PBS :: Volume #25

#2406: one month it changes( two-in-one)

The time passes. 时间流逝。 One month later. 一个月之后。 Saint day Wu Jiao, world Takemiya, 25 th. 圣天武教,天地武宫,第25层。 A each article is built the bookshelf that becomes by purple spirit immortal crystal, is sending out dim pale purple color rays of light, antiquity jade slip that above places, unexpectedly once for a while breaks into grains of luminous spots, the rolling, dances in the air unceasingly. 一件件由紫灵仙晶打造而成的书架,散发着一圈圈朦朦胧胧的淡紫色光芒,那上面摆放的一枚枚上古玉简们,竟然时不时的破碎成为一粒粒光点,上下流动,不断飞舞。 The entire main hall, all are silent. 整个大殿,一切都无声无息。 But, if there is martial arts natural talent to be extremely high, or cultivation level achieves the person of Ruler peak boundary, then can the keen sensation, here any thing, any change, fill with a regular aura. 但,若有武道天赋极高,亦或者修为达到主宰巅峰境界之人,便能敏锐的感知到,这里的任何一物,任何一个变化,都充满了一种规则的气息。 In the corner, has sat cross-legged Qin Nan that sits, integrated in the atmosphere of entire main hall, changed into part in this aura, shares everything. 就连角落之中,一直盘膝而坐的秦南,也融入了整个大殿的氛围之中,化为了这种气息之中的一部分,不分彼此。 In these period of time, Qin Nan one line of start from 1st-layer, one layer upon layer upward. 这段时间中,秦南一行人从第一层开始,一层层向上。 Qin Nan has not chosen each layer Cultivation Technique martial skill gives to comprehend, Cultivation Technique martial skill that because in world Takemiya front 18, each layer has, has achieved an incomparably astonishing figure, perhaps even if by Qin Nan martial arts natural talent, he costs enough the one month time, is hard to comprehend 1st-layer completely. 秦南没有选择将每一层功法武技都给领悟一遍,因为天地武宫前面18层之中,每一层所拥有的功法武技,达到了一个无比惊人的数字,哪怕是以秦南的武道天赋,他恐怕耗费足足一月时间,也难以将第一层给完全领悟。 Therefore, Qin Nan has chosen another way, he from each layer, has chosen 100 Cultivation Technique martial skill, comprehends. 所以,秦南选择了另外一种方式,他从每一层里面,挑选了100门功法武技,进行领悟。 This comprehension, completely does not grasp it, but understands approximately the way of operation, the true meaning of implication, that is then enough. 这种领悟,并非将其完全掌握,只是大致明白其中运行的方式,蕴含的真谛,那便足以。 So, Qin Nan can 15 days ago, arrive at this 25 th. 正是如此,秦南才得以在15天之前,来到了这第25层。 Each jade slip of this level, is say/way of the rule, the technique of rule. 此层的每一枚玉简,皆是一门规则之道,规则之术。 Qin Nan at present is Ruler big accomplishment, during the future time, will be the Ruler peak boundary, therefore he regarding the say/way of rule, had the initial-stage cognition. 秦南目前为主宰大成,在未来时代之中,为主宰巅峰境界,故而他对于规则之道,有了初步的认知。 Ruler, holds Rule Strength . 主宰,掌规则之力 Heavenly Venerable, holds the say/way of rule. 天尊,掌规则之道。 The so-called regular say/way, refers to grasps one type rule that belongs to itself. 所谓的规则之道,指的就是掌握一种属于自身的规则。 For example, the say/way of Immortal High Demon rule Eternal Night Heavenly Venerable the say/way of Eternal Night rule, Huangfu Jue grasps. 譬如,永夜天尊永夜规则之道,皇甫绝掌握的不朽上魔规则之道。 Must want to grasp own regular say/way, unusual difficulty. However, present Qin Nan, is away from the say/way of rule, but also has a considerable remote distance. 要想掌握属于自己的规则之道,非同一般的困难。不过,现在的秦南,距离规则之道之间,还有着相当遥远的一段距离。 When Qin Nan glances through the regular say/way that others create, that also Smoke and mirrors, a dimness. 秦南就连翻阅别人所创的规则之道时,那也是雾里看花,一阵朦胧。 