PBS :: Volume #26

#2579: Kills Heavenly Venerable

Qin Nan, no, My Lord!” Four demon Heavenly Venerable strong self-stabilizations, on the face squeezed out have wiped the smiling face: Formerly all, were we make a mistake. Also hopes that My Lord your Sir does not cross the villain, gives us again an opportunity. We are willing to distribute the pledge, later forever gives loyalty to for you, does not betray!” 秦南,不,吾主!”四魔天尊强自镇定,脸上挤出了抹笑容:“先前的一切,都是我们错了。还希望吾主您大人不记小人过,再给我们一个机会。我们愿意发下誓言,以后永远为您效忠,绝不背叛!” Four demon Heavenly Venerable can arrive today this step, besides him bold, he also has an exquisite heart. Although he also has the method, however present Qin Nan, making him feel immeasurably deep, making him smell a aura of death. 四魔天尊能够走到今天这一步,除了他胆大包天之外,他还有一颗玲珑心。虽然他还藏有手段,但是现在的秦南,让他感觉深不可测,让他嗅到了一丝死亡的气息。 Therefore he was decisive, has chosen lowering the head. 所以他非常果断,选择了低头。 Moreover, now the entire nine Heavenly Immortal territories, think Qin Nan to might as well dark green with Ye Zhaoxian, sooner or later dark green with Ye Zhaoxian destroying. However today this war, makes four demon Heavenly Venerable detect suddenly that the people in entire nine Heavenly Immortal territories, have looked down on Qin Nan. 而且,如今整个九天仙域,都认为秦南不如苍和叶昭仙,迟早会被苍和叶昭仙给摧毁。但是今天这一战,却让四魔天尊猛然发觉,整个九天仙域的人,都小瞧了秦南 After god breath battlefield, Qin Nan closing up one -and-a-half years, facing all sorts of provocation, never appears, obviously bear patiently desirably, only for in the following battlefield, change the course of events! To 自神息战场之后,秦南‘闭关’一年半,面对种种挑衅,都从未出现,显然是刻意隐忍,只为在接下来的战场之中,扭转乾坤!向 Qin Nan bows the head to profess allegiance, is not the misdemeanor. 秦南俯首称臣,也不是什么坏事。更 Do not say, present Qin Nan, but also obtained Huangfu Jue to keep the thing, once grasped after thoroughly, becomes more terrorist. It 不要说,现在的秦南,还得到了皇甫绝所留之物,一旦彻底掌握之后,将会变得更加恐怖。其 His Demon Dao Ruler, responded immediately that all was the face whiten, nodded again and again. 他的魔道主宰们,顿时反应过来,皆是脸色苍白,连连点头。 They are also not the fools, is insufficient not to see clearly the situation. 他们也都不是蠢人,不至于看不清楚形势。 Doesn't betray? Why did you betray Huangfu Jue? Although you and Huangfu Jue are not a person of time, but thinks that you once had also made the pledge, forever gives loyalty to Huangfu Jue?” Qin Nan not minces matter own despising: Do not think that I do not know, after breaking through to Heavenly Venerable, there are many means to violate the pledge.” “绝不背叛?那你们为何背叛了皇甫绝?虽然你们和皇甫绝不是一个时代的人,但想必你们也曾立下过誓言,永远效忠皇甫绝吧?”秦南毫不掩饰自己的鄙夷:“别以为我不知道,突破到天尊之后,有很多种办法可以违背誓言。” If not this, that dark green with Ye Zhaoxian, already collaborated, subdued all Heavenly Venerable of nine Heavenly Immortal territories forcefully. 如果不是这样的话,那苍和叶昭仙,早就联手起来,强行收服九天仙域的所有天尊了。 Naturally, Qin Nan has been able to choose only gets rid to four demon Heavenly Venerable, surrenders remaining these Demon Dao Ruler. No 当然了,秦南可以选择只对四魔天尊出手,降服剩下的那些魔道主宰们。不 These rebels, Qin Nan have not been have taken a liking. Qin 过,这些叛徒,秦南根本瞧不上。秦 south has gotten rid once again, a blade cuts to another Ruler, blade light is indistinct, the fairy not measured. „ 南再度出手了,一刀斩向另外一位主宰,刀光缥缈,神鬼莫测。“ That Ruler does not face upward to bellow, demon stimulation of movement pinnacle. 不”那位主宰仰天大吼,将魔器催动极致。 However, this blade for him, was really too terrifying, the Saint demon interwove, the strength was infinite, his breath anti-, he then with his demon same place, had not been cut the smashing. 然而,这一刀对他来说,实在是太恐怖了,圣魔交织,力量无穷,他连一息都未抗住,他便和他的魔器一起,被斩成了粉碎。 