PBS :: Volume #25

#2412: Recited the moon/month, Qin Nan, Chen Fenghuo( two-in-one)

Forest...... Dawn it?” “林……晓之?” Chen Fenghuo has recognized this form quickly. 陈烽火很快认出了这道身影。 Above this ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity, he impression to Lin Xiaozhi, that is most profound. 这次万世武会之上,他对林晓之的印象,那是最为深刻的。 In the ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity ended, he from others' mouth knew that Lin Xiaozhi almost first initiates nine stars compared with him near the phenomenon of all living things, therefore he Lin Xiaozhi name, firmly in heart. Original 因为在万世武会结束之时,他从别人的口中得知,林晓之差一点就比他先引发九星临众生的异象,所以他就将林晓之的名字,牢牢记在了心中。原 This he also planned, after all conclusions, looks for Lin Xiaozhi, discussed the martial arts well. 本他还打算,等到所有一切结束之后,就去找林晓之,好好谈论一下武道。如 Now, Lin Xiaozhi appears here, thinks that is because he failed, therefore the major giants, look for Lin Xiaozhi to try. 今,林晓之出现在这里,想必是因为他失败了,所以各大巨头们,就找林晓之来试试。 „Did he arrive above the ancient road?” “他已经来到了古道之上?” Chen Fenghuo had realized quickly key question is. He 陈烽火很快就意识到了关键问题所在。他 Vaguely remembers, this therapy, but has cost 2-3 days. 依稀记得,他这次疗伤,只是耗费了两三天的时间。 This how couldn't it be said that Lin Xiaozhi has only used for 2-3 days, achieved him to consume the degree that enough one month has achieved? „ 岂不是说,林晓之只用了两三天,就做到了他耗费了足足一个月才做到的程度?“ Did you awake? Now injury how? Needs us to help? ” 你醒了?现在伤势如何了?需要我们来帮忙吗?” Spirit of the celestial poles list had realized that side looks like, smiles Asking Dao. 天极榜之灵有所察觉,侧头看来,笑着问道 Many thanks the senior cared that now the body of younger generation, already and was not affected much.” Chen “多谢前辈关心,现在晚辈的身体,已经并无大碍了。”陈 The beacon-fire stands up, holds the fist in the other hand to cup one hand in the other across the chest. „ 烽火站起身来,抱拳拱手。“ Your boy, does not need to be so polite with me. ” 你小子,不必跟我这么客气。” Spirit of the celestial poles list shook the head with a smile, looked to the ancient road, step by step toward Lin Xiaozhi that marvelous front door walked, said: Has a matter, I think, the plan told you. Defends the book person to tell us, when the ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity inspects, Lin Xiaozhi this boy, only misses pushes gently, can initiate nine stars near the phenomenon of all living things. Just, why this boy did not know, flinches suddenly.” 天极榜之灵笑着摇了摇头,又看向了古道之上,正一步步朝着那奇妙大门走去的林晓之,道:“有件事情,我想了想,还是打算告诉你。守书人告诉我们,在万世武会考核之时,林晓之这小子,只差轻轻一推,就可以引发九星临众生的异象了。只不过,这小子不知为何,突然就退缩了。” The Chen Fenghuo look is startled. This 陈烽火神色一怔。这 In other words, original should first place, be Lin Xiaozhi? 也就是说,本来第一名,应该是林晓之的? Spirit of the celestial poles list continues saying: „Did this result, a little, attack you?” 天极榜之灵继续道:“这个结果,是不是有点,打击到你了?” Chen Fenghuo recovers, shook the head, said earnestly: Senior, said, this fact, has not attacked me, moreover in this world, the person who if martial arts natural talent is better than me, are getting more and more, I a little am instead happy.” 陈烽火回过神来,摇了摇头,认真道:“前辈,说真的,这个事实,并未打击到我,而且这个世上,若是武道天赋比我好的人,越来越多的话,我反而有点开心。” He is a mortal, can he not care about first place? But 他是一个凡人,他怎么会不在乎第一名?但 Yes, he will not think that this first place, must belong his. 是,他不会觉得,这个第一名,一定要属于他的。 