This Qin Nan on this 25 th, altogether has chosen the say/way of two rule, as well as technique of the rule comprehends. 此次秦南在这第25层,总共挑选了两门规则之道,以及一门规则之术进行领悟。 In initial during ten day, the progress is not general slow, once for a while returns to the place of general outline, has come. 在起初的十天之中,进展可不是一般的缓慢,时不时返回到总纲之处,重新来过。 Until for these days, the Qin Nan heart in had become aware recently, the progress sped up many, present bad fogs, removes gradually much. 直到最近这几天,秦南心中似有所悟,进展加快了不少,眼前的大雾,渐渐褪去不少。 Buzz! 嗡! While at this time, in Qin Nan Storage Bag, light red jade slip, trembled suddenly, released Red Dragon shapes brilliance from inside, departed Storage Bag unexpectedly voluntarily, twined on the body of Qin Nan. 正当这个时候,秦南储物袋之中,一枚淡红色的玉简,忽而震颤了起来,从里面释放出来了一道道红龙状的光华,竟是自行飞出储物袋,缠绕在了秦南的身上。 Un? Did the time arrive?” “嗯?时间就到了么?” The Qin Nan eye opens, slightly a little surprise, he felt that passed 35 day. 秦南眼睛睁开,略有点诧异,他感觉才只是过去了35日。 On this day Takemiya, but also is really a good place, but treated such for one month, made me benefit greatly.” “这天地武宫,还真是一个好地方啊,只是待上了这么一个月的时间,就让我受益匪浅。” In the Qin Nan heart the secret passage, has poured into Rule Strength toward jade slip , after causing its is tranquil, then sets out toward not far away formation to fly, returned in 1st-layer. 秦南心中暗道了一声,往玉简中注入了一道规则之力,使其平静下来后,便起身向着不远处的阵法飞去,重新回到了第一层之中。 Different from the 25 th silence, in this 1st-layer, is quite lively. 不同于第25层的寂静,这第一层里面,相当热闹。 Coming and going Cultivator, continuous. 来来往往的修士,络绎不绝。 Bright Beginning Old Ancestor, Ji Xuan, Gu Fe, already here waited for a long time, sees Qin Nan one, Ji Xuan on impatient Asking Dao: Little Brother Lin, this month of closing up, whether to have what to harvest?” 明初老祖,季玄,古飞,早已在这里等待多时,见到秦南一来,季玄就迫不及待的问道:“林小哥,这一个月的闭关,可否有什么收获?” Qin Nan um, said: Comprehended much.” 秦南嗯了一声,道:“领悟了不少。” Ji Xuan curious Asking Dao: self-created Cultivation Technique?” 季玄好奇问道:“自创功法了吗?” Qin Nan flipped the supercilious look, said: „Is self-created Cultivation Technique where so simple? This month, links a Cultivation Technique general outline radically, is unable to create.” 秦南翻了翻白眼,道:“自创功法哪有这么简单?这一个月的时间,根本连一门功法的总纲,都无法创造出来。” Here, Qin Nan remembered anything suddenly, said: Was right, I happen to have the matter, must discuss with you.” 说到这里,秦南忽而想起什么,道:“对了,我正好有事,要与你们商量一下。” Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said with a smile: Keeps this Saint day Wu Jiao matter?” 明初老祖笑道:“可是留在这圣天武教的事情?” Qin Nan nodded, said: Good, I want self-created own Cultivation Technique. Must make this step words, I also need in world Takemiya, on more time.” 秦南点了点头,道:“不错,我还是想要自创一门属于自己的功法。要做成这一步的话,我还需要在天地武宫之内,待上更多的时间。” Besides the position reward of this ten thousand th acrobatic performance dedicated to a deity, many other methods, for example complete the Saint day Wu Jiao task wait/etc. and so on. 除了这次万世武会的名次奖励之外,还有其他很多种方法,譬如完成圣天武教的任务等等之类的。 The Gu Fe hears Yanxiao mouth casts aside, said: Forest Elder Brother, even so, cannot treat in this Saint day Wu Jiao, doesn't that have the meaning?” 古飞闻言小嘴一撇,道:“林哥啊,即使如此,也不能一直都待在这圣天武教啊,那多没有意思?” It comes out with Qin Nan, but wants the attractive outside world, experiences something, can grow rapidly. 