You four demon Heavenly Venerable complexions are pale, has not expected, they showed weakness on own initiative, are willing for the servant, Qin Nan not to move unexpectedly. „ “你”四魔天尊脸色铁青,万万没有料到,他们已经主动示弱,甘愿为仆,秦南竟然毫不动心。“ Runs away! ” Among the electric light flint, four demon Heavenly Venerable have made the resolution immediately, in the hand magic seal changes, separated four to check demon, ran away toward the distant place. It 逃!”电光火石之间,四魔天尊立即做出了决断,手中法印一变,率先断开了四刹魔阵,向着远方逃去。其 odd/surplus Demon Dao Ruler, are looks panic-stricken, disperses instantly. „ 魔道主宰们,都是面露惊恐,一哄而散。“ You must die today! ” Qin Nan single-handed knot seal, a racket, a surrounding area several tens of thousands miles world, becomes coagulates forward instantaneously, from that illusory, changed into the essence. 你们今天都要死!”秦南单手结印,向前一拍,方圆数万里的天地,瞬间变得凝固起来,从那虚无缥缈,化为了实质。 Although Qin Nan did not have to be with enough time concise Body of Source , but he practice got up the Datong day to decide, waves to be able this stretch of world to give to prohibit, making them be possible to run away roadless. 尽管秦南还没来得及凝练出本源之体,但是他已经修炼了起来了大同天决,挥手之间就可以将这片天地给封禁,让他们无路可逃。 Gives me to break!” Four demon Heavenly Venerable bellow, offers a sacrifice to demon, makes peerless strikes, rumbled stiffly this stretch of world about 30000 miles in length chaos road. No “给我破!”四魔天尊大吼,祭出魔器,打出绝世一击,将这片天地硬生生轰出了一道长达30000多里的混沌之路。不 His escaped to live another day, Qin Nan has not used the peerless law with enough time, bloomed the light of incomparably radiant Saint demon. „ 过,他还未来得及逃出生天,秦南已经施展出来了绝世之法,绽放出来了无比璀璨的圣魔之光。“ The fifty world, suppresses to me! ” One 大衍世界,给我镇压!”一 Place incomparably palatial illusory mountain, in void concise, bang shakes. 座无比巍峨的虚幻大山,在虚空凝练而出,轰隆一震。 Below sea of fire, the above vault of heaven, is simultaneously trembles, has drawn back dozens zhang (3.33 m) backward unexpectedly stiffly. Big 下方的火海,上方的天穹,都是齐齐一颤,向后竟是硬生生退了几十丈。大 Spreads out the world mountain, that is in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, unsurpassed most precious object that Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect has, even if Qin Nan can only be reluctantly concise now mountain intent, it in these nine Heavenly Immortal territories, was still the incomparable terror. 衍世界山,那可是诸天万界之中,大衍天宗拥有的无上至宝,哪怕秦南如今只能勉强凝练出一丝山意,它在这九天仙域,仍旧是无比恐怖的。 Four demon Heavenly Venerable and the others, all are the complexion big changes, only felt that a boundless pressure, pressed on their bodies, made their every action and every movement, became incomparably strenuous. 四魔天尊等人,无不是脸色大变,只感觉一股磅礴的压力,压在了他们的身上,令得他们一举一动,都变得无比吃力。 Incessantly so, they also feel, all around sky, died by the thorough town, to run away, only then this mountain destroying. „ 不止如此,他们还感受到,四周的天空,都被彻底镇死了,如果想要逃出去的话,那只有将此山给打碎。“ Qin Nan, you go too far! ” Four demon Heavenly Venerable appearance are fierce, loudly exclaimed: Brothers, collaborate together, I do not believe Ruler, can cut to kill us really completely!” 秦南,你欺人太甚!”四魔天尊面目狰狞,大吼道:“兄弟们,一起联手,我就不信一个主宰,真的能够将我们全部斩杀!” Other Demon Dao Ruler, in this desperate, is completely crazy: Kills!” 其他的魔道主宰们,在这绝望之下,全部都疯狂起来:“杀!” Wrestles at risk of life, perhaps also has a slim chance of survival! Qin 拼死一搏,说不定还有一线生机!秦 south does not change countenance, lifts the blade to fight. 南毫不动容,举刀而战。 Rumbling! mountain 轰轰轰! The peak shivers, astral qi is turbulent. black ink 峰颤抖,罡气汹涌。