His present martial arts natural talent, cannot compare the Lin Xiaozhi words, after him, diligently, by oneself regarding the understanding of martial arts, changes is more profound. When 他现在的武道天赋,比不上林晓之的话,那他以后就更加努力,让自己对于武道的理解,变的更为深刻。当 However, Chen Fenghuo also had essential has not said. 然了,陈烽火还有最关键的一点没有说出来。 Since to seal/confer Daoshu, in his heart has been incomparably sacred existence. 封道书一直以来,在他心中都是无比神圣的存在。 He cannot help to seal/confer Daoshu, the innermost feelings ashamedly owe, if Lin Xiaozhi can help to seal/confer Daoshu, defuses the present crisis, that without doubt is best. 他未能够帮到封道书,内心一直都是非常愧欠的,如果林晓之可以帮到封道书,化解眼前的危机,那无疑是最好的。 You can think that I may feel relieved. However, now does not know that this boy can be successful, we together here just wait.” “你能够这么想,那我可就放心了。不过,现在也不知道,这小子能不能够成功,我们一起在这里等着吧。” On the Spirit of the celestial poles list face the happy expression is thicker. 天极榜之灵脸上笑意更浓。 Although Chen Fenghuo failed, however in his heart, already looked at Chen Fenghuo unusual is heavy. 虽然陈烽火失败了,但是他的心中,早已将陈烽火看的非常重。 Good, senior!” When “好的,前辈!”时 In the middle every little bit passing. In 间一点一滴的流逝。在 Many giants, under gaze of Chen Fenghuo, Qin Nan above that ancient road, vanguard step by step. Three 诸多巨头,还有陈烽火的注视之下,秦南在那古道之上,一步步的前行。三 After double-hour, Qin Nan arrived in front of that leaf of marvelous front door. Qin 个时辰之后,秦南抵达了那扇奇妙的大门面前。秦 south now the feeling in heart, at that time the feeling in heart with Chen Fenghuo, was almost exactly the same, therefore was quick, Qin Nan lifted the palm, reached in the gate, that Dao Talisman article, Ancient [古] Character, the trace wait/etc., gave to take together one after another. Entire 南现在心中的感觉,与陈烽火当时心中的感觉,几乎是一模一样,所以很快的,秦南就抬起手掌,伸向了门中,将那一道道符文,古字,纹路等等,相继给取了出来。整 The process, is very smooth, is not the 2.5 minutes time, on entire leaf of marvelous front door all, completely were taken, remaining last has only taken the form of life the mark of character. 个过程,无比流畅,不到半柱香的时间,整扇奇妙大门上面的所有一切,就已经被全部取了下去,只剩下了最后一个形似‘命’字的符号。 To critical moment!” Day “到了关键时刻了!”天 Extremely the spirit of list, purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, mind simultaneously one tight. 极榜之灵,紫昊天尊等等巨头们,心神都齐齐一紧。 Chen Fenghuo also gripped tightened fist. Qin 陈烽火也不禁攥紧了拳头。秦 south as if also felt that the marvelous place of this mark, has stopped the time of counting breaths, puts out a hand to it searches. Entire 南似乎也感觉到了这个符号的奇妙之处,停顿了数息的时间,才伸手向其探去。整 Space-Time, in this moment, as if changes is slow. 时空,在这一刻,都仿佛变的缓慢下来。 The arm of Qin Nan, forwards each inch, the people on the scene, look incomparable clear. Entire 秦南的手臂,向前每一寸,在场的众人,都看的无比清晰。整 The process, lives in peace with each other, does not have the unusual form. 个过程,都相安无事,毫无异状。 However, when the palm of Qin Nan, distance mysterious mark, only has one inch merely, a mysterious invisible strength, suddenly from above erupts, making Qin Nan unable in the advance slightly. Bang 然而,就当秦南的手掌,距离这个神秘的符号,仅仅只有一寸之时,一股玄妙的无形之力,骤然从上面爆发开来,令得秦南无法在前进丝毫。轰 ! So, looks like together the shocking god thunder, in Spirit of the celestial poles list, purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, in Chen Fenghuo Sea of Consciousness, rolling blasts out. „ 如此一幕,就像是一道惊世神雷,在天极榜之灵,紫昊天尊等等巨头,还有陈烽火识海之中,滚滚炸开。“ Losing...... Was defeated? ” Institute 失……失败了?”