它跟着秦南出来,可是想要好好看看外面的世界,多经历一些事情,可以快速的成长起来。 Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said: Forest little friend, my current cultivation level, arrived at the bottleneck, needs to break through, definitely is unable to accompany you to continue to treat in this Saint day Wu Jiao.” 明初老祖道:“林小友,我目前的修为,已经到了瓶颈,需要去突破,肯定是无法陪你继续待在这圣天武教了得。” Here, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor slightly, said with a smile: Actually, in my opinion, you do not need to treat temporarily in this Saint day Wu Jiao. Now Ji Xuan little friend, Gu Fe little friend, urgently needed promotes cultivation level.” 说到这里,明初老祖稍稍一顿,又笑道:“其实,依我之见,你暂时也没必要待在这圣天武教了。现在季玄小友,古飞小友,都急需提升修为。” Moreover, you at present are also only Ruler big accomplishment, is away from the Ruler peak boundary, a distance. You would rather first cultivation level, promoted the Ruler peak level, then wholeheartedly, studied the martial arts, self-created Cultivation Technique.” “另外,你目前还只是主宰大成,距离主宰巅峰境界,还有一段距离。你倒不如先将修为,提升到了主宰巅峰的层次,然后再全心全意,研究武道,自创功法。” At the appointed time, regardless of succeeds or not, can punctual participates in the Heavenly Venerable big battlefield, will not come under other influences.” “届时,无论成功与否,都可以准时的去参与天尊大战场,不会受到其他影响。” Qin Nan thinks, Bright Beginning Old Ancestor these words, said indeed is reasonable. 秦南想了想,明初老祖这番话,说的的确有道理。 If he wants to create Cultivation Technique, he must wholeheartedly, all sink. When the time comes, he will definitely not pay attention to any cultivation level and so on other matters. 如果他想要创造一门功法的话,那他就得一心一意,全部沉入其中。到时候,他肯定不会理会什么修为之类的其他事情了。 Bright Beginning Old Ancestor sees that strikes while the iron is hot, said: During an inheritance that forest little friend, my previous time accidentally obtains, inside has five immortal commands! Is relying on five immortal commands, our four happen to can enter in the immortal pond, when last year.” 明初老祖见状,趁热打铁,道:“林小友,我上次偶然得到的一个传承之中,里面有着五枚化仙令!凭借着五枚化仙令,我们四个正好可以进入化仙池之中,待上一年的时间。” Nearby Ji Xuan, asked hastily: „The Bright Beginning senior, you said that is 20 th Small Immortal Territory immortal pond?” 一旁的季玄,连忙问道:“明初前辈,你所说的,可是第20一小仙域的化仙池?” Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said: „!” 明初老祖道:“正是!” Such remarks, Ji Xuan the spirit inspires immediately. 此话一出,季玄顿时精神一振。 20 th Small Immortal Territory the immortal pond, in entire Great Upper Realm, that may be illustrious existence. 第20一小仙域的化仙池,在整个大上界之中,那可都是赫赫有名的存在。 This place is by world breeding, by the 20 th Small Immortal Territory most formidable influence guard, inside was containing all kinds of antiquity immortal energy, ancient will, the pure strength, was excellent place of cultivation breakthrough. 此地乃是由天地孕育而成,由第20一小仙域最为强大的势力把守,里面蕴含着各种各样的上古仙气,古老意志,精纯力量,乃是一处修行突破的绝佳之地。 In addition, this place has the incomparably mysterious relation with 20 th Small Immortal Territory the strength of source, therefore for these years, innumerable Cultivator, enter, carries on practice, it not only has not reduced one, instead becomes more formidable. 除此之外,此地与第20一小仙域的本源之力有着无比神秘的联系,故而这么多年以来,无数的修士,进入其中,进行修炼,它非但没有减少一丝,反而变得更加强大。 Naturally, melted the immortal pond, is not anybody can go. 