PBS :: Volume #28

#2771: Subdues the livelihood day tablet ( 3 )

The Lord of Azure Vault springs ancient jade, ancient jade disrupted voluntarily, releases gentle light, covered in which him and Qin Nan, various complete isolation pressure and complementary waves. 青穹之主弹出一枚古玉,古玉自行碎裂,释放出来了一道柔和之光,将他和秦南笼罩其中,完全隔绝各种威压与余波。 The Lebanese magnificent 14 people do not think strange, but thinks that this big brother Zhao, was taking care of Qin Huan. 黎华14人并不觉得奇怪,只是认为这位赵大哥,在照顾秦焕而已。 Four people are to show valiant battle strength, makes various heavens-frightening to move the place the method, from airborne cuts to fall giants, straight pushes onward to the livelihood day tablet. 四人都是展现出彪悍战力,打出各种惊天动地的手段,将一尊尊巨人从空中斩落,笔直的向日月天碑挺进。 Has this goon to lead the way in front is comfortable.” Qin Nan secretly thought, this time can meet the Lebanese magnificent 14 people at heart, was in luck simply. “有这种打手冲在前面开路就是舒坦啊。”秦南心里暗道一声,这次能够遇到黎华14人,简直是太走运了。 The time in the past, in everywhere explosive sound, Qin Nan one line was away from the livelihood day tablet to be getting more and more near little, was almost breath one zhang (3.33 m) speed. 时间一点点过去,在漫天的爆炸声中,秦南一行人距离日月天碑越来越近了,几乎是一息一丈的速度。 However, the solemn livelihood day tablet, so is can it be that good approaches, when they are away from the livelihood day tablet when ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) , the giant who that evolves changed, they as before only then several feet high, but actually gives birth three heads and six arms, various Divine Ability, battle strength rises suddenly. 但是,堂堂日月天碑,岂是那么好接近的,当他们距离日月天碑只有万丈之余时,那演化出来的巨人就变了,它们依旧只有十几丈之高,但却生出三头六臂,各具神通,战力暴涨。 The bonus is the Lebanese magnificent 14 people, is the complexion changes, the body pressure multiplies, has to offer a sacrifice to Forbidden Technique and heavy treasure. 饶是黎华14人,也是脸色一变,身上压力倍增,不得不祭出禁术和重宝。 When Lebanese magnificent makes a move, shot a look at Lord of Qin Nan and Azure Vault, discovered that two person is with great interest, the corners of the mouth that looks pull out, quick suddenly understands, perhaps this big brother Zhao is taking this opportunity is understanding their strengths. 黎华一出手之际,瞥了一眼秦南青穹之主,发现两人都是看的津津有味,嘴角不由一抽,很快又恍然明白,这位赵大哥恐怕是在借此机会了解他们的实力。 This is good indication Ah! 这可是一个好征兆啊! So long as they showed enough great strength, will make this talent close up to them surely! 只要他们展现出了足够的强大,必定会让这位天才向他们靠拢! Lebanese magnificent flash had the working zeal, does not have any hesitation directly, displayed the strength of god body: Extremely Yang being shattered law!” 黎华一瞬间有了干劲,直接没有任何犹豫,施展出来了神体之力:“极阳破灭法!” On his body, appeared suddenly Dao Fire flame runes, each Dao Talisman article as if came from antiquity time, inside contained the infinite mystery, infinite strength. 在他的身躯上,骤然浮现出来了一道道火符文,每一道符文仿佛都来自上古时代,里面蕴含了无穷的奥秘,无穷的力量。 Lebanese magnificent draws a sword, among every gesture and motions, obtained blessing of many gods likely, becomes exceptionally tyrannical. 黎华一抽刀而起,一招一式之间,像是得到了诸多神明的加持,变得异常强横。 Lebanese witch three people naturally can comprehend the Young Master thoughts, goes all out completely. 黎巫三人自然能够领会少主的心思,全部都卖力起来。 „The strength of god body, is really formidable!” Qin Nan acclaimed at heart secretly, if Li witch three people of in Lihua one were treated as an equal a moment ago, then now Li witch three people of rays of light, completely are gloomy. “神体之力,果然强大!”