PBS :: Volume #26

#2519: Compensation of Immortal Emperor

Un!?” “嗯!?” The Dongyang pupil shrinks suddenly, a chill in the air blasts out in his heart directly. 东阳瞳仁豁然一缩,一股寒意直接在他心中炸开。 What's the matter!?” “怎么回事!?” Really to Young Master and swallow painting wait/etc. person, the complexion is the simultaneously big changes. 真离公子、燕丹青等等人,脸色都是齐齐大变。 In a twinkling, the delicate youth personal appearance moved quickly, one step, puts out a hand to grasp forward, the incomparably boundless invisible strength, arrives together suddenly, this Six Roads dreadful divine prestige, directly stressing smashing. 说时迟,那时快,清秀少年身形很快动了,向前一步,伸手一抓,一道无比磅礴的无形力量,陡然降临而下,将这六道滔天神威,直接给抓成了粉碎。 Receives to me!” “给我收!” The delicate youth big hand wields, that six Immortal Item are simultaneously buzz calls one unexpectedly, like was summoned by the ancient times, unexpectedly turns toward the delicate youth to fly directly, then reduces unceasingly, finally submerged in Storage Bag of delicate youth. 清秀少年大手一挥,那六件仙器竟是齐齐嗡鸣一声,像是受到了远古的召唤一样,居然直接向着清秀少年飞来,然后不断缩小,最后没入了清秀少年的储物袋之中。 You “你” The Dongyang whole face is shocking, almost cannot believe at present this. 东阳满脸震惊,几乎不敢相信眼前这一幕。 Grasps wields, unexpectedly from his hand six Immortal Item winning? 一抓一挥,居然就从他手中把六件仙器给夺走了? Even if this is Powerhouse of Supreme Heavenly Venerable rank, is unable to achieve Ah ! 这哪怕是一位无上天尊级别的强者,也根本无法做到啊! He is...... To Dao Boundary Heavenly Venerable!” “他是……至道境界的天尊!” Really to Young Master and swallow painting wait/etc. person, is the innermost feelings shocks. 真离公子、燕丹青等等人,也是内心震撼。 They as the talent character of all big influence, that are mean anything very clear to Dao Boundary. Even if takes a broad view at entire All Heavens Wan Jie, is few, extremely rare. 他们作为各方大势力的天才人物,那可是非常清楚道境界意味着什么。哪怕放眼整个诸天万界,都是屈指可数,凤毛麟角。 Qin Nan and Spirit of the celestial poles list could not bear show a happy expression. 秦南天极榜之灵都是忍不住露出了一丝笑意。 The strength of delicate youth, they already the experience crossed, that is not the general terror. 清秀少年的实力,他们早就见识过了,那可不是一般的恐怖。 Finally who knows that this group of candidates who is not good, must elect the delicate youth. 结果谁知道,这群人选谁不好,偏偏要选清秀少年。 Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor sees that the innermost feelings sighed: Oh, my Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect declined, posterity who has not thought of the long first child lineage/vein, unexpectedly so ignorant......” 九霄仙帝见状,内心不禁叹息:“唉,我大衍天宗真的是没落了啊,没想到长老一脉的后人,竟然如此的愚昧……” At this time, the delicate youth has gotten rid once again, palm toward a Dongyang racket. 这时,清秀少年再度出手了,手掌向着东阳一拍。 In an instant, dark lowered unsurpassed Holy Mountain likely, pressed above the back of Dongyang, the latter has sent out a pitiful yell immediately, is unable to prevent, had lain by the town directly, exuded bang the bang sound. 刹那间,冥冥中像是降下了一尊无上圣山,压在了东阳的脊梁之上,后者立刻发出了一声惨叫,根本无法阻挡,直接被镇趴了下去,发出轰隆巨响声。 I recognized......” Dongyang to fear instantaneously, did not have any thought again, only wants to admit defeat to finish. “我认……”东阳瞬间就怕了,再也没有任何的念头,只想认输结束。 The delicate youth pupil light dodges, shoots a finger, the invisible strengths, sealed up his mouth, Dongyang stared the big eye, how to make an effort, can only make hum the sound. 清秀少年眸光一闪,屈指一弹,就有一股无形的力量,封住了他的嘴巴,东阳瞪大眼睛,无论怎样使劲,只能发出呜呜呜的声音。 