PBS :: Volume #25

#2455: Trigram looks like

The Spirit of the celestial poles list pupil shrinks suddenly. 天极榜之灵瞳仁急剧一缩。 Elder Brother Tian......” 天哥……” Qin Nan and Ji Xuan looked toward him. 秦南季玄都朝他看了过去。 Afterward, they then saw extremely terrifying one. 随后,他们便见到了极为恐怖的一幕。 Only sees, from Spirit of the celestial poles list within the body, gushed out rays of light of innumerable say/way, likely dreadful pressure that came from the ancient times, is similar to that antique tide is ordinary, fires into all directions, heavens-frightening moves. 只见到,从天极榜之灵体内,涌出了无数道的光芒,一股股像是从远古而来的滔天威压,如同那太古浪潮一般,冲向四面八方,惊天动地。 Incessantly so, gate picture illusory shadow, towering launched above the vault of heaven, has suppressed all, caused that surrounding area several hundred thousand li (0.5 km) lives, was the whole face with amazement, the mind trembled greatly. 不止如此,一尊似门似画般的虚影,兀的在天穹上方展开,镇压了所有的一切,使得那方圆几十万里的生灵们,都是满脸骇然,心神巨颤。 Qin Nan, felt the stock greatest suppression. 就连秦南,也感受到了股莫大压制。 My woman, you also dares to move!?” “我的女人,你也敢动!?” Spirit of the celestial poles list erupted the dreadful anger, the character character like the thunder, crack world. 天极榜之灵爆发出来了滔天怒火,字字如雷,炸响世界。 His both eyes, released the peerless profound light, was revolves likely the entire Great Upper Realm most formidable pupil technique, looked through the innumerable bans in Azure Vault stiffly, fell above a stele. 他的双眼,释放出来了绝世玄光,像是运转起来了整个大上界最为强大的瞳术,硬生生看破了青穹中的无数禁制,落在了一个石碑之上。 Incessantly so, his whole person also moved, both hands turn toward the front one to grasp separately, unexpectedly a front hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) world, stiffly from Azure Vault Central Mysterious Territory Heaven grasping. 不止如此,他整个人也动了起来,双手分别向着前方一抓,竟是将前方数十万里的天地,给硬生生的从青穹中玄境天里面给抓了出来。 Is hard with sword intent that the spoken language described, was an unprecedented catastrophe is likely ordinary, has swept across the surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) instantaneously. 难以用言语形容的剑意,像是一场史无前例的浩劫一般,瞬间席卷了方圆1000000里。 He takes on this day as the sword unexpectedly! 他竟是以这天地为剑! „Is this Celestial pole list strength?” “这就是天极榜的力量?” Qin Nan whole body fine hair reciprocal, fearful and apprehensive. 秦南浑身汗毛倒数,心惊肉跳。 By his present cultivation level, even if shouldering has gotten down this sword, that perhaps also meets the severe wound. 以他如今的修为,即使扛下了这一剑,那恐怕也会重伤。 Moreover, must know that Spirit of the celestial poles list is to place in Azure Vault now, his strength, was greatly suppressed. 而且,要知道,天极榜之灵现在是身处青穹之中,他一身力量,受到了巨大压制。 If returns to Great Upper Realm, Spirit of the celestial poles list gives to draw on entire Celestial pole list , will that have the what kind strength? 倘若是回到大上界里面,天极榜之灵将整个天极榜都给招来,那又将具备了何等的力量? Perhaps can endure to compare Supreme Heavenly Venerable!? 恐怕可以堪比无上天尊吧!? Elder Brother Tian, you calmly!” 天哥,你冷静一点!” Qin Nan responded rapidly that exploded drinks one. 秦南迅速反应过来,爆喝一声。 His Body of Source , full play, transferred innumerable world's strength, like was big nets, covered on the body of Spirit of the celestial poles list. 他的本源之体,也全力运转起来,调动起来了无数的天地之力,像是一张张大网一样,笼罩在了天极榜之灵的身上。 