PBS :: Volume #25

#2414: Datong day Secret Art( two-in-one)

Meanwhile, in immortal palace. 与此同时,仙宫之中。 Spirit of the celestial poles list, purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, towering felt that looks up. 天极榜之灵,紫昊天尊等等巨头们,兀的有所感觉,抬头看去。 Only sees, the above vault of heaven, started to transform suddenly, various peerless phenomenon, evolve in abundance, as if has a peerless catastrophe, soon will arrive general. 只见到,上方的天穹,已经开始急剧变换,各种绝世的异象,纷纷演化出来,仿佛有着一场绝世浩劫,即将降临下来一般。 They also see, in that cliff bottom to seal/confer Daoshu, the page crash-bang the change, big mysterious beyond description, the unceasing release, is affecting this stretch of world. 他们还看到,在那悬崖底部的封道书,书页哗啦啦的翻动,一股股难以形容的大玄妙,从中不断的释放出来,影响着这片天地。 A brand-new aura, will, vitality, from glows. 一种崭新的气息,意志,生机,正在从其中焕发。 Very obviously, recited the moon/month to start to pass on position Chen Fenghuo. 很显然,吟月已经开始传位陈烽火 „.” “诸位。” At this time, recited the personal appearance of moon/month, from rays of light on that tricolor immortal lotus, evolved. 这个时候,吟月的身形,从那三色仙莲上的光芒之中,演化了出来。 Only sees, his hair, turned into a pale color, on rays of light body, were many several cracks, and in little expansion. 只见到,他的头发,已经变成了一片苍白之色,光芒般的身躯上,也多了好几道裂纹,并且在一点点的扩大。 Many people, will be at the point of death unwilling, regret, get over an emotion, the extrication, however was reciting the body of moon/month, without any mood, was on the contrary full of vigor. 许多的人,在临死之际,都会不甘,懊悔,释怀,解脱,但是在吟月的身上,没有任何的情绪,相反精神饱满。 In reciting in the heart of moon/month, it has not died, it exists forever in Shi. 在吟月的心中,它并没有死,它长存于世。 This time to seal/confer Daoshu changes Item's Spirit, in addition beacon-fire itself cultivation level is low, therefore to seal/confer Daoshu the source, will be attacked enormously. I hope that you can help me, stands firm to seal/confer Daoshu, grasps to seal/confer Daoshu till the beacon-fire thoroughly.” “这次封道书改换器灵,再加上烽火自身修为较低,所以封道书的本源,将会遭受到极大的打击。我希望你们能够帮我一个忙,把封道书稳住,直到烽火彻底掌握封道书为止。” Recited the moon/month to cup one hand in the other across the chest to say. 吟月拱手说道。 „, Do not come this set, these did not need you saying that we will also do.” “得,你别来这一套,这些都不用你去说,我们也都会去做的。” Spirit of the celestial poles list flipped the supercilious look. 天极榜之灵翻了翻白眼。 Yes, recited moon/month senior, to seal/confer Daoshu was my Saint day Wu Jiao most precious object, moreover was related to the entire Great Upper Realm martial arts, paid what kind of price, our Saint day Wu Jiao, will stand firm to seal/confer Daoshu absolutely.” “是的,吟月前辈,封道书乃我圣天武教的至宝,而且事关整个大上界的武道,无论是付出怎样的代价,我们圣天武教,绝对会稳住封道书。” Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable also hastily said. 紫昊天尊也是连忙道。 That, thanks.” “那就,谢谢啦。” Recited the moon/month to say with a smile. 吟月笑道。 Today, perhaps is in its this life, most one time that smiles. 今天,或许是它这一生中,笑的最多的一次。 Can walk?” “要走了?” Spirit of the celestial poles list Asking Dao. 天极榜之灵问道 Un, was similar. Elder Brother Tian, you may not be sad for me.” “嗯,差不多了。天哥,你可千万别为我难过。” Recited moon/month earnest say/way. 吟月认真道。 „, You do a bit less, who will be sad for you?” “靠,你少来,谁会为你难过?” Spirit of the celestial poles list said one ill-humoredly. 天极榜之灵没好气的说了一句。 „......” “不过……” Spirit of the celestial poles list has remembered anything, has patted the palm, two are filled with the immortal liquor the jade cup, reappeared. 天极榜之灵想起了什么,拍了一下手掌,两个盛满仙酒的玉杯,浮现了出来。 „Before leaving, makes an exception, drinks one cup, what kind of?” “临走之前,破个例,喝一杯,怎样?” Spirit of the celestial poles list said. 天极榜之灵说道。 „...... That drinks one cup.” “呃……那就喝一杯。” Recited the moon/month to hesitate slightly, then the nod complied, to catch a jade cup. 吟月略微迟疑了一下,便点头答应,接住了一个玉杯。 Come, walks one.” “来,走一个。” Spirit of the celestial poles list raises glass saying that recited the moon/month also to hold up the cup. 天极榜之灵举杯说道,吟月也举起杯。 Sees Spirit of the celestial poles list to toss down, loudly shouted refreshed, recited the moon/month palm to tremble slightly trembling, afterward then raised head, has filled. 见到天极榜之灵一饮而尽,大呼一声爽快,吟月手掌微微颤了颤,随后便仰起头来,一口灌了下去。 Did not have the body obviously, actually still feels burningly. 明明已经没有了身体,却依然感觉火辣辣的。 The liquor, is really difficult to drink! 酒,果然难喝! Walked.” “走了。” Recited the personal appearance of moon/month, disrupted thoroughly, changed into everywhere rays of light. 吟月的身形,彻底碎裂开来,化为了漫天光芒 A giant, calmly stands, silent. 一众巨头,静静站立,无声无息。 At this moment, in color space. 此时此刻,彩色空间之中。 Chen Fenghuo body, started to have the tremendous changes. 陈烽火身躯,开始发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Meanwhile, in Qin Nan Sea of Consciousness, presented astonishing one. 同时,秦南识海中,也出现了惊人一幕。 Only sees, his mind will, arrived in an infinite darkness, facial features are fuzzy, are sparkling the golden rays of light form, from that dark end, walked step by step. 只见到,他的心神意志,来到了一片无穷黑暗之中,一个面容模糊,闪耀着金色光芒的身影,从那黑暗的尽头,一步步走了过来。 Senior?” “前辈?” Qin Nan probe called one. 秦南试探的叫了一声。 The golden form, has not paid attention to him, but arrived at his side directly, held his shoulder, opens the mouth slowly: Looks over Great Upper Realm all methods, without exception, all changes from the rule, the world changes, the myriad things change, the bustling place changes, the comprehension comes suddenly.” 金色身影,并未理会他,而是径直来到了他的身边,抓住了他的肩膀,缓缓开口:“纵观大上界所有法门,无一例外,皆从规则之变,天地之变,万物之变,红尘之变中,忽而领悟而来。” Perhaps any incredible idea, a strange thought that deduces, all may turn into a peerless law.” “任何一个荒诞的想法,一个古怪的念头,或许加以推演,皆可变成一门绝世之法。” In the heart of each Cultivator, has a own method, but he had not detected that has not seen the light suddenly, has not deduced.” “每一位修士的心中,都有着一部属于自己的法门,只是他尚未发觉,尚未顿悟,尚未推演。” I not the general outline that I create, direct instruction in you. I will guide you, looked how I am little creates this general outline.” “我不会将我所创的总纲,直接的传授于你。我会引导你,看我是如何一点点的将这总纲创造出来。” Do not let off any detail, do not neglect oneself each idea. The general outline that I create, you only need to grasp most core true meaning, as for other, must be yourself.” “不要放过任何一个细节,也不要忽略掉自己每一个想法。我所创造的总纲,你只需要掌握其中最核心的真谛,至于其他的,要属于你自己。” The voice falls, present infinite darkness, broadminded big change. 话音一落,眼前的无穷黑暗,豁然大变。 Qin Nan and golden form, arrived in a stretch of open land together, then helplessly looks that Cultivator fly, cities establish one after another, finally has formed a big dynasty. 秦南与金色身影,一起来到了一片荒地之中,然后眼睁睁的看着,一位位修士飞过来,一座座城池相继建立,最后形成了一个诺大皇朝。 