pen drove into this ban, the people present scene of also one changes, they arrived above a boundless sea of fire, the place above sky is hanging three rounds golden ancient day, sprinkled ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden glow, shone upon all became the golden color. 很快,残帝笔就驶入了这道禁制中,众人眼前的景象也随之一变,他们来到了一片茫茫火海之上,上方天空高悬着三轮金色古日,洒下了万丈金芒,将一切都映照成为了金色。 3-layer buckles!” A Lebanese magnificent look slightly cold, said: This truly is a big ban, in the hearsay this is divided into three passes/tests, each pass/test must make 33 choices, if a choice has made the mistake, that bitter experience will detain, was imprisoned, even if the peak god sovereign, is hard to work loose.” 三重扣道阵!”黎华一神色微凛,道:“这确实是一道大禁制,传闻中此阵共分三关,每一关都要做出33种选择,若其中有一种选择做错了,那就会遭遇扣押,被囚禁起来,即便是巅峰神皇,也难以从中挣脱。” In Qin Nan heart dark startled, three pass/test total 99 choices, this was too easy to make a mistake. 秦南心中暗惊,三关共计99个选择,这太容易出错了。 A little is indeed thorny, but also has the means. We do not overcome an obstacle, overcomes an obstacle is too easy to make a mistake, is very easy to fall into passively, we start from outside.” The lord of Azure Vault hesitates, summoned three woodcarving from Sea of Consciousness. “的确有点棘手,不过也不是没有办法。我们就不闯关了,闯关太容易出错,很容易陷入被动,我们就从外面入手。”青穹之主沉吟一声,从识海中召出了三根木雕。 Each woodcarving, is a fuzzy human form, sits the different movements respectively, making the person have the mysterious extraordinary feeling. Lord of counting on the fingers ball Azure Vault on woodcarving, blood red traces, one after another appear from the woodcarving. 每根木雕,都是一个模糊的人形,分别坐着不同的动作,让人有种玄妙非凡之感。青穹之主屈指弹在木雕上面,一道道血红色的纹路,就相继从木雕上浮现而出。 However, at this time, in all directions has resounded depressed bellows, during middle that round golden color ancient date, spread astonishing aura, making the people feel a light constriction. 然而,就在这个时候,四面八方响起了一道道沉闷的轰鸣声,中间那一轮金色古日之中,更是传出了一丝惊人的气息,令得众人都感受到了一股淡淡的压迫感。 Immortal Emperor aura!” On lord of face Azure Vault revealed one to be astonished, said: It seems like inside that peak god sovereign is not common.” 仙帝气息!”青穹之主脸上露出了一丝讶异,道:“看来里面的那位巅峰神皇不一般啊。” Perhaps is a God's favored one, my comes to see.” Lebanese magnificent said that the god body that he has, revolves immediately, the body imposing manner rises suddenly again and again. “说不定是一位天之骄子,我施法来看看。”黎华一说道,他所拥有的神体,立即运转起来,身上气势连连暴涨。 A Lebanese magnificent pair of hand has over a hundred mysterious magic seal, finally a palm racket, void has ignited the monster different purple color flame forward immediately, in that flame, has the picture to start to form unexpectedly gradually. 黎华一双手结出上百个玄妙法印,最后手掌向前一拍,虚空中顿时燃起了妖异的紫色火焰,在那火焰之中,竟是渐渐有画面开始形成。 After counting breaths, the picture appeared thoroughly, that is one just like the Divine Dragon canyon, the bottom person's shadow blooming radiant immortal light, grasps an ancient immortal sword, cuts everywhere sword aura, attacks to front over a hundred ten zhang (3.33 m) high divine light photographs. 数息之后,画面彻底出现了,那是一条犹如神龙般的峡谷,底部处一尊人影绽放璀璨仙光,手持一把古老仙剑,斩出漫天剑气,攻向前方上百尊十丈之高的神光人像。 Between both sides, several intensity of battle, even if the picture is silent, but can still make people feel fearful strength that withering, collides unceasingly. 双方之间,交战的几位激烈,即便画面无声无息,但仍然能够让人感觉到其中的肃杀,还有不断碰撞的可怕力量。 Un? This person a little looks familiar probably.” A Lebanese magnificent brow selects. “嗯?这人好像有点眼熟。”黎华一眉头微挑。 Qin Nan hear of his such saying, thought that the back of this person is a little familiar, where has probably seen. 秦南听他这么一说,也觉得此人的背影有点熟悉,好像在哪里见过。 Which fellow daoist is this is separating spies on spatially?” “这是哪位道友在隔空窥探?” Suddenly, the depressed sound, made a sound together near Qin Nan one line of ear. 突然间,一道沉闷的声音,响在了秦南一行人的耳边。 That person's shadow has also turned head, in the double pupil the twinkle infinite star light, seems displaying formidable pupil technique, wants to surmount sees clearly Qin Nan one line of void. 