秦南心里暗自赞叹,如果说刚才黎巫三人于黎华一算是平起平坐,那么现在黎巫三人的光芒,就完全暗淡下去。 How long does not know, the group advanced in the livelihood day tablet hundred zhang (333 m) finally, can the clear feeling, ancient, atmosphere and boundless this Emperor Item. 不知过去多久,一行人终于推进到了日月天碑百丈之内,均能够清晰的感受到,这尊帝器的古老、大气、磅礴。 But, a more fearful crisis also came, Emperor Mysterious of that all various professions the character, entrusted with the life to be ordinary likely, is blooms unexpectedly radiant brilliance, quick is separated from the tablet, rumbles toward one line. 但,更可怕的危机也来了,那一行行的神秘帝字,像是被赋予了生命一般,竟是绽放出璀璨光华,很快就从碑上脱离而出,朝着一行人轰来。 Each emperor character, released fearful aura, particularly some common war and killing and cutting down and so on emperor characters, aura was more terrifying, has gone far beyond these rays of light giants. 每一个帝字,都释放出来了可怕的气息,尤其是其中一些非常常见的‘战’、‘杀’、‘伐’等等帝字,气息更为恐怖,远远超过了那些光芒巨人。 Lebanese magnificent complexion , is dignified, even if his such existence that changes, under emperor character that this blots out the sky, the body also trembles, felt a deeply ingrained chill in the air. 黎华一的脸色,也是变的凝重起来,即便是他这样的存在,在这铺天盖地的帝字之下,身体也不由颤栗起来,感受到了一股刻骨寒意。 Big brother Zhao, these emperor characters were not simple, need us to make a move together!” A Lebanese magnificent sinking sound shouted, their strengths, had shown a moment ago, does not need to continue, moreover now is not concerned about face. “赵大哥,这些帝字不简单,需要我们一起出手了!”黎华一沉声喝道,他们的实力,刚才已经展现出来了,不需要继续下去了,而且现在也不是讲面子的时候了。 „Do I make a move? Do I make a move? I Supreme Heavenly Venerable Boundary.” The Lord of Azure Vault is innocent. “我出手?我咋出手?我才无上天尊境界啊。”青穹之主一脸无辜。 Big brother Zhao, do not crack a joke, these emperor characters are not really good to cope!” Lebanese magnificent one does not believe from the start. “赵大哥,不要开玩笑了,这些帝字真不好对付!”黎华一压根不信。 If not arrive at certain Boundary, that basic impossible will have that high banned attainments, after all your natural talent is good, there are lots, must arrive at that Boundary to understand. 若是不到一定的境界,那根本不可能会有那么高的禁制造诣,毕竟你天赋再好,有很多东西,也必须到了那个境界才能够明白。 Lord of speechless letting go of Azure Vault, said: This year did speak truth nobody to believe? I really only then Supreme Heavenly Venerable Boundary, if has concealed, dies like a dog! Did this you always believe?” 青穹之主无语的摊了摊手,道:“这年头怎么讲实话都没人信?我真只有无上天尊境界,要是有所隐瞒,不得好死!这你总信了吧?” Lebanese magnificent one, Li witch four people ignorant lived immediately. 黎华一、黎巫四人顿时就懵住了。 Does this person, only have Supreme Heavenly Venerable Boundary really? 这人,真的只有无上天尊境界 I--” Lebanese magnificent responded, the complexion became flushed, has almost not borne explode a thick mouth, did most of the day others simply not to test him. “我——”黎华一反应过来,脸色涨红,差点没忍住爆句粗口,搞了大半天别人根本没有在试探他。 However, changes mind and thinks, this person Supreme Heavenly Venerable Boundary, so knew about various bans merely, this person's attainments at ban, can describe with the terrifying simply! 不过,转念又想到,此人仅仅无上天尊境界,就对各种禁制如此了解,此人在禁制上的造诣,简直是可以用恐怖来形容! They go all out to flatter, not loses face, is only very irritable! 他们卖力去讨好,还不算丢人,只是很别扭而已! That forget about it, we solve!” Lebanese magnificent one throws down a few words hard, kills to inundating the Heavenly Emperor character. “那就算了,我们来解决!”