You called me to be how calm!? You either help me, either boils to me! Today no matter how, I must extinguish this All Immortals god tablet!” “你叫我如何冷静!?你要么帮我,要么给我滚开!今天不管如何,我都要灭了这诸仙神碑!” Spirit of the celestial poles list is similar to that ancient demon god is ordinary, the vicious tendencies are dreadful. 天极榜之灵如同那亘古魔神一般,戾气滔天。 Elder Brother Tian! Li'er came from the All Immortals god tablet, now the All Immortals god tablet leads her, not will injure necessarily her! If there is not injured her, you now and All Immortals god tablet reckless battle, how that will end finally?” 天哥离儿来自于诸仙神碑,如今诸仙神碑将她带回去,并不一定就会伤害她!倘若没有伤害她,你现在与诸仙神碑不顾一切的开战,那最后将如何收场?” Qin Nan has used the huge strength, causes his sound, is similar to that mighty bell is ordinary, sends ear-spittingly deaf. 秦南动用了庞大的力量,使得他的声音,如同那洪钟一般,震耳发聩。 The Spirit of the celestial poles list personal appearance trembles. 天极榜之灵身形一颤。 In his both eyes, restored a Pure Brightness. 他的双眼中,也恢复出来了一丝清明。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! After crossing two breaths, Spirit of the celestial poles list calms down thoroughly, the sword of world Celestial pole list illusory shadow that the boundless imposing manner that sends out, draws on, as well as both hands hold, 11 dissipate. 过了两息之后,天极榜之灵彻底冷静下来,那散发出来的磅礴气势,招来的天极榜虚影,以及双手所持的天地之剑,都11消散下去。 The world of that fierce shake, this starts to be tranquil. 那剧烈震荡的天地,这才开始平静下来。 Various surrounding area 1 million li (0.5 km) lives, simultaneously relaxed, have to plant feeling that Death God that covers in their top of the head departs suddenly. 方圆1000000里的各种生灵们,齐齐都松了口气,有种笼罩在它们头顶的死神突然离去的感觉。 shit!, scared to death.” 妈的,吓死了。” Ji Xuan has scratched the cold sweat of forehead, steady mind. 季玄擦了擦额头的冷汗,稳了稳心神。 Was I was too a moment ago impulsive! I on the body of Li'er, have overcome conscience wonderful seal, regardless of she is where, I can the sensation to her condition!” “刚才是我太冲动了!我在离儿的身上,打下了本心妙印,无论她身在何处,我都能够感知到她的状况!” Spirit of the celestial poles list deeply inspired, immediately sat cross-legged to sit up, has had mysterious magic seal. 天极榜之灵深吸了口气,当即盘膝坐起,结出了一个玄妙法印 Qin Nan sees this one, at heart a loosen, responded thoroughly that in the look revealed has wiped complex. 秦南见此一幕,心里一松,也彻底反应过来,眼神里露出了抹复杂。 He came from the later generation, naturally very clear, Spirit of the celestial poles list and between the All Immortals god tablets has not made war. 他从后世而来,当然非常清楚,天极榜之灵诸仙神碑之间并没有开战。 Possibly happen to was he returned to antiquity time, happen to he in the Spirit of the celestial poles list side, Spirit of the celestial poles list to reason of calming down. 可能正好是他回到了上古时代,正好他在天极榜之灵的身边,把天极榜之灵给劝住的缘故。 However, the final result, was still not good. 但是,最终的结果,仍旧是不好的。 Heavenly Saint Calendar in 2050, Spirit of the celestial poles list issues the duty. 圣天历第2050年,天极榜之灵下达任务。 Also in this year, the golden hair young girl, was given to kill. 也在这一年,有一名金发少女,被人给杀害了。 Li'er is also living!” 离儿还活着!” In Qin Nan indulges in flights of fancy, Spirit of the celestial poles list suddenly opens both eyes, looks pleasantly surprised: „Her aura had not been affected slightly, now in All Immortals god tablet in it place!” 