那尊人影也扭过头来,双眸中闪烁无穷星光,似乎正在施展一门强大瞳术,想要跨越虚空看清秦南一行人。 Land toward?” A Lebanese magnificent whole face is amazed, simply has not thought, will bump into him here. “陆朝?”黎华一满脸惊诧,根本没有想到,会在这里碰上他。 Qin Nan is also slightly one startled, this land toward, is small sword king Luchao, with Lebanese magnificent one same is a God's favored one, the background is similarly good. 秦南也是微微一惊,这个陆朝,正是小剑王陆朝,跟黎华一一样乃是一位天之骄子,背景同样不俗。 Initially when Qin Nan just arrived at law immortal training field, this small sword king Luchao challenged to him, but quarrelled with Lebanese magnificent finally. 当初秦南刚到法仙道场之时,这小剑王陆朝就率先向他挑战,只是最后和黎华一吵了起来。 Looked at this appearance, land towards/dynasty is surrounded probably, should make the wrong choice, has encountered the suppression of ban!” “看这个样子,陆朝好像是被困住了,应该是做出了错误的选择,以至于遭到了禁制的镇压!” In the Qin Nan heart secretly thought, the vision glitters. 秦南心中暗道一声,目光不由闪烁起来。 This, is a little as if familiar, probably with initially bumped into Lebanese magnificent them to be the same. 这一幕,似乎有点熟悉啊,好像与当初碰到黎华一他们一样。 But also has complied with an old saying, is not the enemy not reunion, original Master of this body, one and land towards/dynasty also really has fate with Lebanese magnificent. 啧啧,还真应了一句古话,不是冤家不聚首,他这具身体的原主人,与黎华一和陆朝还真是有着‘缘分’。 Contains Immortal Emperor will Ancient Sword?” Lord of both eyes Azure Vault shine suddenly, has swallowed a saliva ruthlessly, this is a good sword! “蕴含仙帝意志古剑?”青穹之主双眼猛然放光,狠狠咽了口口水,这可是一把好剑! Qin Nan notes his facial expression, speechless, just prepared to say anything at heart, who would imagine slightly fluctuated to Lebanese magnificent complexion, immediately opens the mouth saying: Big brother, good opportunity Ah! this land toward, to be known as that small sword king, cultivation level was merely worse than me a little, but also was good! Now he was surrounded, was inferior that we seize the chance to set the request to him, making him help you do four matters!” 秦南注意到他的神情,心里一阵无语,刚准备说什么,岂料到黎华一脸色微微变幻了一下,立即开口道:“大哥,好机会啊!这位陆朝,号称小剑王,修为仅仅比我差了那么一点,还算是不错!现在他被困住了,不如我们趁机对他提出要求,让他帮你做四件事!” Qin Nan stares slightly, he wants to speak these words, has not thought that one was said by Lebanese magnificent first. However changes mind thinks, he understood a Lebanese magnificent idea quickly. 秦南微微一愣,他本来想说这一番话的,没想到由黎华一先说出来了。不过转念一想,他很快就明白了黎华一的想法。 If trades to be other God's favored ones, perhaps Lebanese magnificent one will not have said that but land Chaoke is different, this fellow is a Lebanese magnificent sworn enemy, moreover is sworn enemy who that type is unable to compromise absolutely, potential like water and fire! 倘若换做其他一位天之骄子,黎华一或许还不会这么说,但陆朝可不一样了,这家伙一直都是黎华一的死对头,而且是那种绝对无法调和的死对头,势如水火! If there is when the time comes broken this, land towards/dynasty had detected Qin Huan, must wield a sword to Qin Huan inevitably, when the time comes he affirmed stands this side Qin Huan. 如果到时候破开了此阵,陆朝发觉了秦焕,势必又要对秦焕挥剑,到时候他肯定得站在秦焕这一边。 Although land towards/dynasty cannot guess correctly concrete whole story, but by the disposition of land towards, will decide however will ridicule to him in every possible way, will speak to despise. 虽然陆朝猜不到具体的原委,但以陆朝的性格,定然会对他百般奚落,出言鄙夷。 Only is thinks that picture, Lebanese magnificent one thought that especially is at heart depressed, cannot withstand. 光是想想那个画面,黎华一就觉得心里格外郁闷,根本承受不了。 When the time comes makes the land toward taunt him with it, that might as well seizing the chance made big brother Zhao toward also give to receive the land! 与其到时候让陆朝来嘲讽他,那还不如趁机让赵大哥把陆朝也给收了! Then, when the time comes two people both are the similar fates, who has no way to smile anyone. Moreover, land towards/dynasty must comply to help to do four matters, he only needs to make three, the land toward loses face than him! 如此一来,到时候两个人都是同样的下场,谁也没法笑谁。而且,陆朝还要答应帮忙做四件事,他只需要做三件,陆朝比他更丢人!
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