黎华一硬邦邦丢下一句话,杀向漫天帝字。 Arrived here, they are stop completely, emperor character that on that livelihood day tablet gushes out, was really too many, even if were the Lebanese magnificent 14 people, suddenly is unable to cut a road. 到了这里,他们算是完全停下来了,那日月天碑上涌出的帝字,实在是太多了,即便是黎华14人,一时间也无法斩出一条路。 Yeah, arrived here, wanted me to make a move.” The Lord of Azure Vault sees that to sigh, looked that has a little exclusion to the Lebanese magnificent 14 people of looks, making the Lebanese magnificent 14 people almost the blood spitting. “哎,都到这里了,还是要我来出手。”青穹之主见状叹了口气,看向黎华14人的眼神有那么一点嫌弃,让黎华14人差点没把血给吐出来。 Remnant emperor pen!” Azure Vault Lord a magic seal knot, a racket, one about 20 ten feets in length writing brush appears forward, its penstock jet black piece, the middle book has one line of fuzzy gold/metal character, the writing skill soft body hair snow white, distinction. “残帝笔!”青穹之主法印一结,向前一拍,一支长达20余丈毛笔浮现而出,它笔杆漆黑一片,中间书有一行模糊金字,笔头毫毛雪白,根根分明。 Treads, hits the strength!” The Lord of Azure Vault shouted, bringing Qin Nan to tread on the penstock. “踏上来,把力量打进去!”青穹之主喝道,带着秦南踏在笔杆上。 The Lebanese magnificent 14 people without hesitation, stepped the penstock, Li witch have offered a sacrifice to a heavy treasure, resisted front emperor character everywhere murderous intention, the Lebanese magnificent 13 people the within the body boundless strength, patted into the pen completely. 黎华14人毫不犹豫,踏上了笔杆,黎巫祭出一件重宝,抵御前方帝字漫天杀机,黎华13人将体内磅礴之力,全部拍入笔中。 An incomparably astonishing pressure, erupts from the pen instantaneously, impact four directions! 一股无比惊人的威压,瞬间从笔中爆发而出,冲击四方! Accurate Emperor Item! It is not right, this is also not general accurate Emperor Item!” The Lebanese magnificent 14 people of pupils shrink. “准帝器!不对,这还不是一般的准帝器!”黎华14人瞳仁一缩。 Only saw, this remnant emperor pen moved, casts aside presses down firmly, has written a person character likely. 只见到,这只残帝笔自己动了起来,一撇一捺,像是写出了一个人字。 Astonishing appeared, that innumerable emperor character, just liked meets some type to exist fearfully, removed toward the two sides unexpectedly voluntarily. 惊人的一幕出现了,那无数的帝字,恍若遇到了某种可怕存在,竟然自行朝两边褪去。 Yeah, your young people, the management is not reasonable, knows obviously wants to fight over these things, does not know that prepares a method?” The Lord of Azure Vault also sighed, at once magic seal one positive: In one vigorous effort, to/clashes to me!” “哎,你们这些年轻人,办事就是不靠谱,明明知道要来争这些东西,就不知道多备点手段?”青穹之主又叹了口气,旋即法印一正:“一鼓作气,给我冲进去!” The remnant emperor pen blooms rays of light, charges into the livelihood day tablet straightly, the latter resembles to have a feeling, the emperor mark and emperor on that tablet draw wait/etc., starts to recover, but the remnant emperor pen speed was really too quick, their awakens, ruthlessly hit without enough time on the livelihood day tablet. 残帝笔绽放光芒,笔直冲向日月天碑,后者似有所感,那碑上的帝纹、帝画等等,纷纷开始复苏,但残帝笔速度实在是太快了,它们来不及苏醒,就狠狠撞在了日月天碑上。 The dashing complementary waves in expectation, have not appeared, in the remnant emperor pen contacts the livelihood day tablet instant, the vortex that black red light forms together, appeared, the group inhaling. 预想之中的冲撞余波,并没有出现,在残帝笔接触到日月天碑的刹那,一道黑红之光形成的旋涡,就浮现了出来,将一行人给吸入了其中。
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