PBS :: Volume #27

#2644: Empress road

Ok, actually we do not need such heavily.” Through Heavens Dao Tree adjusted the mentality quickly, said with a smile: We should be happy, because Qin Nan you have become the true giant, suppresses by one's effort sufficiently dark green with Ye Zhaoxian.” “算了,其实我们也没必要这么沉重。”通天道树很快调整了心态,笑道:“我们更应该高兴,因为秦南你已经成为了真正的巨头,凭借一己之力就足以镇压苍和叶昭仙。” Zhou Xundao and in the Jia Ye eye revealed wiped happily. No 周寻道迦叶眼中露出了抹欣慰。不 Resulted in did not say, this war, Qin Nan brought very big pleasant surprise to them time. 得不说,这一次的大战,秦南给他们带来了非常大的惊喜。 Qin Nan, has surpassed Zhou Di, surpassed Huangfu Jue, went out of own myth. 秦南,已经超过了周帝,超过了皇甫绝,走出了属于自己的神话。 In the heart of Qin Nan is actually very tranquil, not slightly proud, has nothing to chuckle. 秦南的心中却是非常平静,没有丝毫骄傲,也没有任何窃喜。 Because he is very clear, this time cannot make the abundant huge technique, dark green will give to kill with Ye Zhaoxian, then next time , to massacre dark green with Ye Zhaoxian, will become more difficult. „ 因为他很明白,这一次未能打出博天大术,将苍和叶昭仙给杀死,那么下一次要想杀掉苍和叶昭仙,就会变得更难了。“ On the other hand, how Qin Nan do you obtain the inheritance of Lin Xiaozhi? Lin Xiaozhi is not simple, the old man when antiquity time, had explored a mystical place with him fortunately together. At that time, he had once urged the old man, the talent that if later ran into a Qin, must help with every effort. ” The Through Heavens Dao Tree whole face sighs with emotion: Old man is also open about the facts you, without these words, the old man has not been possible to be determined to act at that time.” 话说回来,秦南你是如何得到林晓之的传承的?林晓之可不简单啊,老夫在上古时代之时,曾经有幸与他一起探索过一个秘境。在那个时候,他就曾叮嘱过老夫,若是以后遇到了一个秦姓的天才,一定要尽力帮忙。”通天道树满脸感慨道:“老夫也不瞒你,若没有这句话,老夫当时还不一定会下定决心出手。” „? Right?” The Qin Nan facial skin feels hot, in the heart is very awkward, but also has to make shock appearance. “啊?是吗?”秦南脸皮发烫,心中无比尴尬,还不得不做出‘震惊’的样子。 Zhou Xundao and Jia Ye find it ridiculous, if this makes Through Heavens Dao Tree know, so-called Lin Xiaozhi is Qin Nan, it will make what feelings? 周寻道迦叶觉得好笑,这要是让通天道树知道,所谓的林晓之就是秦南,它将会作何感想? Right Qin Nan, the old man had The old men have stagnated are knowing boundary many years, always felt that also misses the one breath to break through Answering Heaven, can let you and I fights, directs the old man 12?” Through Heavens Dao Tree Asking Dao. “对了秦南,老夫有个不情之请。老夫已经停滞在识地境界很多年了,总感觉还差一口气才能够突破应天,能否让你与我一战,指点老夫一二?”通天道树问道 Qin Nan said hastily: Senior, you may say where I can direct you? We can only compare notes at most mutually, verifies martial arts mutually.” Said 秦南连忙道:“前辈,您可这么说,我哪能指点你啊?我们顶多只能是相互切磋,相互印证武学。”说 Arrives here, Qin Nan also said to Jia Ye: Ka Senior Ye, but must trouble you to go to Azure Vault again , helping Rising Desolation senior helping hand. If there is any accident/surprise, I will catch up as soon as possible.” 到这里,秦南又对迦叶道:“迦叶前辈,还得麻烦你再去一趟青穹,去助凌荒前辈一臂之力。若是有什么意外,我会尽快赶来。” Good.” Ka “好。”迦 After the leaf walks, Qin Nan arrived at 9-layer mountain pass/test with Through Heavens Dao Tree directly, erupted an unrivalled war. Outside 叶走后,秦南就与通天道树直接来到了第九重山关,爆发了一场旷世大战。外 In, Qin Nan defeats by one's effort dark green with the Ye Zhaoxian news, was the same just like the storm, swept across the entire nine Heavenly Immortal territories. Nine 界之中,秦南以一己之力战败苍和叶昭仙的消息,宛如风暴一样,席卷了整个九天仙域。九 The Heavenly Immortal territory, a piece shakes immediately boils. Does not have 天仙域,顿时一片震沸。无 The youth of number, regarded as the legend Qin Nan, the myth, the dream. 数的青年们,将秦南视为了传奇,神话,梦想。 In the mouths of countless person, Qin Nan also had first Dao's Title, the Nine Heavens first person. 在无数人的口中,秦南也有了第一个道号,九天第一人。 What being worth mentioning, running away two Heavenly Venerable, lead subordinate influence immediately, escapes in other Small Immortal Territory restricted areas, starts to conceal identity, hides the identity. 还有值得一提的是,逃走的两位天尊,立刻率领麾下的势力,远遁其他小仙域的禁地之中,开始隐姓埋名,隐藏身份。 The big leaf dark green alliance, starts to collapse thoroughly, that once loose cultivator of dependency leaf dark green alliance, many small influences, run away in abundance, terrified. 偌大的叶苍联盟,开始彻底崩溃,那一个个曾经附庸叶苍联盟的散修,还有诸多小势力们,都是纷纷逃走,惶恐不安。 