Afterward, Qin Nan saw emerging of dynasty, the deterioration of dynasty. 随后,秦南见到了皇朝的兴起,皇朝的衰败。 Qin Nan saw the eruption of war, the end of war. 秦南见到了战争的爆发,战争的结束。 Qin Nan saw a little bit water, has formed the river, rivers, have formed sea, saw a seed, became a big tree, sows more seeds again, the little development became the forest, saw stones, piled the mountain, mountains, have formed the mountain range. 秦南见到了一滴滴水,汇成了大河,一条条大河,汇成了一片大海,见到了一颗种子,成为了一颗大树,再撒下更多的种子,一点点发展成为了森林,见到了一颗颗石头,堆成了大山,一座座大山,形成了山脉。 Qin Nan also saw that the sea changes into Kuwata, the forest changes into the yellow sand, the mountain range changes into the crack. 秦南还见到,沧海化为桑田,森林化为黄沙,山脉化为裂缝。 Whether there is to start, to finished finally, does not have, from the end, starts once again, All Heavens circulation. 有无开始,到终结束,又从无来,又从终结,周而复始,诸天循环。 In world, eternal strength, for the strongest strength. But, does not have true eternal strength, all, cannot block the consumption of Space-Time, regular change, the turbulence in world, the change of will of the people. Therefore, only then close eternal strength, is the formidable strength.” “天地之间,永恒的力量,是为最强的力量。可是,没有真正永恒的力量,所有的一切,都挡不住时空的消耗,规则的变动,天地的动荡,人心的变化。所以,只有接近永恒的力量,才是强大的力量。” The golden sound, made a sound in Qin Nan Sea of Consciousness. 金色的声音,响在了秦南识海之中。 Qin Nan has a feeling, train of thought such as flies. 秦南似有所感,思绪如飞。 Then, the golden form , to continue to bring this Qin Nan to understand. 接下来,金色的身影,继续带这秦南领略。 Has Powerhouse to rise, Powerhouse falls/dies, there is extension of determination, on the wane of determination, love, friendship, kinship. 强者崛起,强者陨落,也有壮志的延续,壮志的凋零,还有爱情,友情,亲情。 Regretted, sorrowful, joyful, regretted that moves and so on innumerable mood, infinite enlargement, incomparable clear. 遗憾,悲哀,喜悦,懊悔,感动等等无数种情绪,无限的放大,无比的清晰。 Every time experiences one, golden form will speak a few words, bit by bit, gathering. 每经历一段,金色身影就会说一句话,一点一滴,汇聚而起。 Qin Nan does not know how long, Qin Nan does not know experienced many, but the idea in his heart, started changes were getting more and more, was getting more and more mixed, in innumerable directions, unceasing extended. 秦南不知道过去了多久,秦南也不知道见识到了多少,不过他心中的想法,开始变的越来越多,越来越杂,向着无数个方向,不断的延伸下去。 He grasped a point likely, has not held likely, is very marvelous. 他像是抓住了一个点,又像是没有抓住,无比奇妙。 , The Qin Nan footsteps have slowed down gradually, until final time, he has not paid attention to the golden form, sat cross-legged to sit directly. 渐渐地,秦南的脚步放缓了,直到最后的时候,他没有理会金色身影,直接盘膝坐了起来。 Each idea, each sensibility, likely changed into the writing to be ordinary, the unceasing fission, changed into writing perpetual flows, has rushed in all directions. Full, they turned into the sea of writing, forwards torrentially. 每一个想法,每一个感悟,都像是化为了文字一般,不断的分裂,化为了一条条文字长河,涌向了四面八方。满满的,它们又变成了文字之海,滔滔向前。 Increases unceasingly, splits unceasingly. 不断变大,不断分裂。 Qin Nan does not know, when he stops, the golden form also stopped, is sitting cross-legged to sit to him, the mouth spits Thunder Yin, explained mysterious, no matter also Qin Nan whether heard. 秦南不知道,当他停下的时候,金色的身影也停下了,对着他盘膝而坐,口吐雷音,讲解玄妙,也不管秦南是否听见。 Time every little bit passing. 时间一点一滴的流逝。 Unknowingly, six months passed by. 