正在秦南胡思乱想之时,天极榜之灵突然睁开双眼,面露惊喜:“她一身气息没有受到丝毫的影响,现在就在诸仙神碑的所在之地!” Saying, he stands up, said: Walks, we overtake now!” 说着,他站起身来,道:“走,我们现在就赶过去!” Qin Nan starts to speak but hesitates. 秦南欲言又止。 How?” Spirit of the celestial poles list looked at his one eyes, said: You felt relieved that I a moment ago was the anger drift, when can like this. What problem had, what method looks to solve.” “怎么了?”天极榜之灵看了他一眼,道:“你放心吧,我刚才是怒火冲头了,待会不会这样了。出现了什么样的问题,就找什么样的方法去解决。” He thinks that Qin Nan was worried he will impulse. 他以为秦南是担心他会冲动。 Qin Nan wants to say all that he knows, however has words on the tip of the tongue, that is unable to make Strength of Space-Time that he resists, covered on his body. 秦南想要将他所知道的一切说出,但是话到嘴边,那股无法令他抗拒的时空之力,就笼罩在了他的身上。 In the Qin Nan heart sighed, has to transform own idea, said: Good, we pass now.” 秦南心中叹息一声,只好转变了自己的想法,道:“好,我们现在过去。” In this time, Ji Xuan of distant place, weak putting out a hand, said: Elder Brother Tian, I, although knows that now the opportunity is not right, but there is words, I must tell you.” 就在此时,远处的季玄,弱弱的伸出手,道:“天哥,我虽然知道现在时机不怎么对,但是有一番话,我还是要跟你说一下。” The Spirit of the celestial poles list brow twists, said: „Did you calculate?” 天极榜之灵眉头一拧,道:“你算出来了?” Ji Xuan nodded, Spirit of the celestial poles list complexion fluctuates, said: You said.” 季玄点了点头,天极榜之灵脸色变幻了一下,道:“那你说吧。” Elder Brother Tian, should not be angry......” Ji Xuan to say cautiously: During my deduction, the trigram likely was not a moment ago good. I attempted to use ten methods, the final outcome was one. If excessively dedicated love, thorough destroys itself, the opportunity of certainly not again coming.” 天哥,你可不要生气……”季玄小心翼翼道:“刚才我的推演之中,卦象非常不好。我尝试用了十种方法,最终结果都是一个。若过分执着自己所爱,将会彻底的摧毁自己,绝无重来的机会。” Qin Nan sinks at heart. 秦南心里一沉。 Spirit of the celestial poles list silent, the corners of the mouth then have brought slightly back have wiped the light smiling face, said: Your priests and disciples two also are really tedious. Your master had calculated to me, within the future 500 years, I will be killed.” 天极榜之灵稍稍沉默了一下,嘴角便勾起了抹淡淡的笑容,道:“你们师徒两还真是令人生厌。你的师傅曾经给我算过,未来的500年之内,我会被人杀死。” Now you also tell me, if my this time past, oneself destroying.” “现在你又来告诉我,我这一次若过去的话,会把自己给摧毁。” But, how?” “不过,那又如何呢?” In oneself heart thinks that is the promotion entire Great Upper Realm martial arts. If in this case, will make itself die, did not do!” “自己心中所想的,就是振兴整个大上界的武道。倘若这样的话,会令自己死了,就不去做了吗!” If I can promote the Great Upper Realm martial arts, even if died, that is also dies the valve.” “要是我能振兴大上界的武道,即便是死去了,那也是死有所值。” Similarly, I, if can save Li'er, with Li'er in the same place, why not has destroyed oneself?” “同样,我若是能拯救离儿,和离儿在一起,把自己摧毁了又有何不可?” In this world, most fearful is not own destiny, but knew own destiny. 这个世上,最可怕的并不是自己的命运,而是知道了自己的命运。 However, Spirit of the celestial poles list on the short several words, has extended this fearful biggest disdaining. 但是,天极榜之灵就短短的几句话,就致以了这种可怕的最大的不屑。 Walks.” “走。” Spirit of the celestial poles list has drawn on an immortal sword from the nihility, shouldered on own shoulder. Now starting from, is guided by him. 天极榜之灵从虚无中招来了一把仙剑,扛在了自己的肩上。现在开始,由他来带路。
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