PBS :: Volume #26

#2581: What is immortal?

The Qin Nan heart moves, has stepped into the sea of fire instantaneously. 秦南心头一动,瞬间踏入了火海之中。 This sea of fire is fights by one group of Heavenly Venerable giants, in addition the gods and ghosts of this place, naturally form, is quite fierce, grows continually, the strength of its deep place, sufficiently the Ruler calcine. But 这火海乃是由一群天尊巨头们大战,再加上此地的神异,自然而然形成,极为厉害,生生不息,其深处的力量,足以将主宰煅烧。但 Yes, after Qin Nan arrives at this deep place, the body slightly flood divine light, that all around flame, unexpectedly voluntarily disperses, does not dare to approach completely. No 是,秦南来到这深处之后,身体只是微微泛起神光,那四周的火焰,竟然就自行散开,完全不敢靠近。不 Stops so, in this sea of fire unusual life as a result of all sorts of good fortunes and ban of many birth, strange wait/etc., seemed prohibited to be the same, is completely is unexpectedly peaceful, silent. Qin 止如此,这火海中诸多由于种种造化而诞生的奇特生灵、禁制、诡异等等,仿佛被封禁了一样,竟是全部安静下去,无声无息。秦 south released huge spiritual thought, covered the entire sea of fire, careful search. 南释放出来了庞大神念,笼罩整个火海,仔细搜寻。 A moment later, he had also discovered that the personal appearance in a flash, arrived at a corner in this sea of fire. This 片刻之后,他也有所发现,身形一晃,来到了这火海之中的一处角落。此 The Jordanian circle ten thousand miles, pile up the skeleton that the innumerable sizes are varying, what is different from the common skeleton, these skeletons are glittering and translucent carving, some even densely covered mysterious runes, some twinkle weak divine glow. This 地约方圆万里,堆积着无数大小不一的骸骨,与寻常骸骨不同的是,这些骸骨们晶莹剔透,有的甚至密布玄奥符文,有的闪烁微弱神芒。这 The flame of sea of fire, not only these skeletons firing the flying ash, instead passes through this innumerable year of burning down, making them transform, various gods and ghosts. 火海的火焰,不但没有将这些骸骨给烧成飞灰,反而经过这无数年的焚烧,使得它们都有所蜕变,各具神异。 The Qin Nan double pupil like the electricity, takes a fast look around many skeletons, until him suddenly discovered when has 30 zhang (3.33 m) big phalanx, that light familiar aura, expands ten thousand times in his heart suddenly, making his mind fierce trembles. 秦南双眸如电,扫视诸多骸骨,直到他突然发现一具足足有着30丈之大的指骨之时,那淡淡的熟悉气息,陡然在他心中扩大万倍,令他心神不禁剧烈一颤。 He has remembered that pair of stubborn both eyes. 他想起了那双倔强的双眼。 He has remembered its destiny, in world last certainly Heavenly Treasure Beast. 他想起了它的命运,世间最后一尊绝天宝兽 Qin Nan takes up the phalanx, is slightly absent-minded, that all sorts of experiences, come clearly into view, for him before that several months, in fact actually already crossed respectively for ten thousand years. 秦南拿起指骨,微微恍惚,那种种经历,都是历历在目,对他来说分别不过在那数月之前,事实上却早已过了万年。 Chen Fenghuo, Ji Xuan, Gu Fe and purple Hao Heavenly Venerable and dragon, if Heavenly Venerable...... 陈烽火季玄古飞、紫昊天尊、龙若天尊…… Did they welcome what kind of fate finally? 他们最终迎来了怎样的宿命? Qin Nan is thinking these, suddenly the palm burns, he looked down, sees only in the phalanx surface clear flowing, hidden has wisp of rays of light, flashes past. He 秦南怔怔想着这些,忽然间手心一烫,他低下头看去,只见指骨表面上晶莹流动,隐有一缕光芒,一闪而过。他 The pupil shrinks immediately, the strength of sensation searches into. „ 瞳仁当即一缩,感知之力探入其中。“ Does inside have a vitality unexpectedly? ” Qin 里面竟有一丝生机?”