当然了,化仙池,不是任何人可以进去的。 First, needs Heavenly Venerable rank following Cultivator, can enter. 首先,必须要天尊级别以下的修士,才能够进入其中。 Otherwise, a Heavenly Venerable giant lets loose fully buys, even if the immortal pond can withstand, that will also lose greatly. 不然的话,一位天尊巨头全力放开吸纳,哪怕化仙池能够承受,那也会损耗巨大。 In addition, must enter immortal pond, must from this big influence, buy that to melt the immortal command. 除此之外,要进入化仙池,必须要从这个大势力之中,购得那化仙令。 Especially one year of immortal command, to obtain, that is not the general difficulty, does not have the extremely strong relations, as well as pays enough price, that is impossible to obtain. 尤其是一年的化仙令,要想获得的话,那可不是一般的困难,没有极为强硬的关系,以及付出足够的代价,那根本不可能获得。 Old ancestor throughout the ages, great fortune complete Tian!” “老祖千秋万代,洪福齐天!” Ji Xuan immediately starts to flatter. 季玄马上开始拍马屁。 Actually, when he first with Bright Beginning Old Ancestor knows, had not thought that this person has anything. 其实,他初次与明初老祖结识之时,并未觉得此人有什么。 If not for if Qin Nan politely calls for the senior, he definitely will not politely call for the senior. 倘若不是秦南尊称为前辈,他肯定是不会尊称为前辈的。 However, words that now looks like, this Bright Beginning Old Ancestor is also not a simple character. 但是,如今看来的话,这个明初老祖也是一个不简单的人物。 Little Brother Lin, was inferior that we do go to a immortal pond? By your present condition, to promote is Ruler peak, perhaps does not take one year.” 林小哥,不如我们就去一趟化仙池呗?以你现在的状况,要想晋升为主宰巅峰,恐怕根本不需要一年的时间。” Ji Xuan opens the mouth to say. 季玄开口说道。 „, Approval.” “恩恩,赞同。” Gu Fe has selected the small head. 古飞点了点小脑袋。 Such being the case, we go to melt the immortal pond.” “既然如此,那我们就去化仙池吧。” Qin Nan complies. 秦南答应下来。 Good, we now.” “好,那我们现在就出发。” Bright Beginning Old Ancestor said with a smile. 明初老祖笑道。 Afterward, their group, without any delaying, left Saint day Wu Jiao, hurries to toward 20 th Small Immortal Territory. 随后,他们一行人,没有任何的耽搁,离开了圣天武教,朝着第20一小仙域赶去。 Meanwhile, Saint day Wu Jiao, the place of unsurpassed most precious object to seal/confer Daoshu existence! 与此同时,圣天武教,无上至宝封道书存在之地! Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable, as well as Saint day Wu Jiao many giants, were sit cross-legged to sit in the midair, without any aura, was ordinary just like stone statue. 紫昊天尊,以及圣天武教的诸多巨头们,都是盘膝坐在了半空之中,没有任何气息,宛如石像一般。 During this month, the change of this place, that is quite huge. 这一个月期间,这片地方的变化,那是相当巨大的。 That giant gully inside brilliance, unceasing overflows, finally has swept across the surrounding area several million li (0.5 km), causes words that it looks at from afar, looks like a multi-colored sunlight world, riotous multi- colors. 那巨大沟壑里面的光华,不断的四溢出来,最终席卷了方圆数百万里,使之远远看去的话,就像是一片霞光世界,缤纷多彩。 In addition, during the antiquity mysterious aura, was common just like a peerless heavy snow, floods each inch between world to be void. 除此之外,还有一种上古玄妙的气息,宛如一场绝世大雪一般,充斥了天地间的每一寸虚空之中。 Did not exaggerate said that these several million li (0.5 km) world , the transformation became a peerless treasure trove, even if were Ruler boundary Cultivator comes this, carried on practice, that can also gain the incomparably astonishing advantage. 毫不夸张的说,这数百万里的天地,已经在不知不觉间,蜕变成为了一处绝世宝地,即使是主宰境界的修士来此,进行修炼的话,那也能够获得无比惊人的好处。 