墨 In this dreadful flames of war, from beginning to end, the footsteps has not moved evilly slightly, if not formidable Internal Qi, protected his whole body, he already by this complementary waves submerging smashing. 邪在这场滔天战火之中,至始至终,脚步未动丝毫,如果不是一丝强大的气机,护住了他的周身,他早就被这余波给淹没成了粉碎。 At this time, this All Immortals third person of both eyes, completely are dying embers, by his eye, cannot see any mood, can only look that comes into sight the picture that produces an inverted image, Qin Nan is born just like the god, four demon Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. person of the technique laws, 11 destroys, fiercely competes and successfully competes. Each 此时,这位诸仙第三人的双眼,完全是一片死灰,透过他的眼睛,看不到任何情绪,只能看到眼中倒映的景象,秦南宛如神祗降世,将四魔天尊等等人的术法,11摧毁,越战越勇。每 Separates to count breaths the time, Qin Nan must in dreadful murderous intention, cuts to kill Ruler directly, the blood sprinkles Changkong. Demon 隔数息时间,秦南就要在滔天杀机之中,直接斩杀一位主宰,血洒长空。魔 Powerhouse , start becomes fewer and fewer, on that most formidable four demon Heavenly Venerable, presented bloodstains gradually, several times was saved from death. „ 道的强者们,开始变得越来越少,那最为强大的四魔天尊身上,也渐渐出现了一道道血痕,数次死里逃生。“ Qin Nan, has not thought of some day, my four demons must carry unexpectedly in your hand! ” If four demon Heavenly Venerable shapes are crazy: But, this is you compels! Since you want to kill me, I must make you pay the price!” He 秦南,没想到有朝一日,我四魔竟然要载在你手上!”四魔天尊状若疯狂:“但是,这都是你逼得!你既然想要杀我,那我也要让你付出代价!”他 Immediately has made a jade plate, the stimulation of movement, two astonishing will, will erupt from inside immediately, impressively is will that two Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse leave behind! This 立即打出了一个玉盘,将之催动,两股惊人的意志,立即从里面爆发而出,赫然是两位天尊强者留下的意志!此 To guarantee absolutely safe, he has also prepared this thing, but this thing to obliterate Qin Nan or Huangfu Jue will goes. 番为了确保万无一失,他还准备了此物,只不过此物是为了磨灭秦南或者皇甫绝意志去的。 Now, he must burn his all, draws support from two big Heavenly Venerable will again, makes his final strikes! 现在,他要燃烧自己的一切,再借助两大天尊意志,打出他最后的一击! The Qin Nan facial color is invariable, shoots a finger, an invisible strength, surges. „ 秦南面色不变,屈指一弹,一股无形的力量,激荡开来。“ However, this is you compels! Since you want to kill me, I must make youfour demon Heavenly Venerable bellow crazily, in the hand took out the jade plate. No 但是,这都是你逼得!你既然想要杀我,那我也要让你”四魔天尊疯狂大吼,手中取出了玉盘。不 As one generation of Heavenly Venerable, his sensation has been keen, his pupil shrank quickly, feels one not to suit. 过,作为一代天尊,他的感知何等敏锐,他瞳仁很快一缩,感受到了一股不对劲。 Whoosh! 唰! However, has not waited for him yes what's the matter, blade light drops from the clouds, the jade plate that will not have stimulated to movement directly, cutting to kill became a piece of smashing. 然而,还未等他明白怎么回事,一记刀光从天而降,直接将还未催动的玉盘,给斩杀成为了一片粉碎。 The technique of Space-Time! 时空之术! Backs up a breath! 倒退一息!如 Now Qin Nan just practice Space-Time Scripture , but also can only achieve so the situation. No 秦南‘刚刚’修炼时空圣典,还只能做到如此地步。不 That has sufficed. 过,那已经够了。 If wants to make me pay price? Present you, but also is unqualified.” The Qin Nan steps come, the long hair flies upwards, is insufferably arrogant. On “要想让我付出代价?现在的你,还不够资格。”秦南踏步而来,长发飞扬,不可一世。上 The tour of ancient time, has made him be reborn thoroughly! Bang 古时代之行,已经让他彻底脱胎换骨!轰 Rumbles Bang! 轰! The war begins. One 大战再起。一 After double-hour, all Demon Dao Powerhouse , as well as four demon Heavenly Venerable, were executed completely. 个时辰之后,所有魔道强者,以及四魔天尊,全部被诛。
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