所 The looks of some people, thoroughly change. 有人的神色,都彻底大变。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Why will Lin Xiaozhi be defeated? Difficult 林晓之为何会失败?难 The say/way said that being predestined friends person, does have someone else? 道说,那个有缘人,另有其人吗? However, only then Lin Xiaozhi and Chen Fenghuo, have martial arts natural talent of same level! Package 但是,只有林晓之陈烽火,才有着同一个层次的武道天赋!包 Includes the heart, if in Ruler other people, their martial arts natural talent, are unable to compare with this two person. Sealing 括心若主宰在内的其他人里面,他们的武道天赋,根本无法与这两人相比。封 The being predestined friends person of book, how possibly is these people? 道书的有缘人,怎么可能是那些人? At once, their trains of thought that become incomparably chaotic, the mood in heart, does not know how should describe. 一时之间,他们的思绪,都变得无比混乱,心中的情绪,根本不知道该如何形容。 But, in this moment. Qin 但,就在这一刻。秦 south, put out a hand again. He 南,再一次伸手了。他 As if is duplicating the Chen Fenghuo path to be the same, the first time cannot succeed, that then again tries one time. 似乎是在重复陈烽火的轨迹一样,第一次未能成功,那便再试一次。只 When the time of flickering, quickly to the giants on the scene, has not responded thoroughly since ancient times, the palm of this Qin Nan, has not encountered any hindrance, fell on that thoroughly life on character runes. Qin 是一瞬的时间,快到在场的巨头们,还没有彻底反应古来之时,这一次秦南的手掌,没有遇到任何的阻碍,彻底落在了那个‘命’字符文上面。秦 Southing latter, life character runes, voluntarily dissipation. Entire 南向后一拉,‘命’字符文,自行消散。整 The fan front door, does not exist! 扇大门,不复存在! This “这” Presents all people, looks at this. 在场所有的人,都愣愣的看着这一幕。 Next flash, incomparably astonishing phenomenon occurred. 下一刹那,无比惊人的异象发生了。 Only sees, the entire ancient road, an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration, does not exist. 只见到,整条古道,寸寸崩碎,不复存在。 to seal/confer Daoshu who that has had calmly, seems from that ancient deep sleep, thorough awakens comes, does not have in the page of character from that side, towering erupted radiant light, broke in the clouds. piao 那一直静静存在的封道书,好似从那亘古的沉睡之中,彻底的苏醒过来,从那一面无字的书页上,兀的爆发出来了一道璀璨之光,冲入云霄之中。缥 The indistinct mysterious singing sound, starts to resound through entire Small World. 缈神秘的歌声,开始响彻整个小世界 A dignity, the solemn and respectful, serious atmosphere, at the incomparably astonishing speed, has been sweeping across each corner. Along with 一种庄严,肃穆,郑重的氛围,以着无比惊人的速度,席卷了每一处角落。随 After the peak of that clouds, an ancient immortal palace, evolved slowly, about after three breaths, the portrait of this immortal palace, appeared in the front of all people. 后,在那云霄的顶端,一座古老的仙宫,缓缓地演化了出来,大约三息之后,这座仙宫的真容,出现在了所有人的面前。 This immortal palace, only has one merely, reaches as high as more than 1000 zhang (3.33 m), the width has more than 10,000, the whole body with some red envying, the build, above that pillar, is carving innumerable Ancient [古] Character, likely is this day within all mysterious. 这座仙宫,仅仅只有一层,高达1000多丈,宽有10000多张,浑身用某种红色的羡慕,搭建而成,那一根根柱子之上,刻着无数的古字,像是这天地间的所有玄妙。嘎 Squeek, creaks, creaks. 吱,嘎吱,嘎吱。 The front door that shuts tightly, pulled open slowly. One 紧闭的大门,缓缓拉开了。一 The say/way seemed to be ancient aura that does not have, from this red wood immortal palace, sweeps across the four directions immediately turbulently. 道似有似无的古老气息,立刻从这红木仙宫里面,汹涌而出,席卷四方。 