不知不觉,六个月过去了。 During this period, in entire Great Upper Realm, once for a while eruption flames of war, among big influences, mutual collision. 在这期间,整个大上界中,时不时的爆发出了战火,一个个大势力之间,相互碰撞。 Stood in the apex Heavenly Venerable peak giants, went to the vault of heaven the number of times, became more and more frequent. 站在了顶点的天尊巅峰巨头们,前往天穹的次数,也变得越来越频繁。 Since continuously, regardless of arrives at where is dark green of focal point, Zhou Di, Huangfu Jue, Ye Zhaoxian, is the movement repeatedly. 一直以来,无论走到何处都是焦点的苍,周帝,皇甫绝,叶昭仙,也是动作频频。 For example, dark green with Zhou Di, had a war, the victory and defeat unknown. After this matter, is less than five days, Ye Zhaoxian also and dark green war, the victory and defeat unknown. 譬如,苍与周帝,发生了一场大战,胜负未知。此事之后,不到五天,叶昭仙也与苍大战一场,胜负未知。 Also for example, a Buddha Dao giant, announced to the outside that has recruited Direct Disciple, surnamed Bai, vertical lives. 又譬如,一位佛道巨头,对外宣布,招收了一名真传弟子,姓白,名纵生。 The path of history, is repeating step by step, anybody cannot change, without any deviation. 历史的轨迹,在一步步重演,任何人也改变不了,没有任何的偏差。 In addition, during this month, Chen Fenghuo wakes up from the deep sleep, thoroughly became to seal/confer Daoshu new Item's Spirit. 除此之外,在这一个月之中,陈烽火从沉睡中醒来,彻底成为了封道书的新器灵 Similar to recites moon/month institute to expect general, seals the aura of books body, starts sudden sliding, Spirit of the celestial poles list, as well as Saint day Wu Jiao giants, are carrying incomparably huge heavenly material treasure rapidly, as well as other methods, infiltrate in to seal/confer Daoshu one after another. 如同吟月所料一般,封道书本体的气息,开始急剧的下滑,天极榜之灵,以及圣天武教的一众巨头们,迅速携带着无比庞大的天材地宝,以及其他各种手段,相继打入封道书之中。 Chen Fenghuo under the help and directions of giant, itself has stiffened much, has stood also firm to seal/confer Daoshu the situation. 陈烽火在众巨头的帮助与指点之下,自身变强了不少,同时也稳住了封道书的情况。 Hence, Chen Fenghuo is similar to Qin Nan is also same, entered during the sensibility. 至此,陈烽火也如同秦南一样,进入了感悟之中。 Recites the general outline of method of the heaven-defying the moon/month deduces, similarly also taught to him. 吟月推演出来的这部逆天之法的总纲,同样也传授给了他。 Although he is unable practice, but he must true meaning, thorough grasps, such words, can in the later process, with Qin Nan together, deduce following first chapter, second chapter. 虽然他无法修炼,但他要将其中的真谛,彻底的掌握,如此的话,才能在以后的过程之中,与秦南一起,推演后面的上篇,下篇 Also in this moon/month, 20 th Small Immortal Territory woods positive Dao Lineage subordinates, melts in the Heaven level region of immortal pond. 也在这一个月中,第20一小仙域的森阳道统麾下,化仙池的天级区域之中。 And in three jet black immortal palaces, sparkle suddenly the radiant light, three boundless imposing manners, have soared to the heavens. 其中三座漆黑的仙宫之中,忽的闪耀起来了璀璨之光,三股磅礴的气势,冲霄而起。 A moment later, two sounds that brushes get up from out of the blue, Ji Xuan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor, simultaneously arrived in front of a palace. 片刻之后,刷刷的两道破空声响起,季玄明初老祖,同时降临在了一座宫殿面前。 Now the facial expressions of two people, it may be said that are the red light whole faces, high-spirited. 现在两个人的神情,可谓是红光满脸,意气风发。 Must know that during these six months, they really cross may be the deity days, what heavenly material treasure regardless of wants, what Cultivation Technique wants, so long as is not extremely difficult, woods positive Dao Lineage almost gives to handle immediately. 