秦 The south innermost feelings vibrate, this vitality is quite tiny, if not for if Qin Nan once had ascended a height to get a broad view the Supreme Heavenly Venerable boundary, is unable to detect. Qin 南内心震动,这一丝生机极为细小,倘若不是秦南曾登临过无上天尊境界,根本都无法发觉出来。秦 south has thought of anything at once, immediately the personal appearance moves. Qin 南旋即想到了什么,当即身形一动。秦 south has spent two double-hour, went all over each corner of sea of fire, roamed through each end of vault of heaven, so the wreckage in his hand, left 15 compared with before, has the arm, to have the pin bone wait/etc., each is very huge. 南花了两个时辰,走遍了火海的每个角落,遨游了天穹的每一处尽头,如此他手中的残骸,比之前多出了15根,有手骨、有腿骨等等,每一根都是非常庞大。 Qin Nan stimulates to movement the Datong day to decide immediately, body Body of Source , has made strength of the Dao Source, pours into each skeleton. 秦南立刻催动大同天决,身化本源之体,打出了一道道本源之力,注入每一根骸骨之中。 In many, these skeletons bloomed a dao light magnificent, that faint trace extremely weak vitalities, as if felt each other existence, coordinated with each other across a great distance unexpectedly. „ 没过多时,这些骸骨们都绽放出来了一道道光华,那一丝丝极为薄弱的生机们,仿佛都感受到了彼此的存在,竟是遥相呼应。“ But also has not looked, this boy unexpectedly to arrange such subsequent party. ” In Qin Nan heart joyful. 啧啧,还真没有看出来,这小子竟然布下了这样的后手。”秦南心中不由欣喜。 After breaking through Supreme Heavenly Venerable, the Qin Nan eyesight, was already unusual, in these skeletons can have a faint trace weak vitality preservation, obviously not because of this sea of fire, not because of this Acquired good fortune, but was some past Gu Fe early detections, has left behind the method. „ 突破无上天尊之后,秦南的眼力,早已非同寻常,这些骸骨之中能有一丝丝微弱生机保存,显然不是因为这片火海,也不是因为这后天造化,而是当年古飞早有察觉,留下了手段。“ Vitality weakly hence, to recover, that may really not be the general difficulty. Was good initially to snatch Heavenly Emperor Bead, but can also...... ” Qin Nan think with the aid of its mysterious secretly, the mood was excellent, after having taken that colored glaze stone platform, rapidly left this place, does not want to delay. 生机微弱至此,要想重新复苏,那可真不是一般的困难。好在当初抢来了一颗天帝之珠,还能够借助它的玄妙……”秦南暗自想着,不由心情大好,取走了那琉璃石台之后,就迅速离开了此地,一刻也不想耽搁。 Meanwhile, nine Heavenly Immortal territories, second ten Small Immortal Territory. 与此同时,九天仙域,第二十小仙域 The complete/even kings, are one of the territory many big cities. 齐王都,乃是此域诸多大城之一。 This City's Lord, is different from general City's Lord, cultivation level not only has achieved Lord Realm, but also the manner upholds justice extremely enlightened, once ordered, no matter what cultivation level, may enter in the city, but also in the city cannot resort to violence. 此都的城主,与一般城主不同,修为不但达到了主境,而且为人极为开明仗义,曾下令不管是何修为,均可进入城中,而且城中不能动武。 Now nine Heavenly Immortal territory turbulent situations, in addition the second god breath battlefield soon will open, each region undercurrent is turbulent, therefore has many loose cultivator, to seek asylum, arrived at this city, this city is fully occupied now, extremely busy. 如今九天仙域局势动荡,再加上第二次神息战场即将开启,各地暗流汹涌,于是有着不少散修,为了避难,来到了此城,以至于此城如今是人满为患,热闹非凡。 The remote street in this city, a courtyard shut tightly front door was shoved open, a whole face wrinkle, the pair of eyes atheistic old man, walked from inside. He 此城的一条偏僻街道,一个院子被紧闭的大门被推开了,一个满脸皱纹,双眼无神的老者,从里面走了出来。他 Goes to the stall keeper, went shopping, returned to the courtyard, has made the pot tea, calmly reads, unemotionally. No matter what 去摊贩上,买了点东西,就回到了院落,煮了壶茶,静静看书,面无表情。