The Qin Nan personal appearance, in this moment, has also encountered a hauling of marvelous strength, arrived at the front of this leaf of front door. 秦南的身形,也在这一刻,遭到了一股奇妙之力的牵引,来到了这一扇大门的面前。 „Becoming...... Succeeded?” “成……成功了?” All people on the scene, almost cannot believe oneself eye. 在场的所有人,几乎都不敢相信自己的眼睛。 The bonus is solemn Spirit of the celestial poles list, cannot respond rapidly. He 饶是堂堂天极榜之灵,也是没能够迅速反应过来。他 Has not expected , after the first failure, second time will succeed unexpectedly, has such big transformation! „ 们真的没有料到,第一次失败之后,第二次竟然会成功,发生这么大的转变!“ The being predestined friends person, comes, I have been waiting for you. ” One 有缘人,进来吧,我一直在等你。”一 The ancient hoarse sound, from that palace, resounds through. Each 道古老沙哑的声音,从那宫殿里面,响彻起来。每 A pronunciation, like was dust-laden several thousand years, will give people unexpectedly a Space-Time impact feeling. 一个字音,都像是尘封了数万年一样,竟会给人一种时空的冲击感。 This, is to seal/confer Daoshu Item's Spirit! It 这,便是封道书的器灵!它 , awakens came. ,已经苏醒过来。 Recited the moon/month, was really your boy?” “吟月,真的是你小子?” Spirit of the celestial poles list responded that whole face pleasantly surprised color. 天极榜之灵反应过来,满脸惊喜之色。 „...... Item's Spirit real awakens?” Purple “器……器灵真的苏醒了?”紫 Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, recover, the joy in heart, was unable to describe in the spoken language. „ 天尊等等巨头们,也回过神来,心中的喜悦,已经无法用言语来形容。“ Elder Brother Tian, indeed is I. This time, the work you have taken the trouble for me, you are following him, comes in together. ” Recitation 天哥,的确是我。这一次,劳你们为我费心了,你们就跟随着他,一起进来吧。”吟 In the sound of moon/month, has a light joy, had been through repeatedly the Space-Time transformation, Vicissitudes, when wakes up once again, but can also see the acquaintance, even if its pale such as the disposition of water, will have feelings. „ 月的声音之中,也有着一丝淡淡的喜悦,历经了时空变换,沧海桑田,再度醒来之时,还能够见到熟人,哪怕是它那淡如水的性格,也会有所感触。“ Ha, good! ” 哈哈哈,好!” Spirit of the celestial poles list laughs, stand forth. Purple 天极榜之灵大笑一声,就向前走去。紫 Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, responded rapidly that followed. „ 天尊等等巨头们,迅速反应过来,紧随其后。“ Before ,...... The seniors, can I also together go in? Seniors, younger generation, although is not your being predestined friends person, but since continuously, younger generation to you...... ” Chen 前……前辈,我能不能也跟着一起进去?前辈,晚辈虽不是您的有缘人,但一直以来,晚辈对您……”陈 The beacon-fire recovers, probes asking. He 烽火回过神来,试探的问道。他 Also rare, starts anxiously, excited, disturbed. And 也难得的,开始紧张,激动,忐忑。并 Has not waited for him saying that recited the sound of moon/month then to float: Chen Fenghuo, you can certainly come, you must come.” 未等他说完,吟月的声音便从中飘来:“陈烽火,你当然可以进来,你也要进来。” In Chen Fenghuo heart immediately one happy, said: Many thanks senior!” 陈烽火心中顿时一喜,道:“多谢前辈!” Because this joy, Chen Fenghuo had not detected that recited the moon/month actually to know his name. 正因为这种喜悦,陈烽火并未发觉,吟月竟然知道他的名字。 Moreover, in these words, as if also has other meanings. Along with 而且,这一句话之中,似乎还有着其他的含义。随 Namely, Qin Nan wait/etc. this line, entered in this red wood immortal palace. Entering 即,秦南等等这一行人,就进入了这座红木仙宫之中。进 Enters the palace instant, almost every person, the heartstrings probably gently was moved, has an indescribable feeling. 入宫殿的刹那,几乎每一个人,心弦都好像被轻轻拨动了一下,有种难以言喻的感觉。 