要知道,这六个月之中,他们过得可真的是神仙般的日子,无论要什么样的天材地宝,要什么样的功法,只要不是极其困难,森阳道统几乎马上就给办好。 That any ten thousand Luo Heavenly Venerable, but also comes personally, explained the wonder of enough three months of Heavenly Venerable to them, directs their two person. 那个什么万罗天尊,还亲自过来,给他们讲解了足足三个月的天尊之妙,指点他们两人 Therefore, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor achieved Ruler peak, battle strength rose suddenly, although Ji Xuan cultivation level has not broken through, the law of deduction but he majored, was a higher level, battle strength has promoted a big truncation. 于是,明初老祖达到了主宰巅峰,战力暴涨,季玄修为虽未突破,但他主修的推演之法,达到了更高层次,战力提升了一大截。 Un? Gu Fe, your this brat, are you doing, quickly has not come out!” “嗯?古飞,你这臭小子,你在干什么呢,还不赶快出来!” Waited for dozens breaths, had not seen that the present palace has the sound, Ji Xuan cannot bear shout. 等了几十息,没见到眼前的宫殿有动静,季玄就忍不住喊道。 Came to come, worried Ah ! “来了来了,着什么急啊! The Gu Fe sound spreads from the palace, dozens breath time, the front door slowly has pulled open, saw that has the youth of golden short hair, is hugging two facial features beautiful females, walked from inside. 古飞的声音从宫殿里面传出,又过了数十息时间,大门才缓缓拉开,就见到一名有着金色短发的青年,搂着两名面容姣好的女子,从里面走了出来。 Human form that this golden short hair youth, Gu Fe evolves. 这名金色短发青年,正是古飞演化的人形。 During these six months, have woods positive Dao Lineage to support in behind, its Bloodline terrifying place, has shown thoroughly, less than four months, from major World's Sacred Area, Asking Dao Land, promoted for Heavenly Venerable, Lord Realm. 这六个月之中,有着森阳道统在后面支持,它血统的恐怖之处,算是彻底展现了出来,不到四个月的时间,就从各大天地圣区,问道之地,晋升为了天尊,主境 In addition this month of practice, it became Lord Realm middle-stage Powerhouse . 再加上这一个多月的修炼,它已成为主境中期强者 fuck!! Isn't this ten thousand Luo Heavenly Venerable little granddaughters?” 我靠!这不是万罗天尊的小孙女吗?” Ji Xuan sees near the Gu Fe left hand the female of Heavenly Immortal boundary, immediately cannot bear explode the sentence thick mouth. 季玄看到古飞左手边天仙境的女子,立刻忍不住爆了句粗口。 What said? The present is your sister-in-law!” “说什么呢?现在是你的弟妹!” Gu Fe stern say/way. 古飞正色道。 „...... Gu Fe, you said that you during the half year, how many have deceived?” “……古飞,你说说,你这半年期间,已经骗了多少个了?” Bright Beginning Old Ancestor is also the corners of the mouth twitches to say. 明初老祖也是嘴角抽搐道。 Feeds, did the Bright Beginning senior, what you talk nonsense? Our three are perfectly suited to each other, the sincerity falls in love, where has what to deceive? You said that is right?” “喂喂喂,明初前辈,你瞎说什么?我们三个都是情投意合,真心相爱,哪里有什么骗不骗的?你们说,对不对?” Gu Fe looks to the own side two females, has not forgotten to give Bright Beginning Old Ancestor to send greetings secretly: Senior, are not many, to present also 17-18.” 古飞看向自己身边的两位女子,还不忘偷偷给明初老祖传音:“前辈,不多啦,到现在也就十七八个。” Brother Gu Fe said right.” 古飞哥哥说的没错。” Two females know nothing, is the Xiafei double cheeks, a face is charming, the fire of Ji Xuan envy looks, flaming combustion. 两位女子毫不知情,都是霞飞双颊,一脸娇羞,看的季玄嫉妒之火,熊熊燃烧。 Ok, your boy can! Has resulted, rubbish, we prepare first Small Immortal Territory.” “行,你小子可以!得了,不废话了,我们准备去第一小仙域吧。” Bright Beginning Old Ancestor had nothing to say in reply thoroughly, shifts the topic. 