任 Who sees this, does not dare to believe that this ordinary old man, unexpectedly is in solemn ten big All Immortals, is third Mo Xie. Suddenly 谁看到这一幕,也不敢置信,这位平凡的老者,竟是堂堂十大诸仙之中,名列第三的墨邪。忽 However, thump the sound resounds, Mo Xie walked up, opened the door, out of the door was Scholar dresses up, roughly 20 -year-old Scholar. 然间,咚咚咚的声音响起,墨邪走上前去,打开了门,门外是个书生装扮,约莫20来岁的书生 This Scholar to Mo Xie good a ritual, somewhat awkwardly said: Old zhang (3.33 m), are really embarrassed, comes to this city below suddenly, finally actually approaches the breakthrough, whether can use taking advantage of the dwelling? Waits to become after below matter, will decide will repay.” This 书生对着墨邪行了一礼,有些尴尬道:“老丈,实在不好意思,在下突来此城,结果却临近突破,可否能借宅院一用?等在下事成之后,定会有所报答。”这 The type matter, is common in complete/even kings, because this city dwelling price high, comes to avoid the crest of wave commonly Cultivator, often will not purchase. But close to the breakthrough, goes to outside the city not to be unsafe, can only to have the person of courtyard to stay overnight in somebody's home. 样的事情,在齐王都屡见不鲜,因为此城宅院价格非常之高,寻常前来躲避风头的修士,都往往不会去购置。可是临近突破,前往城外并不安全,只能向已有院子之人借宿。 Mo Xie nodded, Scholar is impolite, has arrived in the courtyard in a hurry, sits cross-legged to sit down. black ink 墨邪点了点头,书生也不客气,匆匆走到了院落中,盘膝坐下。墨 Evil although magic power was melted by Qin Nan most, but the eyesight still, could see this Scholar is Earth Immortal peak cultivation level, only misses remote of Half Step from Heavenly Immortal. 邪虽然法力已被秦南化解大半,但是眼力仍在,看得出这书生已经是地仙巅峰修为,距离天仙只差半步之遥。 Mo Xie looked at one, has taken back the vision , to continue to read. 墨邪看了一眼,就收回了目光,继续看书。 On Scholar released all at once the potential quickly, unexpectedly was Demon Dao Cultivator. 书生身上很快释放出来了一股气势,竟是一位魔道修士 The Mo Xie sensation arrived, again has not actually looked at one, all of this in world, he has not cared. 墨邪感知到了,却也没有再看一眼,这世间的一切,他都已经不在意了。 The Scholar imposing manner increases unceasingly, Demon Intent grow stronger gradually, making in the institute blow black wind. 书生气势不断攀升,魔意渐渐变强,使得院中都刮起了一股黑色的风。 Suddenly, the Scholar facial color becomes flushed, exudes unceasingly hehe the strange sound, seemed seized the neck. 忽然间,书生面色涨红,不断发出呵呵呵的怪声,仿佛被人掐住了脖子。 His eye, opens slowly, inside darkness. 他的眼睛,缓缓睁开,里面一片漆黑。 How can be immortal?” “如何能不朽?”“ Regardless of practice to the what kind boundary, flesh body, mind and soul, can destruction, is unable to live forever. ” „ 无论修炼到何等境界,肉身、心神、灵魂,都会崩灭,无法永世长存。”“ Demon Ancestor once word, the fire of Demon Dao was not out, may be born. The demon fire is more prosperous, I am also stronger. ” „ 魔祖曾言,魔道之火不灭,亦可从中诞生。魔火越旺,我亦越强。”“ Following, begs to differ, but front one, is actually greatly reasonable. ” 后面一句,不敢苟同,但是前面一句,却是大有道理。” I once with hardship thought that throughout misses the point, absolutely has not actually thought that some day, I will turn misfortune into a blessing unexpectedly, ascertain mysteriously, dies and is reborn! This is so-called broken then stands? Ha!” “我曾苦苦思索,始终不得要领,却万万不曾想到,有朝一日,我竟会因祸得福,窥破其中奥妙,死而复生!这便是所谓的破而后立么?哈哈哈!” Scholar laughs wildly, just like thunder: Mo Xie, recently how?” 书生狂笑,宛若雷霆:“墨邪,近来如何?”
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