Un?” “嗯?” Suddenly, purple Hao Heavenly Venerable as well as many giants, felt suddenly that the eye opens neatly. 突然之间,紫昊天尊以及诸多巨头们,忽然有所感觉,眼睛齐刷刷睁开。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! In that giant gully, innumerable light red mysterious Ancient [古] Character, from that radiant multi-colored sunlight, shoot up to the sky, was ordinary just like the tide, has raised the incomparably astonishing momentum. 在那巨大的沟壑里面,无数淡红色的神秘古字,从那璀璨霞光里面,冲天而起,宛如浪潮一般,掀起了无比惊人的声势。 Does not arrive between the short two breaths, has inexhaustible pale red Ancient [古] Character, broke in the clouds deep place, then turns toward the four directions to be defeated and dispersed, thick falling, sprinkles to the earth. 不到短短两息之间,就有无穷无尽的淡红古字,冲入了云霄深处,然后向着四方溃散开来,纷纷扬扬,洒向大地。 Afterward, incomparably astonishing occurred! 随后,无比惊人的一幕发生了! Only sees, some light red Ancient [古] Character, fall after the ground, changed into ancient flower, some writing, changed into an old tree, some writing, changed into a sword, a blade, even is a river, a mountain peak. 只见到,有些淡红色的古字,落在地面之后,就化为了一株古花,也有的文字,化为了一颗古树,更有的文字,化为了一把剑,一把刀,甚至是一条长河,一座山峰。 This all, as if soon has mysterious Small World, is going to show before the common people thoroughly. 这所有的一切,就仿佛即将有着一个神秘的小世界,将要彻底展现在世人面前。 Had the sound?” “有动静了?” Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, are the look micro happy. 紫昊天尊等等巨头们,都是神色微喜。 This month, they do not have white waits! 这一个月的时间,他们没有白等! At once, this group of giants, have not continued to sit in meditation, but is the revolution heaven-defying pupil technique, concentrates all one's attention on, is peeping below all. 旋即,这一群巨头们,都没有继续打坐,而是运转逆天瞳术,屏气凝神,窥视着下方的所有一切。 They and other at this moment, really waited to be too long. 他们等这一刻,实在是等了太久。 Therefore, they must witness all with own eyes. 所以,他们要亲眼见证其中的一切。 Time every little bit passing. 时间一点一滴的流逝。 Three days passed by. 不知不觉间,三天过去了。 During this period, besides that mysterious pale red Ancient [古] Character, almost every other three double-hour, will have the entirely different peerless phenomenon, glows from that gully, is affecting the big piece. 在这期间,除了那神秘淡红古字之外,几乎每隔三个时辰,就会有截然不同的绝世异象,从那沟壑之中焕发出来,影响着大片。 Now, their this Saint day Wu Jiao restricted area, compared with before, that was turned into another place completely. 如今,他们这圣天武教的禁地,与之前相比,那完全就是已经变成了另外一个地方。 Thump, thump, thump! 咚,咚,咚! Suddenly, plain sincere, glorious prolonged dings, resound through in the world. 突然之间,一道道古朴厚重,悠久绵长的钟声,在天地中响彻起来。 An inexplicable dignity, sweeps across slowly, finally has covered the trim world. 一股莫名的威严,缓缓席卷而出,最终覆盖了整片天地。 The bonus is purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, under this dignity, the mind has also started the mighty waves, was certainly affected. 饶是紫昊天尊等等巨头们,在这威严之下,心神也不禁掀起了波澜,受到了一定的影响。 Must come!” “要来了!” Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, are the mind inspire. 紫昊天尊等等巨头们,都是心神微振。 Bang! 轰隆! Only hears a dreadful bang, in that innumerable multi-colored sunlight, is very huge, mysterious, mysterious to seal/confer Daoshu, ascension slowly, causes the atmosphere between trim world, becomes incomparably grave and solemn and respectful. 只听得一声滔天巨响,在那无数的霞光里面,无比庞大,神秘,玄妙的封道书,缓缓的升腾起来,使得整片天地之间的氛围,都变得无比庄重和肃穆。 