Only sees, in entire immortal palace, incomparable spacious. 只见到,整座仙宫之中,无比的空旷。 On the two sides walls, has the candlelight that the blood of ancient dragon beast is made, is burning slowly. 两边的墙壁上,有着一根根用古老龙兽之血制成的烛火,在缓缓燃烧着。 Also under this flame, all people sees, in this palace the place of middle, has a Eight Trigrams design, each trace, flood continuously marvelous rays of light. 也在这火光之下,所有人都看到,在这宫殿的正中间之处,有着一副八卦图案,每一条纹路,都泛着一缕缕奇妙光芒 Above design, static float a lotus flower. This 图案之上,静静悬浮着一朵莲花。这 The immortal lotus that the lotus flower and sees commonly is different, it altogether only has three petals, respectively be azure, blue, purple tricolor, above various traces, clearly discernible. 朵莲花与寻常见到的仙莲不同,它一共只有三瓣,分别为青,蓝,紫三色,上面的各种纹路,清晰可见。 In addition, this lotus flower the place of rhizome, became black, is sending out Death Qi, with vitality that on the floral leaf sends out, has formed an extremely sharp contrast. „ 除此之外,这朵莲花的根茎之处,已经变为了一片黑色,散发着一股死气,与花叶上散发的生气,形成了一种极为鲜明的对比。“ Un? Recited the moon/month, you were ” 嗯?吟月,你这是” Spirit of the celestial poles list, had discovered instantaneously issue, the complexion immediately changes. 天极榜之灵,瞬间发现了其中的问题,脸色当即一变。 Elder Brother Tian, these matters, later again said. The being predestined friends person, does not know that what you did call?” 天哥,这些事情,稍后再说。有缘人,不知你叫什么?” Recited the moon/month to Qin Nan Asking Dao. „ 吟月对着秦南问道。“ Younger generation Lin Xiaozhi, has seen the senior. ” 晚辈林晓之,见过前辈。” Qin Nan cups one hand in the other across the chest to salute rapidly. 秦南迅速拱手行礼。 Lin Xiaozhi, Lin Xiaozhi......” 林晓之,林晓之……” Recited the moon/month to talk to oneself several, sighed gently the tone, then said: Forest little friend, I must thank you, awakens from the deep sleep me. Now, my also matter, wanting you to help, does not know whether?” 吟月自语了数声,又轻轻叹息了口气,然后道:“林小友,我要感谢你,将我从沉睡中唤醒过来。现在,我还有一件事情,想要你帮忙,不知可否?” Qin Nan wants not to think, simple saying: Senior, has any matter, although told, so long as I can achieve, will decide will not decline.” Qin 秦南想也没想,便道:“前辈,有什么事情,尽管吩咐,只要我能做到,定不会推辞。”秦 south is not a fool, from the condition of this lotus flower, the malpractice of Spirit of the celestial poles list, in his heart had guessed correctly something a moment ago. 南也不是傻子,从这朵莲花的状况,还有刚才天极榜之灵的失态,他心中已经猜到了一些东西。 Hehe, actually, the matter is very simple, only needs you palm, places on this stele to be able.” Recitation “呵呵,其实,事情很简单,只需要你将手掌,放在这个石碑上便可。”吟 The moon/month smiles lightly, on three petal lotus flowers, fiercely exploded has projected light glow. 月淡淡一笑,三瓣莲花上,都猛地爆射出了一道光芒 When that azure, blue, purple connection, but are many, has ten zhang (3.33 m) high, the width approximately one zhang (3.33 m), above has covered entirely the steles of various motley traces, slowly appears, falls on the ground. 在那青,蓝,紫的交汇之下,不过多时,一尊高有十丈,宽约一丈,上面布满了各种斑驳纹路的石碑,缓缓的浮现出来,落在地面。 Good.” Qin “好。”秦 south had not asked that walked up, puts out a hand to place above the stele. 南没有多问,走上前去,伸手放在了石碑之上。 In an instant, an incomparably mysterious feeling, has covered Qin Nan whole body, made the Qin Nan mind, sank to thoroughly. Palace 刹那间,一股无比奥妙的感觉,笼罩了秦南的全身上下,令得秦南的心神,彻底沉入了其中。宫 All in palace, were isolated, has nothing to do with him. „ 殿中的一切,都被隔绝开来,与他无关。