明初老祖彻底无言以对,转移话题。 Now goes? Doesn't wait for Lin the Elder Brother?” “现在就去么?不等林哥啦?” Gu Fe Asking Dao. 古飞问道 How long Little Brother Lin does not know to want, now passes message to him, a response does not have. I asked somebody to ask Saint day Wu Jiao Heavenly Venerable, the opposite party only said five characters, there is a good fortune.” 林小哥不知道要多久,现在给他传音,一点反应都没有。我托人问到了圣天武教的一位天尊,对方只说了五个字,有一场造化。” Ji Xuan said. 季玄说道。 Good, we our pass!” “那好吧,那我们就自己过去吧!” Gu Fe shook the head, to female, an generous affection, chatty good, follows Ji Xuan and Bright Beginning Old Ancestor. 古飞摇了摇头,又对着身边的女子,一阵卿卿我我,腻歪了好一阵,才跟上季玄明初老祖 „The first Small Immortal Territory fairy maidens, my Gu Fe came!” “第一小仙域的仙子们,我古飞来了!” Three people depart, after woods positive Dao Lineage learns of the news, Powerhouse , is a pleasant surprise. 三人离去,森阳道统得知消息之后,上上下下的强者们,都是一阵惊喜。 The time passes, one month later. 时间流逝,一个月后。 Saint day Wu Jiao, mysterious place. 圣天武教,神秘之地。 On Qin Nan that has been entirely still, started to present the little response. 一直纹丝不动的秦南身上,开始出现了一点点的反应。 First is one like the dragon golden light, twines in his from top to bottom, afterward is the ancient golden writing, is centered on his body, to that in all directions, rapid proliferation. 先是一道如龙般的金光,缠绕在他的浑身上下,随后便是一个个古老的金色文字,以他的身体为中心,向那四面八方,迅速的扩散开来。 That innumerable idea, the innumerable miraculous glows, extends after the initial dispersion, starts to have collisions, looks like meteors, hit in one, has raised Tao Heavenly Flame wave. 那无数的想法,无数的灵光,从起初的分散延伸之后,又开始发生了一次次碰撞,就像是一颗颗流星般,撞击在了一起,掀起了滔天火浪。 Finally, Qin Nan in this innumerable hot waves, held wisp of out of the ordinary flame. 最终,秦南于这无数的火浪之中,抓住了一缕与众不同的火苗。 This flame falls into the moment in his hand, towering rises suddenly, changed into instantaneously has burnt the day fire, swept across the entire world. 这火苗落入他手中的一刻,兀的暴涨,瞬间化为了焚天大火,席卷整个世界。 This...... Then is the Datong day Secret Art?” “这……便是大同天诀?” Qin Nan both eyes open, shock. 秦南双眼睁开,震撼不已。 On this day within, is close eternal strength, what kind of strength? 这天地间,接近永恒的力量,是怎样的力量? If some people asked that some people think, that should be the strength of destiny. 如果有人去问,会有人想到,那应该是命运的力量。 Right, indeed is the strength of destiny, because the destiny nothing which is not saves, omnipresent, all, may sum up as the destiny. 没错,的确是命运的力量,因为命运无所不存,无所不在,所有一切,都可归结为命运。 Also some people think that should be the Space-Time strength. 还会有人想到,那应该是时空的力量。 Also good, regardless of because is where, where is, Space-Time exists. 也不错,因为无论身在何处,身在何地,时空都存在着。 Also some people think that should be the source strength. 也会有人想到,那应该是本源的力量。 This not wrong, because of source, is all beginnings, if there is world, that has it inevitably. 这也没有错,因为本源,是一切之始,如果存在着世界,那必然存在着它。 However, thinks of the destiny, Space-Time, or is the source, even is other, how can that? 但是,想到命运,时空,或者是本源,甚至是其他的,那又能如何呢? Had this point, can grasp this close eternal strength? 有了这一点,就能够掌握这接近永恒的力量吗? The Datong day Secret Art, has achieved this point. 大同天诀,就做到了这一点。 The true meaning of its general outline, how is makes the person the source. 它总纲的真谛,便是让人如何成为本源。
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