Dongyang prepares to send greetings with Spiritual Consciousness immediately, however in this moment, invisible strengths, let fall to enter in his Sea of Consciousness, was the same just like the column of heaven, sealed up his Sea of Consciousness thoroughly. 东阳立马准备用神识传音,但是在这一刻,一道道无形的力量,垂落进入了他的识海之中,宛如苍天之柱一样,将他的识海给彻底封住。 The double pupil of Dongyang shivers immediately, is this what kind method? 东阳的双眸顿时颤抖起来,这是何等的手段啊? Did he actually continually admit defeat cannot accomplish? 他竟然连认输都办不到了? Ahem, since I have gotten rid, that was not easy to finish.” The delicate youth shook the wrist/skill, approaches Dongyang step by step. “哼哼,既然我都已经出手了,那可不是那么容易结束的。”清秀少年晃了晃手腕,一步步靠近东阳。 He displays the world to be outstandingly skilled once again, searched into Storage Bag of Dongyang instantaneously. 他再度施展出天地圣手,瞬间就探入了东阳的储物袋之中。 Formerly really left Young Master and Yan Danqing and the others to give his treasure, 11 was taken by him immediately. 先前真离公子、燕丹青等人给予他的宝物,立马就被他11取了出来。 Heaven, this is your!” “老天,这是你的!” Brother, blade that you want!” “老弟,你要的刀!” shit!, a sword does not bring......” 妈的,一把剑都不带……” Saw this situation to Young Master and Yan Danqing and the others, is the personal appearance shivers, heart in drop blood. 真离公子、燕丹青等人见此情形,一个个都是身形颤抖,心在滴血。 They take to give the treasure of Dongyang, that may be one of their important cards in a hand, now forcefully is taken away by this delicate youth. 他们拿出来给东阳的宝物,那可都是他们重要的底牌之一啊,如今都被这清秀少年给强行夺去了。 The delicate youth clean that Storage Bag pulls out, a foot kicked the altar Dongyang. 清秀少年一口气把储物袋掏的一干二净,就一脚把东阳踢出了祭坛。 This resort to violence, was this fellow daoist won, the fifty Saint made to turn over to them as before.” Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor said lightly: Opportunity has given you, you do not need to treat here, all retreats.” “这场武斗,是这位道友胜了,大衍圣令依旧归他们。”九霄仙帝淡淡道:“机会已经给你们,你们就不必待在这里了,全部都退去吧。” Spirit of the celestial poles list smiles saying: Welcome fellow daoist to come again.” 天极榜之灵笑眯眯道:“欢迎各位道友再来。” Dongyang, leaves Young Master and Yan Danqing and the others really hears Yanqi almost spouts an old blood. 东阳、真离公子、燕丹青等人闻言气的差点喷出一口老血。 Dongyang, I have not ended with you!” “东阳,我跟你没完!” Really to Young Master and Yan Danqing and the others is in the heart the low roar, glowers. 真离公子、燕丹青等人都是心中低吼,怒目而视。 Dongyang hit one to tremble, trembles, did not have formerly least bit to be fervent again. 东阳打了一个寒颤,瑟瑟发抖,再无先前半点慷慨激昂。 Quick that this group of people come, draws back also quick, in the main hall restored once again peacefully. 这一群人来的很快,退的也很快,大殿中再度恢复了安静。 Three little friend, you and also departs.” On the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor face showed happy expression once again, the big hand has wielded, the innumerable light symbols, arrived from the day, congealed a leaf of front door. “三位小友,你们也且离去吧。”九霄仙帝脸上再度露出了笑意,大手一挥,无数的光符,从天降临下来,凝成了一扇大门。 Hello, I said the Immortal Emperor senior, you broke the rule, almost harms us to lose the fifty Saint command, like this delivers us to walk? Shouldn't give a compensation?” The delicate youth complained. “喂,我说仙帝前辈,你破坏了规则,害得我们差点失去大衍圣令,就这样送我们走啦?不应该给点补偿吗?”清秀少年埋怨道。 Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor ill-humored saying: Received that many treasures, haven't you been content?” 