“ Recited the moon/month, youday 吟月,你”天 The spirit of list is fixing the eyes on three petal lotus flowers extremely, the complexion is quite cloudy. 极榜之灵紧盯着三瓣莲花,脸色颇为阴沉。 Elder Brother Tian, just like you see, I am away from am frightened out of one's wits, already not long.” Recitation 天哥,正如你所见,我距离魂飞魄散,已经没有多久了。”吟 The moon/month said. 月说道。 What?” “什么?” Chen Fenghuo, purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, the complexion changes immediately. Sealing 陈烽火,紫昊天尊等等巨头们,脸色当即大变。封 Said that book Item's Spirit, did want falls/dies? „ 道书的器灵,要陨落了?“ What means has to help you? ” Day 有什么办法可以帮到你?”天 The spirit of sinking sound list said extremely. 极榜之灵沉声说道。 Elder Brother Tian, the strength of my source has encountered the damage, already not any means. You do not need to be sad, all these are the fates.” 天哥,我本源之力遭到了损伤,已经没有任何办法了。你不必难过,这一切都是命数。” Recited the moon/month to say with a smile lightly: Let alone, I have used these many years, successfully that Cultivation Technique general outline, creating, in my heart already not many regrets.” Chen 吟月淡淡笑道:“更何况,我用了这么多年,已经成功将那门功法的总纲,给创造出来,我心中已经没有多少遗憾。”陈 The beacon-fire is startled, Cultivation Technique general outline? What Cultivation Technique? 烽火一怔,功法总纲?什么功法 When he has doubts, wisp of rays of light, let fall on his body. „ 正当他疑惑之际,一缕光芒,垂落在了他的身上。“ Chen Fenghuo, you, although is not being predestined friends person who my Cultivation Technique creates, but you are my being predestined friends person, why this is also you can initiate nine star being near all living things, why can see the reason of that leafed door. ” 陈烽火,你虽不是我功法所创的有缘人,但你是我的有缘人,这也是为何你能够引发九星临众生,为何能够见到那扇门的缘故。” Recited moon/month stern say/way: When I that Cultivation Technique general outline, pass to forest little friend after thoroughly, I will thoroughly fall from the sky. But, if to seal/confer Daoshu, did not have Item's Spirit, then to seal/confer Daoshu greatly will cause heavy losses, ten years, will perhaps reduce are Dao Item.” 吟月正色道:“待我将那门功法的总纲,彻底传给林小友之后,我就会彻底陨灭。但,如果封道书,没有了器灵,那么封道书将会遭到巨大重创,不出十年时间,恐怕就会沦落为一件道器。”“ I want to ask you, whether you are willing to replace me, becomes to seal/confer Daoshu Item's Spirit? ” This 我想要问你,你可否愿意接替我,成为封道书的器灵?”此 Words one, on the faces of all people, looks the stunned color. 话一出,所有人的脸上,都是面露错愕之色。 „...... Item's Spirit? I?” “器……器灵?我?” Chen Fenghuo is pointing at itself, the whole face may not the color of believing. „ 陈烽火指着自己,满脸不可置信之色。“ Good, is you, only then you, can replace me, becomes to seal/confer Daoshu Item's Spirit. ” 不错,是你,也只有你,才能接替我,成为封道书的器灵。” Recited the moon/month saying: Naturally, you have not needed to be worried, after you become to seal/confer Daoshu Item's Spirit, will not lose the freedom, you can still continue practice, can pursue own martial arts.” 吟月说道:“当然了,你不必担心,你成为封道书的器灵之后,不会失去自由的,你仍然可以继续修炼,也可以追求自己的武道。” But, after into Item's Spirit, definitely will have some fetters.” “但是,在成为器灵之后,肯定还是会有一些束缚的。”“ Moreover, I am also open about the facts you, if you became to seal/confer Daoshu Item's Spirit, must complete the wish that I have not completed for me , helping Lin Xiaozhi, with him together, that Cultivation Technique, creates thoroughly. ” 而且,我也不瞒你,你若成为了封道书的器灵,就要替我完成我未完成的心愿,去帮助林晓之,与他一起,将那部功法,给彻底创造出来。”
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