So, when to seal/confer Daoshu until vault of heaven apex, stopped. 如此,封道书直到天穹顶点之时,才停了下来。 Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! Dark , has probably unsurpassed existence, this command Great Upper Realm innumerable giants for existence that it focuses attention on, to pages of changes. 冥冥之中,好像有着一尊无上的存在,将这本令大上界无数巨头为之瞩目的存在,给一页页的翻动了起来。 When turns to middle, stops suddenly. 直到翻到中间之时,才戛然而止。 That is “那是” Purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, had detected suddenly. 紫昊天尊等等巨头们,忽而有所发觉。 Only saw, in page that opens, the innumerable pictures, the rapid transformation, has the celestial mountain, has the sea, the war of brighter demon, most precious object smashing, world turbulence wait/etc.. 只见到,那打开的书页上,无数的画面,迅速变换,有仙山,有大海,更有神魔之战,至宝粉碎,天地动荡等等。 Even if this all transformations, very rapid, moreover is quietly, but purple Hao Heavenly Venerable wait/etc. giants, some marvelous feelings, are actually similar they to witness with own eyes this all are the same, felt that the terrifying imposing manner of blotting out the sky. 哪怕这所有的变换,都非常的迅速,而且悄无声息,但是紫昊天尊等等巨头们,却有种奇妙的感觉,就仿佛他们在亲眼见证这所有一切一样,感受到了那其中铺天盖地的恐怖气势。 Until finally, all pictures, completely does not exist. 直到最后,所有的画面,都全部不复存在。 What replaces it is, a jet black straight track. 取而代之的是,一条漆黑笔直的小道。 In this track the place of outset, is standing a youth, holds their palms together, the look is solemn and respectful, seems is carrying on an incomparably dignified important important matter to be the same. 在这小道的起始之处,站着一名青年,双手合十,神色肃穆,仿佛是在进行一件无比庄严重要的大事一样。 The track is not long, can see outset, can see the end. 小道不长,可以看到起始,也可以看到尽头。 The place of end, has a leafed door. 尽头之处,有着一扇门。 This leafed door, is completely different from the common gate, it is by the innumerable mysterious paths, strange marks, little outlining, is the flame is likely ordinary, the unceasing vibration, the shape has the slight change. 这一扇门,与寻常的门完全不同,它乃是由无数玄妙的轨迹,一枚枚奇异的符号,一点点的勾勒而成,像是火焰一般,不断的抖动,形状有着细微的变化。 This aura......” “这股气息……” The purple Hao Heavenly Venerable personal appearance, somewhat shivered slightly. 紫昊天尊的身形,微微有些颤抖了起来。 This aura, he was really too familiar! 这股气息,他实在是太熟悉不过了! Although, when he makes noise, to the present, had not realized this type of aura truly, when he becomes the Saint day Wu Jiao founder, when inherits the secret of founder, he experiences excessively clearly. 虽然,当他出声之时,一直到现在,并未真正体会过这种气息,但是,当他成为圣天武教的教主,继承教主之秘时,他体验过真真切切。 It, is to seal/confer Daoshu the Item's Spirit aura! 它,正是封道书器灵的气息! Naturally, this leafed door, is not to seal/confer Daoshu Item's Spirit. 当然了,这一扇门,并不是封道书的器灵 However, so long as can bridge over this leafed door, can see that continuously deep sleep until now Item's Spirit inevitably! 但是,只要能够跨过这扇门,必然就能够见到那一直沉睡至今的器灵 Space-Time, in this moment, as if frames. 时空,在这一刻,仿佛定格下来。 On this day, Qin Nan and the others, arrived in 20 th Small Immortal Territory. 这一天,秦南等人,抵达了第20一小仙域 Also on this day, in dark invisible, is going to have one, regarding the present, regarding the future, will have the tremendous changes the important matter. 也在这一天,冥冥的无形之中,将要发生一件,对于现在,对于未来,产生翻天覆地的变化的大事。
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