九霄仙帝没好气道:“收了那么多宝物,你还不知足?” The delicate youth mumbled: That is any treasure, a sword does not have......” 清秀少年嘟囔道:“那算什么宝物,一把剑都没有……” Qin Nan forwards immediately, cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: Nonsense that the Immortal Emperor senior, he spoke, and do not care, we leave now.” 秦南立马向前,拱手道:“仙帝前辈,他说的胡话,你且不要放在心上,我们现在就离开。” Three people walk toward light gate. 三人朝着光门走去。 This harvest, is very sumptuous. 这一趟的收获,已经是非常丰盛了。 waits! 等等! Suddenly, Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor blocked before them, has sighed deeply, said: Your boy said also right, I am solemn Immortal Emperor, broke the rule, from emotions and from logic, indeed should give you a compensation.” 突然,九霄仙帝拦在了他们面前,长叹了一声,道:“你小子说的也没错,我身为堂堂仙帝,破坏了规则,于情于理,的确该给你们一个补偿。” Three people of eye simultaneously bright, delicate youth said excitedly: Has the sword?” 三人眼睛齐齐一亮,清秀少年更是激动道:“有剑吗?” Here may not have the sword.” Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor said with a smile lightly: But, I can give you other same thing. I had formerly not said that the fifty Saint command needs collection complete three, can obtain the true Great Overflowing Heavenly Sect inheritance?” “我这里可没有剑。”九霄仙帝淡淡笑道:“不过,我可以给你们另外一样东西。我先前不是说过,大衍圣令需要集齐三块,才能得到真正的大衍天宗传承吗?” In Spirit of the celestial poles list hears Yanxin jumps, said: Senior, you were say......” 天极榜之灵闻言心中一跳,道:“前辈,你是说……” Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor nods the head slightly, you guess right. I can tell you, where the remaining two fifty Saints made. How this does compensate?” 九霄仙帝微微颔首,“你猜的没错。我可以告诉你们,剩下两块大衍圣令在哪里。这个补偿如何?” This naturally is enormous compensation Ah ! 这当然是一个极大的补偿啊! If by them, they must find the remaining two fifty Saint commands, that does not know wastes how much time, finally can find, that is a very major problem! 若是靠他们自己的话,他们要找到剩下的两块大衍圣令,那根本不知道得浪费多少时间,最终能不能找到,那还是一个很大的问题! You , and so on. I now am only a wisp of consciousness, needs to calculate.” Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor has had marvelous magic seal single-handed, saint light sparkle on the fingertip. “你们且等等。我现在只是一缕意识,需要推算一下。”九霄仙帝单手结出了一个奇妙的法印,一道道圣光在指尖上闪耀起来。 Un?” Suddenly, the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor eye narrows the eyes. “嗯?”突然,九霄仙帝眼睛一眯。 Senior, how?” Qin Nan curious Asking Dao. “前辈,怎么了?”秦南好奇问道 You should not deduce......” delicate youth whole face to be vigilant, he always thought that this Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor is not reasonable. “你该不会是没推演出来吧……”清秀少年满脸警惕,他总觉得这九霄仙帝不靠谱。 That...... Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor hesitates actually, said: But, the matter is a little above my expectation. Specifically how, I in a few words could not explain now. However, I can tell you, the remaining two fifty Saint commands, gathered together.” “那倒不是……”九霄仙帝沉吟一声,道:“只不过,事情有点超乎我的预料。具体如何,我现在三言两语解释不清楚。不过,我可以告诉你们,剩下的两块大衍圣令,已经聚在一起了。” Such remarks, the Qin Nan three people stare. 此话一出,秦南三人都是一愣。 On the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor face reveals one to ponder, said: Already some people stared at the fifty Saint command. Here fifty Saint command, should be third that they need to seek.” 九霄仙帝脸上露出一丝玩味,道:“早就有人盯上了大衍圣令。这里的大衍圣令,应该是他们需要寻找的第三块。”
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