However, Sovereign Clouds Heavenly Venerable and land side Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, have maintained the neutral big influences, is the look is dignified, the thought is diverse and confused. Qin 不过,皇云天尊、陆方天尊等等巨头,还有一直保持中立的大势力们,都是神色凝重,念头纷杂。秦 south truly won, but this opened probably. Positive 南确实是胜了,但这好像只是拉开了一个帷幕。正 If Qin Nan said that nine Heavenly Immortal territories will welcome an unprecedented great change. He 秦南所言,九天仙域将会迎来一个史无前例的巨变。他 Also what course to follow? 们,又将何去何从? How can preserve this big base industry? With 如何才能保住这诺大的基业?与 This meanwhile, Azure Vault, Upper Mysterious Territory Heaven! 此同时,青穹,上玄境天 The terrifying aura, wreaks havoc outside, the sounds of various God demons, resound through again and again. This 恐怖的气息,在外肆虐,各种神魔之音,响彻连连。这 In does not seem like a world, but probably innumerable disaster tribulation the place of gathering, no one can survive in this. One 里不像是一个世界,而像是无数灾劫的汇聚之地,无人可以在此生存。一 In the mysterious big grave, a beautiful female, wears the dyed in blood long skirt, is using a peerless law, fights with the huge skeletons of front in the same place, swung the remarkable fluctuation. 个神秘的大墓之中,一个绝美女子,身穿染血长裙,施展着一门绝世之法,与前面的一具具庞大的尸骸战在一起,荡开了惊人波动。 She is pale, the aura floats, but a pair of eyes, is very bright, is very sharp, cannot see the tiny bit fear and timid intent. 她脸色苍白,气息漂浮,但是一双眼睛,却无比明亮,无比锐利,从中根本看不到一丝一毫的害怕和怯意。 This beautiful female, is Empress Fei Yue. 这个绝美女子,正是飞越女帝 Since she arrived at Upper Mysterious Territory Heaven, encountered the greatest bad risk, almost the body dying say/way disappears. 自从她来到了上玄境天之后,就遭到了莫大的凶险,差点身死道消。 Is good because of the choice that she makes twice, bet completely right, therefore from murderous intention of that terrifying, discovered a way out. 好在她两次做出的抉择,都完全赌对了,于是从那恐怖的杀机之中,找出了一条生路。 She does not have the goal now, she does not know where should go, she only has a thought that unceasing forwarding, obtains the powerful inheritance, returns Great Upper Realm again. Bang 她现在没有目标,她不知道该去往何方,她只有一个念头,不断的向前,得到强大的传承,再重新回到大上界。轰 Bang! not 轰! How long the knowledge fought, she double refers to gathering, melts refers to for the sword, erupted astonishing sword aura, finally the last skeleton will cut under the sword. 知战了多久,她双指并拢,化指为剑,爆发出来了一道惊人的剑气,终于将最后一具尸骸斩于剑下。 All around, returned to normal. 四周,恢复了平静。 She stood firm the personal appearance, put out several blood, then wipes off the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, marches forward. Come 她稳住了身形,吐出了几口鲜血,然后擦掉嘴角的血迹,继续向前。来 After Upper Mysterious Territory Heaven, she discovered a point, the vacation, if not for as a last resort, that cannot stay rests same place, otherwise, does not know that will then encounter anything. She 上玄境天之后,她发现了一点,假若不是万不得已,那绝不能停留原地去休息,否则的话,根本不知道接下来会遭遇什么。她 Walked forward, walked into a forest, all around also gets dark gradually, the distant place can see little blood light indistinctly. 向前行走,走入了一个森林,四周也渐渐黑了下来,远处隐隐约约能够看到一点点的血光 All around quietness, peacefully to strange. 四周一片静谧,安静到诡异。 What person?” Empress Fei Yue stops the footsteps suddenly, the whole body ties tight. Black “什么人?”飞越女帝忽然停下脚步,浑身紧绷。黑 Dark, heard laughter, filled the ridicule and disdaining: Ruler? Trivial does Ruler, dare to rush to here unexpectedly comes? Doesn't could it be that fear death?” Flying 暗之中,传来了一道笑声,充满了讥讽和不屑:“主宰?区区主宰,竟然就敢闯到这里来?难道就不怕死吗?”飞 In the more Empress eye cold light flashes, direct palm racket to the front, erupted astonishing astral qi, destroying to become the nihility old trees. „ 女帝眼中寒光一闪,直接一掌拍向了前方,爆发出来了一股惊人的罡气,将一颗颗古树给摧毁成为了虚无。“ Hehe, first leaves anxiously beginning. ” This sound continues saying: You arrived here, to grow stronger? I thought that you are also very pitiful, might as well gives you an opportunity, so long as you also 呵呵,先别急着动手。”这声音继续道:“你来到了这里,想必就是为了变强吧?我看你也挺可怜,不妨给你一个机会,只要你”还 Has not waited for it saying that the Empress Fei Yue personal appearance changes, turns toward the rear area to fly directly. 未等它说完,飞越女帝身形一变,直接向着后方飞去。 Trades a direction. 换一个方向。 fuck!!” Sound sonic boom swearing: Oh, do not walk you!” 我靠!”声音爆了句粗口:“唉唉唉,你别走啊你!”
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